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Fenris (PL9 NPC, Tier 2)

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Player Name: KnightDisciple

Character Name: Fenris

Power Level: 9 (130/135PP)

Trade-Offs: -0 Attack / +0 Damage, -3 Defense / +3 Toughness

Unspent PP: 5

Progress to Silver Status: 15/60 (Bronze Status earned with Gabriel)

In Brief: As Fenris, Magnus Katastrof uses the incredible abilities of his armored suit to defend those who cannot defend themselves, and to howl his defiance at gods, monsters, and mortals alike who would oppress the helpless!

Alternate Identities: Baron Magnus Vilhelm Katastrof

Identity: Secret

Birthplace: Gothenburg, Sweden

Occupation: Swedish Baron, Primary Shareholder for Katastrof & Sorenson Technologies

Affiliations: Tech Titans

Family: Gostav Jarle Katastrof (father); Sonja Malena Katastrof (mother)

Age: 24 (DoB: April 23, 1986)

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Swedish

Height: 5'10", 6'6" Armored

Weight: 145 lbs., 250 lbs. Armored

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blonde

Description: At first glance, Magnus Katastrof doesn't live up to his name very well. He's of only average height, and he's certainly not particularly large and muscular. His blonde hair is kept in a short, simple cut. He tends to wear subdued business casual (slacks and polo/collared shirts), going for darker blues, greens, and grays. When he dresses in one of his finely-tailored suits, he cuts a somewhat more noticeable figure. That said, the way he carries himself is a strong indicator of his noble birth and upbringing; there's a grace in his motions, and a sense of confidence in any motion he makes.

As Fenris, he cuts a radically different figure. Standing at six and a half feet tall and cutting a very broad figure, Fenris would be imposing just by sheer stature. That his head is modeled after a robotic wolf just makes it worse. His overall color scheme is a dark gray, almost black in spots. His eyes shine an unearthly blue, and his teeth are shining white fangs in a mouth that moves almost like an normal human's. The ears on his head actually move around, sometimes pointing in different directions, sometimes seemingly focusing on a particular spot. There are dark blue lines visible in intricate patterns on his hands and forearms, as well as his feet; these patterns fade somewhat as they head up his limbs and onto his torso and head. The patterns converge on his back, culminating in a blue glowing circle near the top of his shoulder blades; said circle seems flush with the rest of his armor, meaning it's not a true weak point or anything similar. When firing his energy weapons, the lines on his forearms and hands light up very brightly; when in close-combat mode, the blue lines glow a bright blue all over his body. When using the Vacuum Flux Capacitor, his legs shine brightly, while the torso and arms display a duller glow.

Power Descriptions: The Fenris combat power armor is Magnus's crowning invention thus far. Incorporating a variety of cutting edge technologies, it transforms him from a slightly above-average human to a person capable of fighting many metahumans on even ground.

Its power source relies first and foremost on vacuum energy, drawing energy from the space between all matter. Secondary collectors embedded in the suit allow it to absorb various other forms of radiation to supplement power, though at this time Magnus has not managed to give himself total protection from such effects. As well, large, sudden bursts of energy (such as from energy weapons) are far more than the absorption systems could ever handle, and thus affect him as normal. All energy that's collected is fed into special capacitors and energy processors, in a special quadruple-helix form, which further feeds into the hyper-efficient batteries. He has yet to encounter a situation that fully depletes his systems.

Besides basic protective, sensory, and environmental systems, the Fenris armor has a few unique bits to it.

First, there's the Enhanced Reflexive Motive Systems; these actually allow Magnus to move with a greater degree of grace, agility, and reaction speed than when he's out of the armor.

Second, his suit utilizes cutting-edge Electroactive Polymer Muscles to enhance his strength; by default, he's pushing the upper end of human strength levels.

Next, there's his offensive systems. At the moment, they're still in the initial phases, and the suit's power systems can only power one mode or the other. His first option for offense are his Particle Projection Cannons, which use ionized plasma particles to fire bolts similar to lightning out to rather astounding ranges. Alternatively, he can pump up the output to his E.P.M.s (Electroactive Polymer Muscles) to completely superhuman levels. By itself, this would be a formidable asset in combat. However, this increased strength is actually meant to complement his primary close-combat weapon: his Electro-Claws. These claws on his fingertips channel the same sort of plasma/electricity that his PPCs fire, helping greatly augment their cutting power. When active, they glow bright blue, with small electrical sparks dancing off of them at times. Supplementing the effectiveness of the claws and his enormous strength is a series of specialized CQB Targeting Protocols that cover for his comparatively basic knowledge of the fighting arts.

Finally, there is his second-greatest creation, next to the Vacuum Energy System itself: the Vacuum Flux Capacitor. This system allows Fenris to move between the matter of the universe, including dark matter. He has absolutely no resistance to his movement; combine that with the system that creates an attracting charge at a destination point, and Fenris can go from one point to another in an eyeblink, with practically zero effort expended. Even longer-distance running doesn't risk exhausting him. Rather than one long sprinting move, he often makes short "hops", stopping for just a split second to recalculate his next "jump" before moving on. It manifests in a flash of light at the beginning and end points, but those with sharp enough eyes can spot the incredibly blurred figure of Fenris slipping between space itself. Its only limitation at this time is that Fenris needs a fairly unrestricted view of his target area. Beyond that, he can dive through the space between space, and reach his destination in a flash.

History: Baron Magnus Vilhelm Katastrof was born into a loving, privileged family. Whenever he recounts his early years, he uses those exact words with a wistful smile on his face. Gostav Jarle Katastrof and Sonja Malena Katastrof welcomed their only child into the world with smiles, laughter, and a comparatively modest party for family and close friends. Of course, said party had guests that included the Crown Prince of Sweden, and some of the nobility from other countries, especially England. The party had only the finest, most expensive foods and table settings. Such was the life Magnus was born into.

Of course, his life was defined by more than just his family's wealth and status. Magnus proved himself to be an extraordinary young man, testing as one of the top percentile in intelligence at the earliest age they begin such measurements. He went on to complete high school at the age of 16. He had two bachelor's degrees (Engineering Technology and Theoretical Physics) by age 19; his Ph.D. in Engineering came at age 21. At that point, he returned from his studies abroad (Germany, Switzerland, England, France, Russian, even Norway) to begin working in his family's company. He had a whole host of exciting ideas he wanted to see implemented, both to make a touch of money, and to change the world. Because if you can do one, why not do both?

Unfortunately, Fate is a fickle mistress. For it was perhaps a month after returning that Magnus discovered his father's darkest secret. Gostav was part of a small group of nobles who had been seeking to call upon the powers of the ancient Norse pantheon and its various and sundry attendants. They had managed to bind a couple of willing participants to minor fallen heroes, but the results were fairly standard "flying brick" metahumans. Certainly more powerful than a mere mortal, but nothing that truly shook the world. But it was the result of decades of work and study, referencing texts from all time periods, and even a few scraps of notes from the Second World War. What was even worse than the "simple" use of magic, was their goal. They wished to take over the country, and perhaps all of Scandinavia! They claimed their hope was to quietly take control, working with a plan that spanned decades, and more than one generation. Gostav had hoped to bring Magnus into the fold, putting his brilliant mind to work on the project. After all, the boy's inventions would be just the boost their project needed! Then they could show these upstart proles, with their lazy living off the dole and their drunken rants against their betters! They would know their betters, and be made to work. But oh, the greatness they could achieve! It was for the good of the country, after all. Scandinavia could be so much more; Gostav painted a picture of a paradise on earth, one running on a seamless combination of magic and technology, a shining beacon for the rest of the world. And Scandinavia was as far as they wished to extend control; the whole world would prove too much hassle!

The flaw in their plan was Magnus. He was horrified by the very thought, and went first to his mother. She'd known of her husband's plans, but had wanted no part of it, one way or another. She'd immersed herself in the social scene, doing her best to utterly ignore Gostav's doings. Maybe if she ignored it, it would go away? But that wasn't good enough for Magnus; much as a few specific things his father brought up were valid points, this wasn't the way to correct the issue. They were above this! So he went to the authorities, and Gostav and the others were arrested, one by one or in small groups. They were ultimately found guilty of conspiracy to overthrow the government; none of their efforts thus far had been truly illegal. However, things were severe enough that any and all of them involved were immediately stripped of title and holdings; never again could they be considered nobility of Sweden. Even when released from prison in about 10 years, they would be watched closely, to ensure they didn't attempt a more covert repeat. Gostav and Sonja's relationship was strained, but genuine love pulled them through. His view didn't dramatically change once he was imprisoned, but he did at least give up on ever actually achieving his goals. It took 2 years (age 23) before Magnus would talk to his father again. After six months, they had mostly reconciled, with Magnus even telling his father of how the family company was running, whether he was dating a nice girl yet, and so on. Only the presence of bulletproof glass marred these meetings.

Of course, Magnus had not been idle for the last two years, even putting aside his work as majority shareholder of Katastrof & Sorenson Technologies and his duties as Baron Katastrof. Having seen the potential results of his father's work, and knowing that some of the information and technology involved had slipped through the cracks, and was even now out in the greater world, poised to cause havoc, he knew something had to be done. Something that required first-hand knowledge of the situation. The news made it seem fairly simple to be a superhero these days; even teenagers were doing it! So he began work on his finest piece of engineering yet.

He made several astounding breakthroughs in those two years. Power systems, alloy mixes, motive systems, and more. All of it focused on the goal of building him an armor devoid of any magical influence. One born of pure science, pure human effort and ingenuity. He succeeded, and the immediate results left him feeling satisfied. The potential for the future left him anticipating more. But what name to call himself? What "theme" to take up. He spent many days trying to think of something, until it came to him. The Norse pantheon, it had caused so much trouble. The Nazies themselves had called upon its power; the mere temptation of that same power is what landed his father in jail! So be it; he would name himself for one of the creatures that would one day tear down those same gods. The Wolf of Ragnarok, Son of Loki: Fenris!

In the last year, Magnus has moved for a time to Freedom City. He wants to "whet his teeth" on the whole superhero business for a while; Sweden has a few local supers who handle local villain activity with little trouble. He opened a branch of his company here, hoping to work with other local technology firms to better produce some of his more complicated prototype-level devices. After all, some of the breakthroughs that went into his armor could benefit all of mankind one day!

Personality & Motivation: Magnus Katastrof is an intense, driven young man. He strives to make up for the blemish on his family's name due to his father's actions, and the large amount of charitable work his company does is a testament to that. He has few friends, mostly due to his general policy of keeping people at an arm's length. Those friends he does have, however, he displays a fierce loyalty towards.

While not a man of great anger, he does have a few things that tend to task him more greatly than others. For one, those who speak too strongly against the very concept of nobility (he and his peers are positive, contributing members of society, thank you very much); connected to that, those who rail against any accumulation of wealth or status. Those who speak down to him as a Swedish man (a rare occurrence in America, but somewhat common in his earlier studies abroad Europe) earn even more ire. He has a strong distrust for those who delve deeply into magic, willing as he may be to judge them on a case-by-case basis; those whose traditions call upon the Norse pantheon have an even stronger uphill battle. Finally, those who speak too harshly of his father face a cold anger that nonetheless runs the risk of burning them (metaphorically speaking).

As Fenris, he tends to project a sense of bravado and calm in the face of danger. He doesn't resort to calling for single combat, however; he's more than willing to dash from hiding spot to hiding spot, sniping his enemies with impunity. He tends to drift towards attempting to take charge of any group he's in, but is generally willing to follow the lead of others if there's a clear chain of command with a competent head.

Powers & Tactics: Ideally, Fenris would be mobility-focused, using mainly his Teleport and Blast to harry his foe, perhaps while fellow heroes work to finish them. He only switches to his close-combat mode when absolutely necessary. The name of the game is "run and gun," really, especially with his extended range (200 feet for a single range increment).


AHHH! Robot Wolf!: Heroic or no, Fenris's appearance is more than a bit intimidating. A big, metallic wolf-man who talks tends to set people on edge.

Don't Talk About My Father: Magnus is very sensitive about the subject of his father; anyone who brings Gostav up for anything but the vaguest of references is risking his temper.

Magic? Really?: Magnus distrusts magic as an overall concept. He doesn't reject its existence, or try to explain it away with pseudo-science. He simply doesn't like how "easy" it is. He views it as humanity taking a shortcut, and relying too strongly on something beyond themselves.

Sense of Chivalry: Fenris has a strong desire to protect the "defenseless" while meeting the enemy in battle. On occasion, this makes him impulsive. It certainly means he goes to great lengths to help civilians in need.

Tarnished Name: Even putting aside the rather unfortunate implications of "Katastrof", Magnus now has to deal with the cloud of suspicion his father's activities have caused. Not only is he viewed with caution, his company has experienced a drop in sales as people sometimes distance themselves from the company once owned by a "Viking-obsessed madman.

Thor? I Hate That Guy!: While magic is merely at the level of "distaste", most anything to do with the Norse pantheon is guaranteed to have Fenris's ire. He doesn't trust them or their servants one bit, mortal or otherwise. While he's not a huge fan of deities on general principle, no other pantheon raises his hackles like the Norse do.

Wait, What's Your Name?: Anyone who knows about Norse mythology at all is incredibly suspicious of Fenris until he explains the rough outline of why he took the name.

Abilities: 2 + 2 + 2 + 8 + 2 + 2 = 18PP

Strength: 24/16/12 (+7/+3/+1)

Dexterity: 16/12 (+3/+1)

Constitution: 12 (+1)

Intelligence: 18 (+4)

Wisdom: 12 (+1)

Charisma: 12 (+1)

Combat: 6 + 4 = 10PP

Initiative: +3/+1

Attack: +6/+3, +8 Blast, +8 Strike

Grapple: +13/+4

Defense: +5 (+2 Base, +3 Dodge Focus), +1 Flat-Footed

Knockback: -5/-0

Saving Throws: 4 + 5 + 6 = 15PP

Toughness: +11/+1 (+1 Con, +10 Protection [Armor])

Fortitude: +5 (+1 Con, +4)

Reflex: +8/+6 (+3/+1 Dex, +5)

Will: +7 (+1 Wis, +6)

Skills: 76R = 19PP

Computers 8 (+12)

Craft (Electronic) 12 (+16)

Craft (Mechanical) 12 (+16)

Diplomacy 6 (+7, +9 Wealth)

Disable Device 6 (+10)

Knowledge (Business) 4 (+8)

Knowledge (Life Sciences) 4 (+8)

Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 2 (+6)

Knowledge (Technology) 8 (+12)

Languages 4 (English, German, French, Russian, Swedish [Native])

Notice 4 (+5)

Sense Motive 6 (+7)

Feats: 8PP

Benefit 3 (Status [swedish Nobility: Baron], Wealth 2 [Rich])

Dodge Focus 3

Eidetic Memory

Jack of All Trades

Powers: 1 + 3 + 56 = 60PP

Datalink 1 (Radio, 10ft) (Technology) [1PP] ("Transmitter Nanites")

Regeneration 3 (Recovery Rate 3: Bruised [No Action]) [3PP] ("Medical Nanites")

Device 14 (70PP Container, Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) (Fenris Armor) [56PP]

Arsenal 9 (18PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power) [19PP]

  • Base Power: Blast 8 (Feats: Accurate, Improved Range [4 200ft Increments, 800ft Max Range]) (Lightning, Particle Projection Cannons) [18PP]

    Alternate Power: [8 + 10 = 18PP]

    • Enhanced Strength 8 [8PP]

Strike 1 (Extras: Penetrating [7], Feats: Accurate, Mighty) (Electro-Claws, E.P.M. [stage Two], and CQB Targeting Protocols) [10PP]

Enhanced Attack 3 (Targeting Computers) [6PP]

Enhanced Dexterity 4 (Enhanced Reflexive Motive Systems) [4PP]

Enhanced Strength 4 (Electroactive Polymer Muscle) [4PP]

Immunity 5 (Disease, Poison, Suffocation, Vacuum) (Airtight Seals) [5PP]

Protection 10 (Composite Armor Plating) [10PP]

Super-Senses 4 (Darkvision, Direction Sense, Ultrasonic Hearing) (Sensory Enhancement Package) [4PP]

Teleport 7 (700ft per Move Action, 200 miles per Full Action, Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Turnabout) (Vacuum Flux Capacitor) [18PP]

Drawbacks: 0PP

DC Block:

ATTACK     RANGE     SAVE                             EFFECT

Unarmed    Touch     DC22/18/16 Toughness (Staged)    Damage (Physical)

Blast      Ranged    DC23 Toughness (Staged)          Damage (Energy)

Strike     Touch     DC23 Toughness (Staged)          Damage (Energy + Physical)

Abilities (18) + Combat (10) + Saving Throws (15) + Skills (19) + Feats (8) + Powers (60) - Drawbacks (0) = 130/135 Power Points

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