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Indescribable, Indestructible, Insatiable (OOC)


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9: Gaian Knight - 2HP - unharmed

6: Supercape - 2HP - unharmed

2: Blobettes x5 - unharmed, unharmed, unharmed, stunned+bruised, bruised

-2: The Blob - unharmed

GK attacks with an area attack - 50 5-foot cubes. For the sake of not having to try to map this stuff out, I'm gonna say the little blobs aren't close enough to the big blob to hit both groups at once.

So that's DC20 reflex for the mini-blobs....which with their reflex modifier they're actually incapable of making. DC25 Toughness saves all around!

Toughness Saves vs. Gaian Knight's Area Blast, DC25 (1d20 + 15=26, 1d20 + 15=33, 1d20 + 15=25, 1d20 + 15=20, 1d20 + 15=22)

Sounds about right. Note that they aren't minions, but they do have lower stats than the big guy.

Free notice check (no roll necessary): the blobettes DO corrode everything they touch. The littler ones are, apparently, acidic.

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I'm presuming that civillians are out of the way, or at least almost completely out of the way. A dazzle isnt going to be lethal anyway.

Perception Range Burst Visual + Radio Dazzle on the Blobs. Its auto hit, with np reflex save for 1/2 effect (As perception range).

DC 20 Reflex save to avoid being dazzled. (Fort save thereafter to recover)...

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An impossible save! All the blobs are blind.


The mini-blobs follow their leader's example and lob things at GK (who physically hurt them earlier, and who's been fighting them all the time!):

Ranged Attack Roll vs. Gaian Knight (thrown improvised object) (1d20 + 6=21, 1d20 + 6=24, 1d20 + 6=12, 1d20 + 6=26)

But they're blind!

Blind Modifier (1d2=2, 1d2=2, 1d2=1, 1d2=2, 1d2=1)

Should have been four rolls, not five. Ah well. Math fried my brain, I guess.

So blobette 3 misses him outright, 4 is just now recovering from stun. 1, 2, and 5 all hit him, because Invisible Castle hates me (and #5 is a crit!). Two DC25 Toughness saves for GK, and one DC30.

Toughness Saves vs. Blobettes' Thrown Objects (1d20 + 14=24, 1d20 + 14=17, 1d20 + 14=24)

.....I hate you, Invisible Castle. Why do you hate me?

That's bruise, stun+bruise, stun+bruise. Hero point to shake off the stun (and not fall out of the sky).

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9: Gaian Knight - 1HP - 3 bruises

6: Supercape - 2HP - unharmed

2: Blobettes x5 - all blind; unharmed, unharmed, unharmed, 2 bruises, 2 bruises

-2: The Blob - blind; unharmed

Also: ow.

GK goes for the area attack again, because I am the fool and gave the little ones burrowing and insubstantial, so he can't just trap them. DC25 Toughness saves all around.

Toughness Saves vs. Gaian Knight's Area Attack (1d20+15=26, 1d20+15=32, 1d20+15=33, 1d20+14=20, 1d20+14=23)

Save, save, save, bruise, bruise. Invisible Castle! :argh:

Round summary up above updated. Supercape's up.

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Burst 10 (out of curiosity, why targeted? An odd choice for what looks, at first glance, like an explosion; it might be fun to see in context, with fluff) has a radius of 50'. Assuming the center of the effect is at ground-level (basically hitting anything standing in a 7853 ft2 circle) , GK and Supercape should both be out of range.

However, these things have a decent chunk of Growth, and are reasonably large, giving you the same problem GK has with his smaller but shapeable area attack: I'd say that with Burst 10 you could hit the quintet, or the big guy, and in either case the heroes are safe from your attack (as are civvies). But you can't hit both the quintet and the big guy at the same time, so you'd have to pick your target.

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Ill try blasting the blobettes then.

DC 25 Toughness save for them.

Perception range AoE I always find difficult to get my head around! One of them is "Everything I see" and one of them is "Everything that can see (not actually seeing) the point of origin - which I must see" I think. I forget which is which. But I always get muddled.

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Perception range lets you center the AoE anywhere you can accurately perceive. 'Nuclear bomb anywhere'-style attacks can be, for instance, Perception range but Burst area - the explosion happens anywhere within your line of sight, and covers a large, spherical area.

Perception area will hit anything that can perceive the center point of the attack. A hypnotic lightshow, say - you may only be able to create it out to a certain distance from yourself, but anyone who sees it would be hypnotized. Also, perception area attacks must be general area attacks, and cannot be targeted area attacks.

A perception range, perception area attack can be placed at any point you can accurately perceive, and hits anyone who can perceive that point.

I admit I'm kind of curious as to why you picked Targeted - things like explosions are generally General. Targeted Area attacks are typically things like a flurry of individually-aimed strikes (a speedster punching everyone in the area, beamspam, a missile barrage, that sort of thing). A small nuclear blast doesn't seem like the sort of thing you really....aim at specific targets. Did you just not want enemies to be able to make a reflex save for half? It seems weird to me that an enemy who was invisible, or behind cover, or stealthy would get a chance to not be hit by your....mushroom cloud.


Toughness Saves vs. Supercape's Area Attack (unharmed, unharmed, unharmed, 2xbruise, 2xbruise) (1d20+15=19, 1d20+15=26, 1d20+15=19, 1d20+13=33, 1d20+13=24)

Better luck than GK's had! Stun+Bruise, save, stun+bruise, save, bruise.

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Aha, right you are. I'd forgotten how perception range interferes with how General and Targeted normally work. Perception-Range Targeted Burst is indeed the best way to model what you have. Interesting!

Saves! More saves. All the saves. Incidentally, Supercape's DC block might need touching up - A dazzle 10 inflicts a DC20 Reflex save, and then DC20 Fortitude saves. It's currently listed as 25! The toughness/exotic 5-DC difference always trips me up, too....

Fortitude Saves vs. Blindness, DC20 (1d20 + 8=13, 1d20 + 8=25, 1d20 + 8=19, 1d20 + 8=17, 1d20 + 8=18)

Blobette 2 shakes it off; the rest are still blind.

Fortitude Save vs. Blindness, DC20 (1d20 + 10=19)

And the Blob is still blind.

The three blobettes that aren't stunned are now fairly unhappy with Supercape. The two blind ones (#4 and #5) throw things.

Ranged Attack Rolls vs. Supercape (thrown improvised objects) (1d20 + 6=23, 1d20 + 6=26)

Blind Check (1d2=1, 1d2=2)

Ouch. Supercape's saved from that first one but the second - the crit! - hits. DC25 Toughness save for Supercape.

The third blobette (#2) holds its action...because the Blob hurls it at the caped hero!

Ranged Attack Roll vs. Supercape (thrown blobette, Accurate Attack +2/-2); Blind Check (1d20 + 6 + 2=23, 1d2=2)

That's a hit! DC25 Toughness save for Supercape from the impact, DC20 Toughness save from the blobette's acid aura.

[EDIT]Toughness Save vs. Being Thrown Really Really Hard at a Superhero, DC25 (1d20 + 15=23)

It picks up a bruise from smacking into Supercape.]

Also, the blobette's gonna grapple you. It has a grapple bonus of 6 (attack bonus) + 10 (STR bonus) + 1 (size modifier) = +17.

Grapple Check vs. Supercape (1d20 + 18=20)

I fail at addition in the morning. That should be +17, not +18; final roll of 19.

DC19 Grapple check for Supercape, then. Success means he shakes the blobette off. Failure means it grabs hold and, pin or not, Supercape starts to sink (harmlessly) to the ground due to the weight.

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RIght thats a lotta rolls!

Ok fortunately Supercape has a pretty tough Forcefeild and Cape!

1d20+14=30 vs the Crit, so shakes that off.

NOt quite sure why a crit causes DC 25 and a regular causes 25 too...? Nevermind a DC 30 shakes both off.

So the throw.

1d20+14=22 Enough to take a bruise

And the acid

1d20+13=21 SHaken off

Ill stop there just to query.. if the blobettes going to grapple me, doesn't it need to hit me?

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Yes, that was my mistake. I was juggling too many rolls and DCs for my own sleep-starved brain - it should indeed have been DC30, which you nicely saved against regardless.

The blobette should have to hit you, yes. But seeing as it was just thrown bodily into you, that's already been taken care of - all it has to do now is grab on before falling off. If the big blob had missed its throw, the grapple would have automatically failed and the blobette probably would have taken a bit of falling damage as it flew past and came back down.

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Personally its not how I would have interpreted the rules, as it would be equivilent to be hit by a thrown opponent and that opponent automatically hitting with his fist or sword or whatever. However, its no fun to quibble for the flow of the thread. Its something I might throw up in chat at some point in my busy life however!

1d20+4=6 SUpercapes Grapples is predictably awful! I think that means he is held immobile.

BUt not helpless! Although as far as I can see he would still be floating mid-air, with the blob basically preventing any physical action and keeping him flat footed etc. I dont know if it would prevent him flying? (Unless he failed a concentration check - Ill make one for your GMing scrutiny - 1d20+14=19 which is enough for the Powerlevel (4) +10 check but I don't know what you had in mind). Of course, it also means he can get crushed by Blob next round even if it is blind!

Who is up next?

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Per the house rules on grappling, failure by that margin means you'd technically be pinned and helpless. That said, seeing as it's basically grappling you by trying to engulf you, I'll happily rule that it cannot actually make a living, non-minion target helpless due to their nature making it hard to get AWAY, but relatively easy to MOVE. Call it a drawback.

My interpretation is a little hand-wavey, but it's worth noting that the blobettes have Improved Grab and no defined anatomy - they grapple by blobbing onto people, so as long as they hit something, they can try to hold on. That said, it is hand-wavey, and inconveniences Supercape. Have a hero point!

It doesn't, of course, actually nullify your flight. But you can only fly carrying a heavy load or less - the blobette aims to drag Supercape down by exceeding his carry limit by quite a lot. Technically his flight's still active, it (and he) simply doesn't have the power to keep the combined weight aloft. Even stunting flight leverage would get him an effective STR 18, which is well under the weight of one of these things.

It'd be a bit of a trip, but in theory Supercape could just teleport out of the thing's grip. Long-Range means he'd also have to teleport BACK, but it's instant freedom. Or just stunt short-range teleportation...or fry the thing to make it get off you, if Supercape's capable of hitting it while pinned. And GK will at least try to help him out there.

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GK, as mentioned, aims to help. Pun intended.

Ranged Attack Roll vs. Grappling Blobette (autofire blast, Power Attack -2/+2) (1d20 + 11 - 2=20)

Man it's been ages since I hit something with this. The blobette has a defense of -4. That's a difference of 24, or a bonus of +12...sadly limited to +5 due to Autofire's restrictions. Alas. DC26 (base) + 2 (power attack) + 5 (autofire) = DC33.

Toughness Save vs. GK's Autofire Blast (bruise x1) (1d20 + 15 - 1=24)

So close to staggered. Ah well. Fail by 9 is stun+bruise.


On a related note, how high was Supercape in the air when he got grappled?

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I guess Supercape could hit him even paralysed or immobilised, as its a perception ranged attack (hehe, it has some advantages for not being able to shift!). Alternatively he could just activate his radiation aura at let it fry whilst it grapples him.

However, more importantly I have no idea how high he was when he was grappled - the handwavium at that point was "out of the thing's reach..." which is probably a fall hard enough to cause some damage (to both him and the blob, although arguably he gets cushioned from being engulfed!) and short enough he couldn't activate his full round teleport it time (6 seconds? unlikely...)

1d20+14=16 is going to hurt terribly, so I will burn that extra HP almost straight away to reroll

1d20+14=31 is much better

ILl post once you let me know your thoughts on above, although if he is on the ground he is almost certainly going to activate his radiation aura.

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Aha, sorry. I phrased that badly. From way back up in the OOC thread somewhere:

Failure means it grabs hold and, pin or not, Supercape starts to sink (harmlessly) to the ground due to the weight.

Mechanically he wouldn't be able to fly, after all, but with his flight still active I was perfectly willing to give him the benefit of a doubt that he could slow their decent enough to not injure himself (or, by unfortunate extension) the blobette. Plus, like you said, he's being grappled by perhaps the world's best cushion (and one really not smart enough to make Supercape take the brunt of the impact).

A bit moot, however, and why I really should have provided context: if Supercape was trying to slow their fall, the blob might have still been up in the air when GK got a good roll and managed to smack it off. With handwavium...ehh. I'll judge that the blobette wasn't high enough to take damage (at least, not with its high toughness save!), but Supercape didn't quite hit the ground himself - given their size they're pretty close if you wanted to do something close-range, or (as it's now your turn!) you have plenty of time to get the hell away from them again.


9: Gaian Knight - 1HP - bruise x3

6: Supercape - 3HP - bruise x1

2: The Blobettes 1, 3-5 - bruise, blind; bruise, blind; bruise x2, blind; bruise x3, blind

-2: Blobette 2 - bruise x2, stunned

-2: The Blob - blind

Due to readied action mechanics, Blobette 2's init has changed, though for the purposes of actions it won't make any difference. I'm insane for not having made these things a large pack of minions, instead of a small pack of non-minions.

Supercape's up.

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OK Supercape is changing his Array to the AP derived from his device/costume: Radiation Aura.

Move Action swoop down

Standard Action, Attack the Blobette that fell of him... which I imagine is stunned...

1d20+8=11 is not to good. Still, you never know, it might hit a flat footed stunned blobbette.

If by some fluke it does hit, DC 20 Toughness save.

More usefully, he now has the aura activated, so any blob / blobbette touching him has to make a DC 20 toughness save! :D

If he hits, I imagine its an acid toughness save for SC: I cant remember the DC (20 I think?)

EDIT: As per chat, Acid DC is indeed 20

1d20+14=23 which he makes. I forgot to givethe -1 penalty for bruise, which would be 22, but still a pass.

Hmmm, that acid may make melee less attractive, oh well!

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