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ex3lev3n - Pax - PL7 Hero

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Characters Name: Pax[floatr]supergayhero-1-1-1-1.jpg[/floatr]

Power Level: 7 (106/109pp)

Trade-Offs: -3 Attack for +3 Damage, -5 Defense for +5 Toughness

Unspent PP: 3

Progress to Bronze: 4/30

In Brief: "Teenage" clone of Centurion.

Alternate Identities: Kamaka Ellison, Specimen 11

Identity: Secret

Birthplace: Hilo, Hawaii

Occupation: Student

Affiliations: Claremont Academy

Family: Centurion (genetic father, deceased), Kalani Ellison (genetic mother), Parker Stokes ("uncle")

Age: 1 (DoB: November 18, 2009)

Apparent Age: Mid-teens

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Pacific Islander

Height: 5' 6"

Weight: 160 lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Blonde

Description: Tan-skinned, tow-headed, and a bit on the cute side, Kamaka has a winning smile and boyish charm. His muscles are exceptionally toned and he prefers to wear beach attire in his day-to-day life.

Power Descriptions: Pax gains his superhuman abilities from a biological cosmic aura. His body produces small amounts of cosmic energy (much like the human body produces heat) which he can amplify to increase it's power output manifold, granting him super-sonic flight, immunity to environmental conditions, superhuman strength, and an increased ability to withstand damage. The aura is noticeable as a soft thrumming and translucent ripples of energy that radiate from Pax.

History: When the world lost it's greatest hero, many believed that one day their hero would return from beyond the grave to continue his battle against evil and tyranny. One such hopeful was Kalani Ellison, a young and beautiful student at the Hanover Institute of Technology majoring in genetic studies. Though she soon abandoned this wild idea, like so many others had, she never gave up hope that one day a new guardian of the people would come.

It wasn't until years later, after she achieved her Doctorate of Genetics and worked as a research assistant at the Albright Institute, that she was approached with a chance to see her old dream come true. Dr. Parker Stokes, her immediate superior and one of the leading authorities in genetic studies, confided in her what he believed would be his greatest experiment. For years he had tried to clone the Centurion, but was met with failure after failure. Leery of what the rest of the scientific community would do with the power to replicate the World's Greatest Hero, he worked alone and told no one of his work. After ten failed attempts to create a stable specimen, he carefully went over years of notes and found a way to counteract the flaws in his gestation protocols, though his findings left him hopeless. The Centurion's DNA, which had been collected at the end of the Terminus Invasion, was so saturated with Terminus energy that even radical cloning techniques resulted in unstable mutations in the embryo. He theorized that the DNA must be combined with that of a healthy, non-powered human, but he himself was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease a few years earlier, and his genetic material was unsuitable.

In a last ditch effort to see his dream come to fruition, Dr. Stokes offered Kalani his research notes and personal funding if she swore to finish his experiment. She agreed, and began her work diligently. Combining her own DNA with the samples given to her by Dr. Stokes, she began her work in secret at a facility in Hilo, Hawaii, her place of birth. The specimen took sixteen months to grow to maturity and was educated using a method known as "flash memory", achieving the equivalent of a high school education.

After the clone was "born", Dr. Ellison tried her hardest to instill in the young man a sense of right and wrong, focusing on civic duty and his responsibility as a protector of the people. The two spent nearly a year together, rock diving, surfing, and learning of their Hawaiian heritage through native dance. When Kalani deemed the young man, whom she named Kamaka ("The Son" in Hawaiian), was able to conduct himself in a proper manner, the pair took a plane to Freedom City. Kamaka, adopting the name Pax ("Peace" in Latin) in homage to his genetic forbear, took to the skies of Freedom City, willing and able to fight the good fight.

Personality & Motivation: Kamaka is an eager and enthusiastic young man, though a bit naive due to his lack of real world experience. He is an idealist at heart, hoping to one day earn the respect given to his "father", the Centurion.

Powers & Tactics: Pax is able to manipulate his cosmic energy aura to simulate the powers the Centurion possessed, though he isn't as powerful as his predecessor. In time, though, his powers will grow and he will become the champion of truth and justice that he was bred to be.


Responsibility: Though he doesn't think of himself as a construct created to fight against oppression and villainy, Pax feels strongly about his role as steward of the people, and as such will go to great lengths to see that he is there when he is needed.

Abilities: 10 + 2 + 10 + 2 + 2 + 10 = 36pp

Str 30/20 (+10/+5)

Dex 12 (+1)

Con 20 (+5)

Int 12 (+1)

Wis 12 (+1)

Cha 20 (+5)

Combat: 8 + 4 = 12pp

Initiative: +5

Attack: +4

Grapple: +9, +24 with Alternate Form

Defense: +2, +1 Flat-Footed

Knockback: -2, -21 with Alternate Form

Saving Throws: 7 + 5 + 5 = 17pp

Toughness: +12 (+5 Con, +7 Impervious Force Field)

Fortitude: +12 (+5 Con, +7)

Reflex: +6 (+1 Dex, +5)

Will: +6 (+1 Wis, +5)

Skills: 20r = 5pp

Bluff 2 (+7/+11 with Attractive)

Climb 2 (+7/+12 with Alternate Form)

Diplomacy 2 (+7/+11 with Attractive)

Knowledge (earth sciences) 2 (+3)

Knowledge (popular culture) 2 (+3)

Language 2 (English [native], Hawaiian, Latin)

Notice 2 (+3)

Perform (dance) 2 (+7)

Perform (percussion) 2 (+7)

Swim 2 (+7/+12 with Alternate Form)

Feats: 5pp


Improved Initiative



Ultimate Effort (Strength checks)

Powers: 31 = 31pp

Alternate Form 10 (cosmic aura; biological, cosmic; Extras: Total Fade; Flaws: Action [Move], Fades, Tiring; Power Feats: Slow Fade) [31pp]

Enhanced Strength 10 (Flaws: Duration [sustained]) [5]

Flight 5 [10]

Force Field 7 (Extras: Impervious) [14]

Immovable 3 (Extras: Duration [Continuous], Unstoppable; Flaws: Duration [sustained]) [6]

Immunity 5 (cold, heat, pressure, radiation, vacuum) (Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Flaws: Duration [sustained]) [5]

Super-Strength 10 (Heavy Load: 800 tons [small bridge]; Flaws: Duration [sustained]) [10]

Drawbacks: 0pp

DC Block:

ATTACK      RANGE     SAVE                       EFFECT

Unarmed     Touch     DC20 or DC25 Toughness     Damage (Staged)

Abilities (36) + Combat (12) + Saving Throws (17) + Skills (5) + Feats (5) + Powers (31) - Drawbacks (0) = 106/109pp

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