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Agent A - The Jay - PL10 Hero

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Character Name: The Jay

Power Level: 10 (148/150PP)

Trade-Offs: +2 Defense/-2 Toughness

Unspent PP: 2

Gold Status: 0/30

In Brief: Teleporting former thief attempting to reform.

Alternate Identities: Dimitri Papadakis

Identity: Public

Birthplace: Athens, Greece

Occupation: Student

Affiliations: Claremont Academy, Paragon City law enforcement

Family: Penelope Papadakis, Mother. 'The Magpie', Father.

Age: 17 (D.O.B. 08/18/1993)

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Greek

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 160 pounds

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Dyed green, naturally black

Description: Dimitri is an attractive young man in his late teens. He has a fairly thin build, though he is surprisingly strong for his frame. A fairly dark complexion, as well as brown eyes and a noticeable accent when speaking languages outside his native Greek, mark his Hellenic heritage. His hair is naturally black, though he has dyed it a bright green. While relaxing, he tends towards more simple, jeans and t-shirts types of clothing. However, when in a more formal occasion or when out doing his new 'hero' thing, he dons a simple-looking black suit and fedora. However, the suit is deceptively weaved with a protective material, making the cloth just a protective as a tactical vest. His shock baton, a deceptively simple-looking piece of self-defense technology that crackles with electricity when activated, is usually on his person.


History: Though the costumed hero the Raven is the current focus of his attentions, she is far from the first woman in the life of the international thief known as the Magpie. One of these women was the beautiful and successful Greek billionaire Penelope Papadakis. The affair between the two was brief before the Magpie disappeared as he is wont to do, but it resulted in a pregnancy and a son. As he grew up, it became evident that whatever force that allows the Magpie his ability to teleport, Dimitri was able to psionically tap into as well. The young boy soon figured out who his father was, though his mother considered it an old shame and a mistake and rarely speaks of it. Still, the lack of a father figure in his life affected him greatly. He went to the best schools, learning what he would need to eventually take over his mother's import/export business.

He took to the schooling well, and had something of a talent for business even despite his young age. More importantly, he knew enough to hire people who knew more than him. With a grant from his trust fund, he began building a vast financial empire of his own. By the time he was 16 he was, through a combination of his family's wealth and his own personal investments, a billionaire. He took to philanthropy, donating vast sums to charity. However, the teen business mogul also had a secret life; that of the international thrill-seeking thief known as "The Jay".

While he did not have the vast experience or extensive underworld contacts of his father, Dimitri's resources were far more abundant, and his ability to teleport was far more refined, allowing him fine control of where he appeared. He could simply teleport into a vault, take what he wanted, and leave. He developed some mundane thievery skills along the way, but was mostly known for his teleportation, besting even the most advanced of security systems simply by bypassing them. He returned everything he stole; he had no need for the money, but for the challenge. And he would never admit it, but he was trying to gain attention from his father the only way he could think of. Eventually, he determined that the best way to do so would be to do something the Magpie could never do; defeat the Raven. He challenged the cowled heroine to defend an art exhibit being held in Freedom City.

Dimitri was out of his league, and was easily defeated by the Raven, leading to his arrest. While he was incarcerated, however, he held several conversations with the heroine, who had determined his parentage in the meantime. Whether out of her own conflicted feelings for the Magpie, or pity for the boy himself, she asked the judge overhearing his trial for clemency. More importantly, perhaps, the Raven has convinced the young man that perhaps he was on the wrong path. Eventually, between his own crack legal team, the Raven's testimony, and his own repentant manner, a generous plea was reached; Dimitri would use his skills for community service, as well as paying hefty fines and reparations for his actions. He was accepted by a local private school for the time he would need to spend in Freedom City; the Claremont Academy. He is now trying to make a change for the better. Soon, he is to be released to the care of the Academy to start the final year of his secondary schooling. However, he does not yet know the real reason that he was accepted to the Academy, and what exactly will be called of him...

Personality & Motivation: Though he does not know it, there is much of his father in Dimitri. He is a romantic through and through, and has a great love of all beautiful things, especially women. He is charming when he wants to be, which is rather often. He is a creature of strong emotions, though he tries to project a demeanor of calm. He easily loses himself in whatever he finds passion in, and is easy to rile into great joy or anger. He inherited a mind for business from his mother, and has actually built his own personal fortune mostly separate from his family money. All in all, his worth is in the billions of US dollars. Unlike most of the idle rich, however, he is actually quite intelligent, and the lion's share of his fortune was built by his own hand.

He is legitimately attempting to turn over a new leaf. He is self-aware enough to know that his former thieving ways were his attempt to deal with an absentee father. However, he now channels that in a different direction; besting his father directly. Beyond that, however, he is attempting to use his powers as a "superhero", though he would be loathe to call himself any kind of hero, much less a super one. For now, keeping his nose clean and maybe doing a little good here and there is enough for him. Of course, considering his destination, heroism might be forced on him soon enough.

Powers & Tactics: Dimitri's powers of teleportation are extremely powerful and very refined for his young age. He is able to teleport close to a thousand feet in an instant, and with a short amount of time to focus he can reach almost any point on Earth with merely a quick description of the target. His fine control of this teleportation is also very refined; he can change his direction and orientation, and teleport to a full stop from any speed. Furthermore, doing so is completely instinctual for him, and no more difficult than walking. He can literally be almost anywhere at almost any time.

He is also an accomplished martial artist, trained in hand to hand fighting, armed combat, and personal defense. He is armed with a shock baton and a tailored suit weaved with an armoring material. Though it looks normal, it is the equivalent of a tactical combat vest at stopping bullets and other dangers. Also, he is a fairly accomplished thief in the mundane sense as well. While his preference is to teleport past any obstacle that bars his path, he also has some capability to handle them in the normal method, if necessary. Now, however, he uses those skills against the criminal element of Freedom City and beyond.


Fame (Dimitri is the well-known heir to a shipping fortune, as well as already a successful investor, businessman, and philanthropist in his own right despite his young age. His holdings include shares in several successful technology firms, a few import/export businesses, and a sports team or two among other holdings.)

Hatred (Though he will not admit it outright, Dimitri is somewhat obsessed with his father. While he originally channeled that into imitating him in an attempt to best him, he has now redirected it into opposing him directly. Should he ever encounter the man in person, even Dimitri doesn't know what he'll do)

Reputation (Though he is trying to turn over a new leaf, he is still a former criminal. A bad reaction from those who have heard of him is possible, especially if they think he got off too light.)

Responsibility (Dimitri is bound by his sentence to do all the can for the Claremont Academy and the community at large. Also, he must always keep an eye on his holdings and investments.)

Abilities: 4 + 12 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 4 = 24PP

Strength 14 (+2)

Dexterity 22 (+6)

Constitution 10 (+0)

Intelligence 14 (+2)

Wisdom 10 (+0)

Charisma 14 (+2)

Combat: 12 + 16 = 28PP

Initiative: +6

Attack: +6 Ranged, +10 Melee (+6 Base Attack, +4 Attack Focus)

Grapple: +16

Defense: +12 (+8 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +4 Flat-Footed

Knockback: -0

Saving Throws: 6 + 2 + 7 = 15PP

Toughness: +8 (+0 Con, +4 Defensive Roll, +4 Protection), +4 Flat-Footed

Fortitude: +6 (+0 Con, +6)

Reflex: +8 (+6 Dex, +2)

Will: +7 (+0 Wis, +7)

Skills: 60R = 15PP

Acrobatics 6 (+12)

Bluff 6 (+8, +12 Attractive)

Computer 4 (+6)

Diplomacy 6 (+8, +12 Attractive)

Gather Information 4 (+6)

Knowledge (Business) 8 (+10)

Language 4 (French, English, Greek [Native], Mandarin, Spanish)

Notice 4 (+4)

Search 4 (+6)

Sleight of Hand 6 (+12)

Stealth 8 (+14)

Feats: 21PP

Attack Focus (Melee) 4


Benefit 4 (Status [shipping magnate heir and successful investor], Wealth 3 [Filthy Rich])

Defensive Roll 2 (+4 Toughness)

Dodge Focus 4

Evasion 2

Grappling Finesse

Luck 1

Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Bluff, Stealth, Sleight of Hand)

Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)

Powers: 4 + 6 + 35 = 45PP

Device 1 (Protective Suit, 5PP, Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [4PP] (Technology)

Protection 4 (Feats: Subtle) [5PP]

Device 2 (Shock Baton, 10PP, Flaws: Easy-To-Lose 2) [6PP] (Electricity, Technology)

Strike 8 (Feats: Alternate Power, Mighty) [10PP]

  • Alternate Power: Stun 4 [8PP]

Teleport 9 (900ft per Move Action, 20,000 miles per Full Action, Extras: Accurate, Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Progression [Cargo] 4 [2,500 lbs.], Turnabout) [35PP] (Psionic)

Drawbacks: 0 + 0 + 0 = 0PP

DC Block:

ATTACK          RANGE    SAVE                       EFFECT

Unarmed         Touch    DC17 Toughness (Staged)    Damage

Baton Strike    Touch    DC25 Toughness (Staged)    Damage

Baton Stun      Touch    DC14 Fortitude (Staged)    Dazed/Stunned/Unconscious

Abilities (24) + Combat (28) + Saving Throws (15) + Skills (15) + Feats (21) + Powers (45) - Drawbacks (0) = 148/150 Power Points

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I love the background! Looks like a blast to play.

I don't like getting +4 Protection from even a custom suit: that's tactical vest country. (Note: you can have a tactical vest if you want one! =) ) Either scrounge up the points to make it a device, or split the difference: drop it down to +2 or +3, and scrounge up some Protection in the bargain. (Your +8 Fort is really bizarrely high for a character with 10 Con, so maybe pulling some points from there will help.)

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OK, everything appears to be in order. You'd short-changed yourself on the grapple bonus (Grapple Finesse lets you base it off of DEX instead of STR), and the Baton only has enough PP for Stun 4 (the AP feat doesn't count toward the PP in the array you can use to build APs), but those were minor details, and easily fixed.


On a strategic note, I'm curious why you didn't drop some of the Defensive Roll and buy up his CON a little. His STR is well above average, and his DEX is world-class, so you could easily justify him being exceptionally healthy and hardy as well. That would give you a higher Recovery bonus, and a higher Toughness while flat-footed, without any increase in overall cost. Think about it, and submit an edit request if you decide you wanna do it.

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