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Michael had not been trying to escape! Well, he had been a little bit ago. But at this point he was instead trying to get his way over to attack the tank itself. Fake bullets ripped through his flesh with real pain and he felt himself getting shredded as he marched towards the tank, leaving splatters behind him as his clothing was tattered and torn. He continued to walk forward under the hail of firepower, reaching out to try and grab the tank shooting directly at him. He was glowing like an atom bomb as he got closer, closer, closer, his eyes bright red.


Then he collapsed into the dirt in front of the tank, leaking blood and completely unconscious.

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"Michael! NO!" Daniel cried out, he was pissed. Not just at the tank, the game and whatever magic brought them here...but also himself. If only he had focused on getting Michael to safety instead of attacking the tank! He knew that his friend was injured. Damn it, he could have gotten him behind cover first. Damn it damn it! 
The young man, in a rage, launched the car at the tank! Smashing into it and crushing one of the soldiers. Then he would rush over to Michael. 




Iris was pissed off too. She felt useless in this room while her brother and friend were off doing god knows what. She had yet to find anything that could help her escape, so instead she turned to the window and focused on it, raising her hand to the glass as she used her telekinesis on it, trying to put as much pressure on it as she could until is broke! Assuming that was a thing she could even do.


Edited by Dracostern
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the Car crashed into the Tank to the tune of grinding metal. The Car - already a wreck, decided to bend and distort, bouncing of the tank in the shape of a exotic abstract sculpture that might be named "Car huled against a tank by telekenesis". 


The machine gunner did not fare well. He was crushed. Dead? Well, what was dead really, to a computer programme? He seemed to only have the intellect of a Nintendo 64 in the first place. Was he ever alive?


The tank itself too a big dent, but was still running. 


In a last ditch attempt to crush the anarchists, the tank driver decided to put the Tank into full speed ahead and, well, crush the anarchists. More specifically, trying to put Cerebellum under the tracks!

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Cerebellum had enough of this tank. As it tried to crush him under it's treads, he would roll to the side before running around behind it and jumping onto it's back, he struggled a little bit but managed to climb up to the hatch, he was planning to open it and take control of the tank from the inside, hopefully this could prevent something worse happening to Michael. 




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The Hatch was still open, and the crumpled bodies of the commander and the gunner still lay over its rim. It was fairly straightforward to shove them to one side and drop into the tank itself. 


It was musty, cramped, and ugly inside. Lots of lights, levers, and pipes, all seemingly designed to look like an oppressive instrument of tyranny. 


A framed picture of General Sparks, dressed in blue, with sparking fingers and a cheesy grin, looking into the horizon. 


The driver turned round, shocked, and pulled his gun... with a fumble and a panic... giving Cerebellum time to ACT!

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As soon as Cerebellum hopped into the tank, he would make a point to throw down the picture of General Sparks before staring at the driver, and with his telekinesis and rage he would slam the driver against he panel of the tank before throwing in up against the roof and slamming him back down on the floor, knocking him out before heading out of the tank and looking for Michael.

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The poor tank driver realised as soon as the telekenetic grip tightened- the jig was up, the show was over, and it was lights out. 


"Oh dear..." me whimpered, before dropping his pistol from panicked hand. Then, his body was thrown around the tank like a rag doll. 


"Ouch...ouch...ouch..." he yelped as he slammed into the tanks edges, getting crushed like a ping pong ball in a vice. 


In a second it was over. 


Outside, Michael was still face down in the dirt. Fortunately, no more falling masonry had collided with his head, and the various burning fires had not been blown onto his hair. 


And he was starting to regain consciousness...

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Michael got up the way that anyone who had been non-lethally perforated with bullets would get up; slowly, unsteadily, and in pain. He was still pretty steamed, so his first instinct was to grab the tank in front of him, but it only lasted for a moment before he realized that obviously the tank hadn't crushed him or fired on him, so it probably wasn't evil anymore. His second instinct was to look around and find Daniel, who he spied leaving the tank.


"Ah...Good job." he said, giving the other sophomore a thumbs up. "Nice job on the tank." he said, acting like he was not in fact in a lot of pain. Put on the brave face, don't let people know it hurts. "Let's go find your sister before more guys show up."

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"Of course. And yes we do have to find her." He would move over and him Michael up before letting go once he was sure the other young man could stand. Cerebellum needed to find Cerebral soon. Just thinking about that did overshadow the guilt he felt at seeing Michael all injured. If only he had been quicker. 

"The only problem is that I have no idea where to start, have you played a game like this before?" The male twin asked before looking around for any clues.

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"This game is way too old for me to play it. I mean I've played some Fortnite and I've been playing Balatro...oh and I was excited for Dragon's Dogma II. But never really played any...shooter...war games. Especially not one on this geezer style console; I mean I got it out of basically a landfill." he said, looking around.


"I was really hoping you could like, use some twin power to sense her or something and we could find her. I guess I can fly up and look for her? Can you fly? Or do you need me to carry you?" he asked, wincing as he moved his arms. He was hurting bad, but he wasn't going to show it. "We might get shot at as soon as we fly over the buildings though. So you need to be ready for that if we're going up."

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"I could try to reach out with my telepathy yes, but I'd prefer to do that when we are in a safer area." Daniel seemed quite serious, he was also going over different things in his head. Iris had told him what they could do if they seperated. One of them was Telepathy of course. Find a safe spot and use powers. 

Do not worry about carrying me, I can fly." With that his body was coated in an extremely faint purple light and he rose from the ground as if to show Michael. The young man would then open his mind up a little and try to telepathically connect with Iris.

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"Okay. Then let's try to find somewhere safe to hide for a bit, then yeah...just like you're doing, great." he said, nodding. Just try to keep it under control.


"Alright, once you get some kind of idea where we're going, I'll follow your lead. I'll keep a look out for now." he said, turning his attention to sweeping the area in case some of the tanks came back. "Let's hide in one of these burned out houses for now, hopefully that will at least give us a second to orient ourselves and figure out where your sister is. And maybe from there figure out a way out of this mess."


In the back of his mind he knew this was mostly his fault, and he felt quite bad about it, but he was going to focus on getting Daniel and Iris out safely before anything else; he could beat himself up for putting them in a dangerous situation later. For now, he had to actually help get them out of the situation. And part of that was catching his breath, because he still was in a lot of pain after being riddled with fake computer bullets.

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And meanwhile... In Thunderbolt Tower!


Cerebral knew she was in a boss level tower. It was reinforced concrete, two hundred feet tall, and - with frankly ludicrous architecture - she could see it was constructed in the shape of a thunderbolt. 


Everything here was reinforced. The window - overlooked a ruined city - was off thick bulletproof glass, and had a reinforced steel grid mesh on both sides. The walls were thick, and tough. The door was iron, also thick. 


There was no doubt that with enough time, the mighty Cebebral could tear the grill apart, or push the door off the hinges, or even crack open the concrete walls, but it would take time. Maybe just seconds, but more likely a minute or two. 


Boss level tower, indeed. 


And what was outside the door? She couldn't see. Could be one guard, could be a dozen, could be none. Could even by a nazi cyborg octopus carrying eight chainsaws. This was a crazy nazi nightmare, after all. 


And outside...


Scanning around the ruined city the two teens could see plenty of hiding places in the rubble - although they looked structurally unsound. Good for cover, not good for burying you in a pile of bricks. Half destroyed buildings littered the city, from a hospital to a bakery to a fire station. And, if they fancied getting dirty, there was a subway and a sewer system. 


But what they did notice was, at the centre of the city, an impossibly large and impossibly constructed tower in the shape of a concrete thunder bolt. And, lamentably, it was riddled with guards, tanks, helicopters, and machine gun posts. 

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Cerebral and Cerebellum


Cerebral grunted as she kept trying to break the windows but it was extremely difficult to break, she would have to find another way out of here. If there was anything Iris hated more then a certain big brained supervillain, it was being helpless. It made her feel weak and out of control. Something she had felt before...and did not want to feel again. After taking a deep breath Cerebral channeled her psychic powers. She closed her eyes and sent out a telepathic message to her brother, hopefully he could pick up..


"Daniel? Daniel?"


"Iris?! I'm with Michael! Where are you?"


"A large tower...it's pretty hard to escape so I'm trapped."


With Michael Cerebellum would have followed the young man to what seemed to be an abandoned Hospital. After getting a message from his sister, Daniel peaked out and looked at the centre of the map to find a large Boss Tower. His eyes widened for a moment before narrowing again. "Got it. We're hiding at the hospital.

He would turn to his friend and point towards the centre. "I got a message from Iris, she's up in there..."

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"Then we only have one thing to do. Charge in and get your sister back...admittedly charging in face first seems doomed to us getting taken out again though." he thought about it and looked around.


"This is one of those really old games, right? So maybe if we look around a bit we can find some weapons or armor to help us assault the area?" he looked around a bit and frowned. "Not that I've played this game before, this is way before my time, but maybe if we peek around some nooks and crannies we can find some stuff? Let's stick together and see what we can find."

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"Hmm...that would be a good idea honestly." Cerebellum admitted as he got up and began to wander around, pacing a little bit. "Going in there right now is a really bad idea..." Even though he desperately wanted to. The serious expression never left his face, in fact this would probably be the first time Michael had seen him so serious at all. 

"Shall we split up and look for supplies? I can keep us connected."

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"Agreed, split up and if something happens, shout and I'll get over as soon as I can." Michael saiad before heading into the ruined hospital. He was hoping for some sort of pick up for health or something, but he found himself constantly stymied by doors that didn't open for whatever reason. He couldn't really understand why until he tried to put himself into the shoes of a video game more appropriately.


"Of course these doors don't open, there's nothing behind them, they're just a texture..." he mumbled. He took that in stride as he move through the hospital, focusing less on where he thought he should go and more on where he figured a game developer would put a healt pack. Which meant he ended up walking the entirety of the building before coming back to the front of the hospital and walking behind the front desk, where a little bottle of green liquid with a red cross on it was floating at ankle height. "Ah ha!" 


When he went to bend down to grab it, it slipped through his hands and he accidentally stepped through it, but it disappeared and he felt his remaining wounds and bruises patch themselves up from it's effects. 

"...Man this is so weird." he complained to himself as he trudged back to find Daniel and prepare for their assault on the big headquarters.

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Daniel was not at all focused on searching. More so that he was rushing it. Sure this was a game and logically he should follow video game logic to find items, but Iris was no here and she was the brains of the two in his eyes. He was just stupid after all. So the young man went and looked for the biggest gun he could! However he could only find a Rocket Launcher with a single rocket...still that was far better then nothing so he took it and retraced his steps back to the meeting point he and Michael had come in from.

This will be difficult for sure...but I have a feeling we can do it."

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And meanwhile...


At Thunderbolt tower...


A booming voice came from the steel door. No knock, no pleasantries, just a voice of arrogance, projected by hubris and hubris alone, a voice used to power and obedience. 


"Rebel Scum!" it started. Deep, booming, threatening. Someone barrel chested was surely behind the door. 


"Your Rebel freinds dare to defy ME! GENERAL SPARKS! Their INSOLENCE shall cost the DEARLY!"


Cerebral could almost see the face behiind the door darken, dark red blood flushing a face twisted in fury. 


"Tell me all you know of the TRAITORS! And I promise I will ONLY SLIGHTLY KILL YOU!"


A few silver sparks flew from the door. 

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"Nice rocket launcher. I'm sure we'll need that. I didn't get much but at least I'm not all banged up anymore." he said, clapping his hand to his chest. Then he thought about Daniel's response and smiled. "Well, the truth is, we don't have the chance to fail, so we need to succeed." he said simply


"That's part of being a Hero, you know? It's okay to lose. Sometimes you're gonna lose, but when it comes down to it; when something big's on the line, you don't have any choice but to win. So I'm not concerned about failing, because, well...we can't." he nodded sharply. "So my advice is to not even consider failure as a possibility, because I don't think it is." he finished.


Don't even ask if that made sense or not, just act like it does, and be the pillar to support the others. That was his job.

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Cerebral and Cerebellum


Cerebral glared at the door as General Sparks screamed at her, something about rebel scum. How cliché. Still this was something she could use. Iris was a smart woman after all and she could use his anger and seeming desperation to her advantage and get the hell out of this stupid room. "A-Alright." She faked fear. "I-I'll tell you, just come on in here and I'll give you any information you want to hear!"  




Cerebellum held his new Rocket Launcher tightly, he only had one single round so it had to count! He turned back towards Michael and smiled a little bit. It was quite the inspiring speech, even if it didn't make complete sense. "I understand...but we can't fail now, so um...how do you want to attack the tower, should we go in gun's blazing or sneak in?"

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Inside the Tower of Bolts!


the Iron door slammed open, coliding into the concrete, sparking blue sparks. 


And the reason?




His costume was purple, outlandish, with golden military shoulder pads, and an outrageous military hat that was two feet tall. Sparks himself was square jawed, with a fiendish moustashe, and sparking blue eyes. Sparking, not sparkling. There literally were sparks flying out his eyes, as well as his fingers. 


"So! The Traitor finally talks, like all traitors do! Soon, the world shall be in my grasp. Your foolish compratriots have almost no chance of defeating my army, and almost no chance at all of defeating me! MUAHAHAHAHA!"

Edited by Supercape
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Iris would have moved back to sit on the bed with her head in her hands, when General Sparks entered, she would look up at him for a moment and had to stop herself from laughing. What an idiot. As he started to rant the young woman hopped to her feet then pointed at him, simply lifted him up with her telekinesis, moved him close to the window while he was still raised in the air...then she walked out the door, she stared at him all the while, even walking backwards towards the door. 


Before slamming him against the window then slamming the door shut before he could react, and booking it as quietly as she could!

Edited by Dracostern
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In the Tower of Bolts!


The iron door slammed behind Cerebral, cutting of General Sparks roar of fury


"Insolence! You will now face the mighteous might of the mighty General Sparks! My powers are shocking! You will offer no resistance! Watt can you do? The current situation is to my advantage!"


Clearly General Sparks did not have a very good speech writer. But a very good bad pun writer. 


The Iron door slammed shut, clicking into a locked position. It could be opened from the outside, but not from the inside! General Sparks was a prisoner in his own prison!


The tower itself was twenty stories, and had stairs and lifts to every level. the scuttling minions of General Sparks scuttled around. Some soldiers, a few boffins in white coats...

Edited by Supercape
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Michael looked at the tower, then at the weapons the two had, then considered his own injured situation.

"I'll be honest, I'm not great at sneaking. It's not really within my powerset, you know what I mean? So if you think you can sneak around and get a better shot with that thing, you do that, and I'll try to draw their fire. Otherwise, unfortunately, we might just be making the charge in here, and hoping for the best." He touched his wounds with a little bit of frustration, breathing out slowly.


"I honestly just need a little bit of time to finish recuperating, but I can do that while we move. So if you want to split off you can, otherwise I think we're going full steam ahead."

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