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Effigy and Invisigirl

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Player Name: Eternal Phoenix

Character Name: Effigy 

Power Level: 8 (180/180 PP)

Trade-Offs: +4 Damage, -4 Attack(Pyrus), None (Pyroboltia); +4 Toughness, -4 Defense

Unspent PP: 0


In Brief: Fiery sorceress blazing her own trail


Residence: Freedom City

Base of Operations: Claremont Academy, Freedom City

Catchphrases: Various fire related threats, profanity, combinations of the two.

Theme: Burn It Down, by Five Finger Death Punch


Alternate Identities: Wilona Tabana

Identity: Secret

Birthplace: Freedom City

Occupation: Student (grudgingly)

Affliations: Claremont Academy

 Family: No known blood relations; Naomi Ellison (found family)


Age: 16 (Born in 2005)

Apparent Age: Mid to late teens

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Latina (apparently, she dunnos)

Height: 5’ 9”

Weight: 140

Eyes: Dark Brown

Hair: Reddish Brown


Description: Wilona doesn’t display an iota of skin below the neck. This includes gloves. Plenty of scattered burn scars (especially the vein like pattern on her right arm), and it makes a girl look vulnerable, displaying skin like that. Civilian attire is battered old hand me downs from charity places. Jeans, when she can get them. She likes reds in her shirts and dark colors in her pants. The Effigy Robes are a dull orange. Brighter at the shoulders and darkening close to red as it goes down her legs. They’re basically a really long tunic with pants underneath secured by a rope belt. There’s a domino mask, too, but sometimes she forgets it. It’s new since Claremont, after all.


History: Wilona Tabana doesn’t remember her family. Or if she ever had one. She was a street kid. Homeless. Anonymous. That’s what she remembers. That’s what her life was. That, and the fire inside. And just as often, outside. She was a pyromancer born. Fire obeys her. Maybe not something a grade school kid should have, but eh. Nobody got that hurt. Kids are small. Easier to hide. Scavenging food, dodging cops, discouraging pervs, welcome to life on the street. Winter wasn’t a problem, though summer sucked. She was…kind of lonely. Homeless people can be good company (and sometimes not), but there weren’t exactly an overwhelming number of kids her age. But honestly, she had stuff to do. Got to stay out of sight during school hours, so might as well learn something. She thought maybe, since she can make fire happen, she can do other stuff. Just had to replicate the feeling, right? Right. Well, it wasn’t exactly the same, but hey she could do other stuff. Lot of trial and error between those two sentences, but again she had the time. @$%ing hard, but she could do it. And after she figured that out, she met Naomi. Richie rich girl, born with a silver spoon in her mouth. That’s what the folks she knew said, but they never bothered to talk to her. She was lonely, too. It wasn’t a friendship, exactly. But Naomi knew stuff. Important stuff growing girls should know. And she had food, sometimes. So they hung out, sometimes, between school and her art lessons. It was something. Then the Terminus invaded, and everything went to hell.


The nightmare of the invasion cannot possibly be understated. People Wilona had known for years were…gone. Or worse. And for the first time, she had to find out how powerful her fire actually was. It was uh, rather powerful. Blow holes through those metal freaks with the weird poles powerful. 13 years old, and the most potent pyromancer on the street. So she pitched in. At first heroically, but then just to clear enough space to find a good hole and crawl in. Way too many of those freaks, and they were talking an interest in her. Then she came across the smashed limousine. She knew it. The Ellisons used it all the time. The only person in it still breathing was the terrified out of her mind Naomi, so Wilona pulled her out and took her into said hole with her. Freedom’s heroes kicked the Terminus back the hell out of our dimension. Wilona taught Naomi the ways of the street. The latter was mutated by her exposure to Terminus energies, among everything else happening that day. Turning invisible and slinging invisible force was incredibly useful for scavenging food, ducking cops, and discouraging pervs. It also explained by they weren’t bothered in the hole they crawled in. It took time to put Freedom back to something resembling normal. It took more time to sort out all the reports and sightings. But eventually an interesting report about a potent fire slinging young girl crossed the desk of Headmistress Callie Summers. That girl had saved lives that day, and newer reports indicated she was still alive and in the city. Finding her would prove to be quite challenging. No fixed address. Avoids cops and superheroes like the plague. A hell of a lot smarter than she pretends to be. Getting through to her would prove to be an even greater challenge. Wilona was naturally suspicious and hostile to anything resembling an authority figure that wasn’t like, a kindly nun or something. Granted, all of them (from a certain point of view) wanted to curtail the huge amount of personal freedom she currently enjoyed to live her life the way she saw fit. That’s a hell to the no on that one. Miss her with all that talk about the law, responsibility, or whatever. Wilona did what she thought was the right thing to do, and to blazes with anyone who tried to make her do otherwise. The headmistress had to handle this carefully, or Wilona would absolutely refuse to cooperate. Her actions since the Invasion indicated a desire to be a superhero, but she was clearly aware that as a minor, the law was not on her side as far as operating independently of…well, anything and anyone who wasn’t Naomi. Hence avoiding cops and superheroes like the plague. So instead of the direct approach, the headmistress played to her curiosity and obvious intelligence. Rather than command, Ms. Summers and her agents questioned. Better clothes. Better food. A safer environment. More people who care about her. Doesn’t she want these things? Doesn’t she want these things for Naomi? Wilona, predictably, got pissed off. But it was obvious these were things she wanted. She wasn’t stupid. These were things she’d considered for a while now. The stumbling block was, as ever, surrendering even the tiniest bit of her autonomy. So she was kind of stuck, and thus, nothing changed. So, Ms. Summers offered a solution. She would become Wilona’s official guardian, just long enough so that she could become emancipated. She, with the Ellison estate’s cooperation, also did this for Naomi. So both would be effectively independent, because Naomi inherited her parents’ uncountable riches, they didn’t have parents of any kind, and honestly they’d been living independently for three-ish years anyway. Much longer in Wilona’s case. This meant that neither had any legal obligation to remain at the Claremont Academy if they no longer desired to be there, and Ms. Summers was perfectly willing to waive the financial obligation. This made it so much easier, so Wilona agreed to attend and live there. Only on a trial basis, she insisted. Sure, whatever.


Personality & Motivation: Wilona Tabana comes in three layers. Cockiness and braggadocio for days when she’s playing around. Anger and intimidating pyromania when the gloves come off. And finally the core of her, a stubborn willfulness that makes even the more recalcitrant mule look pliant. She’s extremely self-reliant and independent, to a literally self destructive degree. She has the burn scars to prove it. Nobody makes her choices for her. She’ll destroy herself first. Well, maybe whatever’s restraining her first. But still. She’s got to have everything her own way, and the only way she’ll ever do anything is on her own terms. She doesn’t trust anyone besides herself. Okay. Naomi, some. But not completely. She plays up her temper and pretends to be a pyromaniac to push people away. Keep them at a distance. She does have a truly volcanic temper, but it’s not nearly as hair trigger as she pretends. She doesn’t have any special love for fire, though, aside from how it’s helped her out over the years. She will do whatever it takes to avoid feeling vulnerable or helpless.

These things aside, she’s not a bad person, really. She’s got the heroic spirit, and does care about others.

Though, she’s only a pain in the ass if you disrespect her free will and autonomy. Don’t do that, and she’s an excellent friend who will respect your free will and autonomy in turn. Because you see, her autonomy thing just applies to her. She's not about to champion the cause of free will throughout the world. That would be interfering with the free will and autonomy of others. Like hell she's gonna do that. So how does she justify fighting crime? Well, she's not stopping the bad guys from making their own choices. But she can and does choose to blast them in the face for it. Choices have consequences, after all.

 Her character arc, surprisingly, is not about learning humility or how to control her temper. It’s about learning how to be comfortable with being vulnerable and/or powerless.


Power Descriptions: Wilona’s pyromancy is, well, fire. Even when she’s holding a spell in her hand, it looks like her hand is on fire. Light, heat, etc. So when she casts a fire spell, it’s hot. Contained so it does what she wants, sure, but anybody adjacent is going to feel the flash of intense heat and accompanying wind as the fire is emitted. Her other powers are not pyromancy. They are obviously self taught basic magic. Crude, amateur work. Her teacher ought to be ashamed…except she’s never had one, so it wraps back around to kind of amazing. They’re all basically all some shade of blue. Fortius is extremely translucent, as is Castillius as they’re force effects, but the others tend to be a solid color.


Powers & Tactics:  Wilona is an inborn pyromancer and self taught magician. She has a burning soul, and as such her pyromancy’s energies come directly from it. Her fire magic comes as naturally to her as breathing, and requires no special incantations or anything else to use. Regardless of how she prefers to use it. Pyromancy isn’t the most flexible of ‘mancies, and Wilona not knowing subtle if it bit her on the ass doesn’t help. Basically she throws a lot of fire around. Pyrus is one big blast, Infernus usually a thrown fireball (though she can do a sudden explosion instead when she’s feeling fancy), and Pyroboltia is a series of weaker blasts. Fire Control she genuinely doesn’t see as a spell, and it arguably isn’t one. Fire just obeys her will. They are all done with her right hand. Always.

Her other spells are different. She needs to do them the way she figured out how to do them or they won’t work. They’re all cast with a specific gesture with her left hand and calling out the name of the spell. And they use ambient mana, not the energy generated by her soul. Fortius is a shield of force that augments her Effigy Robes. The gesture is pressing her hand to her chest. Libertas is commanding the wind to carry her aloft. The gesture is her hand outstretched. Aerus Servinius makes wind-based telekinesis happen with a literal wave of her hand. Castillius sees her slap her hand to the ground to make fields of protective force rise up from it. Sensus Displacius has her slap the heel of her hand against her forehead to literally displace her senses. All the names can’t be winners.

She doesn’t have a magical tradition, at least not in the traditional (heh) sense. She appears pseudo-Hermetic, but that’s only because of the Western pop cultural version of Hermeticism being so pervasive. She technically didn’t have to use dog-Latin and a fancy gesture, but that’s what wizards do, right? And libraries are free.


Tactically, Wilona prefers the direct approach. Move action Startle, +4 All Out Attack with Pyrus. One opp, smacked down. Mmmmaybe throw in +4 Accurate Attack if they have like, only human durability or something. Infernus works well for groups, and Pyroboltia also synergizes well with a successful Startle. Her other spells are for utility and support, which is not really something her partnership with Naomi has seen her doing a lot of.  Still, provided she hasn’t been ordered/commanded/whatever to do it, she has no problem sliding to a support role. Flight is very useful for staying out of melee range. So many ugly beasties want to rip your face off. As for power stunts, she has a couple Dazzles (in single target and perception area varieties) and a single target Snare (made of solidified fire, somehow) possible for Pyromancy. For “Wizardry” it’s a bit more complicated. Basically, the spells in it are successful ideas she’s tried out and practiced until they consistently worked. They’re quite literally the only ones she knows. So under normal circumstances, she’s incapable of power stunting with her “Wizardry” array. What would change this is exposure to another magician. She’d have to witness them doing something she can’t. Then and only then would she be able to power stunt her own version of such an effect. Given, of course, that it wasn’t something too subtle or an attack power.




The Building’s On Fire, And It’s Probably My Fault: Wilona is a pyromancer, a fire sorcerer. And she’s not a particularly subtle one. It’s not impossible that she’ll set something on fire she didn’t intend to when she misses with a Pyromancy array attack. Like the building she’s in. Or the forest. Or the-you get the point. A GM may aware a Hero Point for triggering this.


Yay, New Burn Scars: Her pyromancy cuts both ways. She is not immune to fire at all. Repeated use of it without breaks can cause her to start to overheat and burn. Extra Effort or several rounds consecutive use can add extra Bruises and/or Injuries, Daze/Stun her for a round, or anything else a GM might think up. Naturally, a Hero Point is awarded if this occurs.


404, Mana Not Found: Her other magic relies on ambient mana found in the world. If she’s been using them heavily, she’s in a barren wasteland or something (since mana comes from living things), or some other reason that makes sense, there can just not be enough mana around for them to be used. A GM may aware a Hero Point for triggering this.


Temper, Temper: While Wilona’s temper isn’t as easy to trip as she pretends, it is truly volcanic in nature. Like most people, she can normally keep a lid on it. However, harming Naomi, trying to outright control Wilona herself, or just doing something incredibly evil in her presence are all excellent triggers. In such a state, she is completely irrational and likely trying to do her level best to completely incinerate the target of her rage whether or not this is possible, anyone is trying to stop her, or is even a good idea. A GM may award a Hero Point for this complicating everyone’s lives further.


Abilities: 0+2+4+10+0+10=26


Strength 10 (+0)

Dexterity 12 (+1)

Constitution 14 (+2)

Intelligence 20 (+5)

Wisdom 10 (+0)

Charisma 20 (+5)


Combat: 6+6=12

Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex)

Attack: +3 Base (+4 Ranged, +8 Name)

Grapple: +4

Defense:  +4 (+3 Base, +1 Dodge Focus, +2 Flat Footed)

Knockback: -10 w/Force Field & Robes, -5 no Field, -1 with neither


Saving Throws: 2+3+12=17

Toughness: +12 (+2 Con, +4 Protection, +6 Force Field); Impervious 8

Fortitude:  +4 (+2 Con, +2)

Reflex:  +4(+1 Dex, +3)

Will: +12 (+0 Wis, +12)


Skills: 48 SP= 12PP

Concentration 12 (+12)

Intimidate 10 (+15)

Knowledge (arcane Lore) 5 (+10)

Language 2 (Latin, Spanish, English Native)

Notice 5 (+5)

Sense Motive 5 (+5)

Stealth 4 (+5)

Survival 5 (+5)


Feats: 40PP

Accurate Attack

All Out Attack

Attack Focus (ranged)

Dodge Focus

Luck 2

Power Attack

Precise Shot

Second Chance (concentration checks to maintain powers)

Sidekick 30 (Invisigirl)



Powers: 73PP

(All powers have “Magic” as a source descriptor. Effect descriptors are noted where necessary)


Array 13 [29 9P, Feats: Alternate Power 3] (Pyromancy, all fire effects)


Base Power: Blast 12 (Feats: Improved Crit 2) (Pyrus) [26/26PP]


Alternate Power: Blast 8 (Feats: Progression, Increase Area 2; Extra: Burst Area [40-200 ft radius]) (Infernus) [26/26PP]


Alternate Power: Blast 8 (Feats: Accurate 2; Extra: Autofire) (Pyroboltia) [26/26PP]


Alternate Power: Move Object 12 (Extra: Range [perception]; Flaw: Limited [to Fire]) (Fire Control) [26/26PP]



Array 9 [20 PP, Feats: Alternate Power 2] (“Wizardry”)


Base Power: Move Object 6 (Extra: Range [Perception]) (Aerus Servinius) [18/18PP] (air/wind effect descriptor)


Alternate Power: Create Object 6 (6x5’ cubes; Extra: Impervious) (Castillius) [18/18PP] (force effect descriptor)


Alternate Power: ESP 6 (Visual & Auditory, 20 mile range) (Sensus Displacius) [18/18PP]


Device 2 (10PP Container, Flaw: Hard to Lose) (Effigy Robes) [8PP] 25DP Total


Protection 4 (Feats: Quick Change, Subtle; Extra: Impervious) [10DP]


Flight 3 [6PP] (Libertas) (air/wind descriptor)


DC Block:


Attack Bonus


Save & DC





15 Toughness





27 Toughness



N/A, Area


18 Reflex half, 23/19 Toughness





23 Toughness (Autofire)



Abilities 26 + Combat 12 + Saving Throws 17 + Skills 12 + Feats 40 + Powers 73– Drawbacks 0= 180/180

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Player Name: Eternal Phoenix

Character Name: Invisigirl

Power Level: 8 (150/150 PP)

Trade-Offs: None

Unspent PP: 0


In Brief: Sue Storm if she was a brown teenage heiress. And timid, mousey artist.


Residence: Freedom City

Base of Operations: Claremont Academy, Freedom City

Catchphrases: “Eep! turns invisible”

 Theme: Invisible, by Zara Larsson


Alternate Identities: Naomi Ellison

Identity: Secret

Birthplace: Freedom City

Occupation: Student

Affliations: Claremont Academy

Family: Mr. James (faithful butler, steward of her fortune), Mr. Lucien (CEO and Chairman of the Board, Ellison Group) (neither are blood, but what she has left); Wilona Tabana (found family)


Age: 16 (Born in 2005)

Apparent Age: Early to mid teens

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Ambiguously brown

Height: 5’ 1”

Weight: 95

Eyes: Dark Brown

Hair: Dark Brown


Description: Naomi’s hair is short in the front, with the back half swept back into a ponytail. The only exceptions to this are sleep and showers. The only skin below the neck she shows is her hands, which are typically paint and/or ink stained. In hotter times this will change to forearms and some upper arm, because short sleeve shirts. Civilian attire is basically a t shirt and paint and ink stained denim overalls. She’ll always have a paintbrush, a pen, a pencil, or something similar behind one ear. The pockets of her overalls always contain lots of little things. A snack. Some paper. Pre-Claremont, she didn’t have a costume. Now, she has this ultra generic grey jumpsuit and domino mask. She lets her hair down, too.


History: Naomi Ellison was born filthy stinkin’ rich. The Ellison Group was a relatively new player on the global scene, but her parents had come up with a few gizmos modern society couldn’t function without, so they were rolling in it by the time she was born. They were not good parents. It was never stated, but Naomi was clearly an accident. One that they didn’t intend to stop them from living their lives as they did before. It did not help that Naomi was…strange. She was passed from a succession of housekeepers, drivers, and other house staff. She was always Miss Ellison, never Naomi. Treated more like an object or a pet than a person. And with her personality, even at school she was effectively invisible. It was…kind of lonely, but she had art. Visual art, to be precise. And while her subject matter could be confusing or disconcerting, her talent was undeniable. Now she was a pet with a neat trick. Something for her parents to show off at fancy dinner parties. Look at our prodigy. Isn’t she neat? Her world was monotone and grey, aside from her art. Then she met Wilona Tabana. She fed her sometimes. They talked. Naomi had a little while after school, before her driver showed up in the limo to take her to art lessons. Sometimes she had longer, because he hit traffic or was just late. They didn’t become friends or anything, but it was someone who called Naomi by her name and was excited to see her every day. Wilona was lonely too, though she hid it well. And she didn’t know stuff girls should know by her age. Not okay. Then the Terminus invaded, and everything went to hell.


Naomi doesn’t remember a lot about it. Desperation to get to the airport. Limo crash. The scent of blood and burning meat. Horrible monsters outside. Pleading with the universe to not let them see her. And above it all, Wilona’s voice. Cajoling her to move. Telling her it was gonna be all right. Roaring defiance at the monsters. Like some hero out of Freedom League stories. It was the least Naomi could do to help the monsters not see her either, once they were settled. Wilona promised to keep her in art supplies, and her parents were dead. So she had no real reason not to stay with her friend. Naomi explored her newfound powers helping Wilona scavenge food and generally survive the streets. But the reports of WIlona’s existence (thanks to her actions during the Invasion and afterward) got back to Headmistress Callie Summers of the Claremont Academy. There was no convincing Naomi to come on her own. She only cared about having enough art supplies and staying close to Wilona. And forcing someone with invisibility and potent telekinesis was more trouble than it was worth, especially since Naomi was the sensitive type and may well be traumatized by the attempt regardless of success or failure. So the task was convincing WIlona to come along, and it was a mammoth endeavor. It ended with both WIlona and Naomi as emancipated minors. Once it was done, Naomi followed along with Wilona like she had for the last three-ish years of her life.


Personality & Motivation: The best way to describe Naomi Ellison is living in her own little world. It takes something significant to noticeably draw her attention. And she’s a shy and timid girl, too. Very quiet. The type to disappear into the walls when one isn’t looking. She does the vast majority of her living inside her own head. She tries to share that inner world with her art, but it doesn’t really work. Her inner mindscape is somewhat alien to the average person. She can normally be found quietly working on her latest art project. Yes, even in the middle of class. However. Don’t think for one moment that she is perpetually zoned out. This is not the case. Her “awake and alert” just looks like “completely zoned out”. She cares about people and wants to help them just as much as any superhero. More than most, arguably. She’s very kind, and does lots of quiet little things that make her friends’ lives easier. Her character arc, ironically enough, is about learning how to be less invisible. To find the courage to stand out and do the big flashy dramatic things that superheroes do. As well as the ones that aren’t so big and flashy, but are more important than anything.


Power Descriptions: Uh. All of Naomi’s powers are invisible and silent. There isn’t a lot to describe, here. Naomi perceives them as extremely translucent silvery force. Sometimes she gestures with her hands to make it happen, but that’s not strictly necessary. And also may not matter due to her being invisible at the time. If someone happens to have Vision Counters Concealment, then they’ll see what she does. Extremely translucent silvery force constructs. Create Object lets her get very creative with her art, but alas most people can’t see them. The Force Field just makes misses or Tou saves she makes look like the attack simply don’t touch her.


Powers & Tactics: Naomi was mutated by exposure to a variety of exotic energies, among them the entropic energies of the Terminus. She wields fields of force that bend light away from them, rendering them completely invisible. She can simulate telekinesis and create constructs with this. A weak application renders her or anyone else in range invisible. A stronger one protects her from harm and shunts attacks aside. The TK can bludgeon people, or a specialized construct can bind them. That’s it.


Tactically, Naomi isn’t really a fighter yet. The plan is to go invisible and protect the vulnerable with a construct while Wilona slings fire and kicks the opps’ asses. But…most people can’t perceive her powers, which means she can catch them flatfooted more often than most heroes do. And Wilona has never once complained about KO stealing, so…yeah, she’ll help if the vulnerable have gotten away. She has the cap shifting feats, but that’s really a function of her powers and not her actual skill level. As far as power stunting goes, she’s not even aware she can do that. She could do something like putting Burst Area or Alt Save Fort on Blast 8 (Subtle 2). Or swapping Moveable for Impervious on Create Object. But those are a ways away. After some training.




Conveniently and Inconveniently Inconspicuous: Naomi is one of those rare people who can accidentally use Stealth. So whenever the GM sees fit (most likely when someone’s trying to find her), they can call for a Stealth check vs. said someone’s Notice. Or just say they can’t find her, despite the lack of invisibility. A GM may award a Hero Point to the other player for this occurring. Or not, I don’t know if that’s even allowed.


Wealthy Heiress: Now that she’s found to be alive after all these years, she’s got quite a bit of money. Those who know that are of course going to be chasing after it. This is basically a plot hook generator in Complication form. A GM may award a Hero Point for a plot hook being generated. Or not, as she’s a Sidekick so le shrug.


Soul Of An Artist: The inside of Naomi’s head is a strange and confusing place to be, even for allies. Communicating with her can be…challenging, even via telepathic methods. Regardless of communication method, she may completely misunderstand what was said or say something incomprehensible to other people. A GM may award a Hero Point for this becoming a hindrance. Or not, as she’s a Sidekick so le shrug.


Wil, what’s “Artist Clout”?: Not long after joining up with Wilona after the Terminus Invasion, Naomi joined social media as a art poster (Twitter/Artstation/Deviantart/whatever). She has a small legion of followers these days. They don’t know her real name and they’ve never seen her full face. They just know she’s a perpetually broke analog artist, and that her handle is an exact match to this new superhero in Freedom City. The former is ironic, since she just became the polar opposite of broke. Still, it’s the internet. There could be a creepily obsessed stalker. An uberfan who just had to meet their hero. Or even a mutual who reaches out for the kind of help only a superhero could provide. This Complication is part plot hook, part excuse to put civilians in danger they need rescuing from. A GM may award a Hero Point for a plot hook being generated or just triggering it the normal way.


Abilities: 0+6+0+4+6+0=16


Strength 10 (+0)

Dexterity 16 (+3)

Constitution 10 (+0)

Intelligence 14 (+2)

Wisdom 16 (+3)

Charisma 10 (+0)


Combat: 8+8=16

Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex)

Attack: +4 Base (+8 Ranged)

Grapple: +4 (Melee), +16 (Ranged Move Object)

Defense:  +8 (+4 Base, + 4 Shield, +2 Flat Footed)

Knockback: -8 w/ Force Field, 0 without


Saving Throws: 5+1+5=11

Toughness: +8 (+0 Con; +8 Force Field); Impervious 8

Fortitude:  +5 (+0 Con, +5)

Reflex:  +8 (+3 Dex, +1, +1 Enhanced Reflex)

Will: +8 (+3 Wis, +5)


Skills: 64 SP= 16PP

Concentration 12 (+15)

Craft (artistic) 13 (+15)

Diplomacy 5 (+5)

Knowledge (art) 8 (+10)

Notice 12 (+15)

Sense Motive 3 (+5)

Stealth 12 (+15)


Feats: 13PP

Accurate Attack

Attack Focus (ranged) 4

Benefit 3 (Wealth)

Defensive Attack

Power Attack

Precise Shot

Second Chance (concentration checks to maintain powers)

Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)


Enhanced Feats



Powers: 78PP

(all powers have “Mutation” as a source descriptor)


Array 13 [29 DP, Feats: Alternate Power 3] (Invisible Force)


Base Power: Move Object 8 (Feats: Subtle 2; Extras: Damaging) (Invisible Telekinetic Force) [26/26PP] (Force/Bludgeoning descriptors)


Alternate Power: Create Object 8 (8x5’ cubes; Feats: Subtle 2 Extra: Moveable) (Invisible Force Objects) [26/26PP]


Alternate Power: Snare 8 (Feats: Subtle 2; Extra: Regenerating) (Invisible Force Bindings) [26/26PP]


Alternate Power: Concealment 4 (Visual Senses; Feats: Close Range, Precise, Progression [Increase Area] 3, Selective; Extras: Affects Others Only, Area Burst [20-200 ft]) [26/26PP] (Invisible Crowd)


Enhanced Reflex 4 (Feats: Evasion, Subtle 2; Extra: Linked +0) + Force Field 8 (Feats: Subtle 2; Extras: Impervious, Linked +0) + Shield 4 (Feats: Subtle 2; Extra: Linked +0) [31PP] (Invisible Force Field)


Concealment 4 (Visual Senses; Feats: Close Range, Precise) [10PP] (Invisibility)


Flight 3 (50 mph, 440 ft/rnd; Feats: Subtle 2; Flaw: Platform) [5PP] (Invisible Flying Platform)


Super Senses 3 (Invisible Force Awareness (visual), Vision Counters Concealment) [3PP]


DC Block:


Attack Bonus


Save & DC





15 Toughness


Invisible Telekinetic Force



23 Toughness


Invisible Force Bindings



18 Reflex



Abilities 16 + Combat 16 + Saving Throws 11 + Skills 16 + Feats 13 + Powers 78– Drawbacks 0= 150/150

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