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Found 3 results

  1. OOC for this thread. There's some problems with companies...sabotage...insider flummox... @Supercape [X-FILES THEME]
  2. GM July 5th, Tuesday, 3.45PM, 2016 4027 Tower St., Emerald City, WA, USA Downtown on the Emerald City riverfront was like being in another world. Voices and faces from dozens of other countries filled the streets, the sharp sea breeze lent a salty tang to the smells of streetside vendors selling the cuisine from dozens more and the sleek, pristine skyscrapers rearing above bore the richest names on Earth in at least ten languages. In particular was the soaring crystal-green Emerald Tower, the corporate center of world-famous MarsTech, one of the several new corporations in the super-technology industry and already a household name. The Tower was the hub for its own micro-universe, the eye of a financial, legal and technological hurricane, a block in each cardinal direction devoted to its needs and those of its sky-dwelling inhabitants. Public involvement with superhumans was considered passé, a kind of cheating, so there was little surprise when Prof. Erasmus Bolt was contacted about one of his newest inventions and invited to a meeting with the head of MarsTech, the flamboyant and vibrant plutocract Maximilian Mars. Although he has made a name for himself as someone with the city's best interests at heart, nobody doubts that Mars is chiefly concerned with Number One. For whatever reason, Erasmus had not yet entered the Tower. "Bolt!" A harsh, cold voice hissed from behind him, which turned out to hail from a very dour-looking man cloistered in a pitch-black limosuine, a rarity in downtown Emerald which prides itself on its mass-transit system. The man glared out at Bolt, then up at the Emerald Tower "Come to see Mars, hn? When you're done, come see me. I'm Kessler, Arwin Kessler, KessKorp. Unlike Mars, I won't lie to you. My card." Thrusting his lean hand out with a well-produced rectangle of laminated plastic pinched between thumb and forefinger, Kessler waited with an air of impatience for Bolt to take it.
  3. .....It is a warm August evening in Freedom City.... ....After a warm day of trying to anticipate police-band calls, Redline notices that there have been about 9 purse-snatching calls to Liberty Park, about one per hour. So, he drives his bike to a lock-up near the City Reservoir, and wanders around ob foot with his helmet on, face-plate open. A few people look at him as if he is a bit strange. He notices a high police presence for about twenty minutes. He keeps on strolling, seemingly not paying attention to anyone or anything, About 12 minutes after the Officers have left the park, Redline sees a young human in a dark blue hoodie sprinting up the jogging path, carrying a bright pink purse. .....'Sh^*, sh^*, sh^*!!' Redline thinks, running after the guy, trying to figure out a good place to shrink and get into his Battlesuit. Just as Redline start up a small foothill on the path, there's loud roar!, and the guy in the dark blue hoodie comes running back to, and past!, Redline. .....'F l i c k it!' Redline dives to the left off of the path, dropping the suit out of his pocket, Shrinking, and landing near the suit. He kneels down to touch it, and it flows onto him, but then he clutches at his head and he staggers around.
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