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Brown Dynamite

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Posts posted by Brown Dynamite

  1. GM


    "Perhaps if you do it correctly?  And what happens if you don't do it correctly?  I've had enough bad sorcery to last a lifetime"  The detective sighed in exasperation and took a seat on the couch.  A couch that was currently part of a crime scene.  Complete with a clear view of the body on the ground.  "Never physical evidence.  No, let's fray the mind instead."


    It was a bit fast and loose with procedural rules.  But, so was waiting hours at a crime scene for a drunk pirate to prepare a bit of sorcery.  It wasn't long before Moe had excused herself.  Claiming she needed to close up the restaurant.  It wasn't entirely a lie.  But, the reality was she was taking the opportunity to build.  The detective for her would take the opportunity to call the precinct.

    A coroner would be needed.

  2. Foreshadow looked at Dee.  Then back towards the direction of the loud crash.  And finally back towards the trail of blood.  Damn it.  I know I'm probably being played again.  But, this can wait.   a sprint.  If ever there was a priority, it was saving lives.  It certainly wasn't catching the bad guys.


    With that in mind.  By the sight of the two large hulking figures chasing after that vehicle.  There were certainly plenty of bad guys to go around.  Especially if the sound of that collision was done with their bare hands.  Sure, they could have been curious pedestrians attempting to help a runaway vehicle in need.  But, even still.  A crash meant someone needed help.


    Especially when crashing near a warehouse with a connection to the flamboyant clairvoyant.  The noise alone could draw unwanted attention.  And although there weren't many signs of life in the warehouse from the outside looking, that wouldn't stop the possibility of unwanted collateral damage as soon as a hired goon got eyes on the Cadillac.  Assuming that wasn't what was already going on.  Not that Foreshadow needed more convincing than the idea that someone could be hurt to take off.


    As he neared the crashed vehicle a familiar face was seen in the crumpled wreckage.   Well, he's definitely seen better days.  Alright, I guess these guys aren't good samaritans or wanting to exchange insurance information.   The spandex wearing muscle-bound men looked aggressive.  And comfortable.  Too comfortable really, almost as if they had been waiting for this.  Or...they were tipped off.


    Yep, we're definitely being played.  

  3. Foreshadow took a steady breath and called out to Dreadnought.  "Hey, hold on to your seatbelt, and don't spell any Mardras this thing is pricey enough as is.  Let's not add dry cleaning to the cost."   Iced runways provide a surprisingly level of traction.  But,, the plains weren't a runway.  It wasn't smoothed.  And, Foreshadow had taken great care to turn off any of the plane's instruments that would have alerted anyone to their presence.


    The descent was fast.  Too fast, really.  As Foreshadow waited until he was 150' from the ground before lowering the throttle on the engine.  The snow made it hard to see.  The wind made it hard to steer.  All in all, Foreshadow had to admit there were worse ways to go.


    The landing came in hotter than he wanted.  Almost making him regret not taking to the airport with a landing strip that would have put him parallel to the crosswinds.  Sure enough, As soon as the main landing gear of the plane touched the pavement, a strong gust tossed the plane to the left, actually blowing the left wing tip into the ground.  He pulled up, in an attempt to apply opposite rudder just enough to prevent the heading from changing.  It wasn't particularly smooth, however, and after a bit over banking the outboard wing, flap struck the ground.  Sparks visibly flying and the landing gear was put to the test and Foreshadow overcorrected to avoid the plane outright tumbling.


    "I'd say don't tell Dee.  But, I can already feel her urge to tease me about our smooth landing from here."

  4. Metallic.  That was the nicest way to describe the smell wafting into Foreshadow's nose.  Blood had a very distinct smell, especially when surrounded by large volumes of it.  The average person wouldn't have that experience in their day to day life.  The prescient acrobat was far from average.  "BSI for my buddy and I.  Someone was supposed to keep that stuff on the inside."


    He had started openly speaking.  His concentration slipping from the mind link by pure distraction.  It was hard to maintain one's focus at the sheer volume of the blood on the scene.  His arms sliding away from Synapse's waist he'd store his escrima sticks back on their respective holsters.  Immediately stepping forward afterward.


    When there was blood all over the scene, there was only one direction to go.  Towards it.  Especially when the bloody trail went into a darkened street.

  5. I think I may have just found the answer to that question.  Offering up his binoculars with one hand he'd point in the direction of the messy liquid trail.    It stood out quite a bit but wasn't damning evidence of anything.  Aside from the fact that such a trail didn't exist before they arrived.  It was somewhat fresh.  Could always just be an open trash bag leaving a trail. 


    Foreshadow knew better than to play it safe when it came to his precognitive foe.  "This guy, the flamboyant clairvoyant or whatever his business card actually says, has a habit of outsourcing his muscle.  He has resources and knows about my abilities.  And David's.  Even if it's nothing, I'll jump on any sign to catch him.


    Without a moment's hesitation, a hand would find its way down to the multi-purpose escrima staves on his waist.  Ready to use the swing line to get a closer look as soon as Synapse showed she was ready.

  6. "If you'd like we could take a look.  I'm no Dee when it comes to the science thing.  But, when it comes to throwing money at things there's no one better.  So, the top of the line lab I had built in my place would give an opportunity to take a look at the composition of your party mix."  Erick offered Susan.  Though really, it was more for Dee's benefit.  To give her the feeling of contributing more to Susan's care.


    As competitive as he was.  There were times that aiming for a silver medal didn't feel like second place.  "Well, I obviously didn't grow up with the guy.  But, he doesn't give me too bad of a feeling.  Maybe I can just respect his attention seeking qualities.  Seeing how we met at Socchi.  But, a dinner with your brother still doesn't sound as bad as a dinner with your dad even for new money like me."


    Not that he was positive Lord Farrington was judging him for being new money.  But, when your investments turned your millions into billions at a rate that competed with the owners of Social Media and online shipping platforms (which of course he had invested in) he expected a little resentment.  Especially with as concerned with appearances as Dee made him out to be.

  7. Foreshadow wrapped an arm around Synapse, but kept his eyes focused on the warehouse from the rooftop.  Good company, good view, and a perfectly good excuse to use a line about warming you up in all this windchill.  I could think of worse ways to spend an evening.  He looked down below for a moment to consider the height.


    So before I got taller and shifted to artistic gymnastics, I did aerobic gymnastics as part of a trio.  My dad was circus folk so he liked elaborate routines.  It was the first time I saw the world from above.  I love the view so much I bought a penthouse across from the casinos.  And just think I'm sharing the view with you.


    Clearly, he had no reservations about hanging over the edge of a roof.  But, enjoying the view wasn't the reason they were there.  This was the closest Erick had ever been to getting his hands on the prescient villain who had kept slipping through his fingers.  It was not an opportunity he would let go of.  Especially with the careless concern for collateral damage, this man had shown in the past.    


    Collateral damage was what brought Erick into the life of wearing a mask and jumping over rooftops at nice.  And preventing it made sure no other little boys would spend their evenings doing the same.

  8. GM


    A few minutes of stop and go traffic came and went.  Eventually, traffic slowed to a crawl and the only vehicle on its way to the railroad crossing was a black sedan with tinted windows.  Any competitive driver worth her salt would know that tinted windows were illegal in New Jersey.  Aside from in the rear.  Which made the sedan especially suspicious as it came to a stop in front of the would-be crossing guard.


    From SFX's perspective, she could see signs of the train some distance away.  But, what she couldn't see were the warning posts from the crossing lighting up.  In fact, there was no whistling of warning from the train at all.  It was on course to speed through the crossing with no indication to traffic.    Unless it was coming to a stop before the crossing.  With the conductor playing fast and loose on exactly when they were blowing the whistle as a warning for such a stop.

  9. And there it was.  Before he joined the Vanguard, Foreshadow's biggest concern would be whatever powered thug local crime families had hired to take a shot at him.  While a worrying concern more often than not they had their powers of their own accord.  Nowadays, it was what newfangled horrible body had some unwilling participants found themselves subjected to.  Although with Darwin X, there were always people willing.  "Private armies, political intrigue, and of course Darwin X.  Alright, Anton you might've just earned your payday." 


    Foreshadow looked Dreadnought over.  Much like the doped up Olympians Erick and Dee had stopped when they first met, Joseph was the very image of physically imposing.  It was a sure constant with Darwin X, that all but sold him on how useful it would be to have his ally there.  Especially if this supposed grandfather of his was under it.  He had always wondered if he had any living family in Russia.  But, if the story was to be believed Erick had to wonder if he was better off not knowing.  For as bad as Headcase or Crab were, it was Dr. Zero' who always slipped away sight unseen.  Which brought, there was the elephant size pair of boots in the room that would have to be addressed.  There was no way they would be getting around sneakily.  Joseph was the center of attention wherever he went.


    "Mardras it is.  Let me just drop Anton off somewhere, I'll pick up the takeout, and then you can help me get ready for a family reunion."  He'd then walk over to one of the nearby control panels.  Readying V.E.R.A so as to have a location to drop the ex spook.  All without taking Anton's input as to where exactly that location would be.  


    Since Undercover is out, let's do it big.  I've never wanted to buy a mine.  But, I'm sure someone is selling.




  10. GM


    A miniature whirlpool formed at the centrifugal force being generated from Kanunu sending the four bull sharks flying.  In the midst of this turbulent shift in water a great white shark rushed for Kanunu.  Attempting to bite the man in the abdomen, the shark found itself outmaneuvered as the aquatic hero descended below.  Another great white would try and brush up against Tsunami as a warning to catch her off guard.  But, the undersea predator couldn't move quick enough to keep the pace with her.  


    A third shark attempted pin Tsunami with its massive jaw.  Only to find increased water resistance courtesy of the hydrokinetic hero actually redirecting the path the shark was swimming sending it harmlessly reeling into the shark which had attempted to brush against her earlier.  The surfers tried their luck for paddling to the boat as per Kanunu's instruction.  A boat which was currently surrounded by sharks.  But, the sight of three others being clubbed by a single shark gave them a measure of courage.  


    "Uh!  I think we're going to need a bigger boat!"  One of the surfers called out the group stopping in their tracks.  And for good reason, as the last great white shark rose up from the depths of the water its mighty jaws tearing into the side of the ferry.  Completely tearing through the material with ease and allowing water to begin and flood the bottom.  The group of tiger sharks down below eagerly awaiting from below as the ferry risked sinking.

  11. "Hm.  I see."  Foreshadow muttered aloud to Dreadnought's statement.  What could he say?   Erick never openly advertised his precognitive gifts.  And he wasn't about to give more fuel for Anton to work within a case of a scheme.  Ever cautious he simply rolled with the punches as the came.  "Well welcome aboard the party bus.  Don't worry Anton, I trust you about as far as I can throw this guy.  And considering his legs are the size of a tree trunk you can imagine that's not very far.  Were as I trust him with my life on a weekly basis.  As much fun as it would be to watch you two gents go a couple more rounds.  Whatever you have to say to me you can say to him.  Or you can keep pouting and we will indeed order take out and send you on your way.  Forget pensions and let's talk pizza.  Actually no, I'm in the mood for some Indian tonight, what do you think Joseph?"


    Erick never gained David's proficiency for flat out scaring thugs into submission.  Instead, the prescient acrobat relied on other means of social engineering.  Such as reminding an ex-spook of the money on the line.  Rather than concern himself with the very large muscular man with no patience for accusations.

  12. GM


    Even considering how long it took to exit the store through the crowd, SFX and Rev's aerial antics cut the time to arrive tremendously.  With ample time the pair were able to take in their surroundings.  The railroad crossing is located in one of Wading Way's less luxurious blocks in its well-known business district.  Populated by laundromats, dry cleaners, appliance repair shops, pawnshops, thrift stores, and corner markets it would've been right at home in the Southside if not for the fact that the Pyramid Plaza and the monorail access were both easily within view.


    There are 8-foot fences acting as a barrier to stop unfortunate pedestrian accidents.  Beside the fences are poles with all the warning lights, bells, and accouterments that warn oncoming vehicles not to attempt a pass when a train arrives.  All in all, it was a typical train station without an ounce of alarm with regular stop and go traffic.

  13. GM


    The Giant Adder's head was cleaved clean off by the swift movement of Blodeuwedd's blade.  The flames searing its flesh revealing not a skeleton beneath but instead a small pebble with a hole running through the middle.  Or an Adder stone as it was commonly known.  As the three magically inclined heroines were aware such stone could be formed from hardened snakes’ saliva.  Something that would easily occur when a cluster of snakes would wind themselves together to form a living ball or egg.  Known for their magical and healing properties their rarity often meant a sign of good luck. 


    At least when you didn't have to fight a giant snake to acquire one.  Finding a hag stone was a sign of good fortune, but needing one was the sign that one was dealing either with evil witchcraft, spirits, or fae.  Whatever the case, judging by the egg in the center of the room it was clear that someone was actively making adder stones somehow.  Guarding the source of their stones with a transmogrified giant snake.

  14. GM


    General Amalsi coughed.   It wasn't to get anyone's attention but was distracting ever the same.  The hearty cough of a man whose best years were long past each breath more labored than the last.  Finally, the man spoke in some manner of difficulty. "Kortex Khan.  The bastard son of Star Khan.  The one with the least claim to the seat of power, and the highest chance of being executed if someone actually does manage to create a semblance of a working central government again.  Kortex has his own listening post and with it his own forces.  A lor spy under my employ was captured.  Who knows what manner of torture the mentat has subjected him too.  The listening post is too secure for an entire warship to enter without Kortex calling for reinforcements.  But, if a small group were to break into the base and jam the signal before help could be called for.  Well then, you would be able to rescue the poor Lor in need.  That's what you colorful heroic types do, right?  Of course, I haven't forgotten about the Voidrunners the credits will be more than worth the risk."


    "After all, the planet this listening post lies on is Plora 6AX."  Plora 6AX was a jungle planet formerly under control of splinter Grue's.  Specifically the Grue Arcane.  Before the Khanate drove the Grue from the planet.  However, decades after this event the planet was still a venerable minefield of danger.  The local fauna often as dangerous as any Khanate patrol force.



  15. GM


    The Atlanteans looked on with worry as the Hydra was sent flying back.  Perhaps more concerned with the fact that their apparent leader who was riding the creature was sent flying as well.  Whatever manner of concern they held for the Atlantean warlord did not stop them from acting.   Their attention turning from the civilians they began to surround the heroes on the bridges and act in concert.  The pair on the Westernmost bridge surrounded the paralyzed speedster.  Their spears would thrust forth to keep his costumed pin against the hood of the car before finally the last Atlantean would stab a spear directly into the hero's shoulder.  


    On the opposite bridge.  Four Atlanteans took to surrounding the Emerald Spider.  Two would push their spears forward tauntingly cornering the arachnoid heroine against the side of an empty sedan.  A third Atlantean rushed forward and attempted to stab the Emerald Spider who flipped backwards to avoid the strike.  Easily clearing the distance of the vehicle she was set to arrive unscathed.  Unfortunately, a fourth Atlantean was waiting nearby and stabbed square into the heroine's stomach in mid air.  The Spdr Rig's repulsive field reduced the impact, but the araneal heroine was.still slammed directly into the car as a result. 


    The force of which was enough to shatter the glass of the car.


  16. Alright, totally don't remember how I built the Giant Adder and although I'm sure I could wrangle up another quick build.  I'm just going to have Blod's last attack set it ablaze and move forward.  Due to y'know leaving this hanging for so long.

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