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Posts posted by TheAbsurdist

  1. Point of fact, it was a Friday night at the restaurant, so people were dressed nice. And his casual was still tailored, and worth a couple grand. And he fished his phone out of his pocket, and set it on the table, eyeing it suspiciously, and laughing a little to himself, as he realized that she was making him wait, even if it was unintentional he found it a little funny. Checking to make sure he didn't have the phone on silent, he idly flipped through his schedule for tomorrow. Even on a Saturday he had a busy day, so he dropped a text for Ms. van Cleef get a hold of him by 9:30 the next morning. That done, he ordered himself some Sanbitter mixed lemon mineral water.

  2. Compared to the other two, Asad ate this up. Wearing the cheesiest variation on the costume possible, the standard red and right outfit, stuffed with pillows in the front, and a fake beard over his, and a wig to top it off. He was having a ball. He was jovial, open, grinning interacting with people, and even managing to restrain himself to merely playful flirting with some of the women that were there. His put upon looking assistant, Ms. van Cleef had made her brief appearance with the assorted toys and clothes and other things.

    To help drum up support for this Asad had organized a charity drive at his businesses, and even donated a sizable sum to the local energy companies to help cover heating cost for low income families. The question of his being Muslim had come up, as did the whole being super wealthy, he had rebuffed it with a shrug and a smile before steering the topic back to the kids. But now he was here. Posing for photos for the kids who wanted it, and even making introductions between the children and Louis Ross and Keith LaMarr, who were both more famous than he was to the children. He was not the center of attention tonight, and while he got the media here, he was doing his damnedest to remind them of that.

  3. 6:52PM, December 2nd, 2011

    Amir was early. Which might surprise people to expect him to be fashionably late, or worse considering some of the avenues opened for him by his new life. Fortunately tonight was casual. The restaurant, Gianni's, was a little place tucked into Riverside. It had good Italian food, and wasn't a stuffy formal place. In part because he didn't like to be dressed up all the time. So he just wore a dark slate colored suit, with a white shirt underneath, not tucked it, and the top two buttons left undone.

    He looked calculatedly rumpled as he sat alone at the table, an elbow propped on the table, and his chin resting in his palm, as he scanned over the wine list. Not having decided what he was having yet, but not familliar with what they had here. The date was set for 7pm, but he had been a little anxious. Not that that was terrified of the prospect of a date, this was his first real date since his declaration as a public identity hero. There was a lot that could go wrong. Which was not a facet he was used to thinking about when he dated.

  4. Turning from the dazed and confused Man-Ape, he pushed up into the air, not so much soaring as making a nice arc. At the apex of it he saw Madame Marvelous, and he promptly aimed, and landed feet first into the ground next to her, the force of that made the ground crumple under him, along with a localized tremor. He had never done it before, but he had seen enough footage of other heroes doing it to get feel he could make an attempt at it. He had nothing pithy to say this time. There were bears after all.

  5. A beat, and he looked at her featureless mask a moment, and then shrugged. He remember the armor from the charity event, but he wasn't particularly curious as to who she was under the mask, even if she was cute, in a 'just woken up' sort of way, he had more pressing concerns. "I will probably need the help, especially if I get teleported away again." Asad looked out from her balcony, then shrugged a little, and then pushed off the balcony and rose into the air, before he soared over Parkside in his hundred dollar Egyptian cotton boxers. He pushed himself hard, making himself go faster. The flying thing was still new, he didn't know how he did it, since everything else seemed to be based on something completely different. He was still waiting for those scientists to get back to him about the tests they ran on him, he needed to know if his powers were a danger to himself or others. So there he was pushing himself hard. He didn't care about his stuff, but he needed to know that Amber was okay. They had just seen each other a couple of times, but he felt responsible for her, especially with the nagging fear of something happening to her, all because he had to be the hero. Dammit.

  6. He did however get a glimpse of her face, not a lot, and were circumstances a little different he might have flirted with her. But even he knew that was crossing a line into creepytown. Idly reaching up he rubbed some of the drywall dust out of his beard. "I am aware of their reputation, but Smash knocked me into the wall, fortunately I am not so... delicate." Half turning towards her and nodding at the location she gave. "I am pretty sure I know where we are. Huh, not far from my place." He chuckled to himself, and started to rise up from the balcony. "You have been a help miss, but I believe I need to go thrash some thieves."

  7. Asad was right behind Ironclad. Pushing off the ground and burst forward through the room, in a move that looked a bit more impressive because of the confined space. And he hit the New Confederate solidly. He wasn't throwing all of his strength. He just was trying to cover the ground, and get in close to restrain him. After he punched him. Because Asad was cranky. "I swear, I am going to marshal all the dark forces of the media and public relations to run all of your names through the mud! An ad campaign! Billboards! Commercials! The works! You ALL will be laughingstocks!"

    And he saw his punch do... nothing. And to his credit Asad did not look shaken by it, he stood there squared off with Rolling Thunder. Feeling he should have swung harder. So he scowled, though he was aware that the numbers were in his favor, even if his blow was a lot more glancing than he wanted.

  8. Seeing the mask move away from her face, he couldn't help but offer her a charming smile. It was second nature, and he wasn't trying when it happened. "Larceny Inc. decided where I was at was a good location to knock off. I had words to say to the contrary," he shivered a little with the power still thrumming through him, Smash hit hard, "And I got sent... here... So, I need to go-" Stopping himself as he realized he'd be a little disorientated. "Hm. Where am I in relation to Parkside?" His attitude wasn't going to help her own blushing, as he seemed, at least, immune to whatever shame would be appropriate in this situation. The kind of attitude necessary to get into a form fitting superhero costume.

  9. Asad watches Madame Marvelous skidattle. "... Not everyday you see an ex is now a looney toon super villain. First big monkey, then deal with crazywoman." He wheeled on the man ape, and burst forward at him like a comet, it was a haymaker blow that he swung in a hard, downward arc to drive the Man-Ape to the ground. His thinking was sound, he saw it maul Weaver, and it almost got Catalyst. He knew he was tough enough to withstand assaults from the thing, he wasn't sure about the other two, and more importantly any civilians that were around. "Would you mind not hitting my associates!? I do not appreciate it! Leave your stinking paws off them, you damn dirty ape!"

  10. That was a shocking experience, he had no frame of reference. Tonight, Amir was planning on calling it a wash, and move on from there. He hit the floor with a smack of his almost naked body, and if he wasn't so, so... so peeved then he might be embarrassed. Only dimly aware of the threat as he pushed himself to his feet, he shook his head a little and looked towards the voice, looking a little disorientated. "My apologies, I, uh..." Well this didn't look familiar at all, this was a completely different building. "Crap. I understand your stance, however, I need to get back to where I was before, so if you will excuse me, I will make my leave." And now was the time where his history of being labelled shameless by Arabic news outlets, Forbes, and various tabloids was helping him. Otherwise he might be a bit embarrassed that all he had on were those boxers, well that and smears of dust from drywall.

  11. He moved in a surprising fluid motion, on his feet, and holding up his hands like a boxer. Looking astoundingly uninjured for how hard he was it. "Step on me? When did you gents decide to be this brutal? Your reps aren't for that. Fine. Then gentlemen, it is, as they say, on." When in doubt, hit the biggest guy there. And hit him hard. A step forward, and a lunging punch. He had been taking boxing lessons recently, realizing he had never really learned how to fight before, and that had to change, drastically if he expected to hang with some of the things out there. And, unsurprisingly, Asad was a fan of Mohammed Ali. It wasn't a haymaker, but he was leaving himself wide open to make sure he had a better swing at him. The force of the blow was a palpable thing, and it was the first time he had truly laid into someone with everything he had.

  12. Asad looked at him carefully. His head tilting a little. "What I am building is not just a group of friends in an attic. Most of these people I only by reputation, or have encounter once. This is more like an affiliation or confederation of heroes. Now, given I am a new hero, I can't precisely knock you for age can I? You're old enough to make this decision. Seeing as how I have money, it makes sense I am the backing force behind all of this. Plus someone has to cover expenses and damages, right?" He flashed the younger hero a grin, and folded his arms across his chest. "And you have enough of a brazen streak that I think we're going to get along just fine." It was that simple, really. Not necessarily easy. "Though, given who I am, our team will have an extra level of scrutiny, so as long as you understand this, I don't think there will be an issue, do you?"

  13. Asad was taken aback on what happened to Angela. Her jabbering pure madness at him didn't help matters, and he found himself hesitating. Then came the screeching/roaring rush of the man-ape, he saw it sweep past him, attacking Weaver, and then the other heroine shooting something at their foes, to gum them up. Despite whatever he might be feeling now, he pulled together with a stubborn set of his jaw under his immaculately kept beard. "I do not have anything witty to say right now. But you need to stop this Angela. Now." And he held up a hand outstretched towards the other thug. He wanted to reason with her, he felt irrationally irresponsible right now. There was a dull roar in his ears a moment before pure kinetic force lanced out and struck the feral thug square in the gut, sending him to the ground, as he rose a foot or so into the air. "Weaver, say something if you are okay!"

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