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Posts posted by TheAbsurdist

  1. Asad pushed up hard arms outstretched as he made it to the vault. Time to see just how strong he was. Fingers slide and scraped over the surface, and gritting his teeth the billionaire hero pushed fingers into steel almost willing his grip into being, and then hanging on, as he pulled back. And he felt power surging and roaring in his ears, and the rope went taut. "Excuse me! I don't believe you have an account at this bank, would you mind terribly just desisting and not almost killing bystanders with collateral damage?" Smirking a little bit as he looked at them, hanging on quite tenaciously.

  2. Asad stops abruptly, along with pretty much everyone else. "Holy- err, sorry Father. Pardon me everyone." And he pushed up, and took off up at the giant Krampus. Throwing himself as fast as he could up through the air, and then through the glass as well, slamming into the beast's midsection. He knew he wasn't going to be able to stop him, but he had to get close, he had to get into the fight, and more importantly, he had to get the Krampus to hit him. Sure he knew the League of Nonstandard Santas were not soft men, but if he could distract it, get it away from the kids. "Hey big ugly, how about you pick a fight with me! I am going to need to bathe in bleach after fighting you, you reek astonishingly."

  3. "As safe as that answer it was, it is a lot of the truth. I mean, I've always done philanthropy; but, I guess, it's hard to grow up in some sense when you have enough money to essentially keep you safe from consequence. Then I went on my Hajj earlier this year and... I don't know, I think I have some perspective I didn't have before, the experience is humbling and forces you to be introspective." Another sip of his water, his smile gone, and he sort of looked into space, as he actually dredged through his thoughts to collect the answer.

    "I am used to the spotlight, I don't know how to live outside of it. And I can use it well. So why should I hide? And with this and using my personal fortune for good means I might be able to actually do something of lasting good." He looked back up and her, and smiled at her, almost sheepishly. "Besides, I am hiding in the open, very few people are taking me seriously. A lot of people think I am just a brainless rich twit." He flashed her a conspiratorial grin. "So that means I am going to end up surprising a lot of people. But then I don't think I am only person capable of that." He gave her a weighted look, making eye contact a moment, and she might take that as him having figuring something out, then he winked, and he made it clear he was simply giving her a compliment.

  4. "I live dangerously, what can I say?" He laughed a little, rolling a glass between his hands contemplatively. "It's simple, or I see it as such. I am the head of a private financial firm that rivals some international banks. I have a personal wealth worth enough to buy an island. My powers is not a subtle thing. I am under constant media scrutiny. I am choosing to embrace all of those things than hide myself. And, I understand PR, I understand the media. They are tools for me to employ in my favor. And being public means it is easier for me to offer financial help for others heroes." And then he looked a little embarrassed, or at least was showing some chagrin. "That didn't sound too rehearsed? I get that question a lot, I go a little autopilot on it..." Taking a sip of his water, and making an apologetic face.

  5. He was walking to a meeting down the road from the current Transnational building, when that explosion happened. Second thoughts didn't happen, only the slight wherewithal to pass his phone off to his assistant, before he found himself running, then flying towards it. Exploding up towards the huge bit of rubble coming off the building, catching it with his body and hands with almost equal impact. And he felt the power echo and reverberate through himself as he was pushed back, though that slowed with each passing second until he could safely lower the stone of the building. Dusting off his hands, still dressed in his expensive Italian tailored suit, he looked up at the building and rose back into the air once more. His expression most decidedly cross as he moved towards the bank proper, wondering how much this escapade was going to cost him, after all one would be hard pressed to find someone in this town he wasn't invested in. Well that was only a slight exaggeration.

  6. He sighed, mostly because this was not precisely an easy thing to explain. "Someone broke into your house and teleported me to the otherside of the park. A few other heroes are here, we are going to see -" Breaking off what he was saying as he pulled on a shirt. "-see about recovering what we can, or if they were after something special." He smiled at her then, a reassuring, confident smile, even if currently he didn't have evidence to back up that assertion outside of his own mind.. "I am sorry our date was ruined my little bird. But I am going to have to chase after these people to get back what is yours. But I am going to need you to identify what they took, and then the police are going to be here to talk to you." He slide the fleece jacket on, before slipping his feet into his shoes.

  7. He glanced to Whiplash, taking a moment for recognition to set in, though he knew almost immediately she wasn't a known associate of Larceny Inc. Nodding at her words, he started to move towards the bedroom, knowing that at worst she was tied up or something. "I think they were breaking into the safe when I woke up. I came out to stop it, and they hit me hard, and then teleported me near Ironclad. One moment." He carefully opened the door, and looked inside, letting out a sigh of relief after a few moments, before stepping into it, and pulling on his clothes. While he didn't have a full hero suit handy, lessons to be considered for later, he did at least a shirt to go along with his nominal cargo khakis.

    "Alright... Owner is still out, I will give the cops a call. I wasn't aware she hibernated instead of slept."

  8. "I should. I would like that, I think. It has been awhile since I traveled, and it wasn't business." That easy smile of his tugged at the corner of his lips as he looked at her. "And the last time I got to London was in college, and the occasionally weekends shirking studies and going clubbing when I was at uni." He managed to keep his tone light as he was, after all, a renowned bachelor and ladies man, though he was not someone who ever lied about that fact.

    When the waiter came by, he ordered the dish he had recommended, and seeing that she was avoiding alcoholic beverages, he did the same. Ordering some more mineral water. "So let's make some of this easier, if you want to know something ask. I am a fairly open book, well in social situations."

  9. Amir remained off to the side, managing to not seem standoffish, for as long as possible. Though he had to admit he liked a media event that wasn't about him, and any efforts towards than end he shut down and directed it back to the kids. Eventually he meandered over to the other two, well three now including the priest, a big grin on his face, as he looked more than moderately ridiculous, not that he noticed or cared, apparently.

    "I just want to say thank you for this opportunity, I am always glad to help for these sorts of things." He didn't add the corollary that was expected, in that this was a good tax break, or something like that. He seemed to be having genuine fun, though that could be attributed to Amir being decidedly immature. And he successfully avoided talking super shop with the other two, and considering he was a rookie, he was rather proud of that accomplishment.

  10. "It is a pity is it not? Ah, well, these things do happen." Flashing his winning smile to her, as he moved to take a seat at the table. "I had not ordered yet, I figured it would be rude to presume, though if you like them, I recommend their bishop hats, it is like ravioli." His expression was careful, as he looked at her, or more accurately looked at her face. He was keeping a sense of decorum, he was being polite, and a gentleman. Not that it was going to halt his flirting, but they really hadn't gotten to know each other yet.

    "I had a wonderful day, played cards with Warren Buffett, got to talk to some people from an Argentinian bank that we are interested it. Also looked at investing in some upcoming films. So, a normal Friday I suppose. How about yourself? I will try to pay attention to what you are saying, my dear, but will you promise to excuse me if I am distracted by how ravishing you look in that dress?"

  11. "I really don't think you should have that little toy. You'll hurt people." And Asad went to grad it from her, before one of the bears that had been stunned came back to it's senses and took a vicious swipe at him, hitting him in the small of his back, and knocking him off balance, as he felt those claws ripping through his skin, shallowly, but still. "I am not a zookeeper! This is ridiculous, I am going to have all this bad press from PETA over this!" He glared at the beast, but realized he still had to get that device out of her hands or worse things would be happening.

  12. He was very adamant about looking at his phone, because that would result in him being absorbed in something work related, or 'other' related. And she deserved his full attention, once she got here. Amir was a patient man, and he arrived early. When he saw her, and he did, he stood up, and moved smoothly to pull out her chair. Fixing one of his better, winning smiles. He had a lot of practice with them, but they came out easy.

    "Seems she forgot about me, more is the pity. Here, have her seat, and let's make the best of what's happened." A devilish twinkle in his eyes, before he winked at her.

  13. Asad was a little focused on his annoyance levels as he was trailed by Ironclad. Otherwise there might have been a bit more of a show, given she was following after him when he was just in a pair of boxers. So she would see his moment suddenly stop before they arrived and it would carry him through, and he landed on his feet, skidding a little, and once more absorbing the blows. He did not immediately recognize Whiplash however, and he started to raise his hands, to fend off the next attack. His eyes narrowed a little, before Ironclad said the name, and it made him visibly relax. "Pardon me then, I need to change. As bracing as it is to fly the friend skies in my unmentionables, I would rather be a bit more covered."

  14. In fact, despite his showy reputation, and history, Amir was avoiding doing anything resembling using his powers. Of course he was nominally circumspect about that in general. After all, his powers were such that it was in his best interest for others to not entirely know the extent/depth of his abilities. Although his real concern was the amount of hell he was going to receive from people in the local Muslim community. Which wouldn't be such a huge issue, if he wasn't helping fun the construiction of a new Mosque in the West End, after the last one had been demolish during the Gorgon Crisis.

    So right now, he was drinking some water, and settling in a little. Fortunately once the kids were steered towards the other two heroes the media magic was pretty much set. And the image of Lou being a big much galoot was a better story than Amir being, well, Amir.

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