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Avenger Assembled

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Everything posted by Avenger Assembled

  1. Oh, great! It's like Market Day out here. At least she's a looker. From his perch on the second floor of the nearby corporate parking garage, Avenger ponders his next move. Going out to help the police now seems like the wisest course of action. OK, he'll lose some of the glory that comes with being the solo hero on the scene...but on the other hand, making friends with cops _and_ another superhero seems like a really great idea. Jack knows that Hieronymous King is no one to be trifled with, and the "gritty street avenger" has no real interest in corporate crime. Instead, a small patch of fog above an overhanging lightpole resolves itself into the black-clad champion of justice. Avenger leaps down onto a civilian car (abandoned by its owner, a Majestic junior executive, when the mob closed in) and gives a shout that crosses the night like a tiger's roar. "Anyone who wants a cop in my city has to go through ME!" It's all great drama for Jack, though perhaps less so for the onlookers.
  2. A few ideas: Quark: "Doo-doo-doo, I'm drivin' around in my car! Oh no, a crazy mob has just smashed my window and is yelling something about fighting the power. I'll show them!" Quark: "Hey, this isn't Canal Street! Stupid cabbie...oh no, a crazy mob is attacking those cops! I'll show them!" Quark: "Fight the power! Wait, I'm a superhero, not a crazy guy in a mob! I'll show them!" Quark: "A riot in the Wading Way? Cops in peril? I'll show them!" For the record, Avenger is in the area because he was monitoring his police band and somewhat misinterpreted what he overheard. There turned out to be more cops, and more rioters than he'd thought. :D
  3. Hokay, Avenger is in position to go save some cops...as soon as they're in a little more peril. ;)
  4. I did not sign up for a mob. The thought echoes in Avenger's mind over and over again as he peers at the crowd from his rooftop perch, his black-clad body getting harder and harder to make out as night falls all around him. Maybe I should buy a better police scanner. He thinks about leaving before he sees the cops getting pelted by the mob, and then laughs ever-so-quietly. Perfect. Getting the thin blue line on Avenger's side is a perfect plan, just perfect. He slips down off the roof and makes his way via back alleys to as close as he can get to the police cordon around Majestic. Taking shelter behind a dumpster, he disappears into mist and shadow, waiting for the situation to get worse before he takes more direct action.
  5. The Fens, the poorest, most crime-ridden area of Freedom City, has a new superhero: the tough, take-no-prisoners vigilante Avenger. The mysterious black-clad hero has dished out several brutal beatings to the worst of the worst who prey on the weakest and most disadvantaged people in society.
  6. Aw! Well, they'll have a chance to run into each other later. :|
  7. From the description of the feat "Hide in Plain Sight": "You can make Stealth checks even while being observed and even if you do not have cover or concealment. Characters normally must have cover or concealment to hide and cannot make Stealth checks while being observed." Characters with Hide in Plain Sight are specifically exempted from the Vanishing challenge, because they can hide automatically (with a successful roll) anyway.
  8. Okay, I think that's a proper use of the Hide in Plain Sight feat. Refs reading, if you disagree, lemme know. Good interaction; Jack will certainly be seeing out this lovely thing another time. Or she could pursue him inside, depending on her notice check. Either way. :D
  9. Jack took a step towards the sudden vision of loveliness, his teeth lengthening a little behind his mask. She's beautiful! The urges he feels at the sight of this gorgeous young thing are masculine and predatory all at once, even with blood freshly in him. If they were in a club, or anywhere else for that matter, he'd be on that like white on rice. But. Avenger wouldn't do it. Avenger wouldn't stay here and dally with this sweet young thing. Besides, Jack remembered what had happened the last time he'd let a mysteriously beautiful young lady take control of the evening. "Pleasure's all mine, honey. But I think you'd better deal with that, first." He nods his head behind the young lady, even though his heart isn't really in it. When her back is turned, he takes this opportunity to vanish down a ventilation duct into the tenement row house beneath them.
  10. The figure above doesn't reply at first, though the gleam of his eyes fade as he moves back a half-step into darkness. It's human contact, Jack thinks, real human contact. So what if she might be crazy? Giving her some money, letting her do her thing if that's what she wants...those are good things. And I'm a good man. But if she strips down and starts coming up here, I am getting _out_. "No charity, huh? Do it." he assents.
  11. "Name's Avenger." Avenger's voice is growl and purr all at once, rising from the dark shadows of the roof. Jack's been practicing it for weeks, taking advantage of the recent showing of _Raven Begins_ on Channel 4. This time, he lets her see him; a black on black shadow against the dark night above, with only the gleam of his eyes visible in the glow of the light below. "Go get some hot food, Zallaro. It's too cold to be out."
  12. Huh. Okay, maybe the lady down below was crazy. Jack knew to stay away from crazy; you never knew when 'crazy' meant 'psychic.' And encountering a psychic, especially tonight, would be bad. But he'd always had a soft spot for hard luck cases, and if she couldn't see him..."Money's yours,," he hissed down from the shelter of the roof above. "Buy yourself something nice."
  13. "I want to buy your rock!" Getting back on the thread topic, if my intro thread is still going by the time you guys are ready to jump in, good stuff. If not, we'll meet up later.
  14. So how many people were you shooting for, Pandorym? We don't want to overpopulate the eventual thread, I'll wager.
  15. And someone's gotta fight those green blobs! :D
  16. Well, a choice between breaking into a high-security installation and dealing with an angry crowd is still a choice.
  17. Count me in as interested! Avenger wouldn't care about corporate fraud, but mass riots are bad for everyone. And if he does run into Ned, the more the merrier.
  18. OK, great. And if you're OK with what I did, we can commence to character interaction. If Jane makes her Notice check. ;)
  19. Two hundred dollars, all right! I can afford that XBox now, and maybe some good games to go with it. If I get a couple of those a night, I'll be able to stop doing favors for people and start living on my own money. Though Jack didn't make his money from blood tithes and drug dealing the way some vampires did, the fact remained that very few undead made their money from 'legitimate' sources. He was coming back on his previous circuit when he saw the woman in the alley, bending down and counting a wad of bills that was a lot smaller than his own. Aw, geez. Why on Earth had he looked down just at that particular moment? Another few minutes, thought the allegedly hard-hearted vigilante, and he'd have been on his way with money in his pocket. He thought for only a moment before vaulting down from the rooftop to the alley below, not bothering to be particularly stealthy in his descent. If the woman below saw her rescuer, who was he to take that from her? He tossed a neatly tied roll of hundreds in ones and fives on the ground, waiting to see if he'd been spotted.
  20. Nariek, I'm confused by your post. :? Avenger has already fought with the mugger and left the scene of the crime; in fact, his last post ended a good thirty minutes after his introductory fight. He's currently bounding from rooftop to rooftop, putting tracks between himself and his feeding grounds like a smart vampire should. You should probably revise.
  21. A tech-using enemy would be a good antagonist for Avenger; the better not to raise any suspicions.
  22. Done and done. This is Avenger's first night out, woo!
  23. I've recently started Avenger's debut thread over in the Fens, the sort of place where a hero of his sort is likely to function the best. If anyone else has a character who wants to run into Avenger on his very first night as a superhero (as friend or as foe), by all means, go for it. If you're a ref with a plot, same same! ;)
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