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Everything posted by WhiteDrag0n-24

  1. ... ha ha ha HAHAHAHAHAHA :rotfl: I think that Dashel problebly would have hade the connection though...
  2. Well informed about Mumbo Jumbo http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1753619/
  3. The inside of the chapel had been cleared out long ago. Now it belonged to the rats and lowlifes. Apparently, however, a card table and three chairs had been set up in the center of the small room, the one last flickering florescent bathing the card table in a yellow light. The sound of feet clapped on the linoleum floor as from the darkness many eyes watched the proceedings. As the ghost passed, Grey waved a hand to the kid out side and he ran off. Please, have a seat, Mr. Ghost. Grey sits at the table, straight backed and proper, his amour strangely silent. Herr Doktor sits as well grinning at some joke that hasn’t been said. Grey looks calm, stoic, almost bored. It’s difficult to see what it is that he is thinking. He raises a hand and the grey robed figures around the room disappear into hallways and doorways, the last two exit the from door and close it behind them, leaving the only source of light, the blinking florescence. "Mr. Ghost," Grey begins, "before we continue I want to make it clear that my involvement in this matter is to remain a secret. The rather useless display tonight was to help make that point clear. Succeed or fail, I am to remain a silent partner. I need to make sure that is understood?†Grey leaned forward in his chair, the light of the florescence bathing his face in strange shadows. Still his face remains emotionless, but lhe fixes his steal grey eyes on the ghost's.
  4. Dashel uncocked his gun and put it back into its holster. “I’ll answer the last one first.†From the inside pocket of his jacket he pulled out a business card and held it out to the samurai. “Dashel Mason, Private I. Friends of the family, sitting so nicely together downstairs, asked me to take a look.†Turned his eye down to sort the cards and put them back into his pocket. “ As for the bit about your father…†Dashel looked up from under the fedora, a bit of a grin on his face. “There’s not much in this town I don’t know, and even less I can’t find out about. That sword of instance, I wonder what kind of magics were used to make that. Some kind of ancient Japanese Mumbo jumbo? And I supose your the blue streak i saw earlier; well, at least there isn't anybody else.†Dashel pulled out a pack of cigarettes, then, remembering where he was, sighed and put them back in his coat. Noticbly more irritated Dashel looked at the Samurai. “Now what should I call you? Or do you prefer kung foo reject?â€Â
  5. Perfect Dashel is trying to hide his fear. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1751204/ And while he's at it he'll get a closer look at that sword. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1751211/
  6. Dashel cocked his head back away from the blade, he could feel the cold steal at his neck. This guy was fast, crazy fast, he didn’t even see the blade coming. Dashel’s eyes glanced down at this guy. Platnum hair? Blue coat? Scary sword? This guy was definitely a super… or a villain. … Wait, didn’t I hear about some crazy sword wielding super down at the “Hot licks†last Tuesday, or Wednesday,… or Thursday. With any luck, this is the guy, guess we’ll find out. Dashel’s eyes met the samurai’s again; then he smiled out the side of his mouth and cocked an eye brow. “So who are you supposed to be, some kung foo movie reject?†He could feel the blade press against his skin. “Or maybe you’re that samurai do gooder I heard about? Find your father yet?†The sword pressed harder, cutting a little. “H-hey, believe it or not I’m a good guy. How about you put away your sword, I put away my .45, before we both get hurt. Besides, looking at the way you’ve been tramping through here, I’d say it’s your lucky day.â€Â
  7. The coast seems clear in the back alley as the Boy motions you closer. “If anyone’s wasting your time, it’s not me… it’s him.†He says darkly pointing behind you, as a shadow doubt for the first time enters the boys face. Suddenly the sound of creaking hinges is heard, as the doors of our “Sister of the immaculate heart†open slowly. Large metal boot steps out onto the ground in front of the abandoned chapel. Half covered in shadow an intimidating man stands in the door way. He seems to fill the cavernous space of the door, though he only stands no more than 6’ tall. He is dressed in medieval armor, colored flat grey, which seems to absorb the filtered moonlight rather than reflect it. He radiates an aura of command and his steal grey eyes seem to stare directly into the soul. Next to him stands a wild, white haired man, who seems dwarfed in comparison. He wears a lab coat over a shirt and tie, but on his face he wears the same red goggles that were on the boy. His face seems truly crazed. In the chapel you can see maybe a half dozen more red eyes reflecting in the darkness. “My apologies for the deception, Sir. Ghost†The armored man speaks in a familiar smooth baritone, stepping into the light. “but I wish to remain as… discreet as possible. This is my associate, Smith, but you may call him Herr Doktor. As for me: I’m Maximums Grey†Grey motions for you to come in side.
  8. I did. In case it's unclear from my post, I'm trying to set up an ambush just as Sen comes out the door, but given my horrible sneak check he problably knows I'm there. Eitherway I'm covering the door. This should get interesting. 8-) PS: I forgot to put in the notes of the roll that the sneak was a Prob. Control roll. sry
  9. Dashel proceeded up the steps into the darkness of the upper floors. Checking the blindspots, just as Robert had taught him. A bead of sweat dripped down his face as he reached the top of the stairs. Out of the corner of his eye, Dashel thought he saw a swift movementfrom one of the open doorways. Thinking quickly, Dashel pretended like he didn’t notice and slowly walked toward the door. For a heart wrenching moment Dashel stood in the open doorway of the boy’s room, surveying the toppled furniture and blood stained carpet, the lights from a passing car highlighting him in horizontal stripes. Then he continued down the hall. As soon as Dashel passed the door, he quietly put his back to the wall, pressing himself up against the drywall. Holding out his gun, he cocked the hammer, hoping to get the drop on the mysterious guest.
  10. The world was spinning. Shots rang out in the darkness. Crys. Familiar cries. Crys of a friend. A wearhouse. Blood on my hands. And laughing… Maniacal laughing. No… wait. That’s banging… loud banging. The world came back into focus, and Dashel was greeted by the soft gyrations of the plastic aloha! hula girl, his faithful ivory handled pistol, an overflowing ashtray, and yesterdays freedom post, that had secured itself to Dashels face by way of his drool. And that incessant banging. The room was brightly illuminated by the afternoon sun, casting horizontal shadows through the dust filled air. The shelves are lined with religious oddities, knickknacks, old books, Buddha figures, fetishes, and novelties. Papers and old files poured out of the cabinets that are supposed to hold them and litter the floor, mixed with empty cartons of cigarettes and drained liquor bottles. A short hall leads to an even messier bedroom and bathroom. The ceiling fan softly turned the smoke filled air as an old hound dog lay sleeping in the corner. Next to the door a coat rack stood, holding a tan trench coat and a matching fedora. And rapping on the fogged glass of the door was an irate man of some kind. “Uhhh. Hold on I’m coming†Dashel said as he pealed the paper from his face, leaving a stain over Felise’s scathing article. He stood and stumbled again as the force of the Hangover hit him like a ten ton hammer; a ten ton hammer with a five foot swing. “Holy…†he swore to himself as he regained his balance and headed for the door, but not before stumbling over a pile of files. “One second, hold on.†He told the incessant banging. He removed the lock and bolts, stopping only a second to rest his head, before opening the door. “It’s done Mr. Mason†said the kindly old man who stood outside, splotch of black paint on his chin, brush in hand, and proud smile on his face. “I haven’t done one of these in ages.†In black lettering, freshly painted on the fogged glass, read: Dashel Mason Private Investigator 13b “that’ll be two hundred and forty dollars, please†said the old fella, holding out his hand expectantly. Dashel needed to stop drinking so much; he thought he heard something crazy. “H-H-How much?†“100 for stenciling, 40 for paint, plus time and labor… ... say what’s that?†The old man bent down to see the strange marks that ran vertically up the liner of the door, strange symbols he had never seen, written in chalk or… something else… Dashel’s body suddenly moved in the way of the strange marks. “sorry… I’m a little short right now.†The old man looked up at Dashel. Dashel was laughing nervously, but something in his eyes told the old man not to press any further. He sighed as he straightened back up. “Well… that’s ok, here’s the bill. Bring the money on by when you have it.†He said as he handed Dashel a slip of paper, gathered his supplies, put on his cap, and turned to go. “Oh, and son.†The old man turned his head just enough to lock eyes with Dashel. “Lay off the hooch. Ya smell like a bar.†Than the old man went down the stairs out of sight. Dashel opened the door wide, and sat down next to the old sleepy hound dog in the corner, and watched the drying paint. “Well old Blue, were finally open for business.†The hound dog looked at the door, back to dashel, grumbled and went back to sleep, head on Dashel’s lap. Dashel looked at the mess of the apartment and saw a picture frame lying face down on the floor. He reached over and picked it up. The two men in the picture were cops, FCPD, and they were happy. “Ya know Robert, I think you’d be proud.â€Â
  11. The contact turned with a start, revealing his face. A teenage boy; his face lacking in age and experience. He grinned, almost manically, behind the dark red goggles. “The ghost, yea? Your late.†He looked around quickly. “The walls have ears,†he said “come this way.†The boy quickly hustled down the crowded board walk until he came to an alley. Beckoning you forward, the boy entered the shadows. On either side the Casino buildings raised high into the sky, allowing only thin strips of moonlight to filter through to the ground. The noise of the street, and the ringing of chips, seems distant in this alcove. At the end of the short alley, stands “Our sister of the immaculate heart†an tiny, old chapel, set up around the heyday of the Palace, a forgotten relic off shoot of “Our lady of mercy.†The sisters used to try to convert sinners here, but when the Mob thought it was bad for business, they kindly asked the sisters to close it down, but kept the property open, out of respect. Now it’s boarded up, the old cross still hanging above the door, tilted and gathering dust, and the alley used as a place to store the dumpsters. Behind one such dumpster the boy scurried and beckons closer, so that you are out of the light of the street and hidden from view.
  12. Dashel didn’t like the job. The trenchcoated figure stood on the street in front of the house, smoking his cigarette, the headlights of a passing car briefly highlighting the figure’s haggard face in the dying light of the evening. He stood there reflecting on the actions of the past few hours. The crying faces of friends of the deceased, with no knowledge of the shaded past that led to their... murder? … deaths? … who knows. Normally he would leave this one to the police, but that girl's sobs had changed his mind. Besides, It couldn’t hurt to take a look ... right? Looking up at the dark house from under the brim of his fedora, Dashel sighed. “I don’t like this job.†Dashel smiled to himself: but when did he ever. “What the heck was that?!†Dashel instinctively reached for the gun, nestled in the chest holster on his right side. Some kind of blue streak had just run past…or he thought it did… maybe not. Dashel shook his head and moved his hand down to the other handle in his jacket, the one on his hip flask, and took a swig of the horrid mixture of herbal medicine and Jack Daniel’s or whatever strong liquor Chen put in this stuff. Supposed to be lucky though, and that was good enough for Dashel. For what he paid for it and how bad it tasted, it had better bring him luck. It had better, because this looked like a bad case and now Dashel was seeing things. Stamping out his cigarette and brushing aside the yellow tape Dashel walked to the front door and tried it. Locked. Standard police procedure, but sometimes they forgot the back door. Heading around back Dashel found the back door already ajar… not a good sign. Drawing the old .45 from his jacket he stepped into the building, shutting the door behind him, quietly as possible and entered in attempts not to disturb the crime scene. The grotesque scene of the living room was a sight that made Mason shiver. Such a massacre Mason had not seen in a long time. Daemons, maybe, but he long ago learned not to underestimate the depraved minds of men. Besides, even daemons leave traces behind; you just have to know how to look. Dashel moved his other hand to cover his mouth and nose, and turned his mind to more pressing issues. “I wonder where our mysterious guest is, upstairs perhaps?â€Â
  13. I've already writen a post. Can I post even though I haven't been aproved yet? If so, in interest of getting the ball rolling, here's my Well informed check upon meeting him.
  14. I would like to join this thread as soon as my character is approved, if that's ok. It seems right up his alley.
  15. “You’re a hard man to find, Mr. Ghost.†The man on the phone had a smooth and pleasant baritone voice, yet it was underpinned by hidden malice. Even through the crackly machine, it held power. And try as one might; no hint of emotion could be heard. “I have a proposition for you, a job, if you will. Meet me outside the Atlantis at 10:00, look for the man in red glasses. I will wait for one hour, if your not there by 11 I will assume you have no interest in the …position. Have no doubts, Mr. ghost, I can make it worth your while. †The glistening lights shone like a beacon, advertising the sweet sins that only the boardwalk could provide. And the people of freedom swarmed, like moths to the flame, bedecked in their best wings, and stepping over those already burned. In the madness of the crowd one could find anonymity, making it an excellent place to hide. And on that boardwalk, among the filth of those robed by the casinos false promises, a man searching for something in the teaming crowd, a man he was to meet, a man who wanted to stay hidden, a veritable ghost. The watcher was of average height, dressed in grey robes and carrying a package. His face was hidden except for the red glasses that shown in the light of the board walk. He didn’t look too out of place, but enough so that he stood out. He was fidgety. Perhaps whatever he was waiting for would arrive soon.
  16. The lights of the city burned like a thousand twinkling stars in the backgrond of riverside park. It was early morning and only the spotlights were awake around the centurion statue. The night guardsman had just finished her nightly rounds. Nights are usually busy in Freedom, but tonight was quiet. Yawning the guard looked up at the statue. “We’ll always remember†she said to herself, and turned to go on with her duties. Out of the shadows stepped a wild, white haired man wearing a lab coat, on his eyes he wore red tinted glasses that prevented any idea of what his eyes looked like. He looked around with a crased zeal intill he was sure the coast was clear. “I don’t know why you wanted to come here†the wild haired man spits, “This thing gives me the creeps.†The sound seems to hush as out of the shadows steps an imposing figure, dressed head to toe in medieval armor. His grey eyes tilt upward toward the face of the statue, his face emotion less. He takes in the salty air, in a quiet breath, the air around him humming with tension. The white haired man cowers in the presence of this man. “So here even mortals can become gods… that should prove… useful.†Silence fills the quiet park, broken only by the sound of lapping waves, the hum of the lights, and the sound of distant traffic. “Well even the gods shall be held responsible.†He turns his piercing grey eyes to the white haired man. “Come doctor, we have an army to build…,†he turns his eyes one last time to the statue, “and a job to do.†With that, they disappear into the night.
  17. There were actualy some consistancy mistakes, but should be better now done Finally, as a usage note, you have to choose which part of Luck Control goes away when you use it as part of his Fades flaw there. For ease on my part I changed Fade to Unreliable (use 5 times then need a recharge) on the luck controll ability. "Even my luck run's out eventualy"
  18. Players Name: …Fate? Power Level: 2 Characters Name: Sorry, unsecured website Alternate Identity: White Drag0n Height: 6’…ish Weight: 250lbs Hair: Dark brown Eyes: Hazel Description: A somewhat chubby, yet debonair man with striking hazel eyes and a laid back disposition History: The trouble started when my cousin showed me this game called Dungeons and Dragons, I’ve been hooked ever since. I Started with 1st edition and I’ve been ingesting the stuff ever since then, now turning to the great d20 franchise. In college I got into White Wolf a little, but I’m still best versed with the D20 rules. I also play Warhammer 40K and Dark Heresy. Now I’ve moved to the big NYC and don’t know anybody around to game with, so I’ve turned to teh mystical interweb tubes to get my fix. Complications: A bit shy and aloof, and I constantly seem to worry about how others think of me. Stats: 16pp Str: 12 (+1) Dex: 8 (-1) Con: 12 (+1) Int: 16 (+3) Wis: 14 (+2) Cha: 14 (+2) Combat: 4pp Attack: +1 Grapple: +2 Defence: +1 Knockback: -1 Initiative: +0 Saves: 0pp Toughness: +2 ( +1 Con, +1 other) Fortitude: +1 ( +1 Con) Reflex: +0 (-1 Dex) Will: +2 (+2 Wis) Skills: 32r = 8pp Bluff 2 (+3) Computers 2 (+5) Craft (artistic) 2 (+5) Craft (structural) 2 (+5) Deplomacy 1 (+3) Disguise 2 (+4) Drive 2 (+1) Handle animal 1 (+3) Knowledge (art) 3 (+6) Knowledge (behavioural sciences) 1 (+4) Knowledge (current events) 1 (+4) Knowledge (Earth sciences) 1 (+4) Knowledge (popular culture) 3 (+6) Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 3 (+6) Perform (acting) 2 (+5) Perform (oratory) 1 (+3) Perform (singing) 2 (+5) Survival 1 (+3) Feats: 2pp Quick change Equipment 1 Equipment Cell phone Leather jacket (protection 1) Laptop Video camera Apartment (Dimunitive, living space, security system) Powers: none Drawbacks: -1 PP Poor (+4 starting wealth bonus) DC Block: ATTACKS: SAVE DC: DAMAGE TYPE: (Name of Attack) (Save DC/Type) (Type of Damage:Bruise/Injury, or other) Blast 10 --- 20/Toughness --- injure Blast 20 --- 30/toughness --- injure Costs: Abilities (16) + Combat (4) + Saves (0) + Skills (8) + Feats (3) + Powers (0) - Drawbacks (-1) = Total Cost 30
  19. I was thinking that MnM is a very open system, so I thought that we could post our favorite characters, superheros, even ourselves in MnM rules! I figure I'll start out with a character for a friend of mine, who realy like Mega man: Players Name: Capcom Power Level: 10 Characters Name: Megaman Alternate Identity: Rockman, ロックマン, Blue bommer Height: unknown Weight: unknown Hair: Black …ish Eyes: Blue Description: A young boy in blue armour History: Mega was built by Dr. Light to act as an utility droid as well as serve as his son. Just prior to building the small boy-robot, Dr. Light had just released his new industrial robots: Gust Man, Cut Man, Ice Man, Bomb Man, Elec Man, and Fire Man. All was going well until all of a sudden, all of the industrial robots went berserk. Destroying everything in sight and taking control of all of the nearby utility and security droids, the town was thrown into a panic. Mega, seeing the horrible destruction the industrial robots were causing, Mega volunteered to have himself converted into a battle robot by Dr. Light. The newly improved Mega Man proceeded to defeat the industrial robots, and approached the mad-man behind it all. Dr. Wily, Dr. Light's old assistant, had used specialized computer chips to take control of the minds of Light's industrial robots, referring to them now as the Robot Masters. Mega Man defeated Wily's behemoth the Yellow Devil, and forced him to flee from the scene. Mega Man was able to destroy the control device during the fight and was able to free the industrial robots from Wily's control. Wily quickly returns after his defeat at the hands of Mega Man with a new group of Robot Masters. Specifically engineered for battle: Wind Man, Wood Man, Quick Man, Bubble Man, Metal Man, Flash Man, and Crash Man were all made to pit themselves against the blue bomber. After defeating them, one-by-one, in armed combat, Mega Man was led to Wily's new headquarters. Mega Man was able to defeat Wily once again, but he escaped before he could be detained. Wily attacks Mega Man countless more times, but Mega Man always defeats him. However, when eventually Mega Man found the chance to eliminate Dr. Wily from existence, he failed to do so. It is unknown what Mega Man's fate is, but it is known that he is somehow decommissioned before the awakening of Mega Man X. Curtsy of www.comicvine.com/mega-man/29-50037/ Complications: Wanted by Dr. Willy Stats: 24pp Str: 24 (+7) Dex: 20 (+5) Con: - (-) Int: 14 (+2) Wis: 14 (+2) Cha: 10 (+0) Combat: 32pp Attack: +8 (+10 w/ blaster) Grapple: +15 Defence: +8 Knockback: -0 Initiative: +0 Saves: 3pp Toughness: +10 ( - Con, +10 other) Fortitude: - ( - Con) Reflex: +5 (+5 Dex) Will: +5 (+2 Wis, +3) Skills: 4r = 1pp Notice 4 (+6) Feats: 3pp Fearless Improved initiative Attack specialisation (blaster) Powers: 96pp Buster Array 40 Ar: Blast 10 (Energy blast; Pf: Alternate power; Db: full power) Ap: Blast 20 (Fl: Full action; Db: full power) Ar: Mimic 10 (2pt variant, only powers, one at a time; FL: limited -2 (broken mechanical beings), Fade; Ex: continuous, extra subject 3) Immunity 30 (fortitude saves Protection 10 (Ex: impervious) Quickness 2 (x5) Supper strength 2 (Heavy load 2.8 tons) Drawbacks: -9 PP Power loss (needs to recharge periodically, either at a recharge station or by finding energy capsules; uncommon, major) -3 Vulnerable (EMPs and things that harm electronics, uncommon, major) -3 Can’t heal (must be repaired if broken, very common, minor) -3 DC Block: ATTACKS: SAVE DC: DAMAGE TYPE: (Name of Attack) (Save DC/Type) (Type of Damage:Bruise/Injury, or other) Blast 10 --- 20/Toughness --- injure Blast 20 --- 30/toughness --- injure Costs: Abilities (24) + Combat (32) + Saves (3) + Skills (1) + Feats (3) + Powers (96) - Drawbacks (-6) = Total Cost 150 This is my best shot, if you think this is about right, or if it needs some changes let me know, or better yet: Post your own! I won't be offended... much. :D
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