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Dr Archeville

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Posts posted by Dr Archeville

  1. Horrorshow


    "Loch Ness?!" Davyd exclaimed, his whole face lighting up.  "Oh, I've got to take a swim in that, yeah?  Maybe see if I can find Nessie."  His right arm and had smoothly shifted into a plesiosaur's neck and head, with grey-green scales and bright blue eyes, which looked around Adam's cabin as Davyd spoke.  He turned his head and put on a look of exaggerated shock, "oh!  There she is now!"  He reached for the "neck" with his left hand, but the dino-limb ducked out of the way.  He tried again, and a third time, but it kept dodging out of the way.  After a few moments, though, he stopped the act and the dino-limb rested its "head" on his left shoulder.


    "Say, Lulu," and he used his left hand to give his dino-arm head-scritches until it shifted back to a normal arm, "you've got family ties to Scotland, so do you have a clan tartan?  Or coat-of-arms?"


  2. Players Name: Dr Archeville

    Characters Name: Protectron

    Power Level: 15 (built as PL 10)

    Power Points: 250/250

    Trade-Offs: -2 Attack/+2 Effect, -2 Defense/+2 Toughness vs. all others

    Unspent PP: 0



    Disability: Protectron's mind is susceptible to effects that target the minds of organic sapient beings as well as those that target the 'minds' of non-sentient machines

    Prejudice: Protectron is a robot, and one that simply appeared from out of nowhere.  It is bound to face difficulties from others.

    Responsibility: Protectron must preserve all organic life!



    ABILITIES: 0 + 6 - 10 + 16 + 6 + 0 = 18pp

    STR 35/22 (+12/+6); effective Str 70/32

    DEX 16 (+3)

    CON ---

    INT 26 (+8)

    WIS 16 (+3)

    CHA 10 (+0)



    COMBAT: 8 + 10 = 18pp

    Initiative: +8 (Speed of Thought)

    Attack: +4, +8 melee; +8 w/ Blasts and Snare

    Grapple: +27; +16 without Enhanced STR

    Defense: +8/+6 (+5 Base, +3/+1 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed

    Knockback: -11 in Super-STR mode; -11 vs. Energy, -6 vs. Physical otherwise



    SAVING THROWS: 5 + 7 = 12pp

    Toughness: +12 [Imp 10/2] (+2 Density, +10 Protection; Impervious 10 in Super-STR mode, Imp 10 vs. Energy, 2 vs. Physical otherwise)

    Fortitude: ---

    Reflex: +8 (+3 Dex, +5)

    Will: +10 (+3 Wis, +7)



    SKILLS: 60r = 15pp

    Computers 12 (+20)Online Research, Well-Informed

    Craft (Electronic) 12 (+20)

    Craft (Mechanical) 12 (+20)

    Craft (all others) 0 (+8)

    Disable Device 1 (+9)

    Knowledge (Technology) 12 (+20)

    Knowledge (all others) 0 (+8)

    Medicine 2 (+5)

    Notice 7 (+10)

    Sense Motive 2 (+5)



    FEATS: 17PP

    Accurate Attack [-Effect, +Attack roll]

    All-Out Attack [-Defense, +Attack]

    Attack Focus (melee) 4

    Dodge Focus

    Eidetic Memory

    Favored Enemy (Robots) [+2 circumstance bonus on Bluff, Intimidate, Gather Information, Investigate, Knowledge, Notice, Search, and Sense Motive rolls]


    Improvised Tools


    Jack of all Trades

    Online Research

    Power Attack [-Attack, +Effect]

    Speed of Thought



    Enhanced Feats

    Dodge Focus 2 (to Dodge Focus 3 total)

    Improved Grab [can initiate a Grapple check as a Reaction following a successful unarmed attack]

    Improved Grapple [can maintain grapple w/ one limb]

    Luck 3


    Veteran Rewards

    Equipment 5 (25 EP)

    Size: Diminutive (apartment-sized); Toughness: +15; Features: Communications, Computer 2 (MW), Defense System no.1 (Blast 9 [PFs: Variable Descriptor 2/any], +10 to hit), Defense System no.2 (Snare 9 [PFs: Variable Descriptor 2/any], +10 to hit), Fire Prevention System, Laboratory 2 (MW), Library 2 (MW), Personnel, Power 2 #1 (Environmental Control), Power 2 #2 (Regeneration), Power #3 (Super-Senses), Power System, Security System 3 (DC 30), Self-Repairing, Think-Tank 2 (MW), Workshop 2 (MW).

    Cost: -2 + 2 + 25 = 25 EP (Equipment 5)

    Power no.1: Environmental Control 5 (4pp/rank, 100-ft. radius; Extras: Duration [Continuous], Selective Attack; PFs: Precise, Selective) ("Customizable Environments") [32/40p]

    Power no.2: Regeneration 11 (Recovery +9, Recovery Rate: Injured 1 [20 minutes], Disabled 1 [5 hours]; Extras: Affects Objects, Affects Others; Flaws: Limited [Others Only]; PFs: Regrowth) ("Maintenance & Repair Pod") [23/40p]

    Power no.3: Super Senses 19 (acute analytical extended 2 [1,000 ft. increment] radius ranged tracking detect energy 3 [radio sense] {10}, acute analytical detect physical objects 3 [tactile] {5}, microscopic vision 4) {19/20}

    • Masterwork Computer grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Computer skill checks.
    • MW Laboratory grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Knowledge skills when performing scientific tests and experiments.
    • MW Library grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Knowledge skills when doing research.
    • MW Think-Thank grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Gather Information, Investigation, and Knowledge checks to answer questions.
    • MW Workshop grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Craft skill checks.



    POWERS: 1 + 2 + 10 + 19 + 5 + 38 + 1 + 12 + 2 + 30 + 4 + 10 + 5 + 2 + 5 + 18 + 12 = 176PP


    Additional Limbs 2 (2 tiny robotic arms in the neck; Note: Sustained Duration; Flaw: Limited [only when Anatomical Separation is active]) [1PP]


    Anatomic Separation 1 (head) [2PP]


    Comprehend 5 (electronics 2 [speak & understand], languages 3 [read, speak any, understand]) [10PP]


    Density 6 (+12 Str, +2 Impervious Toughness, Immovable 2, Super-Strength 2 [effective Str 32, hvy load 460 lbs.], x5 mass; Extra: Duration [Continuous]; Flaw: Permanent; PF: Innate) [19PP]


    Device 1 (Cape, 5 points; Flaw: Easy to Lose 2; PFs: Restricted 2 [Only Protectron Can Use]) [5PP]

    Enhanced Feats 5 (Dodge Focus 2, Luck 3) [5DP]


    Primary Energy Systems 16.5 (33 points; PFs: Alternate Power x5) [38PP]

    • BE: Enhanced Feats 3 (adds Improved Critical 2 [18-20] and Incurable to unarmed strikes; Flaw: Limited [Only vs. Technological Cyborgs & Robots]) {2} + Enhanced Feats 2 (Improved Grab, Improved Grapple) {2} + Enhanced Strength 13 (to 35/+12) {13} + Impervious Toughness 8 (structural support field; note: Sustained Active effect; Flaw: Limited [Only vs. Physical]) {4PP} + Super-Strength 5 (total Super-Str 7; total effective Str 70; Lt Load 16 tons, Med Load 32 tons, Hvy Load 50 tons, Max Load 100 tons) {10}  {2+2+13+4+10 = 31/33} 
    • AP: Blast 10 (”assorted blasters”; PFs: Accurate 3 [+10 to hit], Improved Ranged Disarm, Indirect 2 [can fire beams from its hands, eyes, mouth, and the daka crystals in the center of its chest, on its shoulderpieces, and on its forehead], Precise, Split Attack, Variable Descriptor 2 [any energy]) {30} plus Enhanced Feats 3 (adds Improved Critical 2 [18-20] and Incurable to Blast; Flaw: Limited [Only vs. Technological Cyborgs & Robots]) {2}  {30+3=33/33}
    • AP: Create Object 20 (”replicators”, 20 5-ft. Cubes, Toughness 20, STR 100 [hvy load 12,500 tons]; Extra: Duration [Continuous]; Flaw: Action [Full], Range [Touch]; PFs: Innate, Precise, Subtle, Variable Descriptor 2 [any matter]) {25} and Immunity 3 (starvation/thirst, suffocation; Extras: Affects Others, Area [General, Burst, 15 ft.]) {6}  {25+6=31/33} 
    • AP: Dazzle Radio & Visual 10 (“EM Flare”; Extra: Area [General, Cone, 100-ft.]; Flaw: Range [Touch]) {30/33} 
    • AP: Environmental Control 4 (2 points/rank of cold, heat, light, and/or radiation; Extra: Selective Attack; Flaw: Range [Touch]) {8} plus Feature 1 (Mimicry) {1} plus Illusion 5 (“holographic playback system,” visual and audio; Extra: Duration [Sustained]; PFs: Precise, Progression 3 [50 ft radius]) {24} {8+1+24=33/33}
    • AP: Snare 10 (”tangle cables”; PFs: Accurate 3 [+10 to hit], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Reversible, Split Attack, Tether) {28} plus Enhanced Feats 8 (adds Homing, Improved Critical 2 [18-20], and Obscures Senses 5 [all] to Snare; Flaw: Limited [Only vs. Technological Cyborgs & Robots]) {4}  {28+4=32/33}


    Feature 1 (Temporal Inertia) [1PP]


    Flight 6 (500 mph / 5,000 feet Move action) [12PP]

    + Enhanced Flight 2 (to Flight 8 [2,500 mph / 25,000 feet per Move action]; Flaw: Limited [Detached Head only]) [2PP]


    Immunity 30 (Fortitude effects) [30PP]


    Impervious Toughness 8 (energy absorption; Flaw: Limited [Only vs. Energy, not Physical]) [4PP]


    Protection 10 [10PP]


    Quickness 5 (x50) [5PP]

    + Enhanced Quickness 4 (to Quickness 9 [x1,000]; Flaw: Limited [Mental Only]) [2PP]


    Regeneration 5 (+0 Recovery Bonus) [5PP]


    Secondary Energy Systems 6 (12pp; PF: Alternate Power 6) [18PP]

    • BE: Communication 9 (radio, Anywhere on Earth; PF: Subtle) {10/12}    
    • AP: Datalink 3 (radio, 1,000 feet; Extra: Area; PFs: Machine Control, Selective, Subtle) {9/12}
    • AP: Dazzle Radio Strike 12 (“radio-blocking strike”; adds Extra: Linked Dazzle Radio 12 to Unarmed Strike; Extra: Affects Objects; Flaw: Limited [Only vs. Technological Cyborgs & Robots])  {12/12}
    • AP: Fatiguing Strike 12 (“power-disrupting strike”; adds Extra: Linked Fatigue 12 to Unarmed Strikes; Extra: Affects Objects; Flaws: Fatigue, Limited [Only vs. Technological Cyborgs & Robots]) {12/12}
    • AP: Nauseating Strike 12 (“viral strike”; adds Extra: Linked Nauseate 12 [Alt Save: Will] to Unarmed Strikes; Extra: Affects Objects; Flaws: Limited [Only vs. Technological Cyborgs & Robots], Sicken) {12/12}
    • AP: Paralyzing Strike 12 (“lagging strike”; adds Extra: Linked Paralyze 12 to Unarmed Strikes; Extra: Affects Objects; Flaws: Limited [Only vs. Technological Cyborgs & Robots], Slow) {12/12}
    • BE: Stunning Strike 12 (“dazing strike”; adds Extra: Linked Stun 12 to Unarmed Strikes; Extra: Affects Objects; Flaws: Daze, Limited [Only vs. Technological Cyborgs & Robots]) {12/12}


    Super-Senses 12 (accurate 2 radio [radar], accurate 2 for ultra-hearing [sonar], extended for all vision [2]; infravision, microscopic vision 2, radio, ultra-hearing, ultravision) [12PP]



    DRAWBACKS: 3 + 3 = 6pp

    Vulnerability (Gravitics, Frequency: Uncommon, Intensity: Major [x2])  [-3PP]

    Vulnerability (Magnetism, Frequency: Uncommon, Intensity: Major [x2])  [-3PP]




    Abilities (18) + Combat (18) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (15) + Feats (17) + Powers (176) - Drawbacks (6) = 250/250 Power Points [0 under]



  3. I'm almost at 250 pp for Protectron (244 now!), and I've got 25 points unspent as-is.  Time to think about some upgrades and what I might want his Final Build to look like.


    I think I'll keep him at PL 10 --that way he can still move between Freedom and Emerald City easily -- but add some tricks that would make him especially effective against Malevolent Robots and Deranged Cyborgs.

  4. Artificer (with Effigy & Oz), Corridor


    Heroditus was rater perturbed by Wilona's brazenness -- and by her fiery display -- and stammered a bit in Atlantean.  Which sounded to the others not unlike a series of dolphin noises, though his gestures made his discomfort clear.


    Of course I get stuck with her!  Yes, let us anger the genius loci that's so effortlessly moved us about, that is a sound idea!  Out of everyone in this place, it's the fiery hothead I get stuck with, while Hades knows what is trying to break in to this reality...


    Oz's voice helped him re-center himself, and he turned his attention to the wizard.  "I appreciate your confidence in us, <learned elder>, but I am certain your knowledge and experience will be invaluable to our efforts in reuniting with our comrades, and in fighting off the intruder."  He bowed and then extended a hand, "I am Heroditus, of Atlantis, though some call me Artificer."

  5. Horrorshow


    He smiled at the two, waved to Owain and nodded to Neko, "pleased to meet you.  So you're both at Claremont?  Good, good," he nodded, "that's a great place.  They helped me out a lot with my, ah," he glanced around, looking out for any lingering students but finding none, "with my abilities.  And with, y'know, regular school stuff."


    He turned back to Talya, eyes widening a bit as he took in all the tiny changes she'd made in so short a time.  "Wow, and I thought I was," he whispered to himself, then shook his head to re-focus.  "Ah, right, well, you're right, Summers has nothing to do with this, it's all my doing"  A small part of him wondered if that was completely true, what with the rumors of her having so many plans and schemes and subtle ways to influence students.  "And I'm no thief, not by training, though I could probably be a pretty good one, yeah?"  He held up one hand and made his fingers elongate to about three times their normal length, then pulled them back to normal.


    "I'd rather not be a soldier, but I have had thoughts about being a spy.  Slipping into places, getting others to give up information," his body shifted again, this time completely changing into a copy of Talya herself.  He held it for a few seconds, then shifted back to his original form.  "So, yeah," he nodded, "I was hoping to talk with you some about that.  If, ah, if now's a good time."

  6. Horrorshow


    Davyd & Micah were in the corridor, headed towards the lounge car, when they saw Lulu scampering back to Adam's room with a blanket.  Davyd patted Micah on the shoulder, "hey, I'm going to ask if those two want anything to eat, yeah?," then slipped past his roommate.


    His round face soon appeared in the doorway to Adam's room, "hey you two, you want any-- whoah!"  He walked around the 'sofa,' looking at it from several angles.  "That looks great, Lulu, you're really getting good at these!"  He reached out with one hand to touch one of the back cushions and gave it a gentle squeeze, then snapped his head around to face the two, "oh, sorry, uh, Micah and I were headed uptrain to see about getting a bite to eat.  Do you two want anything?"

  7. Dead Head


    No one seemed to have noticed Burt's swan dive off the opposite building, or his slow rise up from the ground.  "Even if there weren't a robbery goin' on," he muttered to himself, "I doubt anyone woulda paid attention to one more body falin' off a buildin'.  This city, I swear..."


    He shambled up behind Luke and Liam, looked between the two, then at the robbers.  "Hooo," he held his right hand up to his temple and massaged it a bit, "y'all got some serious mojo in those sticks.  Ya nab 'em from a sports museum?  Some private collector?"  He took a step forward, past the two heroes, "look, why don't ya just set 'em down and tell us where ya got 'em, hrm?"

  8. Horroshow


    Davyd did not recognize Talya at first, and assumed she was one of the students, before she gave herself away.  "Wow, that is... uh, I mean," he stammered, "I'm not here to see Erik, no.  Well, uh," he tilted his head slightly as more questions bubbled up in his mind, "maybe later, but not now.  I was hoping to speak with you.  And about, ah," he scratched the back of his head, "about the stuff you did... I mean, the rumors are that you..."  He laughed nervously to himself, "<wow, this is a lot hard than I'd expected>," he muttered in Ukrainian.


    He cleared his throat, stood up straighter, and slowly exhaled.  "Let me start over, yeah?  I graduated from Claremont a few months ago, and I'm still trying to figure out what to do with my life.  And I thought I could maybe ask you for some... career advice."

  9. (Universal) Horrorshow


    "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," he responded to Grimalkin's news of family health issues, offering a sympathetic look, "but good to hear you're getting back to... well, I don't know if 'normal' is the right word," he chuckled, "but, back to more a familiar place.  No, no college plans yet.  I'd thought about going to FSU, but mom talked me into going back to work... at... the..."


    He trailed off as he noticed the shift to their surroundings, and to himself, which was also shifting to a black-and-white mode.  He tried to stop his transformation, to will the color back into his limbs, but to no avail. 


    "Okay, so," he quickly addressed Grim, Ghost, and Lucy, "best case scenario, this is probably just some hologram.  Worst case, we're actually in some sort of mindscape, if not another dimension.  Question is, do we get out by playing along, or by going off-script?  Either way," he looked around, trying to see if any of the other attendees had changed as he had, "I'm pretty sure I saw some kids and teens here that will need our help."

  10. Artificer (with Effigy & Oz), Corridor


    Heroditus was about to ask Phantom if she might be holding classes at Claremont again anytime soon, and ask Blackstaff for permission to examine his pendant, when all hell -- or something like it -- broke loose.  He remembered seeing something break through into this reality, something that looked revolting to his mystical vision, and then... he was in a corridor, with the fiery Claremonter and the story-man.


    "I am unharmed," he replied to Oz, after he'd picked himself up.  He was not used to teleportation, especially unexpected teleportation, but he managed to conceal his discomfort.  "Do you know what that..." he trailed off as he saw Effigy fly out of sight and then back into view.  "Hrm.  That's... hrm."


    He looked around, seeing the traces of mystical energies flowing along and through the walls, floor and ceiling, then pulled on his goggles to get a clearer look.  "At first I thought that.. thing which was coming through had done this, but I do not think it would have had the strength to do so.  Before coming here I read up about this place, the stories of its many ghosts and haunts.  How the hotel itself may have developed some sort of genius loci.  I believe," he went on as he traced one line leading to a whorl of mystic energy in the wall, "that our dispersal was caused by the spirit of Parkhurst.  Though I am not sure," he started drawing components from his bandolier, attaching some to a spot on the wall and assembling others into a handheld device, "if it did so on purpose, to protect us, or accidentally, as a byproduct of trying to contain that thing.  In either case, if we can find some way to communicate with the spirit of Parkhurst, and get it to help us find our comrades, we can all work together on expelling this invader."

  11. Horrorshow


    While Davyd & Elizabeth had many differences, they did have one common bond: the stage.  While she was more often on it performing and he was more comfortable behind it assisting others, both knew the importance of setting the right environment.  And so as they worked to unload and set up for the next leg of the rally, they soon found themselves working with surprising ease and efficiency.  "Guess we just had to find the right thing to work on, yeah?"


    Davyd actually found the most difficult part was in working with himself, within the "no powers" confines -- no superhuman strength, no stretching or adding of limbs, no shifting into a centaur form to provide more carrying space.  Just a standard humanoid form.  Once they were on the road again, though...


    "Oh, I'm sure we'll adapt to any challenges," he responded with a grin.

  12. The Espadas School of Self Defence and Swordsmanship!

    202 Fall (early November), a Saturday morning (probably after So Cruel and Beautiful)


    Davyd Palahniuk had graduated from the Claremont Academy a few months ago, but still wasn't quite sure what to do with himself.   He'd had a few ideas, and one of them -- after overhearing Uncle Sasha gripe about "government spooks" -- had been worming its way through his mind for about a year.  He'd tried doing his own research on it, but, due to the idea's nature, he could only get so far.  But then he remembered someone who had (it was rumored) fist-hand knowledge with the idea, someone he'd met (briefly) last April


    The idea gained traction.


    And so he had returned to The Espadas School of Self Defence and Swordsmanship!, dressed plainly and simply -- brown khaki pants and a long-sleeved gray tee -- and knocked on the front door.


    Should I have called ahead?  I probably should have called ahead.  Or maybe not calling ahead was the right move?   The initiative, the element of surprise...


  13. Horrorshow


    Davyd nodded to Muirne, vaguely recognizing the her as one of the students who'd arrived the same year he graduated.  "Hey!  Shadow... Shadowburn, yeah?  How're things at Claremont?"


    He turned back to Lucy and shrugged, "well, yeah, people tend to remember the villains, especially in horror flicks.  Though at least in his case," he nodded towards the poster of Max Schreck, "his monstrous nature was limited to his on-screen portrayal.  In the remake, with Kinski..," he exhaled slowly as he trailed off.  Then a sharp intake at Lucy's next comment, "oh, yes!  Theda would've been great as Carmilla!"  He smiled at the comment on his appearance, "thanks!  I did it all myself!," he said, unable to quite hide a grin at his half-joke.  "It took me some time to get this together.  Tricky part was sticking with just the classic Universal Monsters.  I had thought of doing my head up like The Fly's, or one arm be a big plant like from Little Shop of Horrors, but those aren't Universal.  Ohh, Hammer's got a good stable of monsters, too!  I may have to do that next year," he said, his mind already spinning out possible combinations.


    He nodded to the Bride of Frankenstein and to Ghost, then did a double-take.  "Grim?  Grimalkin, is that you!  Hey!"  His porcelain (well, bone) half-mask shifted and peeled back, and she was instantly able to recognize the Ukrainian-American metamorph (despite the Dracula fangs), "it's been a while, yeah?  How've you been?"

  14. Artificer


    Heroditus nearly jumped out of his skin when Aquaria appeared, and had to focus on slowing his breathing before responding.  "Theodora is... adjusting to her circumstances."  His sister had been changed into a Deep One, and while Heroditus and others got to her before the transformation had completed, and managed to save her mind, her body had completely changed.  "She has kept up with her studies, as have I.  And you?  You are... well?"


    Ancestors, give me strength.


    He turned aside in time to see a cat that was not quite a cat saunter by, a witch who seethed with Egyptian magics, and the Master (Mistress?) Mage herself.  He bowed to her and recited a traditional Atlantean greeting given by a student to an honored master, ending with, "I am called Artificer, and am a student at Claremont's Academy."


    He looked again to the gathering mages, seeing energies coming off the man in the overstuffed armchair that reminded him faintly of Pan the Forever Boy, was relieved to see familiar faces in Veronica Danger and Masque, then stopped to admire the assorted implements of the staff-wielder who had just approached.  "Oh, those are exquisite!  Did you make them yourself?"

  15. Horrorshow


    "Oh, sure, no problem, yeah?" Davyd replied from the bottom bunks.  "Better I'm down here, in case I start, uh, dripping in my sleep."  He had reminded them all that he reverted back to his 'default' form when unconscious, so they wouldn't be too freaked out if they saw he'd turned into a vaguely humanoid mass of muddy, protoplasmic flesh.


    Davyd's family had been reluctant to see him go so far from home without them, but they knew he had powers, and knew the friends he'd be traveling with also had abilities, and this put their minds at ease.  A bit.  His father made the most fuss, but since there was a chance the teens would be going near Kiev, where his own parents were, he could hardly deny his son the chance to see them.  Uncle Sasha was very excited for his nephew's trip, regaling the youth with tales of his own teen adventures in Europe (which drew many embarrassed looks from his brother, and irritated looks from his sister-in-law), and he slipped Davyd a few hundred Euros just before they left Freedom.  Davyd's grandmother rained kisses down upon him, while her daughter, Davyd's mother, tried to be more stoic and practical, and had given all of his traveling companions a mildly threatening look, as if to warn them not to let anything happen to her son.


    He wore what appeared to be a simple outfit, soft brown leather boots, brown khaki cargo pants, and a forest green tee shirt.  He'd brought a few other changes of clothing, as insisted on by his family, though his abilities meant he didn't need to worry about such things.  Best not to argue, put their minds at ease.


    He grinned and waved off Micah's apology, "heh, no worries, yeah?  Though I think I'll come with you, stretch my legs a bit, see what all is here."  He rose and prepared to follow his bunkmate.

  16. Artificer


    Heroditus had been interested in seeing more and different parts of the Surface world.  And he could certainly appreciate the need for survival training.  One never knew what sort of environment they might find themselves in, and some things could not be read about, they had to be experienced.


    But not like this.  Not like this.


    He had barely said a word once they'd gotten off the plane.  In minutes his exposed skin was lobster-red, though the alchemical sunscreen he'd made before the trip did seem to help.  He'd tried to endure the withering heat with stoic dignity, as any Atlantean facing such hardships should, but it was clear he was suffering greatly. 


    Why would anyone choose to come here?


    He had kept his goggles on tight once they'd gotten in the jeep, in an effort to prevent his eyeballs from completely desiccating, so he had a bit of protection from the sudden sandstorm.  He took Paper's offered mask and slapped it on, and marched as steadily as he could towards the cave.

  17. Artificer


    Heroditus would not refer to himself as a "mage," not in the conventional sense.  But since Atlantean "technology" -- which he was quite skilled with -- was a weird hodgepodge of Earthly scientific principles, Atlantean magic, and weirder things, he certainly knew more about magic than most.  Plus, he had the ability to see magical energies, and he had been seeing some very disturbing things of late.  Nothing major, no gaping holes in reality or shredded ley lines, more like things just on the periphery of his vision, but he had a feeling those things would be getting bigger and more noticeable.


    And so, the Claremont Senior had snuck off-campus to attend the gathering.  His magic vision made for a visual thrill in Parkhurst, and it took him a moment to adjust before he started looking for familiar faces.  He recognized a few attendees, by reputation if not from personal meetings, but most were unknown to him.  "I wonder if any other Atlanteans will be here," he murmured to himself.

  18. Artificer   9 posts = 1pp

    A Gathering of Mages  (6)

    Hut Two, Hut Two!  (0)

    The Kids are Alright  (1)

    Survival Class: Prussian Blue  (2)


    Horrorshow  23 posts = 2pp

    Dakar Rally  (3)

    Eurotrip: The Rhythm of the Rails  (5)

    Friend Like Me  (5)

    Silver Screen Dreams  (5)

    Spies Like Us (5)


    Protectron  1 post = 1pp, +1 [Mod] = +2pp

    1 post, from Dead Head


    --Titanium Characters--


    Dead Head  1 post, to Protectron

    Bedlam in Bedlam: Let Him In (1)


    Doktor Archeville  0 posts, to ???




    Mod point, to Protectron


  19. Horrorshow


    "To Theda!," a voice behind Lucy repeated.


    She knew there would be all sorts of tonight's show, and Lucy had certainly seen a lot in her time.  But when she saw who had just spoken, it may still have been a surprise.  The figure's torso was gaunt, wrapped loosely in yellowed linen bandages.  Its left leg was lean, covered in green scales, and ended in a webbed, clawed foot, while the right leg was powerfully muscles, covered in fur, and in a digitigrade configuration, ending in a clawed foot.  The left arm looked to be completely skeletal, though she soon realized the flesh & muscle of that arm were transparent, while the right arm and hand appeared to be made from a hodgepodge of human parts, sewn together in a manner emphasizing form over function.  The head was relatively normal, the eyes and nose covered by a white porcelain mask, covering skin that was almost as pale, leaving his slicked-back widow's peak hair and fanged mouth with blood dribbling from the corners visible.


    "She may not have exactly been a horror icon," he continued, "but she was a great Vamp!"  He extended the Frankenstein hand to her, "have we met before?  I could swear I've seen you somewhere before.  I'm Horrorshow, though tonight I'm... The Universal Horrorshow!"

  20. SHAPESHIFTED by Thevshi


    Horrorshow graduated Claremont last year, so it's time to pump him up to PL 10!  And I've got just enough points to do so!


    10 points unspent


    Remove Protection 2


    12 points to spend


    2 points to raise base STR from 12 to 14.

    4 points to raise base CON from 14 to 18.

    2 points to raise BAB by 1.

    2 points to raise BDB by 1.

    2 points to raise Enhanced CON from 10 to 12.


    Change Enhanced Attack and (most) Enhanced Feats (all but 2 ranks of Dodge Focus) into regular Base Attack and regular Feats.


    New char sheet in the spoiler box below.




    Power Level: 10 (204/204PP)


    Unspent Power Points: 0PP

    Trade-Offs: None


    ABILITIES: 4 + 6 + 8 + 2 + 6 + 6 = 32PP

    Strength: 26/20/14 (+8/+5/+2); Lifting STR 41 as "Chitinous Horror"

    Dexterity: 16 (+3)

    Constitution: 30/18 (+10/+4)

    Intelligence: 12 (+1)

    Wisdom: 16 (+3)

    Charisma: 26/16 (+8/+3)


    COMBAT: 8 + 8 = 16PP

    Initiative: +3

    Attack: +10 Melee, +4 Ranged (+4 Base, Attack Focus [Melee] +6)

    Grapple: +21 if "Chitinous" or "Oozey", +15 if Morphed

    Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6/+4 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed

    Knockback: -10 vs. Physical, -5 vs. Energy as “Chitinous Horror”; -5 if Morphed or in "Oozey" form








    DC 20 Toughness (Staged)

    Damage (Physical)

    Unarmed, Chitinous Horror


    DC 23 Toughness (Staged)

    Damage (Physical)

    Strikes (crit 18-20)


    DC 25 Toughness (Staged)

    Damage (Physical)

    Grue-some Presence / Fearsome Presence

    35 ft.

    DC 17 Will (Staged)



    SAVING THROWS: 0 + 4 + 4 = 8PP

    Toughness: +10 (+10 Con; Impervious 10 vs. Physical in "Chitinous Horror" form)

    Fortitude: +10 (+10 Con, +0)

    Reflex: +7 (+3 Dex, +4)

    Will: +7 (+3 Wis, +4)


    SKILLS: 104R = 26PP

    Bluff 12 (+15, +20 w/ Enhanced CHA; +10 more to imitate sounds when Shapechanged)Distract, Fascinate, Taunt

    Concentration 7 (+10)

    Diplomacy 12 (+15, +20 w/ Enhanced CHA)Fascinate 

    Disguise 7 (+10, +15 w/ Enhanced CHA; +30 more w/ Morph, +15 more w/ Shapeshift)

    Gather Information 12 (+15)

    Intimidate 7 (+10, +15 w/ Enhanced CHA)

    Language 2 (English, Russian, Ukrainian [native])

    Knowledge (Life Science) 4 (+5)

    Knowledge (Popular Culture) 9 (+10)

    Notice 7 (+10)

    Perform (Acting) 2 (+5, +10 w/ Enhanced CHA; +10 more to imitate sounds when Shapechanged)

    Sense Motive 12 (+15)

    Stealth 7 (+10)

    Survival 4 (+7)


    FEATS: 19PP

    Accurate Attack
    All-Out Attack


    Attack Focus (Melee) 6

    Defensive Attack

    Dodge Focus 4 (6 total w/ "fluid fighter")

    Improved Grapple

    Improved Pin

    Instant Up
    Power Attack



    Enhanced Feats
    Challenge (Bluff/Taunt as a Move action)  (from "Shapechanger")
    Challenge 3 (Intimidate/Demoralize as a Move action, Intimidate/Startle as a Move action, Mass Intimidation)  (from "Grue-some Presence")
    Distract (Bluff)  (from "Shapechanger")
    Dodge Focus 2 (to 6 total)  (from "Fluid Fighter")
    Fascinate 2 (Bluff, Diplomacy)  (from "Shapechanger")
    Fearsome Presence 7  (from "Grue-some Presence")
    Taunt  (from "Shapechanger")


    POWERS: 12 + 2 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 11 + 12 + 28 + 5 + 20 = 106PP

    (Descriptors: Alien [Grue], Genetic/Mutant, Shapeshifting)


    Enhanced Constitution 12 (resilient form; to 30/+10) [12PP]


    Enhanced Feats 6 (fluid fighter; Dodge Focus 2) {6} [2PP]


    Enhanced Strength 6 (to 18/+4) [6PP]


    Features 1 (Internal Compartment [light load at Str 20 = 133 lbs.]) [1PP]


    Grue-some Awareness 4 (8 points; PF: Alternate Power)  [9PP]

    • BE: Comprehend 4 (animals 2, languages 2 [speak any one at a time, understand all]) {8/8}
    • AP: Mind Reading 9 (Extra: Sensory Link; Flaws: Range 2 [Touch]; PFs: Insidious, Subtle) {7/8}


    Grue-some Presence 5 (10 points; PF: Alternate Power) [11PP]

    • BE: Enhanced Charisma 10 (to 26/+8) {10/10}
    • AP: Enhanced Feats 10 (Challenge 3 [Intimidate/Demoralize as a Move action, Intimidate/Startle as a Move action, Mass Intimidation], Fearsome Presence 7 [35 feet, DC 17]) {10/10}


    Immunity 12 (adaptive physiology; Critical Hits, Life Support, Starvation & Thirst) [12PP]


    Metamorph 13 (26 points; PFs: Alternate Power 2) [28PP]

    • BE: Enhanced Feats 5 (Challenge [Bluff/Taunt as a Move Action], Distract [Bluff], Fascinate [Bluff], Fascinate [Diplomacy], Taunt) {5} + Feature 1 (Mimicry) {1} + Morph 6 (any form, +30 Disguise; PFs: Covers Scent, Precise) {20) {5+1+20=26/26} (“Shapechanger”)
    • AP: Enhanced Strength 6 (to 24/+7) {6} + Impervious Toughness 9 (Flaw: Limited [Only vs. Physical]) {5} + Leaping 1 (x2; running long jump 36 ft., standing long jump 18 ft., high/vertical jump 9 ft.) {1} + Speed 1 (10 mph/100 feet per round) {1} + Strike 2 (claws & fangs & tail; PFs: Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning/piercing/slashing]) {6} + Super-STR 3 (+15; effective STR 39) {6}  {6+5+1+1+6+6=25/26} (“Chitinous Horror form”)
    • AP: Additional Limbs 3 (+5 limbs) {3} + Elongation 3 (25 feet) {3} + Insubstantial 1 (liquid) {5} + Strike 5 (lashing tentacles; PFs: Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning/piercing/slashing]) {9} + Super-Movement 3 (slithering, slow fall, wall-crawling) {6} {3+3+5+9+6=26/26} (“Oozey form”)


    Regeneration 4 (reassembly; Bruised 1 [1 round], Injured 1 [20 mins], Staggered 1 [20 mins], Disabled 1 [5 hours]; PF: Regrowth) [5PP]


    Shapeshift 2 (Free action, Continuous duration, physical traits, 10 points; Extras: Action [Free]. Duration [Continuous]) [20PP]


    Sample Shifts

    • Chameleon Camouflage: Concealment 4 (All Visual; Flaw: Blending) {4/5}

    • Deep Sea Adaptation: Immunity 2 (Cold [environmental], Pressure) {2/5}

    • Living Glider/Parachute: Flight 4 (100 mph; Flaw: Gliding) {4/5}

    • Nowhere Man: Concealment 4 (All Visual; Flaw: Limited [Only Works In Crowds]) {4/5}

    • Piscine Sleekness: Swimming 3 (10 mph) {3/5}

    • Pseudopods: Additional Limbs 5 (up to 25) {5/51

    • Puffed Up: Growth 4 (Large: -1 Combat, +4 Grapple, -4 Stealth, +2 Intimidation, 8 ft. tall, 10 ft. space, 10 ft. reach; Flaw: Dispersal) {4/5}

    • Really Horrific Form: Enhanced Feats 1 (Fearsome Presence 1) plus Enhanced Skills 4 (Intimidation 4, to +19) {2/5}

    • Spiky Body: Strike 1 (Extra: Action 3 [Reaction]) {4/5}

    • Sticky Fingers: Super-Movement 1 (Wall-Crawling 1) {2/5}

    • Swinging Arms: Super-Movement 1 (Swinging) {2/5}

    • Wings: Flight 3 (50 mph; Drawback: Power Loss [if wings are restrained; -1]) {5/5}


    Default Configuration

    Leaping 2 (total Leaping 4 in Chitinous Horror form) [2]

    Speed 3 (total Speed 4 in Chitinous Horror form) [3]

    Super-Movement 1 (wall-crawling 1; total Wall-Crawling 2 in Chitinous Horror or Oozey forms) [2]

    Super-Senses 3 (low-light vision, scent, ultra-hearing) [3]




    Vulnerability (Effects from Transforms and other attacks that involuntarily change his shape or form; Frequency: Uncommon; Intensity: Major [x2]) [3PP]




    Abilities (32) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (8) + Skills (26) + Feats (19) + Powers (106) - Drawbacks (3) = 204/204 Power Points [10 free]



    Miscellaneous Notes


    The name of DC’s first Clayface, Basil Karlo, is a reference to actors Philip St. John Basil Rathbone and Boris Karloff (who was born William Henry Pratt).  Horrorshow’s real name, Davyd Ocheret Palahniuk, references David Cronenberg, Lon Chaney Sr. and Jr. (“Chaney” derives from a word meaning “reed,” so does “Ocheret”), and Jack Palance (born Volodymyr Palahniuk).  It also works out to be a reference to Chuck Palahniuk, author of Fight Club.


    Combat By Form

    • When using Chitinous Horror Form: Melee +10 (Grapple +21), Ranged +4, Unarmed +8, Strikes +10, Defense +10 (+2 flat-footed), Toughness +10, Knockback -10/-5 (vs. Physical/vs. Energy)  [PL 10 offense, PL 10 defense]
    • When using Oozey Form: Melee +10 (Grapple +21), Ranged +4, Unarmed +5, Strikes +10, Defense +10 (+2 flat-footed), Toughness +10, Knockback -5  [PL 10 offense, PL 10 defense]
    • When Morphed: Melee +10 (Grapple +15), Ranged +4, Unarmed +5, Defense +10 (+2 flat-footed), Toughness +10, Knockback -5  [PL 7.5 offense, PL 10 defense]
    • When powerless: Melee +10 (Grapple +12), Ranged +4, Unarmed +2, Defense +8 (+2 flat-footed), Toughness +4, Knockback -2  [PL 6 offense, PL 6 defense]





  21.                In order to make sure the Refs accurately count all your IC posts and award you the due amount of power points, please post with a list of all the threads in which your player character, NPC or sidekick posted IC this month (including the News forum).


    Also list any threads which you are GMing.  GM posts count as double and can be assigned to whichever of your characters needs a 'push'.

    This topic will automatically close on the seventh day of the following month (i.e., November 7th, 2021 at Midnight EST).


    When you make your list, post a link to your first post for the month for each IC thread so we can jump right to it.


    • When you start a thread, make sure IC is the first tag and topic prefix of the In Character thread, and OOC is in the first tag and topic prefix of the Out Of Character thread.  It's not required, but additional tags including the major players and locations are viewed as a courtesy.
    • Please list your threads in alphabetical order.
    • Please clearly note any threads in which you are both player and GM/running an NPC.  In threads where you are both player and GM/an NPC, please be sure to mark each post so we can tell who it should be allocated to.
    • Please list your threads in a timely manner.  Extending the deadline one week into the following month is already a grace period.

    If you've done any "extracurriculars" -- artwork, HellQ, 20 Questions, NPC, vignettes, guidebook pages, etc. -- please be sure to list them along with your active threads. For more information on ways to earn power points, see Character Advancement and Awards in the House Rules section of the Guide.


    Post counts should be formatted similar to the following:



    Character One   X posts + X from <Titanium Character> + X GM posts = Total posts = PP

    • <link to thread> X posts + x GM posts = Total posts = PP
    • ... 

    Character Two  X posts + X from <Titanium Character> + X GM posts = Total posts = PP

    • <link to thread> X posts
    • ... 
    • ...  


    GM   X posts = 2X GM posts (Y to <character>, Z to<character>)

    • <link to thread> X posts
    • ... 


    Titanium characters

    Titanium Character One   X posts  to <character>

    • <link to thread> X posts + x GM posts = Total posts = PP
    • ... 

    Titanium Character Two  X posts to <character>

    • <link to thread> X posts
    • ... 



    To make clear how many posts from rollover and GM posts are assigned to each character.


    Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in spooky scary skeletons sending shivers down your spine your post counts being postponed or skipped completely.  If you missed the deadline, see this thread.


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