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Posts posted by Avalon

  1. Glad that he hasn't been spotted yet, Stygwyr slowly creeps behind the young woman before rearing to his full height. Raising a gauntleted hand, he whispers to her:

    "Hungry... I need fresh meat... Yours will do nicely...

  2. In fact, she wasn't alone.

    At the other end of the grove a deadly killer rose from the waters that surround the watery edge of Memorial Grove. Tired and exhausted, he slowly drags himself out of the water before lying on the ground gasping for breath.

    It takes a while before he is fully rested but be rises soon enough. After his journey back to this city called Freedom, he is hungry.

    A scent catches his notice. It is something cloyingly sweet. The scent of fresh meat.

    Scanning the surrounding area, he locates the source of the scent to a young woman reading something.

    He takes a circuitous route towards here taking care to avoid notice.

  3. The Limited: Only Organic creatures with blood was something I copied from Jack of Tales Blood Control. I noted that the limit was worth only 1 pp and thus only a drawback and not a full blown flaw.

    The way I envisioned it, Stygwyr would first have to cause an injury to an enemy and a portion of his enemy's blood and use it to emulate his enemy's powers (e.g. biological super-speed, the ability to fire bio-electric blasts, magically-toughened skin, etc.)

    Btw, since the limit was a drawback, the mimic would come out as 3 pp/rank

  4. Previously on "The Hunt"

    Wonder lands next to the unconscious demon, rubbing his sweating brow tiredly. Giving Stygwr a very suspicious look, Wonder reaches down and picks up the big demon by the ankle. "All right, you. We're on our way out of here..." He flies up very high, circling out over the water. He takes it slowly, but still makes a good clip until Freedom City has actually disappeared over the horizon behind them. After that, he begins spinning in the air.

    "I recognize you, son of the Deep!" he calls to Stygwr, "and now, I send you back where you belong!" A mile above the ocean, he throws the demon straight down as hard as he can.

    Stygwyr hits the water with a splash before sinking slowly to the bottom. As soon as the Captain is gone his eyes flare open and he begins to swim upward towards the surface. In a few minutes he breaks the surface and breathes in deeply.

    Exhausted, he floats on the ocean's surface as he gathers his strength. After some time he begins to swim in the direction of what is hopefully Freedom City.

  5. I know the refs like to review variable arrays on a case-by-case basis, so I think this is the best place for something like this.

    I was thinking of having Stygwyr expand more on his blood powers by mimicking the biological/magical powers and abilities of those who he has injured.

    What in mind was something like this:

    Mimic # (All traits at once, Extra Subject [+1], Stacking [+1], Channeled by Blood [-1], Biological or Magical powers only [-1], Only from target that Stygwyr has injured [-1], Tainted [-1], Limited: Only organic creatures with blood [-1 pp])

    Would that be ok?

  6. Rant barely dodges Bloodseeker's opening attack, but dodge it he does. He steps to the side quickly, gathering power in his hands.

    "You'll pay for what you did!" he shouts, unleashing a sonic blast at the villain. Despite the close range, he can't bring his power to bear in time, and he's able to evade Rant's attack.

    Smiling as he sees his opponent giving in to anger, Stygwyr closes in once again with his claw aimed at Rant's gut. "Yes. Give in to the anger. It will cause you to err and it will season you blood for when I shall drink it."

    Foreshadow looks calmly at the three Omegadrones surrounding him. He speaks to Bloodseeker, though he doesn't take his eye off the drones.

    "You and I both know that this isn't enough to stop me. It's time to release these husks from their torment," he says. With practiced care, he draws a dagger from his side. The runes swirl around his head again, and he abruptly changes his direction of attack. Despite this, it's still not enough, and the drone manages to evade him.

    "We shall see about that. As soon as I'm finished with this one here, you are my next target."

    As Stygwyr says this, the three 'drones fighting Foreshadow swing their weapons at him.

    The two 'drones who are after Nanowire, on the other hand, take aim at him once more but in the confusion of the battle none of their shot find their mark.

  7. Rant's entire body tenses, and Nanowire and Grimalkin can both see him going through the fight-or-flight reflex. He bares his teeth. "Bloodseeker..." he growls. "Bloodseeker!" He prepares to fight.

    If there were any chance of surprising the newcomer, it's certainly lost now. Foreshadow looks over to Grimalkin and Nanowire. "He's a dangerous foe; be wary." He seemed to have anticipated Rant's reaction - no surprise, considering what he is and what he can do. He's more ready for the fight than Rant is.

    Hearing his foe responding to his challenge, Stygwyr addresses him in a mocking and patronizing tone that sends a chill through their spines.

    "Ah. There you are youngling. You were always the tempermental one of your brood. Not like your sister. But she's not here anymore, is she? The others can tell that there seems to be more to what he said.

    "Capture the oracle and lay waste to the other. The youngling is mine."

    With a speed surprising for his size, the Bloodseeker closes in on Rant and swings a massive clawed gauntlet at him.

    At the same time, three of the drones advance towards Foresight while the remaining two (one of which is larger than the rest and with a black suit of armor) take aim with their pikes at Nanowire and fire.

  8. That final blow was too much for Stygwyr. As the Captain's fist slams unto his massive head, he begins to lose control of his muscles as everything fades to black.

  9. A large being appears around the corner, his massive frame towering over all of the onlookers. He wears what appears to be a massive polar bear as a cap and cloak. His massive olive-green green arms terminate in large metal gauntlets that seem to resemble the claws of a large cat such as a lion or tiger. Every inch of his skin is covered in intricate and ornate tatoos and scars.

    All in all, the image he seems to give off is that of a wild hunter and merciless killer.

    As you all finish sizing him up, he appears to catch a whiff of something and begins to sniff the air. Pretty soon a smile spreads across his lips giving him the appearance of a wolf that has cornered his next meal.

    He let's out a bellow to the skies. "Drones, to my location! I have located some of the rebels and a familiar scent is with them." In moments, several armored figures wielding grisly-looking pikes land behind him. "Good..."

    He then turns to their approximate location and shouts again. "Show yourself Rant! Or do I have to flush you out like a rat!?!"

  10. Still stunned by the earlier blow, Stygwyr skids and skips across the pavement with bits of asphalt cracking and flying away from the path of the Atlantean monster.

  11. Shaz, I think I'll have Stygwyr fight a bit more before Captain Wonder knocks him out and try to send him back to his home plane. Though that of course would just send him back to Freedom City.

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