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Everything posted by Thevshi

  1. Megan arrived at school at her normal time, just a little bit before her first class. She spent so much time here most days with all the activities she was involved in, she really saw no need to come in too early. After parking her car, she made her way to her locker to get her books for her honors history class. She was wearing her cheerleading outfit, as there was a pep rally later that morning. As she opened her locker, an envelope began to fall to the floor, but she managed to catch it before it fell too far. She looked at it a moment, not recognizing it, and then realized what it likely was. Looking up, she looked down both sides of the hallway, lots of other students were at their lockers, or on their way classes, but none seemed to be paying particular attention to her. Spotting two of the other cheerleaders, Lucy and Tabitha, making their way towards her, she quickly put the envelope in her backpack so she could look at it later. If the other girls knew, they would want to know more about it, and want to try to figure out who it might be from, not to mention it would then become a major topic of gossip for the next day or so. Besides, it was not like she had not been getting notes like this since her Freshman year. I hope it’s not another one of one of those science geeks. She thought as she grabbed her books and put them into the pack as well before turning to face Lucy and Tabitha as they reached her locker. “Hey.†She said with a bright smile. “You two ready for the pep rally later?†She asked as she shut her locker and they started off down the hallway, talking with her two friends.
  2. Velocity was focused on moving around things in her path when suddenly a kid ran up along side her, matching her speed and called out to her. The teenage speedster skidded to a halt, a bit surprised that such a young kid could move that fast. "Yes?" She asked, not sure what he might want.
  3. Focused as she was on whether or not the elderly lady's cat had caused massive bleeding or not, Velocity did not notice the boy that was hiding behind a nearby car watching her. As the cat's claws had mainly just been painful, she was soon speeding away once more at the leisurely pace of 250 mph. Figuring she had done enough good in Kingston for the afternoon, she started towards Hanover, to see if anything might be going on there before planning to cross over to the North End and maybe work her way towards Midtown or the City Center.
  4. “Thanks, I’m sure I will. Talk with you later.†Velocity said to Lady Liberty as she took the chocolates to put with the other snacks. The young heroine looked around at the decorations inside Freedom Hall, it had not been that long ago that she had been here helping when there were robotic monsters appearing around the city during Halloween. Several other heroes were making their way into the party now, and she spotted one that she knew, having met him at a party hosted by the Midnight Society her father had invited him to. With a blur of movement, she came over to stop in front of Shinken as he made his way inside. “Hi there.†She said with a smile. “I’m Velocity.â€Â
  5. “Thanks, I’m sure I will. Talk with you later.†Velocity said to Lady Liberty as she took the chocolates to put with the other snacks. The young heroine looked around at the decorations inside Freedom Hall, it had not been that long ago that she had been here helping when there were robotic monsters appearing around the city during Halloween. Several other heroes were making their way into the party now, and she spotted one that she knew, having met him at a party hosted by the Midnight Society her father had invited him to. With a blur of movement, she came over to stop in front of Shinken as he made his way inside. “Hi there.†She said with a smile. “I’m Velocity.â€Â
  6. “Thanks, I’m sure I will. Talk with you later.†Velocity said to Lady Liberty as she took the chocolates to put with the other snacks. The young heroine looked around at the decorations inside Freedom Hall, it had not been that long ago that she had been here helping when there were robotic monsters appearing around the city during Halloween. Several other heroes were making their way into the party now, and she spotted one that she knew, having met him at a party hosted by the Midnight Society her father had invited him to. With a blur of movement, she came over to stop in front of Shinken as he made his way inside. “Hi there.†She said with a smile. “I’m Velocity.â€Â
  7. Velocity continued on through the area at a leisurely pace, for her anyway, her mind wondering back to having just saved Steve. He was kind of cute, too bad he played for Kingston Heights. Suddenly she skidded to a halt along a block liked with old trees. At the base of one was an elderly woman, calling up into the tree. Zipping over to the woman's side, Velocity looked up the tree to spot a small white cat up on one of the branches. "He stuck up there?" The teen asked, causing the elderly woman to start slightly. "Oh my." She said, then nodded. "Yes, I was just about to call the fire department." "No need to do that, I've got this all under control." Velocity said, as she ran over to the tree trunk, zipping right up and grabbing onto the branch, gracefully flipping over to land on it. She grabbed the cat before it could move away, and then was back down the tree in a flash. "Here you are ma'am." She said, though just as she was holding out the cat she felt its claws dig into her forearm. "Owww." She muttered as she gritted her teeth. "Thank you dear. He just gets a bit nervous sometimes." The elderly woman said as she gently took the cat as Velocity managed to pry its claws out of her arm. "No problem ma'm." The teen heroine replied, and then muttered to herself, "he also needs his claws trimmed. I think he drew blood."
  8. Hey Mr. Fantastic, started up the thread for Johnny Extreme to be able to meet Velocity. We'll have to round up a ref/gm to help give us something to do after Johnny annoy's Velocity some :)
  9. Hey Mr. Fantastic, started up the thread for Johnny Extreme to be able to meet Velocity. We'll have to round up a ref/gm to help give us something to do after Johnny annoy's Velocity some :)
  10. Hey Mr. Fantastic, started up the thread for Johnny Extreme to be able to meet Velocity. We'll have to round up a ref/gm to help give us something to do after Johnny annoy's Velocity some :)
  11. A yellow streak zipped down the roads of Kingston, a breeze marking its passage through the upper middle class neighborhood. Cheerleading practice had ended an hour ago, and Megan had finished her homework for the next two days and done a few chores, leaving her with nothing to do for the rest of the afternoon. So, she had decided to head out as Velocity for a bit, and see what sort of good she might be able to do. Kingston was a pretty safe part of town, but she figured it never hurt to make a quick run through, you never knew when trouble might pop up. Turning a corner down a main street in one of the commercial areas in Kingston, she saw a teenage boy wearing the blue and white letterman jacket of Kingston Heights High School starting across the crosswalk a couple hundred feet ahead of her just as the light was changing for him to walk. A truck that was almost at the intersection began to accelerate, trying to make it through the light that was turning red, apparently not seeing the boy stepping into the crosswalk. Speeding up, she closed the distance as the boy turned and spotted the oncoming truck, freezing as he saw it. The driver saw the boy, and started slamming on his breaks, but he had too much speed to stop in time. A blur of yellow, Velocity crossed in front of the truck, grabbing a hold of the boy as she passed him, pulling him back towards the sidewalk. Turning as she pulled, and coming to a stop back up on the sidewalk, the boy tripped on the edge of the sidewalk and tumbled into her as she tried to catch him. While she was able to keep him from falling down, he was quite a bit heavier than her, as his Varsity football letterman jacket attested to, and she ended up landing on her ass on the sidewalk. "Ow." She muttered as Steve Anderson, the quarterback of the Kingston Heights Panthers, found himself half lying on the yellow costumed speedster. "Oh, wow!" He managed to get out. "Yeah, well, wait till the light fully changes next time okay?" She said, as he got back to his feet and she was standing back up in the blink of an eye. "And you need to slow down!" She yelled over at the driver of the truck who was still sitting in his now stopped car, a look of panic and shock on his face. Looking back over a Steve, she gave him a smile. "Anyway, glad I was in the area to help. Hope to see you around sometime." She gave him a wink and then was off again to see what else might be going on today.
  12. Megan Howell attended a party at the Midnight Society along with her parents. Among the many guests invited by members of the Society that night were the Emissary (whom Megan had worked with only a few weeks earlier as Velocity to deal with the robot menace on Halloween) and one of her father’s more important clients, Benjiro Fujisama, CEO of Ares Macrotechnology Inc., and the armored hero Shinken. Megan soon found herself talking with Randy Collins, the son of a prominent doctor in Freedom City and a student at Freedom City University. After spending a bit of time talking and dancing, Randy had to leave, but he and Megan exchanged numbers so that they could possibly meet again other time. Just when Megan had started to think the rest of the party was going to be boring when she found herself in the company of the famous actor, Adam Kirk. Megan had an enjoyable time dancing and talking with Adam before he also had to leave, but not before he gave her his business card in the hopes they could talk again sometime.
  13. Index: Reputation 20 Questions (to come) HellQ (to come) Origin Story (to come)
  14. “Hey Cory, yours is pretty nice as well.†The other girls said as Cory rejoined them. “Thanks.†Megan said as she took her drink, smiling at Cory. The four talked for awhile, and then Megan lead Cory out to the dance floor for a bit. It only took Megan moments to match her movement to the rhythm of the current song that was playing. Letting herself go with the music, time seemed to start slipping away, even for someone who it often seemed to move so slow. After awhile, she and Cory found a secluded part of the house to makeout for a bit, as she knew it might not be too much longer before she got Daedalus’ call and had to leave.
  15. “Hey Cory, yours is pretty nice as well.†The other girls said as Cory rejoined them. “Thanks.†Megan said as she took her drink, smiling at Cory. The four talked for awhile, and then Megan lead Cory out to the dance floor for a bit. It only took Megan moments to match her movement to the rhythm of the current song that was playing. Letting herself go with the music, time seemed to start slipping away, even for someone who it often seemed to move so slow. After awhile, she and Cory found a secluded part of the house to makeout for a bit, as she knew it might not be too much longer before she got Daedalus’ call and had to leave.
  16. “Hey Cory, yours is pretty nice as well.†The other girls said as Cory rejoined them. “Thanks.†Megan said as she took her drink, smiling at Cory. The four talked for awhile, and then Megan lead Cory out to the dance floor for a bit. It only took Megan moments to match her movement to the rhythm of the current song that was playing. Letting herself go with the music, time seemed to start slipping away, even for someone who it often seemed to move so slow. After awhile, she and Cory found a secluded part of the house to makeout for a bit, as she knew it might not be too much longer before she got Daedalus’ call and had to leave.
  17. Well, thanks I guess, hadn’t realized this was so demanding.
  18. Well, thanks I guess, hadn’t realized this was so demanding.
  19. Well, thanks I guess, hadn’t realized this was so demanding.
  20. Velocity held one hand up as the winds buffeted the top of the roof, causing it to be harder to move, of course, that did not mean that much to her. "Eww, gross." She muttered as she saw the things that were forming on the rooftop, though they were likely robots like the mummy had been. All she could do now was wait for them to form and the others to arrive.
  21. Velocity held one hand up as the winds buffeted the top of the roof, causing it to be harder to move, of course, that did not mean that much to her. "Eww, gross." She muttered as she saw the things that were forming on the rooftop, though they were likely robots like the mummy had been. All she could do now was wait for them to form and the others to arrive.
  22. Velocity held one hand up as the winds buffeted the top of the roof, causing it to be harder to move, of course, that did not mean that much to her. "Eww, gross." She muttered as she saw the things that were forming on the rooftop, though they were likely robots like the mummy had been. All she could do now was wait for them to form and the others to arrive.
  23. “Thanks, wouldn’t miss it.†The teen speedster replied to Lady Liberty with a wide smile. “I brought some chocolates.†She then added, holding out the box she was carrying. “Would've brought some wine or champagne, but…well, underage and all that. And my parents were totally not buying that I needed it for a Christmas Party that adults would be at.†The young woman then turned as someone else made their way into Freedom Hall and saw it was Captain Thunder. Oh, wow! She thought to herself, but kept her outwardly casual and relaxed demeanor. “Hey Captain Thunder. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.â€Â
  24. “Thanks, wouldn’t miss it.†The teen speedster replied to Lady Liberty with a wide smile. “I brought some chocolates.†She then added, holding out the box she was carrying. “Would've brought some wine or champagne, but…well, underage and all that. And my parents were totally not buying that I needed it for a Christmas Party that adults would be at.†The young woman then turned as someone else made their way into Freedom Hall and saw it was Captain Thunder. Oh, wow! She thought to herself, but kept her outwardly casual and relaxed demeanor. “Hey Captain Thunder. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.â€Â
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