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Posts posted by Thevshi

  1. Timeout


    As the momentum continued to shift in their direction, Lawrence’s eyes narrowed ever so slightly at Neko’s announcement of having once followed Crimson Katana. Of course, the Japanese girl did not clarify which Crimson Katana that might have been, although none that the blond teen was aware of had any positive histories. Of course, Neko would hardly be the first student at Claremont to start under the influence of a villain, so he pushed the knowledge back in his mind as he stayed focused on the threat they were facing.


    Of course, that quickly continued to dwindle, with Lawrence having a small grin as Iris and Daniel managed to drastically reduce the number of drones they were facing. And then the fight was truly over, as the individual operating the drones from some command center indicated her intention to withdraw and shut off the remaining drones near them. He tensed slightly at the appearance of two Tyrannosaurus Rex, with strange collars around them. But thankfully those collars disengaged, and the large predators seemed uninterested in Neko’s illusions.


    Looking around at the others, Lawrence released another small pulse of temporal energy, this time it gently washed over his friends and their guide, avoiding the two men that were not their prisoners, healing the minor injuries suffered by Kazra and Daniel.

  2. Timeout


    Lawrence watched as Sea Devil seemed a bit uneasy at the approach of the Atlantean vessel, which also seemed to cause a reaction among the other Deep Ones. Sea Devil's suggestion that some of the Claremont students go out to try to talk with the Atlanteans and insistent that the Atlanteans were friendly with surface dwellers did not help alleviate concerns that there might be some potential hostility between the Atlanteans and Deep ones.


    But, the blond teen did not disagree that it was likely a good idea that a few of the students intercept the Atlanteans and try to talk with them. Not being able to fly, Lawrence himself was not the best choice for that group, so he watched those that could make their way out over the ocean to meet the Atlantean vessel before it reached the oil rig.


    "Ms. Innsmouth, should we be concerned about the presence of the Atlanteans." He asked, making a more direct question than Parker had previously asked (and not received an answer to).

  3. Okay Jack, there are a few issues to discuss:




    Strength 26 is +8, not +10.




    First, I only see you spending 18 PP on saves, not 22. (and based on the points spent, it should be Fort +8/10; Reflex +8; Will +8

    But, the other issue, a PC should generally not have all exotic saves maxed (or better than their PL). Given Arctus’ nature, perhaps keeping Fort as is (with the +10 being in alt form) and maybe Will at +8, Reflex should drop to +6, maybe +5.


    So, you should free up a few PP here.




    Why does he have Dodge Focus 4? I don’t see that added into his defense (and will be a problem if it was as it would break your PL caps in Alt form), so that is 4 PP to free up.




    So, some issues here.


    First, Attack: 4 BAB (8 PP) is fine, and you show +4 Attack Focus: Melee, but should be +5 as you have five ranks of AF: Melee. So, it should be:

    Attack: +4. +9 melee, +8 melee in Alt form [+4 base, +5 Attack Focus, -1 Growth]




    For the cold control array, should list that there are 2 alt powers on the first line (like this):

    Cold Control Array 6 (Magic 12PP Array; 2 Alt powers) [14PP]


    Using the freed up PP from dropping the Dodge Focus, you could boost up the Cold Control Array, and/or add another alt power that gives him a ice/cold ranged attack (something offensive for when he is not in his alt form).

  4. Timeout


    Lawrence gave his friends a faint smile as they offered to help Lynn with adjusting to being in a new timeline. The blond teen focused on Iris as he responded, continuing to use a low voice so Lynn would not hear. "It's gone." He didn’t add any detail, trusting that what he had reveled on the beach during the Fiji trip would explain well enough.


    His expression softened slightly as he continued. "Right now, the main thing we've been told is just giving her time and be understanding and supportive. Beyond just the trauma of it all, there is a lot to adjust to. While her timeline was very similar, there are differences in events and people. And if that was not enough, she left her timeline in the early half of 2030, so what is similar here is like reliving her past."


    Over at the video game, Lynn seemed to have gotten the hang of the controls and at least the basic moves of the character she was playing. "Thanks, I guess." She replied to Sam, giving the faintest trace of a smile that quickly faded. She paused a moment and then looked back over to Sam. "Sorry, I was never much of a gamer, and the last few weeks have been….difficult."

  5. Paradigm


    Once again the remaining Hound telepath sent a psychic blast at Paradigm. However, as before, the Naram paragon was seemingly unaffected by the attack as she looked briefly about the area before focusing back on Michael and the Boran he had just hit.

    "I appreciate the bravery, and do not doubt you could deal with this one. But right now he is the most significant threat present."


    With that, she delivered a powerful right hook to the Boran’s chin.



    The blow knocked it off its feet and sent it sailing backward, only halted by slamming into part of the plant barrier that Fleur had put up, where it collapsed to the ground unconscious.


    Not far away, Star Khan turned his gaze at the Hound telepath and raised one gauntlet and fired and energy blast that knocked the telepath off its feet and sent it flying backward to similarly land unconscious.


    Over by Predator, the remaining conscious Boran looked about, seeing its unconscious leader, the two unconscious Justicars, and so many of its other allies down as well. So the large alien dropped its melee weapon and took a few steps back from Predator as it raised its empty hands in front of it. <"I yield."> It stated in GalStandard, though the intent was rather clear to even those that did not speak the language.


    The remaining troopers along the perimeter of the fight similar took their hands off the pommel and triggers of their energy weapons and slowly set them on the ground with their off-hands before taking a step away from them and raising empty hands as well. The remaining Hunter had pushed itself back upright, but seeing that its remaining allies were done fighting, the pilot powered the mecha down, and then disengaged the hatch and climbed out, showing empty hands as well.

  6. Okay, with the number priority targets dropping, Paradigm will focus on the Boran Lt. 14, boo, will reroll: 30 (with the +10 for being below 10 on the roll).

    DC 32 toughness save: 10, that is a KO.


    Star Khan will blast at the Hound telepath. 23 hits, DC 29 toughness save: 12 also KO'd.


    With that, the last Boran Lt, hurt bad and now badly outnumbered will surrender, as will the troopers that have been holding their actions. The Hunter will as well, the pilot turning off the mecha and getting out.

    So, will make my IC post and combat will be done!

  7. Sorry, I had forgotten to update that the other Hound was also bruised (and prone). Did you want to stay on the one that tried to grapple you? (Ie the bruised and prone one?) if so, that 14 will actually hit.

  8. Okay, the Hunter has to clear its daze.

    So, on to:




    22 Fleur de Joie 3 HP (bruised)

    22 La Puma Negra 1 HP (bruised)

    20 Paradigm 2 HP (bruised, weakened -1 all stats rnd 1)

    19 Star-Khan (fatigued)

    18 Boran Lieutenants (x2, one facing Predator bruised 2, staggered; 1 on Paradigm/Golden Star bruised)

    13 Predator  HP (bruised 2)

    10 Troopers (two groups: 20 to the left and 20 to the right)

    9 Hounds (1 telekinetic on right bruised and prone, one telepath on left bruised)

    8 Golden Star 0 HP (bruised 2)

    6 Hunters (x1 near Paradigm/Golden Star, bruised, prone)


    Will say Fleur heals herself, so @MoonSimply La Puma is up!

  9. Multi-Girl


    Bernadette watched as Bruiser took a hit intended for her, getting knocked to the ground as he was cut by the Annihilist's blade. While hurt, the powerhouse seemed to still be in the fight as the redhead gritted her teeth and focused on the tall sword-wielding woman.

    Up in the air, Startshine's attack hit one of the black armored Omegadrones, causing it some damage, but not enough to slow it down at the moment.


    As Bernadette rushed towards Madrigal Martinet, nearly a dozen of her duplicates popped into existence, a couple moving towards the Annihilist, spreading around her and briefly drawing her attention. The others spread out to attack the three black armored Omegadrones that were either on the ground or close to the ground attacking people.

    All of Bernadette's duplicates managed to hit the Omegadrones they attacked. Two were hurt, but otherwise remained on their feet similar to the drone attacked by Starshine. However the third was knocked to the ground by the force of the attack of that duplicate, dazed, at least for the moment.

    The Irish teen herself attacked Martinet, landing a solid blow into the taller woman’s stomach. While the powerful punch caused the Annihilist to flinch back in pain, she stood back upright as she looked down at Bernadette. "You are indeed much stronger than you look. But I have fought and defeated stronger."

  10. Okay, bad guys are up, the troopers can see the way things seem to be going, so while they have couple of open targets they are going to hold their fire for the moment.


    The last telepathic Hound will mind blast Paradigm again, DC 20 Will save, she gets a 29 and is fine.

    @Poncho Golden Star is up!

  11. Timeout


    Lawrence calmly watched as the engagement continued to unfold, the hunter continuing to want to go after Kazra, even as Neko blinded him with illusions. But then the man in the fire producing armor arrived. While Kazra managed to get a hit in on him, she was burned in the process.


    Realizing the man could quickly become a problem if he started a fire that go out of control, the blond teen raised one hand as a burst of temporal energy erupted from him, spreading out in all directions. The burst washed harmlessly around Neko, the twins and Kazra, and failed to affect the drones. But it slammed into Hotshot, who froze for a moment before collapsing to the ground unconscious.


    The temporal energy also hit Esquire, who disconnected from reality as he was proved a rather easy target. But the Englishman proved resistant to the temporal effect and seemed unfazed.

  12. Timeout


    Lawrence gave a small smile as Daniel's distraction caused his character to die in the game he was playing. The blond teen then focused back on Iris and Michael. "Yeah, been doing fine, just had a lot on my mind." He responded.


    "I am doing okay." Lynn responded to Iris, though her expression did not really make it seem she was okay. Unlike Lawrence, Lynn's accent was fully American, with perhaps even a trace of a Jersey accent. At Michael's question about her relation to Lawrence, the blonde girl momentarily froze, a dark expression crossing her face.


    "Or something probably covers it." Lawerence replied as he gave Lynn a concerned look.


    Thankfully Sam interjected, taking Lynn’s attention for a moment before she looked back to Michael. "Nice to meet you Michael, Iris." The blonde girl stated as she shook Michael's hand. She then somewhat reluctantly moved over to Sam at the Street Fighter game. "No, not really." The younger girl replied to the question about whether or not she played the game.


    Lawrence watched her a moment before looking back to Michael and Iris. "It is a bit complicated, but she is, more or less, my half-sister, from another timeline." He stated in a low voice that was not likely to travel far over the noise of the arcade.


    Over at the Street Fighter game, Lynn gave a resigned sigh and listened as Sam explained and showed her the controls for the game. It was quickly apparent that the blonde girl had very good hand-eye coordination, and incredibly fast reflexes.

  13. Okay, while waiting for Tiff's IC post, 

    Multi-Girl will area attack Martinet and the three elite drones on the ground.

    13, rolling terrible today. Will use a HP for a reroll: 25, much better. That hits them all for a DC 27 toughness save.


    Martinet: 25 she picks up another bruise.
    The Elite Omegadrones: 22, 25 and 24, so one bruised and dazed, the other two just bruised.

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