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Posts posted by Nerdzul

  1. It’s a humbling experience isn’t it? Being tossed tossed like a rag doll. Especially by a musclehead discount supervillain. Plus the landing itself hadn’t exactly been a soft one. He really needed to throw me on the metal gal didn’t him? That was gonna hurt tomorrow.


    Luke was seething with anger when with way more effort than he would have expected, he managed to get back on his feet. Yeah. In the few moment that he was out commission though, the table had turned. The young man found himself grinning. 

    “Eat this ‘bro.” He wished he could think about something better, but well, his head was still pounding. Still he smirked as he aimed a strong uppercut to Knieval’s jaw, aiming to knock him down.

  2. Nightscale would definitely love to, but I think he is dazed... is there any way he can shake the condition off? hero point maybe? (the last he has I think).

  3. Couldn’t let you have all the fun. Couldn't I?” The young man smiled, a playful gaze crossing her own.


    Myself… Haven’t been in one of those battles yet nop…” He shook his head, looking in the distance.


    I mean, not since I got a fighting chance. I have been one of those guys on the ground trying to get out alive though a few of times, comes with choosing to live in Freedom City.” He could definitely sympathize with people that were for sure trying to run for their lives, or hide, or try to shield their little ‘bros from the rubbles as best as they could… “It sucks… We have to do somethin’.


    Pre-Terminus? For real?” So it was time travel. Or maybe some sort of vision. They were in a ‘magic’ cave in the desert after all. “You know Chaz’ sometimes I’m happy that my friend is a know-it-all.


    Time continuity or not, there was no way in the world he was not gonna try to help if there were lives to be saved. “We can’t just sit her-


    Woah the guy that just fell down for sure did look a lot like an older Felix didn’t him? Well… He was the freakin’ Centurion though and he was talking to them? Asking to help?


    The park. Find the Scarab. Got it.” He threw a glace at his friends though. Was that guy Centurion? For real? "Can be a trap, but I mean, only one way to find out right?"


    It won’t be exactly stealthy, but I think we can use my wings to get there? Don’t get too accustomed to it though.” He grinned, before he let the familiar feeling of his transformation take over. It only took a few moment for the teenage boy to be replaced with the black winged lizard. He stretched his wings, lazily perhaps, as his golden eyes surveyed his friends. Then, he knelt, lowering his neck so that they could more easily climb on his back if they wanted to.

  4. Yeah, happy to be here, Miss.” Luke grinned. “I mean definitely something that doesn’t happen every day.” Although  one day he would probably get accustomed to these kind of things it for sure was in the still far future. Although the fact that Sea Devil had as many fangs as he had when he was 16ft tall, could have been a little worrying. 


    Here to learn, myself.” He nodded, yeah, besides, he could definitely trade having to sit in class with a lovecraftian ceremony on the beach any day of the weak.


    Whose husband?” He chuckled. 


    And doesn’t look like to me like you are the enemy.” 


    Dimensional Doppelganger woah.” That was a new one, then again, as far as he knew he was from another world too, or maybe another time? His parents had never exactly been clear on the matter to be honest he wasn't sure that he wanted to know. “And how is it? I mean, your dimension?


    We are gonna deal with him.” He replied confidently. “And certainly hope it isn't gonna be peaceful, I mean I didn't sign up for boring, right?

  5. mmm 16 Nighstcale apparently keeps his inability to roll more than 10 when it matters... 

    Hero Point: 2 (yep).so it's 20, at least it's not a failure by 10 or more, I guess.

  6. Yeah definitely. It’s like… a bit alien maybe, still awesome though.” Well, everything in this new world he had found himself into since enrolling at school was awesome to be completely honest. “Speaking of Aliens… are you like, one too?” Sure maybe it was not a smooth way to ask, but then again, how do you exactly phrase this kind of question?


    So you can eat, but don’t need to? That must be freaking neat.” Yep, definitely. 


    “You’re, like, an ex student? Cool. Cool. Cool.


    Myself, that’s like my first year. Takes a while to get accustomed too… I mean, before this whole superpower thing I had a life as normal as one could be. Now my roomie can like control paper, one of my best friends is a shapeshifting robot and the local the bully can mind control people...” He could probably go on forever about life at school, his new friends and so on, like the bird-themed martial artist (that was a bit of a know it all, but no one is perfect), the cute red-head telepath that almost busted him the day he tried to sneak in at school... the... and the... yeah... 


    How was it? I mean when you were in Claremont too?” As far as he knew that could have been yesterday or last century, no way he could guess the age of a robot\alien or alien robot after all. 


    By the way, I’m Luke- I mea Nightscale if we wanna use our battle names.” He cleaned up his right hand on his jeans and offered Wratih and handshake. 



    And you were both at Claremont too? Feels like a school reunion here.” He grinned as he waved at Aquaria and Erin better known as Jessie. Young Freedom? So these were the people that Casanova was aping with his new group. I bet that you didn’t go around mind controlling people though...


     “F- I mean great ceremony by the way.

  7. Luke felt Bluebird telekinetic grasp tightening around him, he had managed to shrug it off, this time, but he wasn’t confident that it was gonna last forever.


    Whatever, that was a problem he could handle later. First thing first, he needed to wipe out that smug grin from Casanova’s face. Priorities, right?


    He waited just enough to see the young couple darting away, hopefully toward safety and then charged back at the mind controller. After a short jump, to gather more momentum, he aimed his left hook square on Shield’s jaw, a grin appeared on his lips when this time he managed to strike true.


    There was no time to enjoy the moment though, with his friend now crying in pain on the ground. The young man darted to assist Shift, landing a few steps from him, ready to defend him in case anyone thought about playing dirty and  going for the guy in pain the ground. “Hey. It’s ok. You’re gonna be ok mate.” He tried to reassure Shift, the least he could do.

  8. Nightscale is gonna keep it simple for now he is gonna go for his left hook in Sebastian's jaw. 


    I have a few ideas about using his emotion control power to try and sway some of the new young freedom, but given  that they can't see or hear at the moment and all of Luke's tricks are sense-dependent he has to wait for the right occasion...


    He will use Move-By action to get close to Casanova, throw the punch and use the rest of his movement to get close to Shift and use Interpose if anyone attacks his friend. He is also going to use the 'free' all out attack maneuver to get +2 to hit and -2 defense.


    Punching Casanova: 24 to hit (Yey he actually hit something! Ofc when it's just a punch, oh well...) the damage DC is 23. 


    Nightscale's defense is 6 for the turn though.


    Feeling a bit sleepy now, but I'm gonna post IC tomorrow morning.

  9. Wh-” Luke almost choked on his fried fish. 


    Shorrhy.” He cleaned up his mouth with one arm, gulping down what was left of his last mouthful of delicious seafood while using the short interruption to take a glance at the newcomer. Cool. The whole three eyes and no mouth thing was maybe a bit weird, but then again, he was a guy who could turn into a dragon at a party with fish people so yeah… He could live with weird.


    And I mean yeah, it’s pretty awesome.” He smiled.. Robot? Alien? Lovecraftian creature? Was it polite to actually ask? Yeah super-hero etiquette was  hard wasn’t it?

    You don’t eat? God that must suck.” He commented frankly. 


    Ehm-No offense, obviously. But I feel you…


    Anyway, is it the first time at the ceremony for you too?” He tied to change subject. Yeah very smooth  Luke congratz..

  10. Ok thanks :)


    I won't spend an HP then, I mean given how much the random number god loves me recently, the chances of getting a 16 aren't exactly high...

  11. That was a form of extracurricular that he could get behind! Free food (that was great by the way) and strange, but somewhat intriguing fish people, sure he had heard some creepy tales about them, but these ones seemed nice and no one had tried to eat him, yet. Although he would have to admit that the whole celebrating inside a carcass was kinda creepy. Whatever, besides, he had decided that scaly people had to sympathize with each other, right?


    The scent of seafood was a tad overwhelming, maybe, to his enhanced senses, but it was nothing that he couldn’t overpower by focusing on the admittedly overabundant portion of fried fish that he was devouring with extreme glee.


    So far the attempts at doing small talk hadn’t exactly been successful (what do you exactly say to a fish guy or gal to break the ice?) still, he was confident that he was gonna figure out something before the night was over...

  12. You know ‘bro? I expected you to be more of a good sport.” Luke taunted playfully, his gaze meeting the one of the dude-bro supervillain, a cocky smirk on his lips. He gave a quick glance at the crowd that still surrounded them. No way he was gonna be able to use dragonfire on the scene. Besides, fire and paper... well... yeah.




    Maybe self preservation will eventually kick in the bystanders will actually give them some space.


    For now though, it  meant that he would have to resort to his fists again. When Knieval was still distracted by his friend’s exploits, Luke dashed at him, tackling the villain, now perhaps not a with a technique that his coach would have been proud about, but hopefully, it would be enough to stop the 'bro from using some new gadget.

  13. Luke will try to grapple Knieval (hehe I kinda envision the scene as him attempting a football tackle).

    He will also get -2 to defense for the turn to gain +2 to hit.

    17 total... Nope
    Let's see if with the hero point it goes better... 3 awesome, but at least this time it should hit with 23 total?

    Actual Grapple Check 26

    Meh I can't manage to make decent rolls recently.

  14. Hehe Luke would be kinda amazed that Shift can do that.


    I would have liked for him to still give a try in freeing Shift (mostly to test the rules of the game\have him try to help his friend), but I bet we are gonna get more chances.

  15. Yeah I wasn't sure, after all a 19 would have hit Luke, but Sebastian looks like the agile type so... Anyway Nightscale won't stop after missing Sebastian though, he is gonna use the rest of the move to dash past them, getting between the mind controlled teen and the couple (and hopefully not in between Stinger, and Chump).


    He will use interpose to take the hit if the anyone tries to harm the couple.

  16. Luke watched as the arrow darted through the air, showering the would be heroes with sticky foam. Cool. “Hey… do you have some for these people too?” He pointed at the group of kids that Sebastian has mind controlled. Yeah, keeping them still would prevent them from getting into more trouble right? “Chaz?” He faced Raven for a moment, wondering if maybe his friend had something that can help in that utility belt of his.


    Whatever. They had been spotted (Yeah and whose fault is it? Noob…), he didn’t have the time to strategize more and unfortunately his powers weren’t exactly the kind that he could use to get a few innocents out of the fight. Sure it would have been funny to unleash dragonfire on Shield’s little posse to be totally honest, but in a public park… yeah his reputation didn’t need it...


    He dashed ahead, toward Shield, the plan was simple, he was sure he could overpower the scrawnier teenager and then bring him away from the battlefield, where he could no longer harm anyone innocent. 


    Damn! That guy was more agile than he looked though. Despite his best efforts, Sebastian dodged away exactly at the right time. A growl of disappointment escaped from his lips as he kept dashing forward, placing himself between the young couple and the controlled teenagers. The least he could do was to try to keep them safe.

  17. I was wondering, when Nightscale is in between tiles and is flying over number 6 can he try to help shift get out? He won't try to bring them away from the tile as he imagines that the invisible wall would block him, but at least he could maybe drag them out of the plastic? 


  18. Luke gave a worried look to his trapped friend, he was about to fly out and go grab Shift to get the young robot out of his plastic prison, but then again the invisible wall on his tile reminded him that there was nothing that he could do. Maybe luck would allow him to land on the same spot though? 


    Ok kids, give me a five.” He turned to face the class and gave them a smile filled with rows upon rows of fangs, not the most reassuring perhaps, but it was the best he could do. His gaze followed the dice bouncing around,  one. Come on! Come on! Come on! One! Again.


    Really?” Frustrated he exhaled a small could of fire and then stepped on the next tile. Move to number 10! Awesome!


    He stretched his wings and began to fly toward his next spot. Wouldn't his path pass through the the tile where his friend was struck though?

  19. Lucky as usual Luke tries to Grapple Casanova, but with an awesome 15 I imagine that he misses on the attack to initiate it.

    Tries again with an hero point 19 awesome it is the least I could have rolled with it right? given than anything less I'd have added 10...

    Very likely that he would miss anyway, but just in case he would have rolled 29 for grappling... and 27 to drag him along with him. 


    The plan was to rush at him, grapple the guy and use the remaining part of Nightscale's movement to drag him away from the group so that he could not mind control innocent people into the fight anymore. 




    Move: Close the distance with Casanova (using the Move by attack feat) 

    Standard: Grapple 

    Continue the Move: drag him away hopefully far enough from  any innocent bystander. 


    Nightscale can move up to 500 ft in a rd  thanks to speed 3


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