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Kaede Kimura

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Posts posted by Kaede Kimura

  1. Shadowborne 1 post = 1PP

    Power Vacuum 1 post


    Shooting Star 3+(2)+(5) = 10 posts = 2PP

    Unseelie against Steel 3 posts

    GM A Dream of Christmas +2 posts

    GM Unseelie against Steel +5 posts


    The Dreamer (1) posts = 1PP

    GM A Dream of Christmas +1 post


    Blue Bolt 1+1+1+2+(5) = 10 posts = 2PP

    Never Was 1 post

    Survival Class: Survival in the Hereafter 1 post

    Only Monsters Left Alive 1 post

    Doom Room Troop 2 posts

    GM Unseelie against Steel +5 posts


    Harlequin (1) posts = 1PP

    GM A Dream of Christmas +1 post



    A Dream of Christmas 2 posts (4 posts) - Please divide 1 post to Harlequin and the Dreamer, and 2 posts to Shooting Star (Noted in post counts)

    Unseelie against Steel 5 posts (10 posts) - Please divide 5 posts to Blue Bolt, and 5 posts to Shooting Star (Noted in post counts)

  2. Blue Bolt 


    Vueriz laughed nervously at the comment about never cheating, before settling down for the sensible conversation about what they wanted to do. She wasn't sure what a 'Metroid' was, but she understood the rest of the concept. She wasn't sure about the 'let Michael be bait idea though. It did make a certain amount of sense, being that he was the toughest one, although it did give her an idea...


    "Uh, maybe a crazy idea, but maybe instead of sending you, I could attach the Aurora Roarer to Baz and set it to go off if something attacks him. He's immune to it, so he'll be fine but the attacker won't and then we can swoop in while it's blinded. If uh, you and Baz are okay with that."

  3. Okay, beginning the pain train: Mothlight is going to use a Selective targeted area Snare to hit the Goblins in the alleyway, taking a ten to hit em all.


    So 16 DC15 Reflex saves...


    Gaw damn so many numbers...

    15, 10, 16, 19, 23, 23, 7, 6, 8, 16, 23, 19, 23, 10, 9, 24

    10 make the save, the other six are bound and helpless, and given they'll be unable to use their knives to try escape I'm going to count them as taken out.


    Moving on from that, Anarchilles is gonna punch a goblin. He's All-Out-Attacking and taking a ten so that he hits, and there is absolutely no way the Goblin makes the save.


    After him is Steel Shade, who is taking a beating and down to his last use of Impervious from his Shield Generator, so he's gonna pick up The Prestige and use his Jump Pack to get out into the Train Yard. He will be in the air for a full round so if I'm reading the rules right he'll land on his next turn.


    Second to last initiative, the Goblin Mages are going to pop out of hiding and try cast Confusion on Bloody Mess and Anarchilles.

    24 to hit Bloody Mess. Don't worry about it, the issue is summarily resolved later in the post. For academic purposes should you wish you can make a DC17 Will Save to see if you would have been confused.

    13 to hit Anarchilles, which due to his All-Out-Attack will hit! And he fails his save so he is confused!


    Shooting Star is gonna attack the goblin that cast confuse on Bloody Mess, All-Out-Attack +5 so 1d20+10 = 26 that's a hit and so a DC30 Toughness save for the little guy which he fails, being Staggered, Dazed and Bruised...


    And as a small creature with a +7 Toughness his -2 Knockback modifier vs. Shooting Star's +15 Damage means he flies 10,000 feet.


    I'm going to say he hits a wall rather than change his post code, which being a warehouse I'll say is steel so a DC25 Toughness save against the impact. Which he biffs with a natural 1. He is now unconscious, and cannot maintain the Confuse power on Bloody Mess. Poor little guy. 


    Regardless, moving onward and upward to the start of Initiative, more Goblins arrive, seventeen new goblins pouring out to join the nine remaining. Active minion goblin count: 26.


    With that the Redcaps will act again, switching up their targets, one on each hero and one on Mothlight. Once again they'll be using Turnabout Teleport to bounce in and out of the fray.


    To hit Blackstaff: 21, man these goblins will not give Christopher a break. DC24 Toughness, or if you use a HP you can double your Dodge bonus which would make that miss. 

    To hit Bloody Mess: 16, amusingly the character named Bloody Mess isn't. 

    To hit Mothlight: 7, a miserable miss.

    To hit Shooting Star: 21 that'll hit, and with it's Penetrating beat her Impervious. Toughness save vs DC24, 1d20+15 = 16. Wow, that's just straight up impressive. Unfortunately for the Redcap I'm going to HP reroll that. 1d20+15 = 25 with that she's fine. 

    They then teleport away. 


    Finally, The Prestige clears her Dazed condition. @Supercape, Bloody Mess is up. I'll probably not manage the whole IC tonight, being that it's gonna be so long. 


    So very long. 



    Redcaps 24 (4 active)

    The Prestige 21 Bruised & Injured 1

    Bloody Mess 18 1HP

    Goblins 16 (Minions, 26 active, 9 downed)

    Blackstaff 14 3HP

    Mothlight 14

    Anarchilles 13

    Steel Shade 12 Bruised & Injured 2

    Goblin Mages 8 (1 active, 1 down)

    Shooting Star 4 2HP

  4. GM


    The Goblins cackle at Bloody Mess' outrage, a cacophony of jeers and mocking echoing through the street ss the Redcap teleports just in time to avoid his strike. This was followed by a tide of blades as they slashed and stabbed with stone daggers. Many failed to find their marks as the creatures fought to be the first to draw blood, others failed as the heroes dodged and used defensive powers. Still some found their marks, one blade deflected by Steel Shade's shield generator, another two failing to pierce the glowing woman's costume and one bouncing from Blackstaff's shield. But with a yowl of victory one jumped ahead of its compatriot to strike the woman in the magician's outfit across the head, a thin gash opening as she cried out in pain and staggered back from the strike.


    The jeers turned triumphant at the green tide's first blood.

  5. The Redcap sees through the feint, I'm afraid and your attack just misses, so the Redcap manages to finish his Turnabout unscathed.


    Goblin time.


    Each group (Two per hero + The Prestige, and three on the other villains) is gonna make a Combined Attack.



    To hit Blackstaff: 16, 21, one hits so only DC19 Toughness

    To hit Bloody Mess: 17, 10 both miss

    To hit Shooting Star: 6, 10 with some truly garbage rolls, they miss the easiest to hit hero :/



    To hit Anarchilles: 14, 16, 18 with an evenly spaced distribution they hit him twice upping the DC to 21 and failing to beat his Impervious.

    To hit Mothlight: 25, 25, 12, wow, some hella rolls there. DC21 Toughness from Mothlight who... Makes it

    To hit Steel Shade: 9, 26, 19 he is lucky Minions can't score Critical hits. DC21 save is stopped by his Impervious. His shield generator has one charge left. 

    To hit The Prestige: 25, 15, one hit,  DC19 Toughness which she biffs. That's Dazed, Bruised and Injured.


    With that it's @Spacefurry's turn, after a DC19 Toughness save. 

  6. Blue Bolt 


    Vueriz looked around, flexing her fingers to make sure her gloves weren't stiff. She was looking forward to the test, showing off what she had been picking up but also very nervous, since this was a group assessment and she didn't want to let the others down. (at least this one wasn't a written assessment again, she was pretty sure if she used the excuse about having bad handwriting in English Michael would insist on tutoring her.)


    Putting that thought aside she waved to the twins as Michael called out his greeting, before refocusing on the task ahead. "I think we should stick together, the teachers probably designed the tasks for all three of us, so going alone will probably mean we run into way more than we can handle." She looked between Baz and Michael, before inspecting the environments. "What's the plan?"

  7. GM


    With the heroes rebuttals the Redcap wasted no time in his response, sneering "Our prince comes to these lands, our time is at hand!" at Blackstaff in response to his comment  before casting a flint arrowhead at the mage. The Elfshot flickered in and out of visibility to those without magical senses, but with a flare of the wizard's shield bracelet it bounced away, skittering to the ground. At the same time, the first Redcap appeared from thin air with two additional cohorts. Each attacked one of the supers to varying effect:


    The one after Anarchilles apparently aimed as if he were attacking a normal sized human and instead struck air to no effect, while the one that attacked Bloody Mess found that the hero's boxing training assisted against pikes as much as fists, and the one who once more struck at Steel Shade drove his spear into the man's thigh. Having committed their violence the quartet of Goblins vanished into smoke once more.


    The woman in the magician's outfit looked slightly shaken as the rapid assault, air hissing through her teeth as the team's leader was stabbed repeatedly. 


    Almost too fast to see she pulled a card from her sleeve, swinging it at the nearest goblin. With a small surge of light it morphed into an anvil, her hand clutching it's horn as it slammed into the little green creature. Before it left her grasp it turned back into a card, which she tucked away again.


    "What's the plan Shadey? My bucket list doesn't include being a pincushion."

  8. Right, Redcaps and then The Prestige!


    The Redcap on the roof is gonna throw a stone blade at Blackstaff, while the other three are going to teleport through, attacking Anarchilles, Steel Shade and Bloody Mess with their pikes.


    To hit Blackstaff: 23, DC21 Toughness please.

    To hit Anarchilles: 8, that's a miss

    To hit Steel Shade: 22, that's a hit, DC24 Toughness, 21 thanks to his bruise so he takes another injured and Bruised.

    To hit Bloody Mess: 17, which is a miss too. All four will then teleport away.

    @Supercape Bloody Mess would be able to sense that the red on their hats is old human blood.

    Right, Redcaps and then The Prestige!


    The Redcap on the roof is gonna throw a stone blade at Blackstaff, while the other three are going to teleport through, attacking Anarchilles, Steel Shade and Bloody Mess with their pikes.


    To hit Blackstaff: 23, DC21 Toughness please.

    To hit Anarchilles: 8, that's a miss

    To hit Steel Shade: 22, that's a hit, DC24 Toughness, 21 thanks to his bruise so he takes another Injured and Bruised.

    To hit Bloody Mess: 17, which is a miss too.


    They then use Turnabout to teleport away.


    @Supercape, Bloody Mess would be able to tell that the red on their caps is blood. Human blood of various ages. I don't think you can sense them when they teleport into cover but I'm open to being corrected.


    The Prestige is gonna take a 10 to hit a Goblin, for 20 total. Which hits, provoking a DC25 Toughness which it actually can't pass, so 1 goblin down.


    I'll get the IC up today, then it's Bloody Mess' turn!

  9. Shooting Star 


    Alice took half a step forward when the red capped creature appeared behind Steel Shade, but hesitated before her reflexes could kick in and instead of interposing herself between them just watched as the Gremlins reject stabbed her brother.


    Her jaw creaked from clenching it, trying not to let it show how seeing him hurt upset her when the rest appeared. Truly masters of negotiation this lot. The other two heroes each responded in their own way, Big Red by... spouting a worker's creed or something, the more interesting in one was the guy who clearly knew what they were up against. Still, she couldn't resist a quip. "Hey! You lot are trying to rob what they've rightfully stolen!"

  10. Okay, Initiatives!


    Shooting Star gets a 1d20+2 = 4, truly the fastest draw in the west. 


    For Steel Shade's team:

    Steel Shade: 12

    The Prestige: 21

    Anarchilles: 13

    Mothlight: 14


    And for the Goblins:

    <Mysteries>: 8

    Redcaps: 24

    Goblins (Minions): 16


    For reference, there are currently 18 Goblins, with six adjacent to the heroes and twelve around the villains. The heroes have seen two Redcaps, with one currently visible. The initiative order as it stands is:


    Redcaps 24

    The Prestige 21

    Bloody Mess 18 1HP

    Goblins 16

    Blackstaff 14 4HP

    Mothlight 14

    Anarchilles 13

    Steel Shade 12 Bruised & Injured 1

    ??? 8

    Shooting Star 4 3HP


    Will do some IC posts tomorrow before moving onto Combat (After SF gets a chance to post of course)






  11. With the arrival of the Goblins (which I'll say Blackstaff recognizes on sight) can I please have Initiative rolls. Feel free to do reaction posts prior to combat beginning though. Will get Initiative for Shooting Star and the NPCs soon.

  12. GM


    The quartet of villains stopped quickly as Bloody Mess made his appearance, tilting his head as he looks the shorter man over, sizing him up for a fight when the other two arrive. He takes a step forward and seems about to speak when suddenly a small green man with a wicked grin and crusty red hat appears behind him in a puff of smoke, an obsidian tipped spear at the ready. His shield flares for a moment again, but the spear pushes through with a sound like a mixture of glass breaking and radio static, puncturing the man's side before vanishing once more with a cackle.


    As if on queue, dozens of similar individuals, although without the hat burst from the gutters and holes in the warehouses around the heroes and villains, with axes and blades made of stone, which they wave and point at everyone in their vicinity. Another red capped fellow looks down at the people below, crowing "Give us the treasures and die!"

  13. GM


    The pair each made their way into the warehouse, one bursting through the door upon the back of a tide of paper in the shape of a tyrannosaurus, while the other dropped in through the hole in the roof, his fall softened by spectral wings. The inside of the warehouse had been transformed, tall steel racking having been removed and reshaped into large arrays of reinforcement for the walls, with numerous wires and projector dishes mixed into the new framework, all facing inwards. In the center of it all at a desk sat a familiar face; Alice's brother, Aaron in a black trenchcoat and jeans, with a white undershirt. Completing the familiar look was Steel Shade's welding mask sat propped up against a metal lunchbox. His Railpistol sat upon the desk next to them, pointing away from both himself and the door. 


    He looks slightly shocked at the paper dinosaur bursting through the door, but quickly recovers goes composure, looking about briefly before speaking. 

    "Leon. I suppose Luke is around somewhere, or did his work run late? Regardless, just so you don't get any bright ideas, the Dimensional arrays will activate if I shift from this seat, anything that's not either on the desk or wearing the correct IFF inside the warehouse will get a one way trip to a world where a nuclear war destroyed human civilization. We need to have a little talk."

  14. GM


    The Dreamer lets out an amused huff at being referred to as a damsel in distress, but does not disagree with the statement. "Perhaps I should dream a suit of armour and lance for my chivalrous protector. Sir Daye has a nice sound to it." Her smile fades a little at the reminder that they might still be pursued, and she follows him quickly. 


    It does not take Blackstaff long to orient himself, being accustomed to the streets of the city. The small room had let out several streets over from where their flight had led them, and it takes nearly ten minutes to reach the car, but the pair are unaccosted during their travel, although many pairs of eyes follow them, many seeming to recognize the 'Christmas Spirit'.


    Upon arriving at his vehicle, Blackstaff would notice an oddity, his dashboard claiming the time to be nearly two hours earlier than when they had been confronted.



  15. Blue Bolt 


    Vueriz scanned around as Baz put on a brave face about his leg (don't think about it, don't think about it) everyone was fighting hard, holding back the Communion and, in Lawrence's case, curing them. Especially with the Freedom League and most of the Praetorians that situation was under control for now.


    That left the Entity. The one that trapped them all here in the first place. If no one stopped it then they were stuck, facing endless waves of enemies until something gave. Someone. (Don't think about it.) She didn't have anything that could punch through the barrier though, given some of the things she'd seen Parker do the Meson Driver didn't have a hope.


    She stopped short, replaying the ripples of the barrier through her head. It wasn't indestructible, it was distributing the energy. By dispersing the energy across space and time it renders incoming attacks ineffective... if Parker and Lawrence worked to lock down the dispersal then the Meson Driver... not enough power but- she looked to Michael and Baz, a nuclear reactor and a solar flare could do it. The Driver would need modification, a resonance chamber and expanded battery array. It would probably burn it out, but it was worth it.


    Hopefully she'd ever get it to work again.


    "Guys I have an idea, I just need a couple seconds! Gamma Buzz, Golden Star I'll need your help after I'm done. Spaceman, Timeout I'll need you to try hitting the barrier when I tell you. I'm pretty sure we'll only get one shot but we can take him down!"


    She spared a moment to wish that the telepath twins were here so she didn't have to potentially let the enemy know their plan before leaping into action. She didn't bother searching her parts bag, instead emptying it onto the ground, snatching up the half dozen laser pointers she'd 'acquired' from the maths teachers desk and breaking them open to pry out the lasing medium, starting to assemble the Gamma chamber at a frantic pace.


    "Uh, Star I'm not gonna be able to use my board or anything for the next little bit. If you want you can use 'em. The Nervebuzzer should slow some of them down if you want to throw it at them too. Your throwing arms better than mine anyway." To demonstrate its location she shakes her hips, the grenade clicking on her belt. 

  16. Shooting Star


    Alice had been floating above the train yard, thinking of trying to ambush the group when the big guy jumped in demanding that Steel Shade and his team surrender. Outnumbered four to one, barely higher than half the height of one of the bad guys and he still boomed out his lines without a moments hesitation.


    She couldn't fault his guts, and probably wasn't the best person to comment on common sense.


    Still she couldn't expect the man to face the quartet alone, especially with whatever was apparently going on. (Goblins, yeah right.) She flew down, settling quietly near the big man. "You're outmatched, Steel Shade. Stand down."

  17. Shadowborne 


    Muirne swung between buildings as fast as she could, she'd been doing spear drills at the mansion when Charlie's call had gone out, and so needed to make double time to get to the site. With a last heave she rockets to the top of a nearby building, skidding to a stop at the edge.


    She stared down at the scene below, ice running through her veins as the people collapsed around the villain. She clenched her spear tightly, shadows writhing as she glared down at them.


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