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Posts posted by Kolohehonu

  1. GM


    The Boats had been passing overhead for a while now, as was usual in this part of the ocean. The three heroes looked at one another but before anyone could really say anything more something became apparent to all three very sensitive noses. A moment later, rocketing out of the deep like a torpedo, came two wriggling  serpentine bodies. They would emerge up out of the water about a hundred feet from where the three heroes had gathered. And they would emerge right next to a cargo ship headed into port.  

  2. PC

    "Well I'm waiting on sea serpents." Koa gave an empathetic nod. He didn't usually travel in his hybrid form,  but these were huge sea serpents and he didn't want to get caught off guard. Just cause they hadn't eaten anyone yet didn't mean they wouldn't. He'd rather go into this fight, as humans put it "guns blazing." 

    Koa watched the newly arrived shark person. He sure didn't look like a wereshark or an atlantean, but Koa wasn't too sure. "Are you a wereshark too?" 

  3. GM 

    Atlantic Ocean

    April 9th, 3:00 pm


    Over the weekend three ships had been attacked. The sailors had reported giant snake like creatures that had emerged up out of the dark and struck. The sailors had expected to be eaten or for the ships to be sunk. Instead the serpents had plucked cargo containers off the ships and tossed them into the deep. 


    Koa had seen the news reports and decided he’d look into it. He’d seen sea serpents before and, maybe Atlantic ones acted differently, but that wasn’t how they behaved. After class he jogged on down to the waterfront and dove in. 

    If I keep near the ships coming in and out maybe I can catch these weird sea serpents in the act. 

  4. GM


    Saturday April 7th, 2018 

    6:00 pm

    Waco, Texas 


    The Cameron Park Zoo was a point of pride for the city of Waco. Plenty of people used it as a source of outdoor recreation. Since early this morning dozens of people and cars had entered the park and none had come out. This alone would have been concerning. The fact that multiple bordering neighborhoods had been swallowed up as well made it all the worse. No less than a hundred people had gone missing, people had stopped going in, but no one was coming out. 


    What had come out was a bear. From a distance, one might assume that it was one of the American Black Bears from the Cameron Park Zoo, perhaps even rightly. Except now it was about three times the size and when it had been approached by police it had breathed flames at them. 


    To put it lightly? Not your average day in the park. 


    Hyperactive had gotten the call about an expanded park early in the morning. He had at that point decided he wasn’t going to pick a fight with trees. When he’d heard the reports of missing persons he’d decided it might be his issue to fix. When he heard about a bear wandering down University Parks, it definitely became his issue to solve. So he decided it was time to run home. 

  5. Hey y’all I’m back! And that means so is Hyperactive! 


    Without further ado! A plot hook: 


    Did you know that Cameron Park in Waco is the second largest municipal park in the United States Of America? 

    At least it was. Now it’s definitely the largest. The park is expanding. People are going missing. The animals in the Cameron Park Zoo are loose and seemingly altered. Well, Hyperactive is going to be on the case, but he needs help. 


    Probably looking for one one or two other heroes! 

  6. Koa decided his best course of action was to stick with Salvo. She seemed nice and the most willing to help out with his not knowing things. 


    "I'm coming!" Koa declared gleefully following. He watched Jann take off and fly away. "I love fish." Koa smiled letting his jagged teeth show with glee. 

  7. Hyperactive saw the gorilla go flying and spat blood against his face shield. Oh he hated psychics. He could not stand people getting in his head. Hearing the mockery below he charged down below. 


    "Don't. Mess. With. My. HEAD!" He shouted punctuating each word with a round house kick aimed at the psychic's head. He hated people messing with his brains. After raining a barrage of blows down and not really seeing if they hit, he dashed out of reach and back atop the plane ready to try and defend the dent in the hull. 

  8. "I can't turn like that." Koa remarked watching the turns, oh that looked like a lot more fun than what he had back home. He thought about the whole vomiting ordeal the others were talking about. He didn't like vomiting, but it was only an issue if he had eaten something as a shark that he couldn't throw up as an atlantean. Which wouldn't be an issue today. 


    "I'd love to eat, either before or after rides. But I really want to try that roller coaster." the young atlantean had begun absentmindedly fidgeting and bouncing, a shark like habit: not being able to sit still. He also was more hungry, he'd not had time for eating a proper breakfast, but the allure of the twists and the turns of the roller coaster seemed to put even his preternatural hunger at bay.

  9. Koa took in the whole of the tour with both sight and smell. His senses were fine, but he didn't really get why surfacer said relied on only one sense. It was useful to figure out where things were based on the smell. For example, the boys dorms smelled or perhaps stank of sweat and he thought maybe angst. It was good to know that if he had to find home that was another thing to be sniffing for. 


    "I'm sure I'll be fine." Smiled Koa as he heard about the other hallmate. He wasn't too sure what the other student had, but well he was looking forward to meeting him. Most of his family could be described as troublemakers so it wouldn't feel too unlike home. 


    When he arrived back with the others Koa smiled hearing the discussion of the Doom Room. He didn't say anything aloud, but instead just nodded emphatically, careful to keep his mouth closed as he did so. 

  10. "We have what I guess you would call a fair?" Koa said, not sure if that was the right word. "People show animals and there's contests." it was something Koa loved even if he didn't get to be that close. There was always the chance for bloody noses and worse, so he'd always kept his distance. "I'm from more in the country though, so I'm not sure what the cities are like." 


    Koa listened fairly intently to all the talk of flying. He could not fly, nor did he really see the appeal. It was like swimming in the air, and well he could swim in the water. He was content being able to leap around. He really did not want to get in trouble and it seemed silly to use powers when the point was to ride the rides. 


    "That looks like fun." Koa said pointing at the roller coaster. "We used to jump into rip tides and it was kind of like that. I think."

  11. "What's a Ferris wheel?" The Atlantean freshman asked shyly from the next row back. He wiped the sweat from his brow as he asked. He was not handling the heat well. 


    "There aren't amusement parks where I'm from." Koa had found there was only so much working out and combat training he could do before boredom set in. And he was still trying not to get lost in the disorienting reef of buildings that was Freedom. So the opportunity to go to the Amusement park had been one he couldn't pass up. 

  12. Koa took in the various displays of powers with interest and a twinge of Jealousy. Everyone here seemed to have powers they could show off. On the one hand he had exceptional control for a wereshark, he hadn't eaten anyone well ever. But it wasn't like he could  just turn to show off. He would get stuck in that form and he didn't want that to be a first impression. 


    Koa held his tongue as he watched, he didn't have anything to add. Instead, he slipped off to the side still where he could see, but where he would go unnoticed. He melted into the shadows to take in the displays.

  13. The Warriors had been instrumental in riding Austin of Parker's cult. It helped that 


    Hyperactive answered the phone before the first ring had finished. When he had heard who he was speaking to he cracked a huge smile. 


    "Fast Forward, always a pleasure! What can I do for you?" He smiled. "I'm actually..." he paused for a moment still running fast as he left Vegas in the dust. "Well now I'm actually in LA. Working a case, a big one actually." He smiled into the phone. "Could actually use some help, or at least someone who knows this area better than I do."

  14. The pond keeps getting bigger. Koa took in the growing throng with something not unlike dread. The others all looked so much more... impressive than he did. Then it dawned on him, that probably meant they wouldn't be terrified when he turned. He looked over the now growing crowd of people again. One seemed aloof, but the other two had said hello, and it seemed rude not to reply. 


    "Hello, Salvo. I'm Koa." The young Atlantean said extending his left hand to shake, (that was how surfacers did it right?) with a wide grin before remembering his teeth even in this form were like razors. He shut his lips while still keeping a now far shyer smile. "But I guess you knew that... I'm Feeding Frenzy!" Oh did that feel good to say. He hadn't actually gotten much of a chance to say it out loud, but he liked the way it sounded. His smile broke back into a toothy grin before slapping his other hand in front of his face embarrassed still over his teeth. 

  15. Koa heard the surfacers had an expression: "like a fish out of water." He was fairly certain it wasn't usually this literal. The surface world was bright and dry, two things that Koa was not used to. He scratched irritatedly at the collar of his shirt which happened to be almost choking him, he'd rather have it totally unbuttoned but that felt wholly inappropriate in front of the princess. 


    Which was a whole 'nother thing. There was another surfacer expression that came to mind. "Little fish, very big pond." He was meeting a princess. Being helped by a princess. Him. A kid who grew up in the backwaters of the Pacific. He was talking to a princess. Or he would be if he had said anything. When she mentioned the Doom Room, Koa stood at attention. 


    "Yes your Highness." Koa gave an Atlantean salute, as his father had taught him. "I haven't maimed anyone in..." How long had it been? Months. Just say months that's probably true. "Months." 

  16. Hyperactive spent the next few minutes dashing around gathering information and comforting the crowd as well. He was a familiar face in most of Texas, and a super was always welcome. At least he had found that to be true. But he was piecing together information on that villain. 


    "Good news and bad news." He made his way back to Weekend Man. "When I was a little kid my parents used to tell me about this guy. Well more my parents friends who were other heroes." He said as he looked out at the town. "They would tell me about him when I was little to get me to slow down. 'Don't run off on me or Parker Psion will snatch you up!'" He paused and shuddered. "I mean I used to be terrified of this guy... and now that I've gone toe to toe with him-" a grin spread across his face. "How cool would it be if we got him?" Then faster than anyone could really track. "Actually I'm downright terrified. Let's see if we can't spoil whatever game he has going, but I mean actually beating him may be above what we can do on our own. But we seemed to make him mad which was honestly more than I ever thought I would do to someone like that."

  17. GM


    "An excellent question." Dr. Yang gave a slight nod. "We aren't able to identify magic or evil with science. But we suspect this isn't natural. For one thing the victims all presented with these fungal growths." He aimed a laser pointer at clumps of blackish, green and grey moss that was in the center. "We haven't seen anything like it." 


    "In some of the less advanced cases, which were among the team sent in to recover samples of the vector, we managed to reverse it with antifungal sprays and one of our more religious colleagues used holy water." Dr. Yang continued pointing at a young woman with a bandaged arm. "But we attempted that on one in a similar state to this one and, well the body simply crumbled."

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