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Fast-Forward and Hologram

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Abilities: 4 + 8 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 4 = 26PP
STR: 14 (+2) 
DEX: 18 (+4) 
CON: 18 (+4) 
INT: 12 (+1) 
WIS: 10 (+0) 
CHA: 14 (+2) 


Combat: 20 + 14 = 34PP
Initiative: +36
Attack +10 (+12 Melee/+16 Zoom) 
Defense +16 (+9 Dodge Focus, +7 Base, +3 Flat-Footed) 
Grapple: +12
Knockback: -4/-2 


Saves: 1 + 11 + 5 = 17PP
TOU +8/+4 (+4 Con, +4 Defensive Roll) 
FORT +5 (+4 Con, +1) 
REF +15 (+4 Dex, +11) 
WILL +15 w/Mind Shield/+5 (+0 Wis, +5) 


Skills: 92R=23PP
Bluff 13 (+15) 
Escape Artist 11 (+15)
Knowledge (History) 9 (+10)
Languages 1 (Hebrew, Base: English) 
Notice 15 (+15) 
Search 6 (+7) 
Sleight of Hand 11 (+15) 
Sense Motive 15 (+15) 
Stealth 11 (+15) 


Feats: 31PP
Attack Focus 4 (Melee)
Attack Specialization 2 (Zoom Array) 
Beginner’s Luck
Benefit 2 (Fame, Wealth 1) 
Challenge (Fast Taunt) 
Defensive Roll 2
Distract (Bluff) 
Dodge Focus 9 
Evasion 2 
Fast Overrun 
Improved Overrun
Instant Up
Move-by Action 
Set Up 
Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) 


Powers: 12 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 10 + 8 + 8 + 1 + 2 + 37 = 88PP

Concealment 10 (all senses, Flaw: Passive, PFs: Close Range, Selective) [12PP] 

Enhanced Feats 8 (Improved Initiative 8) [8PP]

Feature 1 (Temporal Inertia) [1PP] 

Immunity 1 (aging, Extra: Affects Others, Flaw: Limited [Half-Effect]) [1PP]

Mind Shield 10 [10PP] 

Quickness 8 (x500) [8PP]

Speed 8 (2500 MPH/25000 FPMove) [8PP]

Super-Senses 1 (Communications Link 1 (mental, Hologram) [1PP]

Super-Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 1, Water-Walking, Flaw: Limited [Only While Moving]) [2PP] 

Zoom Array 16 (32PP, PFs: Alternate Powers 5) [37PP]
BE: Enhanced Speed 4 (to Speed 12 [50,000 MPH/94.6 miles per move]) (Extra: Affects Others 12) {16} + Enhanced Quickness 4 (to Quickness 12 [x10000]) (Extra: Affects Others 12) {16+16=32/32}
AP: Damage 8 (Extras: Autofire, Penetrating, Secondary Effect) {32/32}
AP: Damage 8 (Extras: Area [Targeted, Shapeable], Secondary Effect, Selective]) {32/32}
AP: Insubstantial 4 (temporal, affected by temporal effects) {20} + Super-Movement 3 (temporal, any era, Extra: Affects Others) {12} {20+12=32/32} 
AP: Paralyze 8 (Extra: Alternate Save [Reflex], Autofire, Secondary Effect) {32/32} 
AP: Stun 8 (Extra: Alternate Save [Reflex], Autofire, Secondary Effect) {32/32}

Abilities: 0 + 2 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 4 = 36PP
Strength: 10 (+0)
Dexterity: 12 (+1) 
Constitution: 20 (+5) 
Intelligence: 20 (+5)
Wisdom: 20 (+5) 
Charisma: 14 (+2) 
Combat: 8 + 10 = 18PP
Initiative: +1
Attack: +4
Defense: +7 (+5 Base, +2 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed
Grapple: +4/+20 with Telekinesis
Knockback: -7/-1
Saves: 3 + 4 + 7 = 14PP
Toughness: +17/+2 (+5 Con, +12 Force Field)
Fortitude: +8 (+5 Con, +3)  
Reflex: +5, (+1 Dex, +4) 
Will: +17/+12 (+5 Wis, +5 Enhanced Will, +7) 


Skills: 116R=29PP
Bluff 10 (+12, Skill Mastery) 
Concentration 17 (+21) 
Diplomacy 10 +12, Skill Mastery) 
Knowledge (Behavorial Sciences) 5 (+10) 
Knowledge (History) 5 (+10) 
Knowledge (Streetwise) 5 (+10) 
Knowledge (Life Sciences) 3 (+8) 
Medicine 1 (+6) 
Notice 15 (+20) Skill Mastery 
Sense Motive 15 (+20) Skill Mastery 
Sleight of Hand 10 (+11)
Stealth 15 (+16) 


Feats: 15PP
Beginner’s Luck 
Benefit 2 (Fame, Wealth 1) 
Distract [Diplomacy]
Dodge Focus 2
Eidetic Memory
Fascinate [Diplomacy]
Jack of all Trades 

Second Chance (Concentration checks to maintain powers) 
Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Notice, Sense Motive) 
Ultimate Save (Will) 


Powers: 5 + 4 + 12 + 39 + 8 + 3 + 26 = 107PP
Enhanced Will Save 5 (to +15)  [5PP] 
Flight 2 (25 MPH / 250' per Move Action) [4PP]
Force Field 12 [12PP] 
Psionics 20 (40PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 9) [49PP]
BE: ESP 5 (Clairvoyance; Auditory + Visual Senses, 5 miles, DC 25 Notice; Extras: Action [Free], Duration [Sustained], No Conduit, Simultaneous; Feats: Rapid 2 [Full Action to Search 1 mile diameter area, 1 minute to Search 5 mile diameter area], Subtle) {38/40]
AP: Blast 12 (Entropokinesis/Telekinesis; Extra: Range [Perception]; PFs: Precise, Subtle, Variable Descriptor 1 [entropy/force]) {39/40}
AP: Damage 12 (‘stop hitting yourself’, Extra: Range 2 [Perception], Flaw: Additional Save [Will], PFs: Precise, Variable Descriptor 2) {39/40} 
AP: Damage 12 (‘suffer’, Extra: Alternate Save [Will], Range 2 [Perception], Flaw: Action [Full], PFs: Precise, Subtle) {38/40}
AP: Emotion Control 12 (‘love me’, Extra: Effortless, PFs: Insidious, Subtle) {38/40}
AP: Illusion 10 (All Senses) {40/40}
AP: Mental Transform 12 (alter memories, Extra: Duration [Continuous], Range [Perception], Flaw: Action [Full], PFs: Precise, Subtle) {38/40}
AP: Mind Control 12 (Domination; Extras: Conscious, Instant Command; Flaw: Action [Full]; Feats: Mental Link, Subtle) {39/40}
AP: Move Object 12 (Telekinesis; Strength 60, Heavy Load 48 tons; Extra: Range [Perception]; Feats: Precise, Split Attack, Subtle) {39/40}
AP: Stun 12 (Pain or Sleep; Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Mental, Range 2 [Perception]; Flaw: Action [Full]; Feats: Sedation, Subtle, Variable Descriptor [pain or sleep]) {39/40}
Super-Senses 12 (Danger Sense [Mental], Mental Awareness 2 [Mental], Postcognition [Flaw: Uncontrolled], Precognition [Flaw: Uncontrolled], Uncanny Dodge [Mental]) [8PP]

Super-Senses 1 (Communications Link 3 [mental] Fast-Forward, Holly, Thoughtspeed) [3PP]
Telepathy 11 (22PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [26PP]
BE: Communication 6 (Mental, 20 miles; Extras: Linked [Comprehend]; Feats: Rapid 3 [x1000], Subtle) {8} + Comprehend 1 (Speak Any Language; Extras: Linked [Communication]) {2} =12/22}
AP: Concealment 10 (All Senses, Feats: Close Range, Selective) {22/22} 
AP: Mind Reading 10 (Extras: Effortless, Mental, Penetrating, Flaw: Duration [Instant/Lasting]; Feats: Subtle) {21/22}

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