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Rene Rebuild

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Posting this up for comments. Rene should hit 250PP with June PP rewards, and he is overdue a rebuild. Apart from the 70PP to spend, I am cutting and trimming bits and pieces, and pushing him to PL 12: A Powerful force, but not world breaking.


1. Magic Array more limited and streamlined into "brush-strokes" of effects, either thin or wide (line extra!). His transport via painting is now more cool, a portal effect.

2. Adding in a dream array. As an artist, he is a Lovecraftian dreamworld man. This allows him to secure his psyche in this realm (Will immunity) or draw things out, and control and influence dreams. Also, he has dimension travel to this world and favoured environment feat.

3. Scrapping his beret. Amusing, but a bit too silly.

4. Giving him magic spectacles so he can finally detect magic!

Deadbeat will need a slight update too, will come to that later.

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Player Name: Supercape
Character Name: Rene de Saens
Power Level: 12/15 (250/250PP)
Trade-Offs: -4 Defence, +4 Toughness
Unspent PP: 0
Progress To Impervium Status: 130/150 (Platinum Status earned with Supercape)
In Brief: Mystic painter. Aged French Antiquarian.
Alternate Identities: None
Identity: Public (but low profile)
Birthplace: Paris
Occupation: Artist, art dealer. Mage.
Affiliations: Parkhurst Hotel, Halbediers of Paris
Family: None alive!
Age: 243 (DoB: 7th July, 1777)
Apparent Age: 70
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: French Caucasian
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 70 Kgs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: White
Description: Slightly stooped with age, but not bent over, and has some wiry robust health. Has a white goatee and hair, wears a beret, glasses, and bohemian artist clothes. He looks, and feels pretty old.
Power Descriptions: Rene is a powerful magician, who weaves his magic as if painting directly onto reality. This looks like brushstrokes that appear from nowhere. Common examples he uses are beams of light to dazzle, blasts of electricity, or webs of spidersilk. He can create nearly any effect although such physical distortions of reality are often transient.
Whilst he is normally rather immobile, if he has a picture of an area he can use this to open up a mystic portal to that area and travel through it. Effectively, people (including himself) can “walk into†the picture, with all the space and volume bending that creates.
Rene is extremely wise and insightful, and has committed much of his arcane strength into dreaming, to the extent that he can physically travel into the dream dimension. Having much of his psyche in this dimension, he is practically immune to mind control and mental influence. He is able to call about the dreamworld to induce sleep, influence dreams, and even bring creatures from that plane into this. Of particular note is Henri Zenon, also known as deadbeat, a man Rene helped rescue from infernal realms many years ago, and who took residence as guardian of the Dreamworld. When Rene summons the Dreamworld into the waking one, he becomes mentally vulnerable as his entire psyche (or at least most of it) is in the waking world.
Alongside his great wisdom, Rene has been known, at times, to paint accurate representations of the past and the future, which is not something he is consciously able to do. He can mentally see his surroundings as if they were an impressionists painting, an ability that requires neither his eyes nor light to do so.
Rene uses three magical items to help him. Firstly, he has a heavy ring of iron on his finger, that protects him from harm, making him highly resistant to injury. Secondly, his spectacles have magic lenses, allowing him to see magical effects and read any script. Lastly, he uses a magical paintbrush and ink to paint more detailed magical effects, such as light shades, illusions, or invisibility (all based around light and visual effects, understandably).
History: As a young man, Rene fought in the French revolution and ended up helping Broken Crow, master mage of the time, track down and destroy an aristocratic necromancer. Broken Crow was impressed with the man's bravery and aptitude, and pointed him down the path of the mage. Since then, Rene has travelled throughout Europe as a mage, artist, antiquarian, and - at times - revolutionary. He has always remained a political, philosophical and passionate man.
Through the ages he has had frequent contact and conflict with Gallia, the spirit of Aristocratic France. He has also been a member of the Halbediers of France, an organisation devoted to protecting France from magical threats.
In the early 20th Century, Henri Zenon, a talented musician who was tricked into an infernal contract, managed to escape through Rene’s dreams. He blocked this event out for decades, losing it to the Dreamworld. However, with time, he has come to reconnect with the part of his psyche lost in the dreamworld, and became stronger through it.
Rene has an art shop, and flat, in Freedom City. He is known to be a magician of sorts, but he seriously downplays his power, pretending to be nothing more than a wise old dabbler, when in fact he is of considerably greater power. His public persona is more of rumour than fact, and he keeps it this way.
Personality & Motivation:


Rene is an irritable classic "artiste". He can be grumpy at times, but this is part of his act to downplay his power and importance. In fact, whilst he is something of a snub to uncultured folk, he is loyal and passionate about liberty and freedom, and will fight hard for those principles. In addition, having been taught be Broken Crow and having a considerable amount of experience with Earth’s Master Mages, he is sworn to defend Earth from magical threats.
Powers & Tactics:


Rene's magical power revolves around art and dreams. As such, he tends to make his powers "poetic" or "artistic", which can often mean using sub optimal tactics to suit his sensibility. 


His main magical strength is the ability to "paint" onto reality, as if brush strokes slide across the scenery. He can summon up lines of fire, ice, electricity, blinding light, cobwebs or anything he chooses to think of. The lines are either precise and thin, coiling through the air and homing in on their target, or broad and vigorous, catching more targets at the expense of concentrated strength. 


Rene is able to take any picture or painting, and jump into it, instantly moving to the location shown. He is otherwise somewhat limited and slow in moving, which is a distinct vulnerability. 


His power over dreams means that he often appears somewhat dazed, his mind and psyche located in another world. This does however make him practically immune to all mental effects, unless they are specifically attuned to sleep or dreaming. Alternatively, he can shift his psyche and dream effects into his surroundings, causing a deep sleep to people around him, or stimulating fantasies, fears, or other emotions. 


Henri Zenon, or Deadbeat, is a guardian of dream dimensions and Rene's friend (see below), Rene can use his psychic dream power to pull Deadbeat into this world, a valuable ally in any conflict. In a similar vein he can pull other dream creatures through, but this is more of a random effect. 


Rene can "see" the surroundings with his "Artist's eye". The world will appear to him like a dream, or impressionistic painting. This effect does not require his eyes or light. It may miss some detail, it may augment other's. 


Given time and inclination, Rene can sometimes paint scenes from the past or future. They are of course somewhat vague but may offer insight (these powers have the uncontrolled flaw). 


Rene uses a variety of devices he has made over the years. The most vital is probably a wrought iron ring, heavy, thick, simple but beautiful. The ring provides the wearer with incredible resilience. The most visible and fancy is his paintbrush and magic ink, which allows him to create more elaborate and long lasting visual effects. Finally, he wears a delicate pair of spectacles that (apart from correcting his vision) allow him to see any magical effects and read any text. 


Note: The Dreamtime...


Rene can, if able to fall asleep, depart from this world and disappear into a variety of dream dimensions. His physical body may fade from the physical world, or remain. The dream dimensions are all strange and peculiar (for example, H.P Lovecraft's mythos). The details of these dimensions are left to GM to use as fits. Rene usually uses these as a place of spiritual retreat and meditation, but some can be dangerous and disturbing. His favourite dream location resembles an old French village occupied by strange and peculiar people, with excellent wine and a sea view. But, you know...dreams are unpredictable. Of note, Rene has favoured environment and environmental adaptation to dream dimensions, representing his control over and familiarity with such places, which can be disorientating to others. 


The Dreamtime can be a source of adventures, a fluff for the inspiration use of the HP, a plot device, or a complication. 




Artists' Eye The rather dreamy and ephemeral nature of Rene's mental supersense could be used as a plot device, a source of the inspiration use of hero points, or a complication, missing some details or picking up on others as may help the narrative. 


Anything for Art Aside from a passion for objects d'art, he can use sub-optimal tactics purely because they would be more "artistic".
Cracked Lens: Rene’s spectacles, whilst technically a device, are very fragile and will break/crack/smash with any force applied to them.
Creaky Bones Has a variety of old age complaints, a bit hard of hearing, needs reading spectacles, joints hurt in the winter, and so forth.


Dream or Nightmare? Whilst Rene's dream array can provide him with total will save immunity, it does not work against sleep or dream attacks (see also beware the id). He can be vulnerable to these effects. 
Give me liberty! Passionate - too passionate, about life, liberty, and politics. He will not be diplomatic or measured in his defence of these things, and will anger at any oppression.
Hazy Memory Tendency to forget important things. He is not demented, but he is still old and has seen a lot in his life. This, combined with his affinity to the dreamworld can make him a little fuzzy on detail.
Heavy Sleeper As a result of age and his powers, if Rene is asleep, it takes an almighty effort to wake him up. He will not notice regular activity, and it is no effort to sneak up on him.
The Ink well is dry His magic paintbrush needs magic ink, which takes time to make. His brush is good for several applications of magical effects, but is not inexhaustible.
It comes out in the wash Whilst Rene’s ink has a continuous effect, it will come off with water or solvents. It is therefore virtually useless underwater, and will not last long in rain.
Beware the Id Rene’s connection to the dreamworld is not entirely conscious. The powers in his dream array may fail or work unexpectedly due to the essentially unconscious nature of dreaming – particularly if he conflicted about, or repressing something.
Peace and Quiet, please Rene’s dream powers do not technically require concentration, but they do require him to hold a soporific, dreamy mental state. Significant distractions, or possibly pain, will mean he cannot maintain these powers as he “wakes upâ€. Certain other effects, like stimulant drugs or psionic powers could also force him to full wakefulness and disrupt these powers.


Abilities: -2 + -4 + 0 + 2 + 22 + 6 = 24pp
Str 8 (-1)
Dex 6 (-2)
Con 10 (+0)
Int 12 (+1)
Wis 32 (+10)
Cha 16 (+2)
Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP
Initiative: +2 (-2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Attack: +4 (+12 Magic Array)
Grapple: +3
Defense: +8/+4 (+4 Base, +4 Shield from Ring), +2 Flat-Footed
Knockback: -8 (0 without ring)
Saving Throws: 10 + 7 + 0 = 17PP
Toughness +16 / 0 (+16 Protection from Ring)
Fortitude +10 (0 Con, +10)
Reflex +4 (-2 Dex, +6)
Will +11 (+11 Wis, +0) / Immune
Skills: 84r = 21pp
Bluff 8 (+11)
Craft (Artistic) 17 (+18)
Diplomacy 8 (+11)
Intimidate 8 (+11)
Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 17 (+18)
Knowledge (Art) 4 (+5)
Knowledge (History) 4 (+5)

Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 4 (+5)
Languages 10 (Arabic, Egyptian, English, French [Native], German, Greek, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish)
Sense Motive 4 (+15)
Feats: 10PP
Beginners Luck (Remembering long forgotten skill)
Benefit 2 (Wealth 2 [Rich])

Environmental Adaptation (Dream Dimensions)
Equipment 0 (+3 [15EP] Veteran Reward)
Favoured Environment (Dream dimensions)
Improved Initiative
Second Chance (Art)
Equipment 3PP = 15EP

Headquarters "Rene's House" [9EP]
Size: Medium (Large House, Basement), Toughness: +10, Features: Laboratory (Arcane), Library, Living Space, Security System (DC 30), Workshop (Arcane)
5EP contributed to Parkhurst Hotel
Masterwork Art Tools [1EP]

Powers: 20 + 3 + 24 + 67 + 1 + 44 + 2 + 5 + 2 = 165
Device 4 (20PP Container, Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) [16PP] (Iron Ring, Mystic)
Protection 16 [12PP]
Shield 4 [6PP]

Device 1 (5 PP Container, Flaws: Easy-to-lose) [3 PP] (Spectacles, Mystic)
Comprehend 1 (Read any language) [2PP]
Supersenses 3 (Detect magic, visual) [3PP]

Device 8 (40PP Container; Flaws: Easy-To-Lose; Feats: Restricted [Artistic Craft Skill bonus of +10 or higher needed] Drawbacks: Power loss -1, needs to gesture as if painting) [24PP] (Mystic Paintbrush)
Mystic Ink Array 16.5 (33PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 6) [39PP]

Base Power: Obscure 10 (Visual Senses, 5000ft radius; Extras: Duration [Continuous], Range [Perception]; Flaws: Action [Full]; Feats:Precise,  Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Magic]) [33PP]

Alternate Power: Animate Object 6 (90PP Minions; Extras: Animate Images Only (+0), Duration [Continuous], Range [Perception]; Feats: Progression [Minions] 4 [25 Objects]; Drawbacks Action 1 Full Round to animate objects]) [33PP]

Alternate Power: Color Control 11 ( 2500lbs Extras: Alternate Save [reflex];  Duration [Continuous], Range [Perception]; Flaws: Action [Full]) [33PP]

Alternate Power: Concealment 2 (Normal Vision, Extras:Attack +self (Reflex), Area [General, Burst], Duration [Continuous], Range 2 [Perception], Selective Attack; Feats: Close Range, Progression [Area] 7 [10-5000ft radius], Progression [DC +2 =14] 2, Selective; Drawbacks: Action 3 Full round to activate) [24PP] (Invisible Ink)

Alternate Power Illusion 8 (Visual Senses; Extras: Duration 2 [Continuous]; Flaws: Action [Full]; Feats: Progression [Area] 9 [5000ft radius]) [33PP]

Alternate Power: Light Control 10 (5000ft radius; Extras: Duration [Continuous], Range [Perception]; Flaws: Action [Full]; Feats: Precise [Vary level of light], Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Magic]) [33PP]

Alternate Power: Morph 4 (Any Form, +20 Disguise; Extras: Area (Burst, 20 ft radius), Attack + Self (Reflex DC 15), Duration [Continuous], Range 2 (Perception), Selective Attack; Drawbacks: Action 3 [Full Round]) [33PP] (Mystic Make-up)

Quickness 3 (x10 speed; Flaws:Limited to painting only [-2]) [1PP]

Dream Array (61 PP Array; Feats:Alternate Power 6) [67 PP] (Mystic, Dreams)

Base Power: Immunity 30 (Will Saves; Extras:Continuous; Feats:Trance) [61PP] (Living in a dreamworld)

Alternate Power: Astral Form 11 (2 million miles; Feats:Dimensional 3, Selective, Subtle 2) [61PP] (Psychic roaming)

Alternate Power: Dream Control 12 (Feats:Triggered 1 [Falling asleep], Subtle 2) Linked with Dream Travel 12 (Feats:Subtle 2) [39+12=51PP] (Dream Mastery)

Alternate Power: Emotion Control 12 (Extras: Area [burst], Selective Attack; Feats: Mind Blank, Subtle 2) [51PP] (Lucid Dreams)

Alternate Power: Stun 7 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Area [burst], Duration 2 [sustained], Range 2 [Perception], Selective Attack, Sleep [+0]; Feats: Insidious, Precise, Sedation, Subtle 2) (61PP)

Alternate Power: Summon 10 (150PP Thing! Extras:Duration (Continuous), Fanatical, Heroic; Type 2 (Broad: Dream creature) Flaws: Uncontrolled (GM control of creature type and actions); Feats:Mental Link) [61 PP] (Bring forth a dream)

Alternate Power: Summon 12 180PP, Henri Zenon/Deadbeat; Extras:Duration (Continuous), Fanatical, Heroic Feats: Mental Link) [61  PP] (Bring forth Deadbeat)

Immunity 2 (Aging, Disease, Flaws: Limited [1/2 Effect]) [1PP] (Mystic)

Magic Array 19 (38PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 6) [44PP]

Base Power: Blast 12 (Feats: Accurate 4, Affects Insubstantial 2, Homing, Indirect 3, Precise, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Magic]) [37PP]

Alternate Power: Blast 10 (Extras: Area [line]; Feats:Affects Insubstantial 2, Indirect 3, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Magic]) [37 PP]

Alternate Power: Dazzle 12 (Feats: Accurate 4, Homing, Indirect 3, Precise, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Magic]) [35PP]

Alternate Power: Dazzle 10 (Extras: Area [line]; Feats: Indirect 3, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Magic]) [35 PP]

Alternate Power: Snare 12 (Feats: Accurate 4, Affects Insubstantial 2, Homing, Indirect 3, Precise, Reversible, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Magic]) [38PP]
Alternate Power: Snare 10 (Extras: Area [line]; Feats:Affects Insubstantial 2, Indirect 3, Reversible, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Magic]) [38 PP]

Alternate Power: Teleport 10 (200,000 miles per Full Action ["Anywhere On Earth"]; Extras: Accurate, Portal, Flaws: Limited [Long-Range], Medium [Picture of target area to paint onto]; Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Progression [Portal Size 10’ x10’] 1, Progression [Cargo] 2 [500 lbss], Selective, Subtle 2) [38PP]

Super Movement 2 (Dream Dimensions; Flaws: Limited 1 Needs to fall asleep to travel) [2 PP]

Super-Senses 5 ( Artists Eye [Mental Sense], Extras: Accurate, Acute, Ranged]) [5PP] (Magic, Views surroundings as if they were an impressionist painting)

Super-Senses 8 (Postcognition, Precognition Flaws: Uncontrolled [GM] Drawbacks: Limited 1 only visual sense, Power loss 1 cannot use if unable to paint) [2 PP] (Paint the future)





Vulnerability (Sleep Effects [common], +50% to DC) [-3PP]

DC Block:

ATTACK                 RANGE           SAVE             EFFECT
Unarmed                Touch           DC14 Toughness   Damage (Physical)
Magic Blast            Ranged          DC27 Toughness   Damage (Varies)
Magic Blast Line       Ranged/Area     DC25 Toughness   Damage (Varies)
Magic Dazzle           Ranged          DC27 Reflex      Dazzled (Visual)
Magic Dazzle Line      Ranged/Area     DC25 Reflex      Dazzled (Visual)
Magic Snare            Ranged          DC27 Reflex      Entangled/Snared
Magic Snare Line       Ranged/Area     DC25 Reflex      Entangled/Snared
Color Control          Perception      DC21 Reflex      Transformed (Color)
Concealment            Perception      DC14 Reflex      Invisible (Normal Visual)
Morph                  Perception      DC14 Reflex      Morphed (+20 Disguise)
Emotion Control        Perception/Area DC22 Will        Varies
Stun                   Perception/Area DC17 Will        Dazed/Stunned/Asleep

Totals: Abilities (24) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (17) + Skills (21) + Feats (10) + Powers (165) - Drawbacks (-3) = 250/250 Power Points

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Player Name: Supercape
Character Name: Deadbeat
Power Level: 10 (180/180PP)
Trade-Offs: +4 Toughness, -4 Defence
Unspent Power Points: 0
In Brief: Musical spirit who can drum up a Faustian beat.
Alternate Identity: Henri Zenon
Identity: Secret
Birthplace: Martinique
Occupation: Musician
Affiliations: Rene deSaens, Halbediers of Paris, Parkhurst Hotel
Family: Several grandchildren alive.
Age: 111 (DoB:06/06/1881)
Apparent Age: 55
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Mixed race
Height: 5’7â€
Weight: 75 Kgs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Grey
Deadbeat looks like an older black male, a little stocky, with greying hair. He wears slightly scruffy but cheerful, colourful clothes in the style of Martinique.
Power Descriptions:
Deadbeats powers almost exclusively come from whipping up a tune, normally a beat. He can summon up a spectral drum, or other instrument, and start playing it. The tunes are quite audible and for the most part affect people’s emotions and soul.

Deadbeat has been to hell and back, literally. He can use his music to command the dead, banish spirits, and even summon up Infernal fires. Broadly speaking, his music is able to summon and banish spirits (which includes people’s emotions).

Alternatively, he can create deceptive sounds (normally, but not always, music). Or, by shuffling his feet to the beat, he can move to wherever the music is playing. When he does this transportation, he will appear in a subtle manner, such as just around a corner, or walking through a door, often tapping along to the rhythm.
Henri Zenon was born and brought up in Martinique. His family were poor, and he often went without. His father was a musician, a talented one, but with a love of gambling and drink (vices that Henri is not entirely free of). His mother was known as a witch (in a positive cultural sense) and lay healer.
It was rumoured that Henri had been blessed, or cursed, with some infernal gift by his mother, because he could play music like the devil. He was talented on the guitar and brass, but his truly bewitching skill was playing drums and tapping out rhythm’s (on any instrument). He was hypnotic, with rumours that he could wake the dead – or put them back to rest.
Henri has visited Paris on at least two occasions, once in the 20’s, when alive, and (at least) once afterwards, where he has come into contact with Rene deSaens and the Halbediers of Paris.
Around the 1930’s, when the depression hit, and hit hard, Henri disappeared. Nobody knew where he had gone. In fact, Henri has indeed entered a Faustian pact to feed his extended family, and had charmed his way out of it with his music. He returned, but now as a spirit rather than flesh and blood. He could be seen on street corners, in bars, or shuffling along a road, usually tapping out a playful rhythm. In fact, he had escaped through the power of Rene DeSaens dreams, finding a way into the dream dimensions through them. 

Personality & Motivation:
Henri is no longer alive, it is just that he has returned as a spirit. However, he retains most of his personality. He loves music, and has a joyful, even hedonistic heart.
He does also have a grim side, having talked and played with infernal creatures. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, Henri no longer believes in God, or the Devil (as theological entities). He just knows that there are horrible demons around, and he deals with it. He has contempt for those he believe without experiencing, thinking them naïve fools.
Henri is guardian of souls, the lost and the broken. He dislikes the undead (although in some respects he is one himself), and sorcerous magic. He is always on the lookout to outwit trickster demons (who often try to get the better of him). Henri also has a particular need and kindness towards the poor and the dispossessed, having grown up in poverty himself. This drive is particularly acute when it comes to children.
Henri still likes to drink (for some reason, alcohol is the only toxin that affects him) and is a bit to over-familiar at times. Sometimes he gets a bit grim and dark when considering the world. In this respect he is a man of extremes.
Powers & Tactics:
Deadbeat is extremely hard to put down, shrugging off almost all attacks. Only fire can really hurt him (and he is not exactly vulnerable to fire). His invulnerability means he will often mock or goad his enemies.
He “attacks†by using his magical music – usually rhythm’s he beats out on a summoned drum. He tends towards more subtle uses of this, inspiring emotions or crushing psychic pain through the music. He likes to use trickery, guile, and emotional manipulation. However, if faced with opponents who cannot hear him, he will play some infernal tune, and summon up hellfire directly, setting things alight with a pale purple light (like burning alcohol). He is not overly fond of this, setting him into a grim mood, as it is a throwback to his pacts and walks in hell. Deadbeat is actually something of a pacifist, preferring to use mental and emotional manipulation as opposed to physical violence. 
Deadbeat can summon an “ethereal†instrument out of the air at will. This instrument is fully playable whilst he holds it, but will rapidly fade and evaporate as soon as he parts company with it (Essentially this feature allows him to play musical instruments and use perform skill at will, without instruments there).
Note: The Perception Area Touch Range works thusly: Anyone able to hear Deadbeat’s Music (Area [Perception], Range [Touch]), can make a reflex roll to avoid the effect completely (by clamping their ears shut or the like). Otherwise, the effect “hits†and must be saved against. Other effects like auditory obscure, or simply being deaf, will also mean immunity to these effects.
When using his emotion control playing, people will start to shuffle their feet and sway in a manner appropriate to the emotion or music. This has no mechanical effect, but it does make the effect noticeable. The emotion and dance is in this case “infectiousâ€: anyone touching any infected dancer must save versus the effect or be caught up in the dance too.


As a denizen of the dream dimensions, Deadbeat can move between these realms and the physical one at will, and is quite at home there. 
Abilities: 8 + 0 -10 + 0 + 6 + 6 = 10PP
Strength: 18 (+4)
Dexterity: 10 (+0)
Constitution: -
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Wisdom: 16 (+3)
Charisma: 16 (+3)
Combat: 12 + 12 = 24PP
Initiative: +0
Attack: +6
Grapple: +11
Defense: +6 Base, +3 Flat-Footed
Knockback: -7
Saving Throws: 0 + 6 + 3 = 9PP
Toughness: +14 (+14 Protection)
Fortitude: Immune
Reflex: +6 (+0 Dex, +6)
Will: +6 (+3 Wis, +3)
Skills: 80R = 20PP
Bluff 11 (+12)
Concentration 11 (+8)
Diplomacy 4 (+7)
Intimidate 6 (+9)
Languages 2 (French, English, Martinquan Creole [Native])
Notice 4 (+7)
Perform (Percussion) 14 (+17)
Perform (Singing) 8 (+11)
Perform (Stringed Instruments) 10 (+13)
Perform (Wind Instruments) 10 (+13)
Sense Motive 6 (+9)
Feats: 6PP


Environmental Adaptation (Dream Dimensions)
Fascinate (Perform)
Favored Environment (Dream dimensions)
Second Chance (Perform: Percussion)
Jack of All Trades
Powers: 1 + 1 + 30 + 18 + 25 + 14 + 12 + 4 + 4 + 2 = 107PP
Comprehend 1 ( Speak Any Language; Drawbacks: Only Singing) [1PP] (Sing in any language, Magical, Musical)
Feature 1 (Summon one instrument as a Free Action) [1PP] (Ethereal Instruments, Magic)
Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) [30PP] (Spirit)
Immunity 40 (Lethal Physical Damage, Lethal Energy Damage; Flaws: Limited [Half]; Drawbacks: Power Loss 2 [Fire]) [18PP] (Invulnerable Spirit)
Magic 10 (20 PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 6; Drawbacks: Power Loss 1 [unable to make music]) [25PP] (Magic, Music, Sound)

Base Power: Emotion Control 10 (Emotive Magic Songs; Extras: Area [Perception, Auditory], Contagious, Selective; Flaws: Duration 1 [Concentration], Range 2 [Touch]; Feats: Mind Blank, Reversible; Drawbacks: Noticeable [Affected targets shuffle their feet, dance and sway in a manner appropriate to music and emotion]) [20/20PP]
Alternate Power: Damage 5 (Percussive Drumbeat; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4], Mighty) [8PP] Linked with Dazzle 10 (Hearing; Extras: Area [burst]; Flaws:: Range [Touch]; Feats: Progression, Area [50-250' radius]) [12PP]
Alternate Power: Fatigue 5 (Lullaby; Extras: Alternate Save [Will, +0], Area [Perception, Auditory], Selective Attack, Sleep (+0) ) [20/20]
Alternate Power: Illusion 6 (Song of Deception; Extras: Duration [Continuous, +2], Selective Attack; Flaws Limited [Music]; Feats: Progression [Area] 2 [25ft Radius] ) {27/28}
Alternate Power: Mind Control 10 (Song of the Dead; Extras: Alternate Save [Fortitude], Area [Perception, Auditory], Contagious, Selective Attack, Not Mental [+0]; Flaws: Range [Touch, -2], Limited [Only undead and spirits]; Feats: Mental Link; Drawbacks: Noticeable [undead shuffle feet and sway]) {20/20}
Alternate Power: Nullify 10 (Song of Banishment, Any one summoning effect; Extras: Area [Perception, Auditory], Selective Attack; Flaws: Range [Touch]) [20/20PP]
Alternate Power: Teleport 8 (2000 miles; Extras: Accurate, Affects Others Flaws: Medium [Music], Long-Range; Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity , Progression [Mass, 250lbs] 1. Subtle ) {28/28}

Protection 14 [14PP] (Spirit)
Regeneration 22 (Recovery Bonus +10, Recovery from Disabled 5 [Every minute], Recovery from Injured 3 [Every Minute], Resurrection 4 [1 Hour]; Flaws: Source [Music (not his own)]) [12PP]
Super Movement 2 (Dream Dimension) [4PP]

Super Senses 4 (Accurate Auditory, Extended Auditory 2 [-1 per 1000']) [4PP]

Super Senses 4 (Extended Auditory 4 [-1 per 2000 Miles Total]; Flaws: Limited [Music]) [2PP]

Drawbacks: 0PP

DC Block

ATTACK           RANGE         SAVE                 EFFECT
Unarmed          Touch         DC18 Toughness       Damage (Physical)
Emotion Control  Touch/Area    DC20 Reflex and Will Varies
Fatigue          Touch/Area    DC15 Reflex and Will Fatigue
Percussive Beat  Touch         DC25 Toughness       Damage (Physical)
                 Touch/Area    DC20 Reflex          Dazzle (Auditory)
Nullify          Touch/Area    DC20 Reflex and Will Nullify Summon Effect
Mind Control     Touch/Area    DC20 Reflex and Will Mind Control

Totals: Abilities (10) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (9) + Skills (20) + Feats (6) + Powers (107) - Drawbacks (0) = 180/180 Power Points

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