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Crimson Tiger

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The newspaper reporter smiled. His hair was a bit disheviled, and he was in a hurry. He'd just spotted Crimson Tiger shortly after a routine mugger-catching.

"Hi...I work for the Ledger. Would you be okay with a quick interview? A new hero and all that..."

"Sure!" Crimson Tiger said, smiling. I'd gladly do an interview.

"Well, let's start simply; where are you from?"

"Oh, right here in Freedom City. Born and raised." She said.

"How would you describe yourself physically, would others think differently?"

"Oh, I'm actually really buff under my costume." she said, chuckling. "Most people don't know that, though. I'd say more, but, you know, secret identity."

"Are there any personality quirks about you that most people notice? Anything distinct?'

"Oh, not really. I don't have any verbal tics or anything. I do tend to talk like a teenager sometimes, though..."

"Why are you a hero?"

"Oh, to stop bad guys. That, and I love a good fight, honestly. The thrill, the excitement, all of it."

"What would you say is your greatest strength, greatest weakness?"

"Well, I'm really brave. That's kinda both, really. I'm pretty much afraid of nothing, but that means I don't think things through like I really should."

"What do you love, and what do you hate?"

"I love my friends and family, a good meal, a good fight, good music, and seeing the people around me happy. I hate people that exploit, hurt, or use others. I really hate that."

"How would you describe your mental and emotional state?"

"Oh, I'm pretty okay, overall. I mean, I'm not one of those dark and broody types. I'm overall pretty happy, my life is pretty good."

"What do you fear the most?"

"Hurting people. I like to fight, but I don't like to hurt people. I mean, a few bruises, a scrape or two, that's fine. I would panic if I ever did serious damage, though."

"What would you say is your biggest ambition?"

"I want to be the best hero I can be...and maybe win a major martial arts tournament or five. Really, I'm a simple girl. Make some money, kick some butt, do some good."

"What do you think about the state of the world, and your place in it?"

"It...uh, sucks, honestly. I've seen a lot of bad things happen to people. I've seen prejudice, pain, and suffering. I've heard stories that make my blood run cold. I think this world is worth saving, I wouldn't have put my costume on if I didn't believe that."

"Do you have any prejudices? How do you get along with other people?"

"I'm not really prejudice, I mean, sometimes it's hard to see beneath the surface, but everybody messes up now and then. People tend to like me, I mean, I have friends and all that."

"Where do your loyalties lie, in what order?"

"Uh, mostly to my family and friends, and that's where it stops. I'm loyal to people, then my ideals. If I found out my mom or dad did something bad, I would be so torn up."

"So, are you single? If not, how does your partner feel about you now?"

"Hahaha, ummmm, yeah. Boys have weird reactions to me, I mean they tend to think I'm pretty, but I think I'm a little too intense for most of them. They see me working out or...sorry, that's not the question you asked."

"Do you have a family? How is your relationship with them?"

"I have my mom, and my dad, and I adore both of them. I learned a lot from my mom, and a lot from my dad. My dad taught me how to fight, but my mom taught me how to be me. I wouldn't be anywhere without both of them."

"How would the people closest to you describe you?"

"Intense, all around. I work hard, I throw myself into everything I do. I live life to the fullest, and I'm very, very focused. It tends to put some people off."

"Are you a role model?"

"Uhhhh, no, no I'm not. Nobody should try to emulate me. I'm not a bad person, or at least I don't think so, but I am crazy. I probably work harder than I should, and I definitely enjoy fighting more than I really should."

"Do you follow a religion? How spiritual are you?"

"I'm Buddhist, but...how much that effects me changes from day to day. I'm observant, but far from perfect."

"Are you part of a team? Would you like to be?"

"Nope, no team. Would be pretty cool though, but I'm not sure how all of that works."

"What do you think of all the people with powers and aliens on Earth?"

"Do your part, don't hurt anybody, and I don't care. I like to say 'live and let live', but if you hurt anybody, I will whup you, powers or not."

"Is there anything about you that you think you should change?"

"I'm young and need to relax more. I also need to stop loving to fight. I almost hurt someone really bad not that long ago, and, well, it's gotten me thinking about it."

"Thank you for the interview." He said, smiling.

"Oh, you're welcome, but, if you don't mind, I really should be getting home!" With that, she swung her leg over the Tigercycle, and rode off.

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Who are you? Sum yourself up in one sentence.

"I am the Crimson Tiger, teenage Muay Thai butt-kicker extraordinaire."

Do you have any nicknames, street names, titles, or nom de plume?

"My father calls me his little tiger, for how ferocious I am in a fight."

What is your full birth name?

"Mali Benjawan, it's a Thai name."

Where do you live?

Right in Freedom City...Port Regal to be specific."

How old are you? What year were you born (if applicable)?

"I am 16 years old."

Physical Traits

What is your gender? If not applicable, please explain.

"I'm a girl."

How would you describe your heritage?

"My grandfather was from Thailand, same with my mother's side."

How tall are you?

"About five and a half feet."

What is your body type?

"I'm pretty petite, though very muscular."

Do you have any particular weaknesses, such as allergies or physical disabilities?

"Nope, I am in my physical prime."

How do you carry yourself? Are you graceful, or heavy on your feet? Can you be stealthy, do you walk with confidence?

"I'm quite graceful and acrobatic. I can sneak pretty well too. I walk like a normal girl, I guess, but I keep my head high."

Describe your skin, eye, and hair color.

"I have a lightly tanned skin tone, with brown eyes and jet black hair."

How do you wear your hair, if applicable? Do you have facial hair?

"I keep it pretty short, actually, just on my neck. Helps me with the costume thing."

Do you consider yourself attractive? Do others?

"Really depends, I mean, I know I'm at least fairly pretty, but I have a lot of muscle for a girl my height and age. It's kind of intimidating to guys."

Do you have any scars, tattoos, piercings, or birthmarks?

"I have a wickedly cool scar on the back of my left calf from when I fell out of a tree. Other than that, only a few minor ones from scrapes and such."

Do you resemble anyone famous?

"Not really, at least I don't think so."

Do you have a dominant hand?

"I'm right handed."

What kind of clothing do you wear?

"Baggy stuff that hides my muscles."

Do you wear makeup?

"Oh, sometimes. If I'm going out, if I feel like prettying up. It's kind of jarring, sometimes. I like to fight, but I also like skirts, dresses and make-up."

What is your vocal range? Is your voice distinctive in some way?

"I have a fairly high pitched voice, but nothing that can shatter glass."

Do you have any distinctive habits, nervous tics, or mannerisms? Where did they come from, and what causes them? Do other people notice and remark on these habits? Do they annoy you or other people?

"No, not really. I used to bite my nails, but my mom trained me out of that. I sometimes pace when I'm nervous or thinking. If I'm stuck being idle for a few minutes, I'll usually end up doing a few warm-ups or shadow boxing, just to keep myself occupied."


Where do you come from?

"Freedom City, can't remember which hospital."

Have you made any major moves, or do you live in your hometown?

"Nope, born and raised right here."

Do you feel loyal to your country of citizenship? Do you consider yourself patriotic? How do you feel about the government of your country?

"My family instilled great respect for America in me when I was a kid. They told me about how crazy Thailand was before, and how there are a lot of places that don't have the freedoms I do. As for the government, well, I'm not comfortable talking about my politics with people. I have my opinions, and that's all I want to say."

How do you feel about the place you come from?

"In terms of my homeland, I want to visit so bad. There is so much history that I've been taught. I want to see the sights and sounds. Freedom City is my home, though, and as cool as Thailand might be, it's where I want to live."

Where is your home town? What was/is it like?

"It's the same place it's always been, though we live in a really stuffy neighborhood. I think some of the people around here don't like that we're asian. I don't think most of them know what kind of asian either."

Growing up, were most of the people you knew similar to you, or were you somehow a minority? How did that affect you?

"Not a lot of asian kids, if that's what you're asking. Though once the novelty wore off at school most people just got used to me. I am in the minority where I live, though, we're asian Buddhists, got a lot of WASPy types in my neighborhood. Never got made fun of for it, but there is a difference."

Is there something you've always been really good at or really bad at? How has that affected your life?

"I'm a naturally gifted athlete and fighter. It's my passion, what I love."

Were there any traumatic experiences in your early years (death of a family member, abandonment, orphaned at an early age)?

"I remember when my grandfather passed away. I was seven years old. I didn't understand it all quite right then, but, it still hurt."

Briefly describe a defining moment in your childhood and how it influenced your life.

"The first time I landed a solid hit on my dad. He was in pain, but proud. I was upset, but happy. That made me realize that I could do a lot more with Muay Thai than just keep in shape. I could do good with it."

What stupid things did you do when you were younger?

"I used to fight if anyone so much as looked at me cross, but I calmed down out of that."

Where did you go to school? How much school did you have, and did you enjoy it?

"Up until, well, very recently, I went to a local HS. Lots of rich kids, though I'm really no different. School kinda bugs me. I understand the importance, and I study like a good girl, but I really would rather be outside or in the gym."

Do you have any mementos of your childhood? What are they, and why did you keep them? If you have none, why not?

"Lots of little memories. Ice cream with dad, lessons with mom. Cuddling up to watch a movie. My first crush, my first heartbreak."

When did you decide to become a hero? Why? Did anyone influence you one way or another in the decision?

"It was four years ago, when I was twelve. I heard my dad tell about the Black Tiger, my Great-Grandfather. I wanted to be like him, I still want to."

Is the reason you give people for becoming a hero different than your real reason? If so, why?

"I sometimes keep my love of fighting a secret, haha. I don't think it's an appropriate motivation for a super hero."

Do you have any deep, dark secrets in the past that may come back to haunt you?

"Uh, no, but until recently, I had a pretty big secret. I was telling people I was twenty instead of sixteen. Then I got caught..."

Do you represent yourself as being different from who you really are? Why?

"Not often. I am proud of who I am, where I come from, and what I do. I do tend to hide my muscles though."

If you do have these secrets, what do you fear would happen if the truth became known? How far would you go to protect those secrets?

"Well, a big one just came out recently. I owned up to it, and my dad wasn't that upset."

Do you have any sort of criminal record? If so, is it public knowledge?

"Nope, though I did get in trouble in school a few times."


What are your biological parents' names?

"Annan and Apsari."

Were you raised by them? If not, please explain and describe who raised you.

"Yup, raised by my mom and dad."

What was their standing in the community? What did/do they do for a living?

"They are respected but not entirely welcome. Lots of rich people around us. My dad's clients certainly like him, he does financing. Mom does lots of community work for charities and such, but doesn't really need to work."

Where are your parents now?

"Probably on the couch."

Did your family stay in one area or move around a lot?

"Once we got into our house, we stayed here. My dad inherited a fortune and went into the family business, so we didn't really need to move anywhere, he lives close enough to the financial district."

How did you get along with their parents? How do you get along with them now (if applicable).

"Mom and dad have each taught me different things, and I adore both of them. Dad supports me, punishes me, and praises me. He shapes me into who I am. Mom teaches me the lessons I need to learn, and really talks to me when I'm down. I wouldn't trade them for the world."

How do your parents view you now, or how would they?

"They love me, I hope. Dad says he's proud sometimes, and sometimes I have to figure it all out for myself. Mom is much more open about everything, and I fear her disapproval almost more than his.

Do you have any siblings? If so how many and what are their names? Describe your relationship with them.

"I'm an only child. Mom and dad had a hard time having me, and dad likes to say I was more child than he could handle."

What was your birth order in the family?

"Well, first there was me...and that's the end of the story."

Where are your siblings now (if applicable)? Do they have families of their own? What do they do?

"No siblings."

Do you stay in touch with them or have you become estranged?

"See above."

Do you love or hate one member of the family in particular?

"Not really. I only have my mom, and my dad, that's it. All of my cousins are elsewhere. I love both of my parents."

Is any member of the family special to you in any way (perhaps, as a confidant, mentor, or arch-rival)?

"I'm a daddy's girl and a momma's girl, really. They praise me and challenge me."

Are there any black (or white) sheep in the family (including you)? If so, please explain.

"My dad is not well liked by some of my cousins overseas. They think he's stuck up, out of touch, or they're just jealous that he's rich and they're not."

Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? If so, please explain, including how it has affected your life.

"The Black Tiger, legendary hero of Thailand. My great-grandfather and the man I hope to emulate and make proud."

Do you have a partner and children currently? If so, please describe them.

"Oh, no no no, nooo kids. I might want them someday, but I'm just a kid myself. No boyfriend, either..."

If you do not have a partner or children, do you want them someday? How firm are you in your opinion on this, and what might change your mind?

"I want a husband and babies one day...but any man of mine has to realize that I will not stop working out. If that means I'm stronger than him, oh well."

What type of person would be your ideal mate?

"I like nice guys, not jerks. Someone strong and athletic would be nice, but it's not necessary. My dad would insist on a man with a good education and a sense of purpose, but, that's just dad being dad. Mom would insist on a man who is supportive, loving, and willing to work with me, and that's mom being mom. Me? I just want a guy who likes me for me."


Do you have any close friends? If so, please describe them, and how you came to be close to them.

"Sadly, no. I have a group I hang out with at school, but I'm kind of alien to them. The jocks don't get me, the nerds are kind of afraid of me (and I don't get them), so yeah. I have lots of cool acquaintences though.

Do you have a best friend? If so, how did they become your best friend? How close are you to your best friend?

"Other than my parents, no."

If you were to go missing, who would worry about you?

"Parents, people at school probably would too. I'm fairly well known at school, being like, the only asian girl."

Have you lost any loves? If so, how did it happen, and what did you do?

"Other than some schoolgirl crushes, no. Guys don't tend to get my interest, nor I them, at least not for very long. At some point, they realize I'm an intense martial artist, and they back off. Lots of guys might like that, but none I've met."

Do you have any bitter enemies? If so, please describe them and their history with you.

"Nobody really hates me, other than this group of snobby girls at school, but, that's just kid stuff."

If you have enemies, how do you think they might attempt to work against you in the future?

"Oh, now that I'm going to Claremont, I'm sure I'll get all new enemies and friends."

What is the worst thing someone has done to you?

"Hurt me. I had a close friend who eventually just stopped talking to me. I have no idea why."

Where do your loyalties lie? In what order?

"Mom and dad, then my ideals."

Who or what do you trust the most? Why?

"I trust that my parents will do or try to do what they think is best. I trust that people will generally do what they think is best, but I'm not naive."

Who or what do you despise? Why?

"I despise cruel, prejudiced, and vindictive people. I have always faced a little bit of prejudice, both for my athletic abilities and my athletic abilities. Cruelty just, I cannot imagine deriving pleasure from hurting others."

What qualities do you admire most in other people? Are these qualities you possess?

"I like courage, intelligence, and honesty. I try to be those things myself."

What qualities do you hate most in other people? Do you have any of those qualities?

"I hate cruelty, prejudice and pettiness. I can be a bit petty, but I try to be open minded, and I absolutely hate hurting people."

Do you have a secret identity? If so, who knows it? Do you hide it from people who are close to you? Why?

"Mom and dad are now in on the whole super business. They're not happy, but, they have accepted that I won't stop."

Do you work well on teams and in groups? Are you a leader or a follower?

"If someone smarter than me tells me something is a good idea, I'll give it a listen. Other than that, I do my own thing."

Are you on a super team? If so, how do you get along with your comrades? Do you trust them, or do you have secrets from them?

"No team."

Are you a member of any church, fraternal organization, club, committee, political party, or other group? How much time do you spend on that?

"I was in a few clubs in school, but nothing big. We practice Buddhism at home."

Personality & Beliefs

Who are your heroes?

"Mom, dad, and my great grandfather. Also, lots of the heroes of Freedom City."

Did you ever become disillusioned with former heroes or idols? If so, why and what were the circumstances?

"No, though, I had to come to terms with the fact that my dad is a human being, as fallible as the rest of us. He once yelled at me for something I didn't do. I had to really push to get him to admit he was wrong. It was the only time I stood up to him. He eventually came around, but, I realized that even dad had his own prejudices, particularly that kids are just always wrong."

Do you like being a hero? If so, what is the most rewarding part? If not, what makes you keep doing it?

"I love being a hero. The most rewarding part is when the bad guys are all down for the count, and I know I just made a difference. The drive to do better, get stronger, and make the world a better place is what makes me keep going."

Is there anything that would make you give up hero work, or even switch sides?

"If I got seriously hurt. I have to watch my love for fighting, or I could lose myself to it and just start hurting people for fun. I have to be careful. I've never gotten close, but I'm always afraid of it."

What are your short term goals (what would you like to be doing within a year)?

"I'd like to get even better at fighting and being a hero. I'd like to do more good, and, hopefully, make some friends at Claremont."

What are your long term goals (what would you like to be doing twenty years from now)?

"In twenty years, I want to be an older hero who may or may not still be fighting. I want my own family, my own kids, and the ability to teach them about the world."

What is your greatest fear? Why? What do you do when something triggers this fear?

"I'm afraid of really hurting people, and when I do it by accident, I freak out. I eventually calm down, but initially, I'm all over the place."

Is there anything you would give you life for?

"I believe that life is precious and sacred. That being said, if it were a group of kids or me? I'd go with me every time."

How do you feel about money and material wealth? Do you desire it or disdain it? Are you miserly with what you have, or do you like to share? Is it a mark of success, or a means to an end?

"I have what I have, and it's quite a bit. Money is something I use to make things better for others and myself, but it's worthless if it's not used. I'm the gal who will treat everyone to lunch, or buy a friend a new thing just because. I don't buy friendship with things, I don't reward friendship with things, I believe in making those I love happy. Happiness can sometimes come in chocolates, a good meal, or a new movie or CD."

How do you generally treat others?

"I'm friendly, mostly. I am always polite, as I was raised to be. I still have a temper, though, and when my buttons are pushed it's not pretty."

Are you a trusting person? Has your trust ever been abused?

"I can't trust everyone, but I do trust my family. My trust has been abused before, which is why I'm careful."

Are you introverted (shy and withdrawn) or extroverted (outgoing)? Do you have a lot of self-confidence?

"I'm pretty outgoing, but not always. On my bad days I tend to withdraw and keep to myself. On my good days, I'm friendly and outgoing. I'm supremely confident in my abilities, not arrogant, just confident. Other than that, not really."

How do you act around attractive, available members of your preferred sex?

"I act like me. Parents always taught me to be me, no matter what. However, I'm usually just a bit nervous. Most guys get to a point where they realize I'm really buff, really into fighting, and a driven workaholic. That is a major deterrent, it seems."

What are your most annoying habits?

"I start working out if I get bored."

Do you feel contempt for any general category of people? Who are they, and why?

"Nope, dad hammered that into my head at a very young age."

What is your favorite food? Do you prefer any particular type of food? Do you take the time to enjoy your food, or do you eat as fast as you can?

"I love asian food. Thai food especially of course, but Chinese, Japanese, Indian, all of it. I also, well, love food in general. When I'm at home or with friends, I eat slowly and properly. If I'm working out, I scarf it down for energy and keep going."

What is your favorite drink (alcoholic or otherwise)?

"I'm a fan of the simplest drink of all, water."

What is your favorite treat (dessert)?

"Ice cream. I don't want to get out of shape, so I don't have it often, but when I do, I tend to splurge."

Are there any specific foodstuffs that you find disgusting or refuse to eat?

"No, I'm not picky."

What is your favorite color? Are there any colors you dislike?

"Favorite color is red, least favorite color is yellow."

What sort of music do you like? Is there any that you hate?

"I like rock, and rap. Anything that gets the blood pumping works for workout movie. I hate standard pop stuff, love songs, and sad songs."

If you have a favorite scent, what is it?

"I like to burn incense sometimes, but I don't have a major favorite."

Do you have a favorite animal?

"I'll just direct you to my super hero name."

What is your most treasured possession? Why?

"My dad, when I was a young age, gave me a photograph of my great grandfather in his costume. I scanned it, created copies, and then put the real version in a safe. If my entire house explodes tomorrow, that picture will be fine."

Do you enjoy "roughing it", or do you prefer your creature comforts?

"Yes. I like camping, but I can be just as girly as any other teenage girl."

Is there a job or a task you would absolutely refuse to do?

"I don't snub my nose at manual labor. We don't have a maid. I won't do anything illegal, of course."

Do you consider yourself a spiritual person? If so, how do your beliefs affect your life?How important is it to you?

"I'm a Buddhist, but I admit I'm not all that good at it sometimes."

Was your faith influenced or molded by anyone special?

"It's just the family religion, I believe because that's how I was raised."

If you belong to a religious organization, how often do you attend? Do you have a specific place of worship, or friends within the organization? How much do you agree with the beliefs of your organization?

"We have a family thing we do, no major temple or anything. I am a Buddhist at heart, but I don't follow it as well as I could."

Could you kill? Have you killed?

"I have never killed, and I don't think I could. I mean, life or death, theirs or mine, or those of innocents? I might, but, it would hurt really bad, and I'd probably stop being a super hero."

What circumstances led to you forming that conviction, or taking that action?

"Buddhism has a pretty strict thing about not killing, and I believe in that. Life is sacred, and should not be taken except under dire circumstances."

Are there circumstances under which you believe it is permissible to kill? What are they?

"I do not believe that killing is ever the right course of action, just, sometimes it is the only course of action. Sometimes, when your back is against the wall, like in war, things just happen, or you have to protect your life or the lives of others. If it's life against life, and no other solution is possible, only then would I consider it okay."

How would you react to watching someone kill another person? Would your reaction be different if the killer was a friend or an enemy of yours?

"I'd be very, very upset. I'd cry, maybe even throw up. It would take a very long, long amount of time to become okay again. It doesn't matter, best friend or worst enemy, that's how I would react."

How would you react if something important was stolen from you?

"Depending on what it is, I'd either try to get it back or just shrug it off. Steal my motorcycle? I get a new one. Steal some money? It's just money. Steal my picture of my great grandfather? I will hunt you down and take it back."

How would you react to public humiliation?

"Grit my teeth, walk away, and probably cry."

How would you react if a good friend or relative were purposely or accidentally killed? Has it happened to you?

"I would just go numb, for weeks, months, who knows how long. It's never happened to me. My grandfather died of cancer, it wasn't sudden."

What do you consider to be the worst crime someone could commit and why?

"Murder, followed by any crime of cruelty, regardless of severity. Hurting others to protect, stop crime, etc, is far different from deliberately taking a life, or engaging in cruel things."

If your life were to end in 24 hours, what five things would you do in those remaining hours?

"I would kiss a boy, preferably one I liked. I would hug my mom and dad. I would eat an entire carton of ice cream. I would work out one last time, and then, finally, I would pray and meditate for the rest of the time I had, thanking the world for giving me the life I was allowed to live."

Career & Training

Do you have any special training in your hero skills? If so, where and how did you get it?

"I have about twelve years of varying levels of combat training from my dad."

Who taught you the most about your heroing abilities? What was your relationship with that person?

"Dad taught me everything."

Do you have any particularly unusual skills? How did you acquire them?

"Muay Thai isn't all that well known compared to say, Karate or Kung Fu."

Do you do something besides hero work for a living? Have you ever done anything else, or do you plan to?

"No, mom and dad spoil me rotten, I'll admit it. I've got time to figure out my future."

What is your preferred combat style?

"Muay Thai."

Have you ever received any awards or honours?

"Dad won't let me compete, says it wouldn't be fair. I agree now."

What skill areas would you like most to improve in? Is there anything you can't do that you wish desperately you could?

"I want to learn more about being a hero. I'd love to learn more about technology, but I know I lack the patience for it."

How do you act around people who are more skilled than you in areas you'd like to improve? Are you jealous, or do you try and learn?

"I'm always looking for cool new things to learn to do. If I see someone doing something I don't know how to do, I watch them, and then ask questions if they let me."

Lifestyle & Hobbies

What is a normal day for you? How do you feel when something interrupts this routine?

"Wake up, get breakfast, do stretches, work out. Go to school, come home, eat a snack, work out some more. Sometimes I break my routine to go have fun or something, but, other than that, I do a lot of training."

Do you have any hobbies, or interests outside hero work? What are they, and where did you pick them up?

"Other than martial arts? I actually kinda like to, well, pay attention to fashion. Don't tell anyone!"

What do you do for fun?

"I'm a big movie fan and music fan. I like going to movies and listening to music. I also like to go to all the latest concerts."

Do you have a costume? What does it look like?

"It's black and red with lots of stripes and stuff, looks awesome."

How do you normally dress when not in costume?

"Baggy clothes, usually fashionable."

What do you wear to bed most nights?

"Pajama bottoms and a tank top."

Do you wear any special jewelry? What is it, and what does it look like?

"I have a necklace my dad gave me as a little girl, but, other than that no."

Do you have a special place where you keep your valuables?

"I have a safe in my room, nobody but me or my parents know the code."

What's your preferred means of local travel? How about long distance?

"I ride my motorcycle everywhere, unless I'm with my parents, then it's their car."


Have you ever made a will, or tried to make arrangements for your death? What provisions did you make?

"I haven't put any thought into it. I don't really own anything worth willing away right now. Though I'd rather my friends got my stuff, those that need or could want it. My clothing should all go to charity."

If your features were to be destroyed beyond recognition, is there any other way of identifying your body?

"I have some crowns and other miscellaneous tooth markings. I also have a few bones that were broken and then healed, don' tknow how useful that was."

What would you like to be remembered for after your death?

"As a hero, a friend, and a loving daughter."

Do you believe you pose a threat to the public? Why or why not?

"I can lay down a major hurt if I want to, but I doubt it."

What do you perceive as your greatest strength?

Absolute, unwavering dedication to a purpose."

What do you perceive as your greatest weakness?

"Short-sightedness, don't think enough about things."

As a player, if you could, what advice would you give your character? Speak as if he/she were sitting right here in front of you. Use proper tone so they might heed your advice...

"You are a nice person, but you should relax. Life should be enjoyed more."

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  • 1 year later...

Mali was going to be the last time they tried for an infant. Apsari, her mother, struggled to get pregnant, and they tried everything modern medicine had available. Mali had been all but a miracle. Apsari nearly died giving birth, and the two of them decided against trying for more children.


On his days off, Annan was fond of training. Katas and forms of Muay Thai that had long ago stopped being training for tournaments, and started being a fitness regiment. When he watched his daughter, he would often sit her in her play pen in the same room, and would train while she played.


It did not take him long to realize that his little girl would occasionally watch him train. He assumed, as most would, that his odd movements were interesting to watch, and before long she'd always grow bored and grab one of her toys.


At five years old, though, she began mimicking him. He would punch, and so would she. She did not seem to know what it was she was doing, and he found it amusing to watch her awkwardly dance about in a crude mimicry of his more practiced and smooth motions. He assumed that his daughter would grow bored of mimicking him, but day after day, month after month, she would follow him where ever he went to train, and would mimic him.


He found himself performing simpler katas, slower and more deliberately than his norm. Just to see if she could follow along. She did so as well as any four year old could. He did not even realize he was teaching her until he found himself gently correcting her mistakes.


That was it, he realized. It was either help her learn, or risk a phone call from the preschool about his daughter knocking some other child silly. So, he began teaching her in earnest. Always emphasizing that it was important never to use violence as a last resort.


He assumed that as the years faded, his daughter would drop Muay Thai and turn to more girlish interests. He was not entirely wrong. Mali did indeed watch shows for girls, play with dolls, and do the other stuff society thought young girls should do. But she did not abandon her training.

Instead, at about eight years old, she began training on her own. He came home from work one day to find her in the basement of their home, training intently. He watched her, and felt a little sadness. The awkward, humorous motions that she had started her training with had been replaced by efficient, elegant ones. He could not decide if he was proud, or sad.


She was twelve years old when her father told her the stories in detail. She had heard the vague allusions to her true history growing up, and at twelve, her father called her into the family room to explain something to her.


The television was off, the lights were low, and he was sitting in his favorite chair, waiting patiently. When she sat down, he began the tale.


One man, he said, took it upon himself to fight the oppressive regime in Thailand. One man took on the drug trade. He explained that while the US had heroes like the Freedom League, Thailand had it's own hero. The Black Tiger, her own great grandfather.


Those stories entranced her. Her great grandfather's exceptional skill in battle, how he once burned a warehouse full of opium to the ground. Even his legendary final battle, in which Black Tiger 'died'. Thailand believed that the Black Tiger died as he had lived; standing defiantly against tyranny and the opium distributors. The truth was that Black Tiger had grown too old to fight as he did, and faked his death. Her father said that it was no shame to retire, and that even in death his story inspired others.


After that story, Mali did not say much. She was consumed with thoughts in her own head and respectfully withdrew to her bedroom. She brooded on everything he had said. The legacy of her family, the history. Her family had been practicing Muay Thai for generations, she was merely the latest practitioner. But there was a legacy in her family that was, perhaps, just as important. She did not tell her father what she decided, or even what she meditated on.


However, the next morning, she insisted on sparring. She wanted to graduate from mere forms to learning how to disable and harm opponents. She passed it off on saying that Freedom City was still a dangerous place to live, and that it would make sense if she could defend herself. She also solemnly swore never to use it against anyone who was not a threat to herself or someone else, and to only ever use as much force as was required to defeat a threat.


The truth was, that was the day she decided that she would one day put a costume of her own on, and would join Freedom City's proud heroes. From that day, her training intensified.


Her old hobbies were set aside, and she spent every moment she was not studying in training. She had few friends and no interest in socializing with most of the children at her school. She still dressed nice, and still took time out for fun, but even most of her favorite activities involved athletics.


She was careful, very careful, not to overwork herself. She studied every facet of working out and training. She put herself on a strict diet, and mostly stuck to it.


One day, at fourteen years old, she challenged her father to a spar. He had lost little of his edge, and the two of them soon escalated a simple spar into a full-contact fight.


Then, one punch came just a little too slow, and she knocked it aside and countered with a punch to the stomach. Her father staggered back, the breath blown out of him. She panicked for a split second, but it was apparent that the blow had done no real damage.


She did not realize, until that moment, that all that training had paid off. She was so much stronger, faster and surer than she had been. She was fourteen years old, and knew there were few fighters in the world she could not handle.


She tried to wait until she was eighteen. She really did. It was difficult, though, knowing the evils of the world. She tried to wait four years. She only waited two.


The costume she ordered through various channels, the motorcycle she had custom ordered. She ordered two bikes and told her father she had only bought one. She fought crime, fresh faced and sixteen years old. It was fun, it was exciting.


It wasn't until she came home one night to find a strange, older man sitting in her living room that everything became real. He told her of a school, of an opportunity to learn to be a real superhero.


Like many other things she did in her life, Mali jumped at the chance.

Edited by Thunder King
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