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[Nov 2010 Vignette] Criticism and Cocoa (Atlas & Dynamo)

Dr Archeville

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Note: Occurs in late October 2010

Atlas had been in Russia for the better part of three weeks when he ran across a rather weird site, or rather, one ran into him and then would not leave him alone. Dynamo had been out for an early morning jog, when he heard through the grape vine that there had been a wildfire out in the Russian “frontier”. Ordinarily he didn’t go that far north due to the blinding cold, but when duty calls, you go and freeze your little diodes off for the greater good.

Atlas too was on the scene. The rest of the Vulcans were off in another part of Russia tending to a sudden outbreak in mutations, believed to be caused by toxic waste. Atlas was left to hold the fort. When the wildfire broke out, he of course went to go lend a hand. Between Dynamo’s Speed and Atlas’ strength, the wildfire was reduced to nothing more than a few glowing embers within the hour.

“So ‘Lassie (Jack said to call you ‘Lassie) I don’t think we’ve ever been introduced. Name’s Dynamo, Fastest Man Alive; though not fastest person (damn you Z!) I’m with the Interceptors. So what’d you doin all the way out here?”

“You’re talking very fast.” Observed Atlas.

“Got to, freezing my tookus off here. The fire was keeping me warm up until now. And don’t change the subject. I ain’t seen you around Freedom recently. What gives?” asked Dynamo while furiously rubbing his hands together, trying to keep his hands warm.

“I needed some time away. Kind of like I do right now. Thanks for the help, but I’ve got to get going.” Cuts off Atlas before he leaps back to the HQ. About a minute later, Atlas lands with a thud on the helipad back at Vulcan HQ. He gets no more than a few steps before he feels someone standing behind him. Standing there is Dynamo in a full length wool coat and a thermos full of hot cocoa judging from the smell. “Didn’t think I’d make it that easy for you did you snaggle puss?”

“You do realize this is a restricted military base right?” Asked Atlas slowly, not believing he was still looking at this guy.

“uh huh.” Replied Dynamo innocently as he took a sip of the cocoa, and offering Atlas some. “That it’s illegal to trespass on.” Continued Atlas, ignoring Dynamo’s antics as best he could. Dynamo nodded affirming “That it is.” While he still held out his hand out with the cocoa.

“And the reason I shouldn’t just arrest you is…?” asked Atlas hoping he would finally get through to the speedster by being as blunt as possible. Dynamo just paused for a moment, and looked like he was contemplating for a moment before he held out the cocoa even more and gave it a little shake “I got you cocoa and you loves me?” he said with such sincerity it was quite sickening.

Rather than fight a battle he could not win, Atlas let Dynamo inside. Dynamo took the time and really scoped the place out. There were super-hero bases and then there were super hero bases. Sure the Interceptors were great people, and they did have some pretty good funding, but they were sort of meant to blend in. They were almost as well known as the Freedom League, but the Freedom League was meant to be publically available to everyone and went out of their way to make themselves a symbol. Symbols cost money. Lots of money. In addition, the Vulcan Team had a really eclectic set of powers, the Interceptors were mostly comprised of people who were more defined by their skills rather than their powers. So the Vulcans had more weird crap just knocking about.

Letting out a low whistle Dynamo commented “Noice set up you have here. Better than your set up with the Midnighers?” “We didn’t really have a set up. We all had some personal space issues.” Explained Atlas, wondering how Dynamo knew about the Midnigher’s and choosing not to reveal all that much as he knew Jack and Phantom had a new need for increased secrecy.

“Is that why you left? They gave you a better set up here?” asked Dynamo, about as tactful as a parade. “Don’t even joke about that. The Midnighters were – are- some of my best friends. Nothing could pull me away from them.” Retorted Atlas, finally losing his patience with the speedster. “And yet here you are.” Pointed out Dynamo quite bluntly. “So why are you really here?”

“You know damn well why I’m here!” roared Atlas. “No one wants me there anymore. I tried to kill them, and I brought an alien armada to Earth with the intent of killing everyone there. Who would want to see a monster like me after that?”

“Oh don’t give me that line of bull!” retorted Dynamo harshly. “You were being manipulated by the Meta mind. You weren’t attacking us. Furthermore, when you regained a modicum on control, and realized that you would be a threat to Freedom, to the people you swore to protect and to your friends, you snapped your own neck! On national television. Without hesitation. And then when you saw that Freedom still needed someone of your strength, and I don’t mean muscles, you stood up again, broken neck and all. You’re a hero and you know damn well you are. And anyone with a brain in their skull knows that too.”

“It’s not that simple.” Said Atlas wearily. He had had this argument with himself over and over again. “Something… happened to me that day. I didn’t feel like me anymore after that. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t eat. And I really thought I was dangerous to people. I needed some time to clear my head. I told you that already.”

“Well that’s all fine and dandy, but to me it looks like you turned your back on your friends and family, who also happen to be some of the only people on the planet who have even a vague idea what it feels like to have your body taken away from you. We’re super heroes dude. Weird stuff happens. But no matter how many curve balls the universe throws at us, we help each other get through it. But no. you had to play the hero. You couldn’t show any weakness. You couldn’t let your friends inside and let them know that deep down, you’re just human. This doesn’t have to be your burden alone to carry. If you only let the you care about know what’s going on with you, they’d drop everything to help you.”

“And what happens to everyone else they have to drop?” retorted Atlas. “The world depends on those guys being at full strength. They count on me being at full strength. I need to do this on my own. I know they’d all help me, but they’ve got enough on their plate as is. I want to show to myself that I’m strong enough to get through this. I want to show them why they should trust me. This is just something I’ve got to do.”

“Yeah but you’re forgetting something. You’re a super hero. You don’t get to be proud. You’ve got a higher purpose. I’ll be back in Freedom waiting for you when you figure this out. See ya.” Called Dynamo before unceremoniously leaving. Atlas was just alone with his thoughts and some cocoa.

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