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The Twins From The Forest

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Abilities: 8 + 4 + 8 + 0 + 4 = 24
STR 34/14 (+10/+2) 
DEX 14 (+2) 
CON 34/14 (+10/+2) 
INT 10 (+0) 
WIS 14 (+2) 
CHA 10 (+0) 


Combat: 4 + 4 = 8PP 
Init: +2 
ATK: +2 (+4 Melee) 
DEF: +4 (+2 Dodge +2 Base +1 flat-footed) 
Grapple: +8/+25
Knockback: -12/-1


Saves: 0 + 3 + 3 = 6PP
TOU +10/+2 (+8 Enhanced Con, +2 Con, +7 Impervious) 
FORT +10/+2 (+8 Enhanced Con, +2 Con) 
REF +5 (+2 Dex, +3) 
WILL +5 (+2 Wis, +3) 


Skills: 32R=8PP

Language 1 (English, Base: Polish) 

Handle Animal 8 (+8) 
Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 7 (+7) 
Notice 8 (+10) 
Sense Motive 8 (+10) 


Feats: 9PP
Animal Empathy
Attack Focus (Melee) 2 
Dodge Focus 2 
Luck 1
Move By Action
Power Attack 


Powers: 4 + 16 + 6 + 16 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 7 + 6 = 65PP 


Comprehend 2 (animals) [4PP] 

Enhanced CON 16 (to CON 34/+12) [16PP] 


Enhanced Skills 24 (Intimidate 8, Stealth 8, Survival 8 ) [6PP] 


Enhanced STR 16 (to STR 34/+12) [16PP]

Impervious TOU 7 [7PP]


Leaping 1 (x2; running long jump 20 feet, standing long jump 10 feet, vertical jump 5 feet) [1PP]


Regeneration 0 (PF: Regrowth) [1PP]

Speed 1 (10 MPH / 100 feet per Move Action) [1PP]


Super-Senses 7 (danger sense [olfactory], scent [acute for olfactory; enhancement: tracking 3 {full-speed}], ultra-hearing, uncanny dodge [olfactory] ) [7PP]


Super-Strength 3 (Effective STR 45, Heavy Load 8 tons) [6PP] 

abilities 24 + combat 8 + saves 6 + skills 8/32 + feats 9 + powers 65 = 120 pts

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