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Posts posted by Exaccus

  1. Moon-moth held his peace as he stood at the rear of the procession, his lack of elegance with the spoken word made him unsuitable for delicate diplomatic tasks beyond advising those who could divine the meanings in his words, he never the less gestured the universal greeting in his native none verbal language, adding on the desire for a fruitful relationship to form, his long slender fingers curling and flexing in a series of hand signs to convey his thoughts. antenna flicking and twitching to accent them with more formal tones.


    Welcome to our home, we wish you a comfortable stay and hope that these endeavors lead us all to a more fruitful and peaceful future


    Long hours of encoding the Lanternian language into modern universal translator devices would now hopefully pay off

  2. Myothizar had only recently roused from his cycles long period of secluded meditation, the turmoil that raged within his mind had calmed enough for him to return to service, the universe however remained as turbulent as a stormy sea, matter and energy thrumming discordantly around him


    Gently placing the long digits of his slender hand against his forehead to shield his unblinking eyes from the artificial lights.


    "We mustn't be allowing our past to determine our futures." Myothizar commented tiredly as he strokes his frazzled antenna back into their usual neat state.


    "We must be as ready to making peace as we is to waging war."

  3. Why does everyone think i mess with light?


    "No can do sorry, its mirrors and reflections i utilize...now if you wanted 5 of them, I could do that...ill get him covered up though." he responded, as with a tilt of his head he pulled together the dimensional energies from the reflective surfaces around him, from the sheen of the drinks, the jewellery of the guests, even the eyes of his allies, harmlessly of course.


    pooling the infinite energies endlessly repeated amongst the fractalized reality of the highly morphic mirror realm into an all but invisable humanoid form, his looking glass knight, sending it flying over with a table cloth from one of the overturned tables to cover the bifurcated android.



  4. For Jonathan this scene was all to familiar, panic swelled within his chest, limbs locking in primordial instinct to fight as his eyes shot between every reflective surface in the room.


    The acrid scent of burning, the screams of fear and desperation and the horrific sound of high intensity energy blasts searing flesh rang phantasmal in his senses.


    but his heart was hardened by similar trauma and though he had yet to make peace with it all he managed to seize back control of his body, white knuckled hands grasping his communicator.


    "Get eyes on our assassin or Prioritize the crowd there was a lot of shrapnel, if someone caught some we don't want them trampled to death in the panic.


    There's not really much I can do for Cardenas now." 


    With that he took a short fortifying breath and got ready to spring into action

  5. His Latex prosthetics had finally dried and set, a quick change of clothes later and he was on the showroom floor, wearing the rent-a-tux he'd picked up the day before, walking amongst the chatting attendees and hating every second of it, just being here made him feel slimy and gross.


    ah well, he'd handle it, he was a professional.


    he stalked the halls, taking note of the reflective surfaces on offers for if things were to become any more sour than he already felt they were.

  6. sorry if im being awkward with that last post but he's not giving up his ID for a billionaire he don't trust, if its a roadblock for the plot please consider it mirror knight exiting the thread rather than throwing things outta whack for everyone.

  7. "I'm afraid I can't do plainclothes, my identity is a secret by necessity, though i will endeavor to be around the area outside during the conference, hopefully if something goes wrong i won't be too far out to help out, feel free to contact me on this frequency." he stated, in no uncertain terms "I apologize for the inconvenience but it is vital to my and people I care abouts' wellbeing that I not tip my hand in that regard at all." and on that point he refused to budge, not a millimeter.


    Perhaps it was better this way, he never knew when the strange entity that haunted him would strike, only that it would be sudden, violent and seemingly vindictively driven to cause him the most trouble possible.


    true to his word he had made sure to be reasonably within range of the area around the conference, his helmets communicator open to the frequency he had specified in the meeting watching over the area like a glittering silver gargoyle perched on a roof top, a small bag of water bottles and snacks secured in his perch


    hopefully he wouldn't be needed.

  8. Try as he might mirror knight couldn't bring up any other lines of inquiry to pursue at the moment so he opted to silently contemplate his own misgivings to see what Insight he could glean from his instincts.


    Noting the intense stare that predator was giving echohead and captain scarlet did something that seemed similar to the Vulcan mind meld, or so far as he understood it.


    "Everything ok?"

  9. "I have my misgivings of course, about billionaires, presidential candidates, extremist groups and if im totally honest there is just something i find to be off about this whole thing, how convenient a chaotic metahuman battle might be for someone attempting to run a tribute campaign to moore against our current presidents pro-metahuman stand."

    he said bluntly, letting his words sink in for a moment before continuing.


    "But i aspire to be called a hero and that means something, that my personal feelings are unimportant, that when someone asks for help i do not refuse for any reason, that i boldly walk into the most obvious traps because the wellbeing of others is something i do not gamble with...that justice must be for all, or else it is false." he resolved, as much to himself as the other people present, chest puffing out imperceptibly as he spoke.


    "you can tell Mr. Cardonas that I will be there."

  10. "Well if this isn't a guy who posts everything he does on social media call me a baked potato in tin foil." Mirror knight mumbled to himself as he skimmed the file "Do we know why they're after him, has he called them out or something? what Modus Operandi they favor? We expecting metahumans?" he was tempted to ask about the hourly rate for billionaire babysitting but instead opted for a more constructive final question "whats got him coming to freedom city this weekend?"


    Please not a surfing competition or whatever the heck that thing he's posing with is.


    "I would hope its something direly important to risk a weekend in the metahuman crook capital of the united states with an active threat against him."

  11. Mirror Knight


    Jonathan Rorrim stood in the offices overlooking the park along side whom he presumed to be the other two heroes, his mirror plexiglass "armour" largely useless in the traditional sense of protective gear shimmering with the warped reflections of the burgeoning forest below and casting scintillating shards of light around him.


    truth be told he was somewhat worried, he'd not been as active in the superhero community as he had liked due to his busy day to day life and as a result the rust had begun to creep in, he wasn't as fast or as coordinated as he once had been, hopefully the adrenalin would help him compensate.


    spying from the corner of his eye that the young ladies eyes were briefly flicking between his and the other gentlemans reflections he opted to try to break the icy unease that had filled the room with silent contemplation, using his powers he made his reflection look back at its observer and wave.


    "A pleasure to meet you both." he began, voice dry and parched from the heat even with the cooling vest he wore beneath his suit. "I'm Mirror knight, whom might you both be, if you don't mind me asking?" he continued as he made his way to the inviting jug of water, omnipresent in almost every meeting room, stage set or an actual building, he'd ever stood in. pouring himself a glass and taking a deep sip to soften his throat. "ah, now that's better, you won't believe how hot it gets in here!" another sip and a gently swaying of his helmed head to wash it more effectively around his mouth  "The price I must pay to be this fabulously sparkly, one supposes."


    people loved a showman, right?

  12. "some light it is then, bright but not harsh." he said as he held his hands parrellel to each other and appearing in a swirl of colours between his palm a orb of bright white light akin to that given off by a SAD lamp formed, casting uncoloured radiance into the darkness of the server room, mute and intense as it surged to fill the shadowy crevices between the racks upon racks of servers.


    "it would cast shadows no matter what i did So keep an eye out for movement in them."

  13. in a moment of pure instinct and adrenalin mirror knight loosed the energy in his hands towards the sudden movement and sounds, the dense pulsating sphere of silvery opalescent quasi-matter ploughing through the seats and into the crowd of shrouded humanoid figures, flattening on impact with the floor with a gelatinous fluidity before bouncing upwards and detonating in a wave of light that shreaded and battered the surroundings, turning furniture to splinters and the flooring to scorched charcoal


    "SHOW YOURSELF!"  he raged on, barely aware of the two teenagers arrival at all as he raised his hands to form another attack, this one considerably larger than the previous.


    "MURDERER! MURDERER!" he screamed, voice now dry and hoarse before he settled on the two youngsters. 


    "get out of here you two, theres a mass murderer hiding!" he said, his extreme distress subsiding for a moment as his whole body shook with sheer adrenalin, deep pain and directionless anger at the voice of his tormentor

  14. "Looks like whatever it is has doubled back and is heading that way." Mirror knight states with a rising panic "towards the restroom, HR office and server room."


    "Rocket do you think you could relocate me with you? i think we'd best go for speed in this circumstance, and whilst I am limited to human speeds i think the light will shine fast enough to reveal the the beast a head of your arrival."

  15. Mirror Knight


    Jonathan was all to familiar with the scene before him, it was burned into the back of his eyelids by the searing memories that blazed in the front of his brain when triggered like white hot iron spikes that penetrated his forehead and temples, a dull but penetrating ache that filled his heart and mind with flashes of blinding, terrifying light, the dry heat of fire and the revolting smell of burning flesh that turned an audience of over a hundred people into a scattering of ash and glassed flakes blown around by the flames of the burning theatre.


    his fear and unease deepened and intensified as he made his way through the rows of chairs, some of the faces he knew, they'd been at the very front rows of his debut after all and he hadn't become so callous as to forget them.


    "I see you know who i am." he said his voice an icy deadpan as he made his way to the centre of the stage.


    "but in turn now i know who you are....murderer."  he seethed, the dense lump of negative emotions gathered in his stomach igniting into an intense almost primal rage.


    "show yourself...." he hissed, his bile building in his throat.


    "SHOW YOURSELF!" he boomed, his rage erupting like a volcano, his shimmering prismatic shield becoming less of a serene aurora and a jagged collection of impossibly thin and sharp rainbow shards that swirled chaotically around him, balls of dense dimensional energy coalescing in his hands, all the power he could muster at once ready to be loosed onto his tormentor.

  16. "ah it can't ever just be a grumpy rabbit can it? its always a toothed octopus or a inverted humanoid or something rubbery and disgusting.." he sighed as he moved his left pointer finger in a perfect circle tracing a line of thrumming purple light that span itself into an orb and cast its strange glow out across the room its low frequency hitting on colours otherwise unseen by human eyes amidst the chaos of the crash sight, revealing splotches of the creatures...blood adjacent fluids to the unassisted eye as white puddles beneath the glare of the orb.


    "Time to follow the yellow drip road."

  17. "Aqquaintences, we've met on the job before now." He spoke calmly as he manuvered to be better situated and not just hovering outside the impact hole like a fly around a open jar of honey.


    "I am Mirror knight and my compatriot here goes by rocket if memory serves." His gaze wandering beneath the featureless mirror mask to look for signs of disturbed matter and dust.


    "Pleasure to be working with you again my friend." He added adressing rocket directly.


    "I Caught most of your exchange. I can do UV. Just give me the signal."

  18. There were many perks to working in the theatre industry, one of which was a reasonable amount of free drinks and snacks from the concessions stands in the theatre in which one worked, being an actor meant generally he had the lions share of daylight hours to himself, outside of rehearsals and recitals. costume fittings and the like, a perfect set of coincidences that lead him to where he was now, sat on a local roof top in his costume with a latte in hand and a bagged muffin at his side overviewing the streets below.


    it was really the first time he'd used his powers "selfishly." finding himself a quiet place to sit and not obsess over the events and revelations of the last few days, needless to say he was still ready to spring into action, combat with crooks or just being able to intervene positively in someone's life in a small way, catching a escaping balloon, helping someone cross the street or even just signing the very infrequent autographs from whatever small niche of fans he had won himself.


    he was of course taken completely off guard by the sound of a powerful energy weapon discharging over his head and saw nothing more than shadowy blurs crash into the office building across from him a few floors above him.


    "Duty calls Mr. muffin, ill be back for you later." he sighed as he stood himself up and focused his attentions on the mirrored glass of the building, his body rippling momentarily before he rose into the air and began to approach, arms raised and ready to evacuate civilians from the struggle if need be.

  19. Just to summarize mechanically whats happening,


    using refraction storm to blast the cameras so they can't see into the room.


    using Looking glass knight to create a tangible duplicate to open the door incase theres an ambush to spring on him whilst he stands with his back against the wall next to the door.


    im also gonna say he changed his little array to be reflective 2 (all) on his forcefield.

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