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Posts posted by ChrisClark13

  1. So Invisible Castle is down! :ohdear:

    But I have found a solution!

    It's called rolz.org and here's how to use it.

    First you go to http://rolz.org/group
    It should look like this, follow the instructions in the pictures
    Here's a link to the roll picture
    There would be an example of an embed here, but it turns out that the forum doesn't let you link pictures that don't have a file extension on the end.
    Keep in mind all the rolls you make for a room will be visible for viewing in it's log.

  2. Neospell fumbled slightly in his lunge to grab the cellphone as the cheetah started patching up the gangsters, he sighs in relief since his plan was just to call the ambulance and let them handle the guys who are bleeding out. He quickly shot a look to the last standing gangster before dialing 911, "Don't try anything got it? I'm trying to help your buddies here."

    Neospell listened to the automated message and pressed a button on the phone. "Okay, I've got about... twelve... fourteen gang members here that got all got into a big fight I just broke up..... Alright, I'm at..." he looks around for a street sign real quick and finds one, "Georgia and 19th.... okay..... there's around twelve gang members who are in need of medical attention yes," just then the cheetah walks up to him and asks-barks more like-him a question, Neospell holds up his hand in return, trying to signal the bipedal cheetah to wait. "Ah yes I was doing Hero work over here, alright. I'll call that number next time..... thanks, how long until the ambulances get here? Thanks.... okay.... uhuh.... yeah I'm new... okay, bye."

    Neospell closes the phone and turns his attention to Jubatus, "Ah, the ambulances will get here in about 15 minutes. You can call me... Neospell, yeah." He inhales and exhales sharply, the scene around him just starting to catch up to him now that the adrenaline is starting to wear off, "I do magic, rune magic. I use, used it, to create this suit and my weapons among other magical items.... I needa sit down," he walks over to the gang member still in the tape, "But first, the guy on the phone I need to make sure everyone's disarmed before the police get here. So I'm going to be needing that gun." He then picks up the gun, takes the clip out, and then pulls the top of it back and turns the gun upside down to let the bullet out of the chamber; all while pointing it at the ground of course.

  3. 11:42 pm


    Curtis paused a video as his computer notified him of another email coming in. He read it over a few times, especially the first paragraph, before chuckling to himself.


    Dear Etain Maher,


    I think you have a misconception about quantum mechanics. If I had something that could truly be called quantum matter it would be existing in a super position of states on a visible scale (I have no idea what that would actually look like) or have some other kind of quantum weirdness going on with it (like quantum entanglement which is even weirder than superposition of states).I think the closest thing modern science could come up with would be something like a material made of out neutrinos or something, since they tend to pass through regular matter quite easily. Though I have no idea what that would act like either. (And that's not including super science which sometimes can't even be compared to regular science.)


    I think what I have could most accurately be called something like magic matter or programmable matter. (Though I'm leaning towards magic matter myself.)


    Also, following your train of logic: The study of quantum mechanics (and many other things) couldn't be called a science either because a lot of things in it include chaotic variable that don't make sense at first glance either. I think I've seen more than one analogy that quantum mechanics is pretty much giving the finger to the people trying to research it since everything acts so weird when you get down to that scale.

    So magic could probably be called a science in it's own right, though it probably makes even less sense than quantum mechanics at times because it interacts with everything on a higher level than most things do.


    I think the chances of me running into places that'll send me into other dimensions or are haunted are pretty low just going to some place that's off the beaten path (like a spot a few miles out of town or a construction site).

    I'll keep in mind the warning about unnatural abandoned places though, I don't want to run into any ghosts or bad vibes. Performing magic might make weird things happen there just because I'm doing magic, not because of what spell I'm testing that evening (even if it has nothing to do with ghosts or anything occult).


    ~Curtis Wright

  4. 4:45 PM
    Curtis watched as little flecks of light are emitted by a complex rune on a piece of paper and move around randomly as they change color, also randomly, sometimes going out of the visible spectrum. Suddenly they all winked out as Curtis furrowed his brow and went back to his computer, changing a couple lines of code before compiling it and printing out a new sheet of paper. He unpins the the old sheet from it's place on a length of cork board and feeds it into a shredder before putting the new sheet in it's place.

    He then taps a certain rune on another sheet of paper on the corkboard labeled "Run". It lights up and activates the rest of the matrix and again flecks of light are emitted  this time they cycle through the visible spectrum as they move about randomly for a few seconds before Curtis cuts off the "program" once more with a thought. The random number code seems to be working right, though the particles keep wanting to go out of the visible spectrum.


    He then sits down at his computer and gets working on a reply to the email.


    Etian Maher


    I'm pretty sure I'm safe testing small things in my apartment, and I did say the rune creates pseudo-real matter. It doesn't actually create true matter, it makes something that's like matter. It's a specific application of the particle system where it creates a surface of sorts and interacts with real matter by repelling it (and being repelled by it). It's really strange stuff, it'll fold into into itself if you don't tell it not to, you can have it try to hold a solid shape, let it flow like cloth, or somewhere in between the two (but that's harder), It's weightless by default unless you tell it to be affected by gravity, and so on.


    It's really weird stuff, but I'm pretty sure it's some kind of magical energy that is programmed to try and act like real matter. Over half of the runes in my grandfather's book have alternate forms that only work in conjunction with the particle emitter rune, so that's more of really what I've been focusing on.


    And for combinations I know will be some what dangerous, I go out some where like an empty field or an abandoned building somewhere. I'm pretty sure I won't accidentally light my apartment on fire or anything like that. If it does look like it might, I just turn the spell off before anything bad happens.


    ~Curtis Wright

  5. 2:09 PM


    Curtis sat back down at his computer after going out and eating lunch. So far today had actually been quite boring compared to well, every single other day of the week. Maybe he could go out in costume just for funzies? Maybe find a good place to test magic like Etain had said, this apartment was definitely not going to hold up for testing things like say, exploding runes or fireball spells. Maybe an immobilizing spell? He sipped on a straw as he drank the last of his root beer up.


    Etian Maher,


    I've been thinking about what you said earlier, and I think my apartment will be fine for testing out spells as long as I stay away from anything that explodes. I been more playing around with a rune that creates pseudo-real matter, and making a magical particle engine of sorts. (A particle engine is something that simulates particles in a system. Games and movies use them a lot to simulate things like a fire, the smoke coming off of the fire, and fireworks. Though I could actually make a fire very easily by writing a few energy emitting runes.) The "matter" rune I find is very useful, though it takes somewhere around the neighborhood of thousands of runes to create anything that's usable. Most of them are used describing what the object to create is like, the more detail you use the better the outcome is. Trying to create cloth with it is very annoying and I can't get anything that doesn't feel like latex or spandex.


    But anyways, maybe your friend could take a look at the runes in the back of my grandfather's book? None of his notes mention what they might be for.


    ~Curtis Wright

  6. Neospell blinked and sighed. "Alright then cheetah guy, I'll keep an eye on them..." He looks around and walks over to the guy struggling to rip apart the duct tape he's tangled in and ahems loudly. "I wouldn't try anything if I was you, really. I just took down two cat guys who were making a mess of your friends," he leans on the side of a car to rest a bit, "now then, what the heck just happened here?" Neospell goes for his cellphone as he waits for a response... but it's under the pants of his costume, safe in his the pocket of his jeans and he doesn't want to go out of costume just to grab his phone. "And do you have a phone on you? I need to call an ambulance or two for all of your friends who are bleeding out right now."

  7. Sunday, March 16, 2013

    11:27 AM


    Curtis rolled out of bed and went over to his computer, still in his pajamas after a long night of patrolling the streets. He had been busy stopping and hopefully dissuading crime mostly since he didn't run into as many crimes as he thought he would. He did stop a couple by just standing there and aheming loudly with his MagiBlade out though. Not many punks want to pick a fight with roughly three to four feet of shimmering magical energy in the shape of a blade, well actually a lot of the punks he does run into don't seem to care until they're knocked on their butts. Though today he was taking the whole day off for himself, no crime fighting tonight, nope.


    Anyways as he logged in a plugin popped up in the corner of the screen telling him what emails had arrived in his inbox while he had been out. Local deals, 20% off on select games till Saturday, come in to work early,- oh Etain had replied to him already, he pulled up the email and read it.


    Huh, interesting. Better send a reply so I don't forget about it.



    Dear Etain Maher,


    Interested that you say you're not surprised, I was actually surprised myself that I found runecraft so easy when I got into it. A lot of my grandfather's notes were in Latin so I actually had to learn that first in order to decipher his notes. And runecraft is something the average freelance programmer actually wouldn't get without a deep understanding of how computers work from the ground up. Honestly I found it more complex than building a computer from scratch probably would have been since there's so many different runes you can combine in many different ways. (Don't get me started on how weird you can make the conditionals with it.)


    I personally haven't been one to try and create my own runes since there's a few I still haven't made heads or tails of in the back of my grandfather's book. I think one of them has to do with summoning? I'm not sure.


    About the verbal casting, I actually don't have any books on it. All I have is the book my grandfather left me and his notes which were stuffed inbetween the pages of it. I'm pretty sure I could learn other types of magic if I put my mind to it, though I'd probably just stick to things that easily define what you want to do with words or motions or something. I'll remember your advice about testing new spells in your own home since I'm not found of getting kicked out of my apartment.



    Curtis Wright

  8. Okay, he's getting back up. I just need to.. "Yaaaaaahhh!" Neospell brings the MagiBlade down on the cat-guy, knocking him back down to the ground as the blade smacked his shoulder soundly. Looks like the cheetah guy is doing fine but, I should ask anyways right? "Hey need some help over there or do you got it covered?" He pants for breath, the adrenaline starting to leave his body already, he then turns around to survey the scene. Rest of the guys are trapped in duck-tape, and some are bleeding out. And I need to work out more, a few body-enhancing enchantments aren't going to help if I'm all out of shape.

  9. Saturday, March 16, 2013
    2:13 AM
    "... I believe that is all the questions I will answer for now. I thank you for listening, this has been Etain Maher, next session I will get more in deph about the creatures I have mentioned before. Goodbye until then."
    Curtis leaned back on his seat as the recording finished, looking up at the ceiling murmuring to himself after just having been sidetracked from his research into fellow local magical superheros and whatnot by her blog. "Should I contact her or should I not... oh come on... you're a superhero, and superheros don't not do things. Besides you should make friends in the magical community sooner or later."


    He logged in to his email account and started writing an email.


    From: cwright42@usnet.com

    Subject: I do magic too


    Dear Etain Maher,


    Hey, my name is Curtis Wright and I do magic too. I have arcane talent I've inherited from my grandfather and a magic book he left me. It's mostly a very complex style of rune magic  and I've been able to make very complex spells with it due to my already existing expertise in programming and computer science. (You'd be surprised at how similar programming and some styles of magic are.) Though my grandfather might have had other magic books lying around with details on verbal and somatic casting. Still haven't figured those out so I'm limited to whatever spells I make before I head out.


    I just thought you might like to know about other magic users in the city, since you're putting yourself out there for the world to see on your blog and on your podcast.


    I think as for the type of magic I use, it's technically not technomancy (not yet anyways, haven't figured it out) and I think of myself as more of an artificer, or perhaps a "program-o-mancer."



    Curtis Wright.

  10. Neospell takes aim at the gang member being targeted by one of the cat guys, You'll thank me later for taking you out of the fight before he rips you a new one, probably, maybe. He fires and the guy dodges the brunt of the bolt of magical energy, Seems like that guy is in a 'martial trance' maybe? He's still screwed if the cat guy lands a solid hit on him though. Neospell runs forward, switching to his MagiBlade, the particles that make up the blade trailing behind him as they try to catch up with him. He yelled out as he started swinging the blade of magical energy, "Get outta the way other guy!" and then he brought the swirling magical energy up in an uppercut. The reaction sent the cat-guy flying... right into the other guy, "Ah whoops?" At least he's out of the fight now. He huffs as he takes an offensive stance, getting ready to strike the cat-guy again if he didn't stay down.

  11. Neospell uses Extra Effort to Surge to Charge Red Lion 2 with his MagiBlade. (whew)


    He stops 5' away as the Charge rules say he attacks as soon as he is in striking distance, and the MagiBlade has 10' reach.

    Also, +2 Attack, -2 Defense for until next round, and he becomes Fatigued next round.


    And the roll comes up as a 27! Furthering my suspicions that Invisible Castle only likes you when you use a Hero Point and now apparently Extra Effort.

  12. Neospell pumped his fist soon after watching the cat guy hit the ground face first. "Yes! Got 'im!" He then ducked yet again as that one Latino guy with the SMG shot at him yet again. "Hey! Didn't I tell you to shoot at the cat dudes? Oh dangit," He takes aim at the guy, "If you're not going to stop shooting at me, I'll just have to shoot you first dangit!" A bolt of light blue energy flies out of the end of the MagiBlaster and hits the guy squarely in the gut, sending him flying. "Ah, whoops. Probably gave him a concussion or something, but he's better off than the rest of them at least... not all mangled up... hey that gives me an idea."

  13. Abilities: 4 + 6 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 6 = 30 PP
    Strength: 20 (+5)
    Dexterity: 16 (+4)
    Constitution: 20 (+4)
    Intelligence: 12 (+1)
    Wisdom: 14 (+2)
    Charisma: 10 (+0)

    Combat: 4 + 4 = 8 PP
    Initiative: +0
    Attack: +2 Melee, +2 Ranged
    Grapple: +0
    Defense: +2 (+2 Base, +0 Dodge Focus), +1 Flat-Footed
    Knockback: -0

    Saving Throws: 0 + 0 + 0 = 0PP
    Toughness: +3 (+3 Con, +0 [Other])
    Fortitude: +3 (+3 Con, +0)
    Reflex: +3 (+3 Dex, +0)
    Will: +2 (+2 Wis, +0)

    Skills: 0R = 0PP
    [skill] [# of Ranks] (+[Total Bonus])
    [skill] [# of Ranks] (+[Total Bonus])
    [skill] [# of Ranks] (+[Total Bonus])
    Languages 1 (Native: English, Japanese)
    Feats: 0PP
    [Feat Name]
    [Feat Name]
    [Feat Name]

    Powers: 24 + 2 + 12 = 0PP

    Power/Array Name (descriptive name, descriptors; Extras: ???, ???, Flaws: ???, ???, Feats: ???, ???, Drawbacks: ???, ???) [XPP]

    Lightning Control 10.5 (electricity, magic; 21 PP Array; Feats: Accurate, Alternate Power 7) [28 PP]

    Base: Lightning Bolt Blast 7 (Extras: Penetrating 3; Feats: Precise, Ricochet 3) [21/21 PP]
    AP: Ball Lightning Blast 7 (Extras: Area [General, Burst (35 ft radius)]) [21/21 PP]
    AP: Chain Lightning Blast 7 (Extras: Area [Targeted, Shapeable (35 5' cubes)]) [21/21]
    AP: Lightning Aura Damage 5 (Extras: Aura, Duration [instant->Sustained], Feats: Selective) [21/21 PP]
    AP: Thunderclap Damage 7 (Extras: Area [General, Burst (35 ft radius)]) [14 PP] + Dazzle 7 (Extras: Area [General, Burst (35 ft radius)], Flaws: Range [Ranged->Touch]) [7 PP] [14 + 7 = 21/21 PP]
    AP: Lightning Chain Move Object 7 (Extras: Damaging) [21/21 PP]
    AP: Lightning Hammer Blast 7 (Feats: Knockback 7) [21/21 PP]
    AP: EMP Blast Drain Toughness 7 (Extras: Affects Objects, Area [35-ft. Burst, General], Selective Attack; Flaws: Limited [Objects], Limited [Electronics]) [14 PP] + Strike 7 (Extras: Area [35-ft. Burst, General], Selective Attack; Flaws: Limited [Objects], Limited [Electronics]) [7 PP] [14 + 7 = 21/21 PP] 

    Lightning Beast Form Morph 1 (Feats: Metamorph) [2 PP]
    Ride the Lightning Teleport 5 (Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity; See Complications) [12 PP]
    DC Block


    ATTACK      RANGE     SAVE                                       EFFECT
    Unarmed     Touch        DC15 Toughness (Staged)     Damage (Physical)


    Totals: Abilities (0) + Combat (0) + Saving Throws (0) + Skills (0) + Feats (0) + Powers (0) - Drawbacks (0) = 105/105

  14. :facepalm:

    Whhyyyyyyyyyyyy..... making IC post now. I'll chalk it up to Red Lion 1 dodging then.


    Neospell also moves 30-50 ft to block line of sight of the Cartel guy who KEEPS SHOOTING AT HIIIIMMM

  15. Neospell's mouth hangs open again when he sees that all of the combatants are suddenly wrapped in duct-tape. What the? How does that guy go so freaking fast?!?​ He took a moment to reassess the situation and saw that the cat-guy he had shot before was trying to escape from his silvery, sticky bonds, probably to get right back to tearing up someone else. "Oh no you don't" he yelled as he knocked the overgrown tabby out with a shot to the head before face-planting the ground. Oooooh.... that's gonna leave a mark... maybe? Yeah, probably.

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