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Curious Key

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Posts posted by Curious Key

  1. Another miss...They might have taken one down, but this wasn't working. They couldn't just keep trading misses like this, eventually it'd turn around, and it might not be in their favor. Aurora bit down on her lip and watched as Pan's light soared past the brother...And turned around. But that could miss too! Unless...


    It had taken a lot of work to narrow her starbolt into a point fine enough that it actually hit like she wanted it too. But...what if she went the other way...Her scarf twitched as Reina bit down on her lip. Worth a try...


    Reina flew up and over, positioning herself so that the brother was between her and the ground, and so that Pan was not. She held out her hand, and out came a narrow beam of harmless light...Until it expanded into a violet-white flash. 

  2. Reina has an idea!


    Gonna spend a HP to power stunt: Damage 10 (Starbolt; Effects: Ranged, Feats: Precise, Accurate 3) 24PP Descriptor: Sidereal


    Into Dazzle 10 (Nova; Visual, Flaws: Range [Touch], Extras: Area [100ft wide, 100ft tall, 100ft long Cone]) 20PP Descriptor: Sidereal


    Which brings her Hero Points to 0.


    Aurora is going to fly above the weirdo and try to dazzle him so that Pan's homing attack has a better chance of hitting when it comes around. No attack roll because its an area attack, just a D20 reflex save and then a fortitude save.

  3. This was the second time she'd tried to hit someone with her scarf and missed so bad. Was she maybe not so good at controlling it yet? Maybe...She could back off and try to take him out with another bolt, but Pan was here, and she didn't want to look like any more of a coward than she already had.


    Her scarf bristling up in the air behind her, Aurora curled her hands into fists and, raising them over her head, tried to bring it down on his head.

  4. The bolt took the brother out, which was good, because it meant that there was one less person who was less likely to remember Aurora's flailing. Her heart pounded in her chest like a hammer as she turned her gaze up, toward where Pan was engaged in an aerial duel with the final brother. Help him...! She curled her toes and soared up to meet them, her scarf lashing whiplike at the thug.

  5. Flushed and embarrassed, Aurora floated backwards, her scarf curling around in front of her as though to steady her as the...brothers, she guessed?...Fired shots that went wide. How much would it hurt if one hit Aurora...? She knew she was more durable, but she hadn't exactly tested it out too much. 


    Pan was sassing the villains like a proper hero. She should try! "Um...Nice try...Loser?" She floated still in the air, knees buckling together. Her cheeks turned real red. "...Shut up!" She raised her hand, conjured another bolt of starlight that soared mercifully on target toward to the man who'd just tried to blast her. 

  6. With one of them down, that just left the other. His blast went wide, crashing behind Aurora, which may have made Aurora squeak a little as she looked over her shoulder at the damage.


    At that moment, it felt safer to be a little closer than to be across the alley from him. As he soared up in his battlesuit, Aurora dove down underneath him, She hardened the end of her scarf into a tight, firm ball and spun around, hoping to catch their assailant with it. But she gave it too much torque, and she not only missed by spun three times in the air before pulling herself into a stop, putting a hand on her forehead to try to alleviate some of her dizziness. 

  7. Oh wow, they looked well-equipped. The armor and blasters looked real scary. She'd hoped against hope that they'd back off once they realized they were dealing with superheroes, but it looked like she was wrong...


    Aurora started floating a couple feet above the ground, scarf flicking too and fro while she held up her left hand. A lance of purple light flew from her unsteady hand, while she hoped against hope that it would strike true.

  8. "...They'll just keep following..." Reina wasn't sure how those men had found them, or what they wanted, but either way, they weren't going to stop. They were gonna keep hunting until they were stopped. Either they were after her, or after Pan. If they were after Pan, she didn't feel good leaving him. And if they were after her, well... "...We don't really have a choice..."


    She raised her hand in the air, the sigil glowing brightly as magic unfurled around her. In a swirl of luminous stars, her clothes reformed around her, baggy pants and hoodie adjusting, her glasses vanishing from her face and her scarf shot out behind her where it hung, suspended in the air as it lashed anxiously back and forth. "...If we don't fight now, won't we have to later...?"

  9. They might have been fast and strong, but Reina was NOT. She was already panting pretty hard after her dash, and when she looked over her shoulder, there they were, not just following but gaining.


    She needed out. Her eyes snagged on a neon red 'EMERGENCY EXIT' sign. But that's for emergencies... She hesitated. This is one! She forced her way through, alarms singing out behind her in the museum, hitting a wall of crisp January air. 


    Reina staggered out the door, into a filthy side alley, lined with overflowing dumpsters. Her panic told her to keep running but her body wasn't having it. She let go of Pans' wrist—when had she grabbed it? she didn't remember—and leaned her hands on her knees, gasping. What were they supposed to do what were they supposed to do what were they...Reina froze, turned over her left hand, looked at her palm and swallowed.

  10. Reina looked at one man, then the other, her heart drumming in her chest as panic tossed thought to the side and demanded she move, now! 


    Good advice. Reina seized Pan's wrist and dashed across the museum floor, not caring where she was headed as long as it was away from here.

  11. No matter how sincere he was, Pans' praise rang like empty platitudes in Reina's ear, making her bristle like a cat stroked the wrong direction. Luckily, her distraction had worked wonders on Pan, his train of thought speeding along the rails she'd laid down. "...They all sound wonderful!" Pan hadn't given Reina a lot of 'useful' information, but he was happy. He felt very genuine, in a way that made Reina expect him to turn around and call her an idiot for thinking it was real, except he'd been keeping it up for a long time and was deep enough into it that Reina was increasingly more sure that this wasn't going to turn out to be some meanspirited ruse. 


    "Only a matter of time till we meet, too..." Reina thought. Pan was pretty easy to get along with, but the others? She was nervous. And Pan would say something optimistic and cheery whether it was actually likely for them to get along with Reina or not, so she had no idea if they'd like her...

  12. "That's..." Reina was abashed, scratching at her neck and staring at her feet, fidgeting. It was such a small, pointless thing to get worked up about, and here she was, drawing comfort out of Pan when he'd been the one to take her to the museum to explore. How ungrateful could she be, to dump her stupid little problems on him when he'd done so much to try to make her feel welcome? "...Kind of you to say." She crossed her arms and gave Pan as authentic a grin as she could manage.


    "...Who else have you met in the school? Haven't been around long." She said, gently steering the topic in another direction. "...Anyone interesting...?"

  13. Reina's eyes lit up. "...That's..." Her tongue felt all tangled up. Oh my god, there was a new Lady Liberty? At Claremont? Reina could barely believe it. Of course she hadn't heard of her, she would have...What would she have even done, really? It wasn't like she could just talk to her, what if she was a bother, what if Liberty thought Reina was a creep, what if... "Um..."


    But when Pan asked about her, it seemed to pull her out of her reverie, her shoulders slumping as she turned half away from him. Reina grabbed her wrist, unfurled and her fingers and looked down, staring for a moment at the stars imprinted into her hand. "...There's so much about heroes to look up to. They do so much good, for so many people. I..." She swallowed. "...spent a lot of time wanting to be one. Wishing. Then, I got lucky. Now...Its not dramatic, or sad, or all that good a reason, but..." She took a deep breath, closed her fist and looked up at Pan with an anxious little smile. "Now I can finally be one..."

  14. 'Around here,' Pan had said. Reina adjusted her glasses, giving Pan a long, considering look. She got the impression that Pan meant something pretty out there, when he said that. Centurion and the Liberty League were a global phenomenon. In order to not know who they were at all, you'd have to grow up under a rock, or...




    She turned away and scratched at the back of her head. "If you want to hear more..." Losing her old intensity, Reina nevertheless did her best to fill Pan in on the members of the liberty league, and what exactly they had done. There were so many to talk about...Dr. Atom, Siren, Midnight and more. Reina ended up taking the lead guiding Pan around the museum, though he seemed infinitely more interested in her stories than the actual displays that talked about them.


    Eventually, she moved on from the liberty league to the Freedom League. "...But my favorites are Lady Liberty and The Raven, I looked up to them lots..." She reached back and twirled absently at her hair. "So strong, and smart, and brave, and pretty..." Her voice turned distant and wistful, staring up at a old newspaper of the new Ravens' first appearance in the city that they'd pinned up on display.

  15. Her shyness momentarily forgotten, Reina's gaze swung back up and pinned Pan with a stare. Didn't know much about the Centurion? How? She struggled to come up with an answer that made sense to her, only to abandon it completely once she realized exactly what Pan was asking. "...Ah!" Her mouth broke open into a wide smile. "...Centurion was the first heroes of the Golden Age!" She said, beaming. "And probably the strongest hero ever! he founded the Liberty League AND the Freedom League, he's always fought against Omega..."


    Reina kept gushing, giving the overview of Centurion's life and accomplishments, his villains and friends. But, as her stories approached the modern day, she started visibly deflating. Until, finally she reached the day of the Terminus invasion. "...He kept Omega and the Terminus out, but...He died." She crossed her arms and looked back to the collage, shoulders sagging. "...That's what the statue is for..."

  16. Reina had never been good with assertive people back home, and Pan was just another example of how that hadn't changed when she moved to Freedom. It felt like she'd barely had a chance to stammer out more than a few words to him when he took it upon himself to escort her through the city. Which might have not been bad, necessarily, but it was certainly overwhelming. There was so much about Claremont that set her off-kilter, so much about Freedom. There were heroes everywhere. She was standing in the hero museum alongside one of them. Reina was one of them.


    Reina was one of them.


    Staring up at a scrolling digital collage of Centurion's myriad adventures, Reina clutched at her heart and tried to steady her breathing. "...Um..." She swallowed, still staring at the screen. "...This is one of the oldest, best museums of super history in the world, fans are always desperate to come here... Pan?..." Finally she turned toward him, eyes darting to meet his for a moment before sliding shyly down. "...Thank you for taking me..."

  17. Name: Reina Nightengale

    Codename: Aurora

    Year: Sophmore

    Pronouns: She/her


    Roommate: Unassigned 


    Goals: Make friends...maybe...As a hero and as a girl...

    Favorite High School Movie: She prefers cartoons, like Steven Universe, to watching Nick school movies. She doesn't know about any others. Breakfast what?

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