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Posts posted by horngeek

  1. Haruko giggled, lifting a hand to her mouth.  "Indeed.  You probably would attract a large amount of attention in Japan with that hair color..."


    The Japanese girl watched, smiling.  Casey seemed to her to be a very... free spirit.  Unreserved.  It was nice to watch, in its own way.  "Hmmm... the problem is that my powers are expressing themselves simply in response to my emotions.  And combined with the fact that I do not know where, exactly, they come from..."


    She folded her arms, her eyes closing slightly as she thought.  "Dou kashira... you, at least, know what your powers are from.  I have no real answers, apart from that they are mystically valuable.  The events of the past few days have made that clear, at least."


    As they arrived at the gardens, Haruko's smile grew.  "I would agree with that, at least.  This is... wonderful.  A small portion of home."

  2. "Um... I'll see what I can do, but I'm not that fast."


    Stronghold smiled slightly, as she started to build up a platform to carry everyone to the museum.  "And I'll be sure to keep flies off the windscreen as well."


    The platform build itself up into an inverted dome-like shape, with a flat bottom- it would be a bit of a close fit, but everyone who needed a ride could get on.  And there was even a stepladder to get on.  "Right, Air Stronghold flight 1 now boarding, please keep you arms and legs onboard for the entire flight."

  3. Haruko paused, before she started laughing- a pure, happy sound.  "Iie, Casey-san, it is not a problem.  While I... suspect I might be attracted to both, I also do not think I would take a relationship with you beyond that of friends.  You are... what is the term... not my type."


    She chuckled a bit more.  "I hope that is all right.  And-"


    The Japanese girl looked down.  "Ah.  I wondered why you commented on my glow."  She muttered in Japanese.  "I need to get this under control..."

  4. Haruko smiled.  "I suspect you will find someone here to fly with, considering the school we are at.  I am ready."


    As they started to walk, her smile grew, almost lighting herself up- actually, it did light the Japanese girl up, as she started to glow gently.  "Fall... you mean Autumn?  It can be pretty, but in Japan, Spring is when the trees are truly breathtaking.  Sometime you should come to a spring festival to see the cherry blossoms in bloom."


    She returned Casey's look with an almost... teasing smile.  "It is more surprising than anything, I suppose?  It does not make me uncomfortable, no, and it is a novel solution.  As long as you are not uncomfortable with me potentially catching a glimpse of you if you slip up, I am fine with you continuing."  The smile became an almost-grin.

  5. Haruko smiled.  "That sounds like a good plan to me as well.  I am not so hungry that I need to eat immediately..."


    She tilted her head as Casey used her speed to change again.  "That is an interesting use of your powers... I suppose, if I needed to, I could obscure myself with my light, but otherwise... and to answer your question, no, I cannot fly."


    The thought for a moment.  "Ah.  I remember we were expected to stay... what was the expression... under the radar?  Will that be a problem?"

  6. "That is very good, Casey-san.  Iie- I mean, it was no problem."


    Haruko wasn't just being polite- Casey had learnt quite quickly, being rather attentive.  She'd do rather well at learning further, from what the Japanese girl saw.  "And I am a bit hungry, I must admit... seeing the rest of the school would also be nice.  I remember hearing that there is a Zen garden here, and a place like that is always nice to relax in..."


    She stood back, looking at her room- which compared to Casey's side of the room, was decorated much more with a focus towards artistry, with a few shelves of books, a laptop of Haruko's own, and some sowing supplies- along with a few photos of some paintings.  "Especially now that I am done.  Where would you like to go first?"

  7. "Thank you.  That is not the only thing I can do... but there are no injuries I can demonstrate on, and the other things I can do would either damage your eyes, or the room."


    Haruko placed a heavy... well, tome was the only way to describe it... on a shelf.  From what Casey could see, it seemed to be a book on magical theory.  "It certainly is not a mutant ability, I think.  That would not give me the power to heal.  And for a number of reasons apart from that, I suspect my powers are of some mystical or spiritual source."


    She nodded.  "I would be pleased to teach you, Casey-san.  It's konichiwa-"  Haruko pronounced the words clearly, allowing Casey the opportunity to listen to how it was pronounced- "and domo arigatou.  Those are the most general ways of saying those things, but Japanese is very dependant on who is speaking it, and to who they are speaking.  Among friends, arigatou is generally sufficient, for example."

  8. Haruko blinked at the... quick change.  Her roommate was fast.  The change in the middle was what really surprised the Japanese teenager- she hadn't even seen Casey.  Which was, to a degree, to be expected, given how fast the rest of the change had been.  "I may take a little longer than that, I am afraid."  She smiled.  "I only received my powers a few weeks ago.  As for what mine are..."


    She closed her eyes, and suddenly, the shadows in the room shifted as Haruko began to glow gently.  "I woke up in the middle of the night, glowing like this- actually, a lot more brightly, then.  It was a shock to me and my parents."


    Opening her suitcase, she pulled out a small sowing kit, placing it on top of her desk, before starting to pull out various items of already-folded clothing and putting them away.  "We had only just arrived in America from Japan, as well, so we had to... scramble?  Is that the right word?  To find some help."


    It seemed almost like Haruko was leaving something out of the story- the pause just before she said scramble was a little too long just to try and figure out what word was appropriate.  

  9. Stronghold blinked.  That made the second Crime League member she'd had close contact with, now, after Medea.  That time ended up with her getting knocked out by a flying axe, so hopefully this encounter would go better.  What could he do, again?


    From what she remembered, though, he was... okay for a criminal?  Like, he didn't seem malicious, although appearances could DEFINITELY be decieving.  She didn't want to get a nasty surprise here.  After all, Wildcard... didn't normally do midair stuff.  


    First off... she floated downwards, looking over the plane, seeing if there was anything she could do.  As Foreshadow swung out, she waved an arm, trying to get his attention- he'd probably have some ideas on how to detach Wildcard's plane, without destroying the prison transport.  

  10. Haruko looked up.  The other girl was... not huge, but still rather tall.  At least compared to her.  That may not be much of an achievement, but still.  And she was fit.  Haruko found herself starting to imagine what sort of outfits might look good on Casey for a moment before stopping herself.  "Ah, no, I have no problem with that."


    She found herself slightly interested now, as she stepped clear, giving the other girl some room.  What were the other girl's powers?  In fact, it seemed like Casey was, at least, familiar with her own powers... or at least, had had them more than a couple of weeks.  "If I may ask... how long have you had your powers?"

  11. "Eto... Kon-"


    The voice from the door cut off for a moment, before resuming, with a slight but noticeable accent.  "Sorry.  Hello?  Are you my roommate?"


    Standing in the door was a girl with very Japanese features- long, black hair, brown eyes, and fair skin.  Quite short, she was fairly pretty, and had a sense of... grace.  Weight, almost, although not in the physical sense.  Her movements seemed measured as much as anything else- while she didn't move slowly, there was a sense that each movement was thought-out carefully well beforehand.  The girl's clothing was well-suited to the weather- a long-sleeved, plain shirt and a long skirt.  


    The girl looked around the room before walking in, smiling hesitantly.  "My name is Mi- Haruko Miyamoto.  I just arrived, and I was told this is where I will be staying..."


    Haruko hoisted her bags on the right-side bed, placing a book with several Japanese symbols on the cover, next to a strange symbol.  "What is your name?"

  12. "The car!  Someone get the-"


    Stronghold sighed.  "Great.  Um.  I'm Stronghold, it's a pleasure to meet you, Trailblazer.  There... might not be any more danger, really, but we do need to watch over these guys for the police.  Can't we talk here?"


    Trailblazer might have a good reason for wanting privacy, though... "Or at least, talk after the police have picked these guys up.  If they get loose, they'd be able to hurt more people, after all."


    There.  Good reason, said clearly.  She actually was getting better at this with new people.  Which was a good thing, given she was getting a new roommate... this afternoon.  


    Ooooh, right.  That was also a thing.  She'd have to make a call to the school, wouldn't she.  

  13. Memorial looked at the beast.  "Oh, aren't you adorable.  And interesting, too!  Anyway, I'm not sure whether it's energy weapons, or just close-up energy weapons.  And my strength-boosters aren't really at the point where they can handle something like this, soooooo..."


    Diverting power to laser - right arm.


    A circular set of... holograms?  Energy foci?  Appeared around Memorial's upper arm, spinning around as they extended a little past her hand.  As Memorial pointed her arm at the dinosaur, red energy focused in the palm of her hand... before shooting out as a laser, the burst of energy slamming into the creature.  She felt a little bad about this, but they couldn't let any people get hurt...


    And then Kyla watched in fascination as the spines charged themselves again.  "Okay, so it doesn't really protect the thing, it looks like, it just responds to any- whoops!"


    The returning arc slammed into her... and then the cyborg looked up.  "Hey!  That could have damaged- okay, no, it couldn't have damaged my scarf, that thing's tough, but still, that scarf's pretty valuable to me and it's the principle of the thing!"

  14. Stronghold nodded for a moment, before flying up at her top speed (which... wasn't very fast).  On the way up, she tried to think of what to do... try putting a bind around the plane?  No.  Bad idea.  


    She supposed she could try cutting into the plane, but there's that whole problem with it disengaging.  How did the Atoms know that'd happen, anyway?  Well, she supposed that they were more experienced- these guys must not be completely dedicated to breaking out Ember Psion.


    Her mind ticked through a couple more ideas, before settling on 'well, I need to know more before I can really take a proper course of action here'.  She gingerly settled down on top of the prison transport, before taking a look at how, exactly the black plane had attached itself to the prison transport.  

  15. The 'security guy', a large Hawaiian man who more than towered over Mechanized now that the mutant was outside of her battlesuit, set his coffee aside, before extending a hand.  "Emily... Emily... Ah.  While we're hoping for someone with at least some training in mystical arts more than scientific, any help that could be extended would be appreciated.  At the very least, it'll be help in taking this kidnapper down."


    He sighed.  "And it's a pleasure to meet you too, Terrifica, although I wish it were under better circumstances.  The 'meeting room', such as it is, it at the FBI offices in Downtown, but if you've got skill at investigation, we'd like you to take a look at Haruko's room before you get any of our information, so you can draw your own conclusions.  We've tried to touch the scene as little as possible, mostly for reasons of... well.  You'll see."


    The agent looked across the street as Glamazon spoke- well, shouted, really.  "And welcome to you as well, Princess.  I apologize if the agents we sent to ask your assistance disturbed your sleep, but we're finding ourselves with not many options here."


    The man paused for a moment.  "Anyway, I'm Mikala Kawena.  AEGIS.  I'm going to be your point of contact if you need anything.  The Miyamotos are inside if you need to talk to them- as for other eyewitness reports, interviews of the people living around here turned up that there were some flashes of light coming from Miss Miyamoto's room late last night, around 11:30.  There's a..."


    The AEGIS Agent stopped for a moment.  "You'll see why we went for mystical help when you see her room, anyway.  I've never seen anything quite like this, I'll tell you that now.  Do you want to speak to the Miyamotos now, or do you want to see her room?"

  16. "Maybe?  That's the thing, we learnt a lot about them, but I don't have a connection right to them!  And if they knew about me, my guess if they would have specifically targeted me-"


    And then, the proximity alarms started going off.  "Oh, so you're working.  And I just did that thing where I tempted the Fateweaver, didn't I.  Right.  Looks like my power cores might get a good workout, then."


    Memorial looked around.  "Well, let's go and see who the... guests?  Is that the right word?  Are."

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