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Thunder King

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Posts posted by Thunder King

  1. Mali bit her tongue. Best to teach these guys with violence, not words. She did not want to let them get her riled up. She needed to be calm, not angry. She didn't want to hurt them.

    Not that it was easy, of course. She still felt the humiliating sting of their rude outbursts. She had no intention of accidentally going too far just because these, these idiots couldn't keep their mouths shut.

    "I am Crimson Tiger." She said, voice flat. She kept her cool, could not let these guys know they riled her. It was time to show them what she could really do.

  2. No force on Earth could stop Mali from grinning wickedly. Finally, some people she could really go all out against. The moment the guy started talking, she slid out of the ring and into the crowd, grabbing her bag as she ran towards the nearest bathroom. Jumping into the stall, she changed as quickly as she could before shoving her clothes in her bag and throwing it out of the way, knowing it was secure where she placed it.

    With that done, she ducked out of the bathroom and ran as fast as she could out of the room, bolting towards the thugs. She ran to the ring, slid in under the bottom rope, sneaked through the ring, and climbed up one of the corner turnbuckles.

    She folded her arms and stood there, glaring at the men.

    "Actually, no." She said. She did not shout, nor scream. She just spoke loudly enough for the men to hear her. "You're going to apologize to these fine people for interrupting their work out, and be on your way."

    She raised her chin and glared down at them. "You'll do so either voluntarily, or involuntarily. I don't care which you choose."

  3. Mali blushed, oh, this wasn't good. Nobody was supposed to see any of that. Ugh, she really, really hoped she'd have stayed unknown. Oh well, might as well make the best of the situation. "I think we did."

    She smiled and turned to the unexpected audience, and bowed respectfully. She had apparently entertained them, despite what she wanted to do.

    Still, she set out do find out more about other people fighting, and she did that. She patted herself on the back mentally for a job well done, and smiled nervously.

  4. Mali groaned as she felt the hands on her shoulders. Man, that guy was quick. She sighed. "You're good, really good. Maybe one of the best I've ever fought." She said, smiling. She turned around and bowed in respect.

    "I think I'm good for now. I can tell, you're really good at this. I wanted to see other styles, and I did. I think I'm gonna relax and grab a bite and a drink. Care to come with?"

    She did not notice how much faster he was than he should have been, she did not realize it. She was too busy making sure she stuck the landing right.

  5. Mali cursed inwardly and backed up for a moment, keeping her hands high. She was glad those gymnastics classes she took as a kid still came in handy now and then. She needed to keep flexible with this guy. Bending down for only a moment, she backflipped into the air, letting her momentum carry her to the nearby ropes. With a quick motion, she grabbed the ropes and coiled her body, springing upwards and, hopefully, over his head.

    As she flew overhead, she reached down, hoping to touch him on his shoulder.

  6. Mali jerked back slightly, flowing with the strike, keeping just out of reach of it. Flowing with that motion, she twisted around it, letting her natural motion and flexibility flow with her. She extended her right arm, and kept her left arm ready to block. She planned on moving her hand back at the slightest motion, not allowing herself to commit fully to the punch.

  7. Mali, not recognizing the style, still knew what was going on. He was trying something longer ranged, trying to keep her out. She began to shuffle her feet, back and forth, moving her body. Keeping her eyes focused on him, she moved in rhythm, hoping to cover a possible approach. She watched his tensed muscles, waiting for any possible reaction. She wanted to see how quick his reflexes were, whether he'd act on a moment's attack or not.

  8. Frustrated, but still enjoying herself, Mali ducked and ran in low, keeping her fist balled up. At the last possible second, she ducked back and brought her knee straight up. A fraction of an inch before impact, she stopped her knee and only lightly tapped him. She gasped for breath. She knew that the only reason she even got this close on him was because he had only just recovered. Any slower, and she knew the feint never would have worked.

  9. Mali grinned in spite of herself. This guy was better than he looked. Instantly, she bent backwards away from the strike. She twisted her body away and, spinning around, brought herself to her normal stance before jumping into the air, coming down with a fierce, overhead elbow.

  10. "Alright." Mali said with a wicked grin. She charged in, eyes sparking with ferocity. She ducked low for just a fraction of a second before straightening up, seeming to bring her elbow down towards Zeke's face. However, before her elbow truly got extended, she suddenly dropped down and brought her right leg swinging across, knowing a sweep wouldn't hurt him.

  11. Mali merely chuckled. She, unlike he, was trying to keep her skills incognito. She didn't need people looking at her weird. Still, this was likely going to be fun.

    She leaned against one of the ropes and watched him stretch. Of course, his stretch routine was good, solid, and did what it needed to do. That's what she would have expected from someone like him.

    Still, She wondered, what was going to happen in the ring? Mali nonchalantly tapped the rope. She wasn't getting impatient or bored, she was merely waiting. It was important to stretch.

  12. Mali nodded. "I recently hit a friend too hard during a spar. Kinda freaked me out."

    Wit that said, she began to shuffle and jog in place, getting her heart rate up a bit, warming up a bit. She was excited. She had no idea how good this guy was, and she was eager to see what he could do.

    She walked over to the rings, grabbed the ropes to test them, then flipped herself over the ropes and into the ring. "Never been in a ring like this before. Just hop on in when you're ready." She said.

  13. "Sure, but, I don't go all out in spars. I just don't, okay?" She said, calmly and coolly. She did not want to seem harsh, but after what happened to Shrike, she could never allow herself to do that again, under any circumstances. She would never hurt another friend again.

    "I pull my punches, I don't hit. We don't need to see how hard we can hit to see how good one another is, right?

  14. Reputation of Crimson Tiger

    DC 10: Crimson Tiger is a young, up and coming super hero who seems to be a good fighter

    DC 15: Crimson Tiger specializes in martial arts and rides a red and black motorcycle

    DC 25: Crimson Tiger's fighting style is Muay Thai

    DC 30: Crimson Tiger is a legacy hero, the original was Black Tiger, a hero in Thailand.

    Reputation of Benjawan Mali

    DC 10: Benjawan Mali is a 16 year old high school student

    DC 15: Benjawan Mali is a student who has just started attending the prestigious Claremont Academy

    DC 20: Benjawan Mali's parents are well off, her father being a financial adviser.

    DC 25: Benjawan Mali's grandparents immigrated from Thailand years ago.

  15. "Wake up, eat breakfast, do some stretches and warm-ups. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are about weights, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays are about cardio. After lunch, I start on my katas, work the heavy bag, etc..." She said.

    "My dad sometimes intervenes and works out with me. He's still got it, too. I have to watch myself." She spotted the same empty ring and had to stifle a grin. She was curious if he had the same thought. Then, she remembered her friend, Shrike, and she stifled that thought.

    Then again, this guy wasn't a robot, and she learned her lesson after that fiasco. She'd never do that again, ever.

  16. Mali laughed and slapped her forehead. "Name's Mali...'Em' 'A' 'El' 'I'. What's yours?" She asked.

    She watched his stance. Kung fu wasn't Muay Thai, but it was indeed awesome. She'd seen enough kung fu movies to know that. Obviously, a lot of that stuff was just stunts, but she could tell the difference between the fake and the real. She could ignore that nagging part of her mind that picked the movie apart and enjoy it for what it was; a solid action movie.

  17. "It's all part of the rhythm. Most Muay Thai strikes hit fast and hard, so it's really, really easy to feint..." She brought her elbow out for a split second, fast enough for most fighters to expect to block. Suddenly, however, her right foot came up for a snap kick to the leg of her invisible foe. "For that moment, they go for the wrong block, and you make them pay for it."

  18. Don't know, really. I'd have to think about it. Muay Thai is a style based on lots of knees, elbows and clinches. You hit hard, you hit fast, and you that's pretty much the style." She shrugged.

    "The stance looks like this." She said. She brought both hands up, fists loose and facing him, elbows near her midsection. She brought one leg up, balancing that leg on the ball of her foot. "It's actually a really, really easy style to spot. Kinda like some styles of Kung Fu. I mean, you see some guy go into mantis, and, well, you know exactly what you're looking at, right?"

  19. "My style is Muay Thai, national sport of Thailand. I'm trying to branch out a bit. Never let another Thai boxer hear this, but I want a bit more variety, like with some grapples and such."

    "Are you familiar with Muay Thai?" She asked. "I mean, enough to recognize it if you see it?"

    Technically, she was here to train, but, she could afford to lose a day of training, especially if she ended up comparing notes with someone who used a different style. It could further her education as a fighter. After all, martial arts aren't just of the body, but the mind as well.

  20. "Not really, my dad's been training me since I was a kid. It started with games and such, work out routine to keep me in shape and teach me how to defend myself. When I got serious about the training, so did he. Once I got old enough to regulate my own training, he sorta let me do it myself. He still wakes me up early sometimes to keep my skills sharp, but I know if I ever stopped wanting to do it, he'd let me."

    She glanced around. "So, what style do you use? I didn't get to see what you could do..."

  21. "Nope, first time ever being in an outside gym. I have most of my stuff at home. I heard this place was opening and decided to check it out."

    She glanced around the room. "By the way, I know what you did with that bag. You must hit really hard. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." She smiled and looked around.

    "They have a lot of cool equipment here..." She mumbled something about getting a few of the machines for home, but kept it under her breath. She was really, really trying not to act like a rich girl, last thing she needed was attention.

  22. Mali glanced over momentarily and spotted a viciously beaten heavy bag. It's abuser was, apparently, walking away trying to appear innocent. She was confused. Whoever this guy was, he was very, very good. She grinned. Maybe she should go talk to him. See what style he used, if any. If nothing else, talking to another passionate fighter would be really cool.

    She grabbed her bag and threw it over her shoulder and walked over to him.

    "Pretty cool place..." She said, nonchalantly as she eyed the various machines and gear around her. This was the perfect place for someone like her, someone who liked to work out and fight.

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