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Posts posted by KnightDisciple

  1. Micah rolled his eyes and chuckled at Davyd's dramatics. He refrained from further commentary until they were inside the warehouse. Once they were, he all but froze for a few moments, offering an unexpected roadblock for Elizabeth; he stepped aside at the last moment with a muttered apology. He continued to take in the room and vehicles for several moments. Finally, he gave out a low whistle of appreciation.


    "I'm jealous of the garage itself. This is nice. Real nice. I bet you could work on an airplane in this thing."


    He took a few steps toward the Mini Cooper.


    "So the 'Rover, that makes sense. They're basically built for off-road work anyway; that kit looks like it's company-made. The big guy, I'm guessing that's some kind of...mobile shop? And you modded it to keep up. I can follow that."


    He points an almost accusatory finger at the small car.


    "But who in Sam Hill decided that what you really needed was a souped-up off-road Mini Cooper? Don't get me wrong it's gorgeous work, and that engine, hoo boy, that engine. But...wowzer, Veronica. What are y'all even doin' with all of these?"

  2. "Mikey, that sounds like your roomie!"

    "Don't call me that, Janet!"

    "Oh hush you two. Micah, go ask them about cookies."

    "I'm going, I'm going. Janet I swear if you mess up that poster-"

    "Geeze bro it's fine don't worry, I know how important this one is to you."


    Three voices drifted out of the room Pan had left. The owner of the second voice, a teenage boy with slightly messy dark hair, emerged first. He was wearing jeans and a slightly dirty (somehow) white t-shirt. If not for the fact that his skin complexion showed his Native ancestry, he'd probably look like the lead singer for a half-dozen modern bro-country bands, especially with the red-mud-stained boots on his feet. His face wore an expression of amused exasperation. He stopped a few feet away from the group, which now included a man Micah was sure weighed exactly two of him, and spoke. Behind him, and older woman who had the same eyes and the air of a doting mother leaned out of the door to watch.


    "Uh, hi. I'm Micah. My mom made a bunch of cookies because she was sure I was too skinny or something-"

    "You're still growing, dear!"
    "And told me I have to share."

    "It's only polite!"

    "We've got a couple stacks that don't have any nuts, and made a pile on a different table with the good ones with chocolate and peanut butter."


    He leaned to one side a bit and eyeballed the stack of smoothies.


    "Probably not as healthy as those though."



    Another woman, looking to be in her late 20s, with hair down to her shoulders and a pair of aviator shades perched on her head, leaned out of the doorway with a confident smirk on her face.

    "Just as tasty, I bet."

    "Janet! Be polite, the nice man brought everyone drinks. All we brought is some regular and soy milk. Even if it is a bit chilly for iced drinks."
    "It's only chilly for us because we come from a sun-blasted field of red dirt, Aunt Amelia."
    "Hush now."


    Micah gave Pan a look that screamed 'when does it all end?'.

  3. Micah had made idle chatter with his friends on the way over. While the quiet young man was still rather reserved, he did seem to have a bit more confidence in his stride this year. The after-effects of the Valentine's Day Incident, the Prom, and the like were still there (more obvious to Lulu than the others, naturally), but as more of a handful of bricks in the ever-expanding house of his mind and experiences. They did not dominate Micah in the same way they had even by the end of the school year. Clearly, he'd gained a bit of perspective over the summer. 


    As they climbed out of the van, Micah looked around, a slightly confused look on his face. He spoke up as they walked toward the warehouse.


    "You realize this all feels a bit...sketchy? Please tell me I'm not the only one feeling like this is a bit weird?"

  4. Micah was not an avid hunter or marksman, but he knew the sound of a gunshot. And that had been a powerful shot. He looked around, trying to spot where it had come from. 


    "Is everyone ok-"


    Pan looked down. He had been hit




    He turned and looked at Pan for a moment, even as his fantastical friend summoned up a cloud of shining mist between their group and the military. 


    "They shot you."


    Slowly his gaze shifted toward the helicopter and beyond. The sky above darkened, and clouds swirled in a way that was not natural.


    "You shot my friend.


    Thunder cracked, and his back spawned to wings of crackling green lightning, sheathed in feathers of emerald St. Elmo's Fire. 


    "You shot my friend!"


    The wind above began to howl, and Thunderbird rose into the air, the scent of ozone suddenly everywhere. His left hand, held in front of him, clenched into a fist so tight the material of his glove creaked. His right arm, he drew back while he held his hand open and vertical; snowflakes and wind swirled around him for a moment. 

    "Everyone, get Pan out of here! I'll distract them!"


    Then he shoved his open hand forward, extending his right arm as if punching at the helicopter. Immediately the wind surged, howling and roaring like a barely-tamed beast. The soldiers in the helicopter and beyond would find themselves facing driving winds, biting sleet, absurdly thick snowfall, and other hallmarks of a terrible winter storm. No one's life would be in danger from the effects, but combined with the shining cloud Pan had summoned, it ought to keep them thoroughly distracted and occupied doing anything but shooting at the group of teenagers. 

  5. Right, so, Thunderbird is mad. He has enough sense to figure these guys aren't just straight-up murderhobos, but they shot his friend.


    Move Action: Go airborne for a better vantage point. 

    Free Action: Switch his Array to "Stir the Storm", aka his Weather Control.

    Standard Action: Set said weather area (since it's Independent) such that it's 200 feet past Pan's dust. So Pan summons 250 feet of dust, and I summon 250ft of weather, and 50 feet of each of those are inter-mingling. I don't know offhand how many effects I can pump out, but here's my priority order: Reduced Visibility [Precipitation], Distraction, Hamper Movements [Wind], Hamper Movements [Icy Surfaces], Cold. Here's the power. 


    AP: Environmental Control 6 (24PP, Mix-and-Match Environments: Cold, Distraction, Hamper Movement (High Winds, Icy or West Surfaces), Heat, Reduced Visibility [Precipitation]; Extras: Independent [+0], Power Feats: Reversible [Maximum Radius 250ft]) [25PP] (Weather) ("Stir the Storm")


    Thunderbird will be ready to move next round, with the hope that everyone else starts moving this round. 

  6. Raven just shrugged at Bowman's eyebrow. He listened as the arrow-slinger worked to carefully correct his apprentice.


    "I'm a bit biased, but I think I prefer the approach Nevermore and yourself are offering. Our armor's good but I'm not sure this is a good 'bait' situation. The only thing I'd add would be a question whether either of you can toss down some smoke or the like to help give a bit more visual division between the enemy groups."


    He pushed a couple of buttons on his gauntlet, consulting the display a bit more, and rather obviously waited for input from the apprentices. 

  7. Micah hummed at the suggestion of just "bouncing" the weather system away. Finally he nodded.


    "Yeah, would probably just take us a minute of concentration and we could do that. Easier than maintaining a 'no rain bubble', and probably more effective."


    Micah had a tiny part of his hear that had hoped the answer about dangers wouldn't be "dinosaurs", but here he was, staring at a dinosaur. The inner-6-year-old in him loved this, but the rest of him felt hyper-aware of the much larger danger posed by the carnivores. 


    "I've seen a man get all four limbs busted by a horse, trust me I know how dangerous 'just' grass-eaters can be. So, uh, how do we handle this one? And for the carnivores, is this something like where we treat them like bears and make noise, or like cougars, and stay quiet?"


    Oklahoma itself lacked both creatures, but it wasn't a long drive to the forests in Arkansas around the Ozarks, and they did get some bigger predators there. 

  8. Raven simply looked toward the warehouse as if reading a drive-by menu. His cowl's eyepieces magnified things more than enough without needing external binoculars. Instead, he made notes on a computer display on the inside of one of his suit's forearms.


    "Hm. Seems like we need to divide and conquer. Come in from multiple angles."

    He paused, then looked toward Nevermore. His expression was stoic, and to his apprentice, he was nothing but a stern teacher. To the more experienced Bowman, he seemed a bit...mischevious?

    "What do you think, Nevermore? What are the best angles of attack and approach? How should we keep them from grouping up and concentrating their fire on one of us?"

  9. Alek stood over with the older Callie and Ashley. His eyes moved between the two women as they spoke. He let them get their initial thoughts out; he clearly took the time to mull over what he would say.


    "There's little precedent for whose 'authority' is paramount in this situation. I...she's you, ma'am."


    Clearly Alek still held more respect and deference to Miss Summers than Ashley. Which made sense to all involved, all things considered.


    "It doesn't seem right to lie to yourself. Especially about...about this. You know my stance on speaking the truth about someone's family, even if it's a hard truth. I...if you knew, back then, wouldn't you use that to make the most of the time you had left? Don't you owe that to her?"

  10. Felix felt moisture on his cheek, right next to where Micah's head was as he gripped his fellow teen. It would likely take him a moment to realize that moisture was tears, not summoned rain. 


    "She used me!"


    The lightning fizzled out, and Micah's struggles slowed as his breath came in ragged gasps.


    "She twisted my insides and tried to take something that wasn't hers, Felix. Used me! She's using YOU! Can't you see? She's....she's not a student! We have to stop her, Felix! She'll hurt someone else! Someone real!"


    He gazed at the display of light and the indistinct yet achingly familiar form. When he spoke next his voice was desperate but his body was limp.


    "Just turn around! I'll stop fighting, just turn around and look!"

  11. Suddenly the door to the bathroom opened, letting the sounds of a sink draining the last dregs of water, and a hand-towel being placed back on the hangar, drift out. They were followed soon after by a voice that most in the room knew rather well by this point.


    "I'd be more insulted by that, but I know what you really meant, Ashley."


    Despite literally no one having seen him arrive, Aleksander walked out of the bathroom, having apparently availed himself of the small half-bath off the living room. Clearly he'd just finished washing his hands. 


    "Got your first three texts, by the way. Sorry about that, I only got notice about this last minute."


    There was a slight edge to that, but only a slight one; Ashley could likely intuit the multi-layered reasons why. Alek turned to Judy with a polite smile and offered her a handshake. 


    "Hello Judy. My name is Aleksander, but you can call me Alek. I've heard a lot of things about you."


    His eyes moved to Ashley in an over-exaggerated motion, before giving Judy a rather obvious wink.


    "All good, I promise. As for Charlie here, that isn't a conversation that needs to happen for a while. His current business name is simply one of convenience; you know how big into legacy our circles can be, I would imagine."


    Alek was clearly still a young man; barely younger than Ashley, in fact, though he showed it a bit more in general. So it didn't seem likely Charlie would have to immediately take his shoes, at least. 

  12. Thunderbird regarded Urmakare with a look of open disgust.


    "Yeah. Let's get goin'. Ain't got much use hangin' around someone lower than a cattle rustler."


    Lulu especially could detect he was playing up his accent and mannerisms a bit, but it was clearly in an attempt to unsettle or distract the thief. 


    "Maybe whoever we're meetin' will give more of a fight this time."

  13. Felix had gotten his arms around Micah's torso, and now held the weather-controller quite firmly. Micah's left arm was pinned against his side, and his right was at an awkward angle. He snarled into Felix's ear as he struggled.


    "Didn't you see it? She changed! She's made of lights! It's all a show!"


    His gaze shifted to Alice directly. His expression went from "restrained fury" to "eerie tranquility". 


    "I know your weakness now."


    A single finger pointed to the girl who definitely loved Felix for himself, and a tiny bolt of lightning arced out. Halfway between Micah and Alice, it forked again and again in a fractal pattern; by the time it would reach her and threaten to strike her it would be a web of gossamer strands of emerald energy crackling like the heart of a thunderstorm. 

  14. Name: Micah Roebuck

    Codename: Thunderbird

    Year: Senior

    Pronouns: He/Him

    Current Intramural Team: Green Team (so far as I can recall)

    Current Roommate: Pan Barrie (Forever Boy)

    Reflection: Find the courage to consistently speak his mind and heart to his friends, his family, and his peers. Not in a negative or insulting way, but in a way that makes him heard. 

    Community Cause: No firm ideas. Something that lets him use his mechanical or musical skills, perhaps connect to his religion/beliefs, and/or connect to his heritage (Cherokee tribe). Maybe using his powers as critical weather change? 


  15. Thunderbird walked in behind the others. A frown formed on his face as the man made a comment about "attachment" to the flesh.


    "I reckon that's none of the business of a damn thief whether someone wants somethin' like that or not."


    He flexed his hands a couple of times in an idle gesture; green sparks flared and died as he did so. 


    "Your 'contact' have a name? Description?"

  16. When immediate action had clearly not been happening, Micah moved back to his room area, went to take a shower, and changed back into his "work" outfit. At that point, he'd spent a couple hours lightly napping while Eira did prep-work, before just kind of staying in the background at the house. He absolutely picked up on Lulu's "I'm here to talk!" vibes, but declined to take advantage yet. He needed to keep himself calm and disciplined; he was in unfamiliar territory, and had unfamiliar weather patterns. All of his lessons on non-disruption taught him this was not something to be idly toyed with. 


    When they arrived at the apartment of the apparent perpetrator, Pan started charging in immediately. Micah sighed and raised a hand as the other spoke.


    "Here, I'll put him more off-balance."

    As Pan moved into the bathroom, the temperature would drop rapidly, particularly the shower water itself. Though it wasn't so cold as to freeze, it was unlikely the occupant would find it comfortable. 

  17. Eira's father had gone to retrieve some rough plywood to plug over the hole in the wall until they could get someone out to do proper repairs. He'd just gotten the last board up when Eira made her declaration regarding what she was doing next. He rolled his shoulders and wiped a hand over his face, shaking off the stress that holding back the weather had exerted on him.


    "No, you won't be alone, I reckon."


    He glanced at Pan. 


    "Well, I'd like to be wearin' something more suited to runnin' about and around than this."


    In a blur of air, he was gone, leaving a slight trail of harmless green sparks behind. Less than a minute later, he'd returned, wearing his blue-and-gold Claremont uniform, showing off his lean arms, goggles perched on his head. His expression was serious.


    "Right. I reckon this fella needs him a lesson in manners. I aim to help teach that lesson. We'll see if he likes a twister in his backyard."


    Overhead, thunder rumbled. 

  18. Micah's eyes widened as he saw "Alice" shift forms. His face morphed into a snarl.


    "There! Didn't you see that? She's changing forms, trying to be..be 'perfect'! She's a parasite!"


    Then she shoved Felix forward, clearly trying to weaponize the other student. Micah all bur roared his next words.




    He rose into the air, gathered lightning in his right hand, and threw the bolt, aimed square at the being masquerading as a beautiful girl. 

  19. Micah blundered into the room, his eyes still blinking away sleep. On his wrists and forehead were blinking bands, some kind of technology only Pan had seen before. When he saw the hole in the wall, he blinked, ran a hand over his face, and blinked again. With a sight, he reached down and took off the bands from his wrists, and then reached up to his headband. Discrete switches were flicked, the lights turned off, and he stuffed them in the pockets of the fuzzy robe he wore over full-body flannel pajamas. He was clearly dressed for warmth. 


    "Hang on."


    Micah stood a bit straighter as he walked to the hole in the wall, looked out at the sky for a moment, and then turned to the others. With an almost lazy gesture, he held a hand above his head, palm up. Immediately, the sound of wind and rain ceased outside. If someone were to look out the window, they would see a radius reaching over the house and a bit of the lawn around it was still, with neither wind or rain moving. Beyond that radius, the cranky weather continued.


    "I can hold this for a while while y'all try to clarify what's going on for us dumb Americans, but I would appreciate it if someone got somethin' to patch the wall here soon. This is a lotta storm to hold tight and I'm not a rodeo rider. I can't do this all day."


    Micah was clearly a cranky sort if he got woken up, and his accent was much thicker than during dinner and the game of billiards afterwards. Likely another symptom of disturbed jet-lagged sleep. 

  20. -Oh boy and now I'm alone in the billiards room with Eira's dad I'm sure nothing could go wrong here.-


    Micah did not exactly come across as a man begging for help but he did not sound too far off from one, either. Outwardly he just gave the family patriarch a friendly smile.


    "Well, I'll go with the soda, Mr. Natt och Dag. It may be legal here in Sweden, but my mother would not be very happy if I started drinking before I'm even eighteen, let alone twenty-one!"


    He moved to refrigerator, and quickly chose one of the local root beer brands. He carefully twisted the cap off and took a sip.


    "That's pretty good!"

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