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Everything posted by Supercape

  1. GM Liebniz struck against the cage with fury. The cage had the strength of welded steel, but the combination of Liebniz' now impressive strength and the radioactive energies causes some impressive buckling. Nonetheless, there was no immediate danger of the radioactive scientist getting out. "QUUUUUUUIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLL" He roared, his pre-existing fury compounded by the frustration of his captivity. His scream of fury was literally drowned out by a stream of water that sizzled as it hit his skin. Not knowing what else to do with a dangerous red glow, the firefighter's had hit him with the hose on the engine.
  2. Liebniz is up (Quill no action but talking and coughing this round) Trying to break out of Sparkies cage, a DC 24 Strike (DC 5 Aura, mighty, STR 18) Toughness save of the object 1d20+9=22 Object is "injured", -1 to further saves New Round: Sparky 20 HP3 Unharmed Guardian 16 HP 1 Unharmed Supercape/Quill 11 HP1 Unharmed Liebniz 7 Unharmed
  3. Supercape Quill took a deep breath, and quickly coughed violently. The air was still full of smoke, and he had forgotten its effect on his eyes and lungs. "Sparksmith, I presume... hehe.. " and another cough. "Something happened here... the Super High Impact Particle Collider. We call it the SHIP collider. It had a surge of energy. I think poor Liebniz got a dose of something. It should wear off. But we have to watch out. He is practically a plague carrier. And so are several others I imagine." "If I can get to the Collider, I can probably create a pulse that reverses the local effects. But there is a bigger problem. Something much larger and stronger is out there, feeding off the Collider as we speak..."
  4. Well hit sir! 1d20+4=15 for the first Radmans tough! KO!!!! 1d20+4=9 Second one is pounded even harder! Two knockouts!
  5. 1d20=18 Good try, but Liebniz is trapped. Two new players in the initiative stakes Supercape 1d20=11 Liebniz 1d20=7
  6. Good enough for +2 bonus to skill checks and attack bonus!
  7. Ok Next round: Sparky 20 HP2 Unharmed Guardian 16 HP1 Unharmed 2 Radmen 5 Unharmed 3 Firemen 3, 1 is stunned and bruised by Radmen.
  8. Supercape Meanwhile As the enraged and incandescent Liebniz flailed away at the atomic wall between them, Quill looked around the partially wrecked lab. Smoke damage had destroyed quite a bit, but not everything. He checked the computer logs. Something had gone badly wrong. The main SHIP collider had overloaded whilst Liebniz was using it, releasing huge amounts of exotic radiation. Quite enough to cause the strange effect in Liebniz, and anyone else exposed. The radiation had an almost prion like quality. "Hellfire!" he cursed, forgetting his avowed atheism. "The thing's contagious". Peering more closely, the data revealed something else. Something worse. From out of the pulse had stormed something even more powerful. A huge concentration of the energy in a form quite different...
  9. Sure. However, there is not a lot more to notice. The door looks reinforced and has a good lock on it, probably bolted from the inside.
  10. Next Round up: Sparky busy being hero to damsel Guardian 16 - HP1 - Unharmed (and unlikely to be) 2 Radmen 5 - Unharmed 3 Firemen 3 - One is stunned and bruised by the melee, two are by the fire engine...
  11. GM The glowing Janitor and female scientist ran at the small group, flailing. They had the amazing strength, but lacked any sort of expertise in fighting - they just threw themselves in a blind rage. Guardian interposed himself, and met the Janitors flailing fists, which had no perceptible impact on his mighty body, despite their power and radioactive energy. The female scientist managed to slip past and caught one fireman with a flailing limb, despite his efforts to stay away. He was clonked pretty hard, and sank to one knee, but as far as Guardian could see, the radiation mark on his cheek faded fast. This time. The two other firemen looked reluctant to leave when there friend had just been attacked. Seeing something red and glowing, they did what years of experience told them to do. Both rushed to the fire engine, and brought out the hose...
  12. Ok two remaining Radmen up: Leaping at the firemen. Guardian intersects one (and he is completely invulnerable). However, you can only interpose one a round. The other... 1d20=15 Hits! Fireman toughness save vs DC24 1d20=15 Bruised, Stunned And 1d20+4=23 Is NOT infected!
  13. Radman1's toughness 1d20+4=21 Your DC is 32 with Power attack, so even his good roll means another staggered, which means KNOCKOUT! :P
  14. Next round, and for future reference, Fire Brigade Initiative is 1d20+1=3
  15. GM The radioactive scientist was standing, but the force of the mighty Guardian's blow had left him seeing stars. Behind Sparksmith and the Guardian, they could hear the roar of sirens. A fire engine had pulled up, and out came three firemen in full dress. "Thank's Guardian, but this looks like a job for the fire department. Nasty fire in there, and unless you know handle a hose, this one's a problem for us..." As he spoke, a window near them smashed, and out leapt two more glowing individuals, a janitor and an middle aged female scientist...
  16. Radman shaking of stun this round.
  17. Should add he is open for any to use. I.e. Tier 1
  18. 1d20+5=13 for Slick at the lab using Knowledge (Life Sciences)... not really good enough.
  19. Slick Elsewhere In one of Fassbinder Pharmaceutical's laboratories out of town, Felix Fassbinder (also known as Slick), was looking at a computer readout. He had picked up a little know how, but he hardly considered himself an expert. And this stuff was out of his league. He would have to risk asking Douglas, the head researcher, and asking him. Might be akward out of hours, but they what were friends for? "Hi, Doughlas. Its Felix. Looks, I know its nearly the middle of the night, but I got hold of something important and I need your expertise" "Yes, yes I know what the time is, and I know its a lot to ask. But this is really important to me. Look, I got a sample of a new drug on the street, and it hitting the town hard, Douglas. We have to find out what this stuff is, and get it stopped asap. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important to me. It what's the old man would have wanted." That sealed it. Doug was still grumpy, but he agreed.
  20. 1d20+4=18 for Toughness. Radman is bruised, stunned, staggered.
  21. Drifter see's the two guards and the fact they both have machine pistols - they only half heartedly have them concealed. Worth noting they are better tooled up than the thugs you saw before.
  22. GM As Nick scanned the street, two dozen ghosts caught his eye. None where quite the same, but all looked emaciated and ill. They surely had all died from a common cause: drugs. They were a sorry sight. The waifs and strays. They all looked hungrily at one particular house. Just as beaten up as as the rest, but this one had two large guys, one black and one white, outside, keeping a watch. The windows were boarded with iron. The ghosts were murmuring. "One more high" "I can pay, Knuckles" "Gimme a shot"
  23. GM Haley was clearly shaken. "I... I... don't know. I was with Professor Quill, we heard an explosion and he went to look. I don't know what happened to him. I saw Professor Liebniz, glowing red, attacking the students... they all turned red too! I... I ... think its infectious! You have to stop them!"
  24. Good move Sparky, You have heart! And 1 HP for complication / being cool!
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