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Everything posted by Synius

  1. If Gigawatt still breathed, he would have been panting. His heart would have been beating faster than he could say. As it was, his normal blue was a little more pale when he found himself in front of the statue again. He looked around, ignoring Valkyrie for a moment. He forced himself to float a few inches off the ground, and he rose. He rose to get a clear view of the lake, and pointed a finger. A small bolt raced toward the water, and dissipated almost instantly. Things seemed to be back to normal. He was calmed down. 'Now for the woman,' he thought. He came back down to the ground again, and looked her in the eye. "What exactly did you do to me?" He already knew that she would say she had done nothing, and that it was the power of the gods. He didn't bother to wait for an answer. "Why in the world would your gods choose someone like me to 'educate?' What could they possibly get out of that little misadventure?" He was still a little disoriented. It had been a thoroughly odd experience. He wasn't sure what he expected her to say. He guessed at what she would say,and could probably carry on the conversation himself. But he waited. Hearing it would help. It would give him time to process exactly what had happened, if nothing else.
  2. At this point he didn't really care about possibilities. He didn't really care about 'what if it's a trick'. His mind was screaming about the impossibility of this place, and he didn't listen. Something had grounded him fore the first time in a while. This whole situation had put him in a panic, and this lady came out of nowhere. There was nothing like a little personal experience to bolster belief. "Alright then." His voice was a bit shaky. "So your one of the Fates. Sent by Odin, because I wasn't believing. I'm with you so far. Alright. Umm, So first things first: Of you come from Odin, would that mean the Egyptians, and Greeks, and Christians got it wrong? What I mean to say is are there others besides just the Norse gods. Does Odin hang around with Zeus, or is it all just different names for the same people?" If he was going to ask questions, asking "Is Odin real?" seemed redundant. Everything that was going on here was basing itself around the idea that Odin existed, and this was an agent of said god. So he needed to ask questions based on those 'facts.'
  3. The Norn? The Fates? This was getting weirder by the second. Next thing he'll see is the man Himself smiting him for combing his hair wrong, or something. No matter. Whatever this woman was, it was better than being stuck here alone."Who are you and where is this place?" He hoped to get some answers out of her. This was far too close to those 'out of body visit from God' type scenarios for his taste. Unless he was mistaken, she'd be as vague as possible, and not rally say anything while he flailed around like a fish. Oh wouldn't this be fun.
  4. He didn't know what he was seeing. Had he passed out? Had he dissipated, not able to hold his form together? He felt altogether. Was he in some sort of containment? Had it been a trap fro the beginning? Why would she want to trap him? There were so many questions, and he didn't have an answer for any of them. "WHERE AM I?" he called to the nothingness around him. "What did you do to me? Where the hell am I?" He didn't get an answer. What was he supposed to do now? What was going on? With so many unanswered questions, he started to panic. He had no idea what to do.
  5. 'Alright, this is going a lot smoother than I anticipated. Where's the anger? The righteous fury that I, a mere mortal, would -dare- question the gods?' He was almost disappointed. It looked like she was entirely confident. Most liars would try and deflect, to get attention off themselves. Not only did she give the 'go ahead' but she was candid about the whole thing. She even explained what her little toys were. "I was under impression that hammer was Thor's. Does he know that papa Odin raided his room?" He was gunna have a little fun. Without tools, he couldn't make proper study of whatever the thing was. He was hoping she'd give away little details so that he could piece things together that way. If it came down to it, all he could really do was see what sort of reaction it had to his abilities, at the moment. That was hardly telling of where it came from. He hovered over the orb, looking at it. He made a lot of hmms and huhs. It'd sound like he was finding something other than a big glass ball. He wanted to save zapping it until the 'miraculous truth' was revealed to him, a sort of last ditch effort. Until then, he'd let his mouth wander on it's own. "Still, with everything that goes on down here, It sure is an odd place to keep something safe. I'm sure that a go would have a closet with a padlock at least. Down here we have robots, and evil masterminds that would most likely love to grab this stuff from you." It really seemed nondescript, except for the glowing. Could be a damn light bulb for all he knew. He decided to run his hand over the thing. A little shock wouldn't hurt it if it rode a lightning bolt to get down here.
  6. "A Valkyrie. Of course you are." He really should have guessed that himself, but there were enough other possibilities that it was possible she'd go by something else. It worked, and that was what mattered in a name. "You see, it's not that I don't believe you have abilities, it's that I haven't seen any proof of the divine forces folks claim to see. Now the entrance you gave was very nice. I liked the weather effects and the whole 'ride the lightning' thing you have going on. The problem for me comes from the fact it could be something else. Teleportation for an orbital satellite, genetic mutation, the possibilities are endless. I don't mean to offend, but I find it hard to believe that a god like Odin would have any stakes in the world today. No one really seems to believe in the man anymore. What does he care?" He was being rude, yes, but hopefully her comeback, violent or not would give away something. She seemed to have lightning based abilities, and that hammer was very large. Hopefully he would be unaffected by the swing, and possibly by the burst of lightning that would come with it. Unless thee was some of the 'holy fire.' If nothing else, this whole thing had made his day so much more interesting.
  7. Not a monster after all, it appeared. Alright, it was a nice effect. The whole thunder and lightning entrance is a real showstopper. Now, just how in the hell did that happen? He ignored the odd speech pattern. It worked with the theme, and if he mentioned it it would most likely end with an irritated woman and no answers. Still, who talks like that? "Evening madam. Before I get down to the business that has called us both here, I feel an introduction is in order. Gigawatt, man of a billon watts, at your service." he smiled. This was a bit corney. Still, if he played along, it might help grease the wheels, so to speak. "As for my business here, if our mutual acquaintance may have already told you, we had been have a theological discussion, in which I posed the theory that folks like yourself do not actually get there abilities from divine figures. She took the opposite position, and we discussed until we'd backed ourselves into a corner. Without someone who did claim to have divine power, we could really get anywhere. She then said you would be able to assist us. I thank you for your time."
  8. After his blast, Gigawatt took a look at the wreckage. Impressive. He'd need to remember to keep from using that too often. If the did that to a normal mugger the results would most likely be...less than acceptable. Debris from the blast had blown everywhere, and Gigawatt almost missed the stray bit that flew towards the news helicopter. "No." Miss it, he silently demanded. There's no way it'll hit. He was wrong. The chopper was hit, and started to fall. And it was his fault. "No!" it was going down. It would hit the water, and who knew what would happen to the crew. There was only one thing to do. He flew as fast as he could. If he was right, and that damned thing was ferrous enough, he might be able to make a magnetic field strong enough to stave off gravity. He wasn't sure exactly how it would work, but that didn't matter. It had to work. As he flew, bits of metal and fire came at him. The metal bit flew right through him, as he expected they would, but the flames were hot, far too hot. He tried to ignore them, there were more pressing matters to attend to. He got to the chopper. It was wreck, and falling fast. 'I hope this works.' He worked on instinct. He had plenty of charge to work with, it was only a matter using it the right way. He brought his arms together. He didn't really have a defined form, it was normally just easier to think that way. Right now what he needed was a lot of charge moving very fast. So he held his hands together, and started to spin his arms around. It spun through his body, and came back in front. It was an odd feeling, pushing parts of yourself in circles. Once he got the moving charge, he needed to place the field properly. To sudden a stop would have the folks inside crash into the walls, not fast enough might have it spin out of his control. He though for a moment he'd lost it, that it was going to spin out of his hands, so to speak, and keep falling. "I've got it." He whispered to himself. This was amazing. He had no idea he could do this. he started to notice how much energy this was taking, and how drained he felt. 'Be amazed later, if you pass out now, this gets nothing done.' Now all he needed to do was get them somewhere safe.
  9. Grapple check vs heli: d20 +18: god says 21 So, a wonderful tie. In accordance with Shaen's in chat comments, I take control of the vehicle. Now to explain this in character >.>
  10. Gigawatt waited, floating around the statue. Waiting was always the most irritating part of an experiment. There was nothing that could be done, and he knew it. He had no idea who to expect. Man or woman, short or tall, human or not. Anticipation was going to kill him. "For all I know," he mused aloud, "it's going to be a 5 handed monster that's devoted to Cthulhu or something. Wouldn't that just make my night." So he flew around the statue, waiting and hoping this would be worth the time.
  11. Alright, I'm going to stunt Magnetic Control off of my blast, which gives me Magnetic Control 9 which give me effective strength 45. Light load is 2 tons, which I'm hoping is enough to keep the chopper from falling to the ground.
  12. Who could it be? Was it someone even he had heard of, or a newcomer? The suspense was going to kill him. "I'll have to see if that's past my bed time, but I'm sure meeting this mystery person won't be too much trouble. At some point I'm going to have to figure out how you know this person, but for now we're dealing with larger mysteries." Gigawatt was smiling. it was almost like testing a theory back in school. The theory had a larger scope than back in those days, but it was still fun.
  13. "I would say you fooled me earlier. I would also say that that would explain quite a bit. And we'd be able to further this little discussion, as well." "I'd say get a hold of them."
  14. "I'm not quite sure that using a scientific experiment to alter the very fabric of your being is what Darwin had in mind. And I'm fairly certain it's not a gift from god either. If it is, then I won't be as unique anymore, and that's very depressing." "However, as I said, that's just a possibility. And really, all of this is theory anyway. Until we have someone here who's been in contact with god, all of this is just speculation. Although, I will admit it is very entertaining speculation."
  15. "A lack of DNA would indicate that he is not human. And at that point I'd be willing to say it's out of my field. I'm physics, not biology. Especially not biology from off world or from other planes of existence." While absurd, this was a fun little game. He wondered he he could get her to break before he did. "But if we're going to play that game, what happens when he just happens to have a background in biology himself, and has mutated beyond the point of recognition?"
  16. "You have a very good point. The absence of a normal explanation would point in one of two directions. Either we just don't understand how it does what it does, or it is a legitimate artifact of a deity. Now I would normally be inclined to agree with the former over the latter, but for the sake of our discussion, I will cede the latter. Now, with something like a pair of wings on Birdman, I would start with testing DNA. If he's not human, then that lends itself toward otherworldly being, from who knows where. If he is human, than that would imply that it was a change to a normal person rather than something he was born with. And who this would be interpreted is up to debate. That is if the wings are really a part of him rather than a machine or what have you."
  17. "Alright. The problem with such a thing is the fact that I could claim to be the living embodiment of Zeus' lightning bolt, and some people would believe that. The fact that it's a lie becomes irrelevant when it can't be proven one way or the other. And that's the part that bothers me. The claim that cannot be backed up. Angel-man could have been given his abilities after a really bad sandwich for all we know." "I grant you the possibility that the man really is an angel come down from heaven, here to help in a time of need. However, making the claim is not the same as proving it. That's the point I'm trying to get across."
  18. "If his wings were made of wax, he has larger problems than belief he's an angel." Stories about wax wings never ended well. "However, there is the possibility I am wrong. I didn't believe in creatures from other planets until I saw them. Didn't believe I would be able to fly until I could. So there is truth in what you say. However, I would suggest that Divine involvement is not always the case, even when someone claims it is. Just because someone says they're God doesn't make it so." While this was certainly a stimulating conversation, he wondered where it was going to go. Hopefully not in circles. He was curious enough about this whole thing to keep speaking, and he didn't want to tread old ground. New ground was always better.
  19. "I never said I would believe him, I said i would ask him. The way he answers would help determine where he is actually getting his abilities. It's the same way I was planning to find out about your belief if you had dodged my earlier question." "Besides which, it's not that I don't believe. It's that there's no proof that can't be explained away."
  20. Reflex saves: d20 + 6 = 11, 14, 20 1 pass, 2 fail Tough Saves: d20 + 6: Dc 20s: 13, 23 DC 18: 9 failed 2 saves, 1 by 9, 1 by 7. I get to be stunned, with 2 bruised. Going to use a hero point to clear the stun, so i can get to de choppa on my turn
  21. "A person with wings who can fly. It is very impressive to see, I give you that. If your faith tells you that it's due to the intervention of a deity, that's great." Gigawatt lifted himself well above her, and made sure there was good space between the stacks. He then did a few mid-air backflips before coming down. "I myself can fly. I still don't understand exactly how my body functions like this, but i know it was a scientific process that got me this way. But that's a fallacy. Just because I got this way through science doesn't prove that everyone did." what would be a good way of proving this? "Lets see. Can't find him, so can't ask him. I imagine asking the gods would be fruitless. Can't be sure by what process he was given flight...Or for that matter if flight isn't an inherent ability of his species. For all we know, we could be a grue, or some other alien." He was largely speaking to himself at this point. "You've said that your belief comes from reading these books, so that eliminates you as a possible facilitator. Let's see. Not to familiar with any of the other "Magical" folk, asking them is out. How to prove this, how to prove this?"
  22. "Forgive me, but it's difficult to accept that not only do these beings exist, but the proof is found in books at a local library? I try to keep an open mind, but the fact of the matter is if it really was in here, there really was proof, it stands to reason that someone would have found it, and made a big deal out of it. You say you do a lot of reading, and I believe you, but I find it hard to believe that you wouldn't make this public, or put out a paper or some such thing." Belief was important, and even he had his beliefs. He believed in the power of the human mind, and the human ability to overcome. He wasn't sure on the ephemeral, and this hadn't convinced him. "While I appreciate you trying to show me this, text doesn't convince as much as seeing a thing. Like I said before, hearing about magical bank robberies was one thing. Encountering the fellow with a time stopping belt was quite another."
  23. "If you say so. However interesting it may be, the whole flooding the earth and leaving two survivors thing is going to be quite the downer. Still, I'm sure the show will be amazing." While this was an interesting read, he hadn't really seen this evidence yet. Perhaps it was later in the book, but he was beginning to doubt.
  24. He stopped reading for a moment. Wanting to see the battle to end all battles, that would, if he was reading right, kill some of the gods, and leave most of the human race destoryed. "Somehow, I don't think anyone will be sad if that never comes to pass. In fact, I know a lot of people that would be positively thrilled by the prospect."
  25. What a very curious comment. These must be some very impressive books. "As ice creatures, most rules of myths would suggest fire to harm them. Still, Ragnarok sounds like quite the party." He continued reading.
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