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Posts posted by Darksider42

  1. <"So long as the genius's are not mad. The city has more than enough problems with them gaining alien technology."> Lady Winter said, enjoying the cold feel of ice. <"I thank you. You and you're friends have been so kind to me. I should repay the favor at some point if I can. Do not have much to offer right now other than my assistance.>"" She told him with a smile.

  2. " Some of the snow around her chair that looked a bit like a throne stopped melting, though the rest of the forest was starting to look like it just experienced a light shower. <"where are you going to take that strange machine to?">

  3. Lady Winter sighed as she reached behind her. With a bit of effort, she managed to form a massive block of ice behind her shaped something like a chair carved out of the ice of a massive glacier. "" She took a seat on the massive block and looked at Hellion. "" She had other skills in other areas, but they wouldn't be much help in mainstream employment.

  4. "Sorta the point of the experiment Doc. Most inventions and possible Marvels of humanity are simply impossible without certain Elements to assemble them." Rift replied with a shurg as they continued to fly. Feels like I've been up here longer than I should have. Damn time does some weird things to the mind.

    "You know about Claremont? Seriously, I'm starting to wonder how that place keeps everything secret." He said with a slight chuckle. "Honestly I'm not sure. do want to do play professionally, but I'm a realist, I doubt it will happen even if I'm pretty skilled. I would try and get into HIT, but I'm struggling with money enough as it is and that place is pretty damn pricey."

  5. "I would not have suspected that news would travel quickly in a city this big."Lady Winter said, taking another mouthful. The few things she had done were probably eclipsed by the actions of the Freedom league, Young freedom and Next-Gen. "You are the only person I have ever met that quotes old sayings like that. most I have met that know them don't bother." The air was starting to warm up a little, though there was a slight chill that hung in the air.

  6. <"I am not an artist sadly. I may one day try and learn, but for now I have the skill of those "Post modernist" people that think vomiting on a canvas makes you a prodigy."> She sounded quite glum about that. ,"And I am no scientist. If I was, I probably would have spent my younger years locked up with child geniuses and scientists trying to come up with a weapon to beat the West before the Union crumbled. I am fortunate that did not happen."> She wasn't sure that was true, but knowing the lengths the Soviets went to expanding Communism from old soldiers she tricked into giving their life earnings to her, she would not be surprised if it was true. At least the USA does not lock children up as lab animals.

  7. "You have?" Lady Winter was surprised by that fact. "I was unaware that I have gained any fame in this city." She said, taking some of her drink and finding that familiar burning in her throat. "I hope none of it is bad. That is the last thing I want to happen to me here." Divine could just faintly see some droplets from some of the washed glasses freeze over.

  8. " A answer that did have plenty of truth in it. <"I might be able to do something with my powers. Though I'm not sure if there is much of a market for people that could freeze things unless you want them to be a living refrigerator."> Lady Winter said with a shrug.

  9. Lady Winter was, in a word, exhausted. Most of her day so far had consisted of waking up, putting on her costume and Freezing muggers and thugs onto the pavement until the police showed. She even got shot in the arm a few times for her troubles. She went home and changed into a pair of jeans and a plane white t-shirt made of morphic molecules and decided to go out and see if she could find a place to get something to drink. Half an hour later (and more than a dozen looks in her direction) she came across a pup. Hmm...Not very busy...Oh what the hell. With that she stepped inside.

    ...Did the room just get a little chilly all the sudden? Lady Winter just went over to the bar and sat down. "Can I get a Vodka please if you have it?"

  10. Rift crossed his arms and gave it a seconds though. Finally he said to the lankey teen."Well, either these robots are not as well programed as I first though. Or..." He paused, not liking what he was about to say next. "...Someone has beaten us here, changed the password from the one Mark was given and is going through The Centurions collection of potentially dangerous curiosities like a kid in a candy store... And I get the feeling we might be getting into one hell of a smackdown." The guitarist shrugged. "Of course, I could be wrong." He deadpanned.

  11. " Lady winter looked a bit bitter when that showed up, <"That is something I do with to keep pushed to of my memory for a good long time. Your friends however I do remember. Psyche managed to find me a place to live, though by now only polar bears would find it comfortable"> She laughed quietly at that last bit. True to what she had said, most of the surrownding area of her little getaway home looked out of place in Freedom city right now. <"I am sure I'll get by. I only wish being a superhero payed. It would make life a lot easier.">

  12. Lady Winter

    Gather Information

    DC10: Lady Winter is a Russian Superhero currently living in Freedom city. Bares a resemblance to the insane super criminal Glacier due to her Blue Skin.

    DC15: Lady Winter is capable of incredible feats of strength than her her body would suggest. Claims to suffer Amnesia

    DC20: There have been rumors that Lady Winter can recover from grievous injuries and even come back from the dead.

    DC30: There are hints that Lady Winter knows a lot more about her past than she lets on, but it does seem that she genuinely cannot remember how she became Lady Winter.

    Knowledge (Life Sciences)

    (Note: You need DNA samples and X-Rays of Lady Winters body to find out about this)

    DC10: Lady Winters DNA appears mostly human, though there are traces of DNA smiliar to Glacier and another source is present

    DC15: Further analysis reveals that Lady Winter contains DNA of not only Glacier, but also Madam Zero and disturbingly enough, Grue DNA.

    DC20: X-Rays show Lady Winters body is slowly becoming Self sufficient. It already produces its own Oxygen. She technically doesn't need her lungs anymore, if only to operate her vocal cords. Its unknown what else might happen next.

    DC25: Lady Winters Biology suffers the same problems as Glacier, She cannot handle fire very well. She seems to lack Madam Zero's problems of existing outside of sub zero temperatures however.

    DC40: There is extensive signs of Genetic tampering, including those of a more refined and experimental version of the DNAscent Process.

    Dasha Morozov

    Gather info

    DC15: Dasha Morozov is a Con Artist wanted in Russian and the United States for theft and other crimes

    DC20: Dasha worked for some time with the Russian Mafiya in Freedom city and even gained some important jobs with them

    DC25: It was known amongst members of the Mafiya that she was jealous of superheroes and annoyed by the fact they interrupted Tasks handed to her.

    DC30: Last time she was seen, she was talking about receiving a letter about "solving her problems". She has been missing since then and its been assumed that she is dead.

  13. Lady Winter said, looking happy she didn't need to keep her English up. It got hard keeping it up at times. <"Not so much new as returning. Just trying to sort things out in my life. It isn't everyday you wake up frozen inside an ice berg with your memories scrambled after all."> She shrugged and let out a deep breath, mist coming out in a light stream. The cold landscape was starting to melt. <"If anything, I'm here to gather my thoughts, find out what happened and perhaps try out this crime fighting thing Superheroes do all the time. Nice way to work out frustration too.'>

  14. "How sweet of you." She got out as she threw another Alien through the portal. She did raise an eyebrow at him. "You fight these things before? That is surprising. Then again, this city has seen many strange things happen to it many times over." Once again, her reply was punctuated with another Alien hitting the other side of the portal. If it wasn't for the fact Lady Winter subconsciously regulated her own temperature or the fact she blanketed part of the forest in the trappings of the colder seasons, she would be sweating by now.

  15. "I am Lady Winter. I use that all the time." She said with her own smile. She dusted off a bit of ash from her shoulder, the scorch mark already being covered in encroaching ice. "I myself am going to need to grab another spare once everything is over and done here. But yes, I feel up to tossing them back." With than, she dropped her hammer into the snow and went over to the entombed aliens. Hope I am as strong as I think I am. Lady winter cracked her knuckles and grabbed one of them, using her strength to wrench the alien off the ground and lift it over her head. "Heavier than I thought." She muttered as she moved it to the portal and tossed it through. if the aliens were advanced enough to open portals into other realities, the could easily faw out their frozen comrades. She turned around and went back to do the same thing.

  16. "D-Damn thats impressive." Warren was able to get get, his body still feeling the intense cold, the clothes from mark doing little to shield him. He couldn't off the top of his head remember The Centurion building robot duplicates or why (He might have had a vague idea if he wasn't freezing to death.) Did he actually build them? As it the original Daedalus? This is what I get for not brushing up on superhero history. Can only speculate. He did take a moment to stop seeing the world through his ears and take in the whole place. He had to wonder how Earths greatest Champion found the time to build this place when he was busy saving the world constantly.

    "So man." Rift asked, rubbing his hands together in an attempt to get feeling back. "What now? Never seen a robotic Centurion before. At least any I can remember."

  17. "" Lady Winter shouted to the fleeing aliens as they ran back through the portal. She took a deep breath and looked over the snow covered landscape, the beaten up aliens and the ones still locked in ice. "Vell, that was interesting." She said to the man as she pushed some stray hair out of her face, her English improving back to normal despite the insanity that happened only moments ago.

  18. "Will do man." Warren said. He knew this song very well. Time to show what you can do Warren. And with that, he played the opening of hanger 18. The teen quickly showed his skills, fingers dancing along the fretboard with the speed and precision of someone that has dedicated almost all their free time just practicing. Combined with Eddies own power augmented performance, they both quickly dominated the whole room once the solos section came up. Oh hell yeah!

  19. "The process is basically altering any given material at a atomic level, a similar idea to what people in the middle ages were trying to achieve through alchemy but I doubt it can turn lead into gold. Changes I could get through it include reduced weight, increase or decrease conductivity of metals, and perhaps create all new materials man has never seen." the guitarist said. "Either that or it will turn everything its used on into Slag. Though I don't plan on changing anything organic, except some types of wood or dead matter."

    "Problem is...It requires a certain Radioactive isotope to act as the catalyst element. I know for certain you can't exactly go down to the mall and ask for that, nor is it smart to make deals with Libyan terrorists. so I've hit a massive roadblock in that area." Rift replied in a slightly dejected tone.

  20. Rift wasn't exactly paying attention at that moment. His gaze was focused on the destroyed masses of Spider bots and the crater that occupied Talos robotic body. OH MAN! Theres enough tech and spare parts to keep me making stuff for ages! OK sure, most of the spiders circuitry is probably fried by the floating Electro Dark Star, but Talos is full of possibilities. So many scientists would die just to find out how that genocidal maniac works! Oh man...I'm gonna need a very large truck. Wonder if Dr Archeville would be interested as well. Archetech might have some extraction teams on the side for this sort of thing like ASTRO labs...At least I think they still have those. But just like that, Rifts curiosity was put aside when Blitz started talking to him. Oh well, soon... He though as he landed.

    "Yeah man, I think we took them all down...Not sure about Keres though. You did send him flying off into the sunset. Nice move doing that by the way man." He said with a grin as he flicked a switch on his guitar and slung it over his back.

  21. Dear sweet god its cold! Though spider bots were bad enough. Rift though as he almost felt his face go numb near instantly. The Darkness was a problem for the Teen Guitarist until he shut his eyes tight. Ok, lets test out this little trick. He thought as he put more effort into his hearing than his sight. Within moments, he could start to make out the whole area around him, making a mental picture with just the storm raging around him. The world around him certainly looked surreal enough through this method. He could "see" a figure that looked a lot like Mike wrench the lock open. "OK, I think its open."

  22. Rift will use his Sonar to "see" whats going on Daredevil style until they are inside and can see properly. Hes really not strong enough to get the lock open but phalanx seems to get that bit done.

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