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Posts posted by Raveled

  1. Outlaw landed square on one of the gelatinous beasties. His fire scorched it and tore into it, and the creature forth a howl of pain. Flaming boots tore two shoe-shaped holes in its body, even as the rest of it slid away slickly. It regrouped with its... brothers? Siblings? Other-parts-of-itself? With the other creatures, but now Outlaw could pick out one with scorched boot-marks on its body.


    On the stage, the meat man whipped its new appendage in a wide arc, the sausages uncoiling from its elbow in an endless line. They struck forward suddenly and wrapped around Queenie, and before long the greatest chef in Freedom found herself entirely entangled. The meat golem made a rumbling sound with the pig head and began stalking forward; if she didn't do something soon, Maybelle was going to be on the menu!

  2. The Creepy Clown fad hits Freedom City, only this time there seems to be a more sinister undercurrent to it. Citizens who sight this gaily-colored circus psycho find themselves overcome with terror! An old woman has a nearly-fatal heart attack, a young man runs into traffic to escape the gaudy gagman, a mother almost uses her toddler as a bludgeon to find off his fearsome facade! It falls to Freedom's creepiest capes, Ghost Girl and the sinister Stranger, to uncover the mysteries of this hair-raising harlequin.

  3. Queenie's energy whip sang out and cut off the meat man's non-pig arm, the one made of curved, interlocking cutlets. The meat dropped heavily to the table; apparently as soon as it was separated from the golem's body, it became dead flesh again. It didn't seem to help, though, as a coil of sausages unfurled from its shoulder and hung down to its knee.


    Outlaw found himself being boxed in by three of the cream puffs. They crowded him in, and attacked in quick succession. One, two, three pale, gloopy fists were swung at Outlaw, but the burning hero managed to dodge all the blows.

  4. Tona's eyes quickly flitted over the foxfire, the hole in the table, Sam's clenched jaw, and the goons in the background. She stuck out a leg, kicking the edge of Agent Wyld's chair sending it scraping back from the table. "We're done here," she said to the AEGIS agent. "When you want to actually hire us, when you're willing to come and talk to us as equals and deal straight rather than this backroom 'I am telling you something and what you do is your own business' bulls--t. Well then you know how to find us, I'm sure." She stood and placed herself between Wyld and Sam, helping her girlfriend to her feet and placing an arm around her protectively. "C'mon, Sam. I think my appetite's dead."

  5. Tona took a deep breath. So this was a Weird thing. "Someone got stuck in a house. Which is also a prison. So I guess that means it's... more than just a house with a weird garden. Okay."  She shook her head slightly. "You want us to go in there and find her, because we're awesome at finding people amidst weird stuff. Except that the house is also a magic prison, which means there's probably a lot of very nasty magic-types inside. That's pretty run of the mill of our mornings lately, if I'm being honest, so I guess my real question is... why didn't you just call us, again? We could be out there already."

  6. Tona put her fork down and reached across the table, taking Sam's hand and squeezing her fingers. She was used to the magician being the level-headed, calming influence no matter how crazy the situation got. To see Sam react like that to just a name was unnerving. "I thought it was just the place that had a weird garden," she said dryly. "I still think you should rethink this whole not-actually-secret-recruitment thing. Filling up a whole diner with the goon squad attracts the other sort of attention."

  7. Outlaw's boot soared directly at the cream puff, who didn't step out of the way so much as opened its torso and let the flaming vigilante soar through. The pufballs chattered and chittered as Jake landed, the grass sizzling under his boots.


    Across th park, up on the stage, the meat man kept its pig-head-fist aimed at the chef. There was a disquieting gurgling from deep within it and then sauce, spicy and thick began spurting out of every hole in the cooked head. Unfortunately that meant there was very little pressure behind it, and the sauce mostly went dripping disgustingly onto the table.

  8. Warren tried to plant his feet and throw himself to one side, but he still wasn't used to his new bulk. His feet moved under himself oddly and he took the serpent high in the chest, falling on his back. The teen jumped up, coat hanging off his shoulders in tatters. "First time I get to wear a suit," he muttered, "and I get it all torn up. My mother is going to kill me." He looked up at the men and flexed his arms, then the flesh on them rippled like water. His fingers grew long and thin, becoming chrome blades that reflected the lights. The sleeves of the suit ripped, showing more bulging chrome. "Well. Guess I should make the most of a bad situation."


    He took a step, then another step, then brought his foot down hard. He flew into the air and landed on the one who was already on his back. He stepped off and looked down at the big man. "Free tip.l Don't get back up."

  9. Tona crunched down at the lettuce as she watched her girlfriend's illusion take effect. She didn't know exactly what sort of image Sam was sending, but given the agent's reaction it was hardly pleasant. Tona probably should have felt bad for him, but being stalked by government agents didn't put her in a very good mood.


    She was just swallowing as Alyssa sat down at their table. "You know, when UNISON hired me they just sent an email," she said. "It took me a couple days to find it, but I'm getting a lot better at checking my emails. It's a lot cheaper than buying out an entire restaurant to fill it with your goon squad."

  10. Tona shuffled around the greens on her plate, slowly stacking the radishes on one side, putting them well clear of the rest of her salad. "Anyway, you'll really like Emerald City," she said. She speared several leaves of lettuce and went hunting for something to top it off. "All the shops are south of the river, but DI's offices are on the north side. So I'm looking for something up there, something that backs out onto the forest. But no one wants to rent to a woman who should be in college." She sighed and speared some tomato, sighing.


    While she talked, her other hand was busy. She touched the knife, unused, laying a very precise distance away from her plate. It was sitting at a natural place to be exactly where her free hand would fall, if she should just so happen to have a reason to pick it up quickly and throw it, say, across the restaurant at one of the pair sitting at the bartop. That would take out one, and then the plate would go over her shoulder and take out two, and then it would be a melee and no one could say what would happen.


    But until then she was talking with her girlfriend.

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