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Posts posted by Raveled

  1. Outlaw's boot connected and burned the creature, his black-and-red flames consuming its gooey body in moments. The remaining cream puff retreated before the teen's otherworld assault, letting loose a high, thin scream. Just as the teen was considering the fight over, he realized that the scream had been taken up all around him. As he watched, more and more pale cream puffs began flooding in from all directions. From her elevated position, Queenie watched as the meat golem glanced off to one side and, in a single bounding leap, cleared the stalls of the cooks and loped off towards a gathering pile of cream and sauced cutlets.


    As the heroes watched, more puffs and more golems converged on a single spot all across the park. The mass began rising taller and taller, more and more food jumping in with wild abandon. Before their very eyes it shaped itself into a roughly human form, ropes of sausages and steaks bulging around creamy limbs in a macabre, bloody mocking of the human form. It stood tall over the heroes, tall over the stands, tall over the trees of Liberty Park.


    The massive meat-and-cream puff man stood forty feet tall, its roughly-sketched shape casting a shadow over the downtown skyscrapers. Its eyes quested blindly, until Outlaw felt its attention settle on him. The creature roared and began running at the teen hero.

  2. Tona kept her arm around Sam, forcing herself to stay loose and not clutch. Forcing her anger down, anger at AEGIS and Agent Wild and her entire goon squad. She forced herself to keep her touch casual and not cling to Sam and try to hide her away from all of this. Instead she just moved them through the door and out onto the street. "It's not your fault," she said softly. "You weren't the one who ruined the date." She sighed, keeping them both moving down the road; for now it was less important about where they were going, than what they were leaving behind. "They shouldn't have tried to back you into a corner like that. They deserve to be put in their place."

  3. The meat golem groaned and hissed as the aura around Queenie grew slippery and she headed up, his other hand reaching impotently for her as the superhero soared into the sky. Its mouth opened and it hissed at her, like sausages sizzling on the grill, as she floated up and out of its reach. It thrashed the stage with its long fingers, obviously irritated at her.


    Caught in his own fight, it seemed like the momentum was finally turning in Outlaw's favor. One of the cream puffs was hanging back, but the other two threw themselves at the young hero. One of them recoiled at the touch of Outlaw's coruscating aura, but the other was undeterred. It engulfed him, and even as it was scorched and burned it pummeled him from all sides like a wild crowd.

  4. Okay, back on the horse. Who's up now?



    On 9/20/2016 at 8:10 AM, Raveled said:


    21 -- Outlaw -- Uninjured -- HPx3

    12 -- Meat Man -- Uninjured -- GM

    11 -- Queenie -- Uninjured -- HPx1

    7 -- Creme Meaniesx2 -- Uninjured -- GM

    7 -- Creme Meaniex1 -- Bruisex1 + Daze (Outlaw) -- GM


    Outlaw's up first!


    Okay, so Queenie is done and the Creamies are up. Both are going to try and punch Outlaw. Results 2#1d20+8: 2 # 21 [1d20=13] 24 [1d20=16] One of those should hit, so a DC 23 Toughness save from Outlaw. Then the two Meanies each do a Toughness save. Results 2#1d20+8: 2 # 18 [1d20=10] 18 [1d20=10] Well that doesn't go well for them. One is Bruised + Dazed (which would clear up, uh, next Meanie turn?).


    Outlaw's up next.

  5. Okay, the Federation just gone done with a war. What we need to do is rebuild, and for that we need resources. Starfleet should solidify our claims to the BDS, and deny its resources to our enemies.


    To that end, I would construct our Starbase in the BDS. I would move for the majority of the fleet attached to us to be Defiant-class ships, say eight of them, with four cruisers to back them up; this gives us a mobile, powerful fleet while the cruisers will be our base for large-scale ground operations. We can keep our flag on the Excelsior for now.

    I think our intelligence assets should be focused on the Driians first, the Klingons second, and any independent operators (pirates, smugglers) a tertiary concern.

  6. The elders walked up to Richard, the circle of armed guards breaking to allow the aged men and women near him. One stepped right up to the hero and flicked his fingers against Richard's leather jacket. "You are dressed oddly for a British man," he said. "Most of them dress in those heavy coats, like the soldiers did during the war. You look more like the fur traders my father used to deal with." He shook his head. "But they haven't been here for a long, long time. Now the people we trade with want to be called Americans, even while they shoot at us."


    One of the younger natives, one of the ones with a rifle, took a step towards Richard. "He's a spy for the Americans!" he shouted. "He must be one of their hunters, sent out to find us. If we let him escape, he'll tell the entire town where we are! We'll all be killed before we can leave!"

  7. Miras shook her head slightly. "Machine is hardly my kind of club," she said dryly, before taking to the skies and flying down the street. That left Cannonade to head in the opposite direction, hopping from rooftop to rooftop as he made his way through the district. As he did so, he noticed a preponderance of flashy, glitzy cars headed in one direction. At a whim he turned to follow them, tracking a Lamborghini and a Jaguar to a seedy garage underneath the bypass. Jameson Airport was just the other side of the fence, and maybe that's why no one noticed the shape flitting above them as the pulled the high-class cars into a low-class building. And maybe the sound of aircraft landing and taking off explained why they shut the door so quickly, instead of leaving it open while they worked on such a warm evening. On the other hand, with the airport and the Hanover Bypass and State Route 6, it was the perfect, secluded place for a chop shop. Cut the cars apart, ship the more recognizable bits north or west out of the state, and anything too hot could be flown out of the country in a personal airplane. It was too much of a chance to ignore.

  8. There was a slow hiss as the blue flame broke the seal and Sam felt the pressure on the door break, and she was able to roll it back slowly, quietly. The rumble of the train covered that, and covered her creeping into the car. The man in the white suit kept his back to the door and Sam could hear his half of the conversation. "The chopper's waiting on the other side of the mountain. When we get through the tunnel, have the kid wrapped up and ready for the hook." He listened to something on the other line and continued. "I say leave the lizards, they'll slow up the cops. If we're lucky they'll eat the evidence." Another pause and, "Alright, alright, sorry. Just, get the kid ready. We shouldn't stick around longer than we need to."


    The big beasts raised their heads as she approached, snuffling at her hand. One raised and dropped its tail, raised and dropped its tail, like a dog sixty million years out of time.

  9. You could stunt something like Strength or Nullify, or even Super-Strength off her Flight, or maybe something weirder like Permeate/Insub. It's a magic ring, it's got a lot of options!

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