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Posts posted by OmegaPlatinum

  1. This is getting a little ridiculous... maybe there's a way to calm the crowd down...OH! Perfect!

    Kurt walked off a bit to the side, finding a place with some wide open space. Figuring the crowd needed to settle, Sparky sent out a few small sparks from his hands. One hits the ground, making a large platform for a stage. He then sends out a large number more. Each one making floating tubes, and blocks above each of them. They floated there, with four more sparks creating two long sticks with a ball at the ends. He holds two in each hand, between his fingers.

    I didn't want to be the center of attention, but no one wants a riot. It's been a while since I've played vibraphone... and I don't even have foot pedals, but this should still work...hopefully

    He cleared his throat loudly, trying to get everyone's attention. "Hey! Everyone! Calm down! I'll give you some entertainment."

    Sparksmith looks out into the crowd, a bit nervous with the press involved, but he went this far. He couldn't stop now. He takes a deep breath and starts playing. A familiar song begins playing, and, as the song continues, two more sparks appear, striking the keys to play the vocal part.

  2. Jack gave Kurt a bemused shrug. "Hey, you see this many supers together outside of a team, usually means planet-eating space locusts or vengeful lava men from the future or something." The swordsman raised a fist in mock outrage, adding largely to himself, "Damn future lava men, stealing all our women."

    "Oh man, that's all too true. I remember this one time while I was sword training in Italy... Giant Robot Lobsters. That wasn't all that fun. Luckily we had a Water-Controller around...she cooked up up real good." Kurt smirked at the memory, "But lava people are things I'd like to avoid if at all possible."

    ...better know as Rift."

    He ducked down and opened his guitar case. "Well, looks like that has cooled down for now. Lets get started on what we all came here do to." He said with a grin and he pulled a pick from his pocket and started doing some rapid tuning on his guitar until the pitch was perfect to his ears.

    "Hey! I thought you looked familiar! How's it going, Rift? I should have expected a guitarist of your caliber to be here." He extends a hand to shake his, happy to find another ally.

  3. "Oh, hey, Spark Jones or something, right? Guy with the lightshow, good to see you." At the other man's question he looked around, an eyebrow raising above his bandanna mask. "Musician? Is that what's going on here?"

    Kurt laughs at the name. "Haha, no. You can call me Kurt. Hero name's Sparksmith. Honestly, either one works. It doesn't matter. He takes a sip of his drink again. "But yeah. Estelle's holding some sort of charity concert, and we're holding the tryouts in here."

    He forms his energy drum stick and twirls them in his fingers. "Should be a lot of fun. What did you think was happening here?"

    "Now, I for one feel like getting this show on the road.

    "Finally, someone's speaking my language. Let's have some fun and get the music flowing!"

  4. Out of chips, Kurt walks back over to the table for some more food, and this time, a drink. He poured himself some soda into a self-made-energy cup and sipped it. His mother had always told him, jokingly, to not "Drink and Fly." It was a joke, but he thought it was a pretty good idea anyway. He takes out a few more cups and holds up the bottle. "Anyone else want a drink?" He pours a few cups and offers them to the guests around him at the table. He extended a hand to shake for Jack. "Hey! Jack, right? I haven't seen you around since the Hospital. How've you been holding up? I didn't know you were a musician."

  5. With Eddie's singing coming to a screeching halt, and noticing that no one else is playing, Kurt drums himself into a simple drum loop. From there, he stops, figuring the apartment was going to get very crowded very quickly. He dismissed his energy kit to make some more room, finding himself in the back of the room, witnessing the teen squabble between Eddie and Zoe. He couldn't help but smirk a bit. He knew high school drama all too well. High school wasn't that long ago. He walks over to what is left of the snack spread, makes himself a small energy bowl, and gives himself a few chips to eat. He took them back to his open drumming spot and watched the drama unfold as if it were a soap opera, with his feet still tapping a beat.

  6. Kurt pocketed the card and smirked. "I'll keep that in mind," he said as he sat down behind his energy kit. He played them a bit, drumming along to the song coming out of the speakers. As he did he gave Dragonfly a smiling nod as a hello. As Warren walked in, Kurt cocked an eyebrow. recognizing the man from somewhere, but he wasn't sure where. He dismissed it as coincidence and stopped drumming as the song ended. Good warm-up.

    As Eddie tuned the bass, Kurt couldn't help but look at it. It was a stunning instrument. He had seen some antiques in Italy, but nothing like the one she had. "Wow. How old is it?"

    Eddie starts the song up as Kurt finishes the question. He smirks at the familiar tune and quickly joins in with the song--sprinkling some cymbals into the beginning, "I like this kid!" and coming in strong when the time is right. Kurt jumps in with full enthusiasm, keeping the time and improvising a bit when appropriate.

  7. The blonde heroine strode over to Kurt, one hand resting on her Gibson and the other extended in greeting. "Yes, I'm Estelle de Havilland, the concert organizer. Welcome, Kurt. Uh, why don't you set up your kit over there? Feel free to cannibalize the rented kit over there if you wish, just remember to put it back when your done."

    Kurt shakes her hand enthusiastically. "Thanks, but that won't be necessary." He moved the drum against the wall, giving him room to work, then walks over to Eddie again.

    "Know my stuff?" Eddie questioned, "Please. I know ALL the stuff. There isn't a single person in this entire city that knows more about music than I do." Eddie declared proudly. "Go ahead, try me. Ask me anything."

    "Oh I believe you, but just because someone knows music doesn't mean they know tech. I've seen a lot of good musicians suffer from bad wiring and equipment. Heck, I've improved GOOD musicians' wiring and made them sound even better, but I gotta say, you have yourself a really good setup. I can't wait to see what you do for the actual concert, but now, I should set up."

    Kurt walks over to his little empty space and starts glowing. Seven small sparks leave his hands and each one hits the ground. With a small flash, the sparks reform to create a glowing blue-green energy drum kit. Two more sparks form in his hands. He closes them and forms a pair of drumsticks, which he proceeds to twirl in his fingers. "Well, I'm all ready!" He tests each drum and cymbal, making sure they sound right. He adjusts their sizes as necessary, slightly altering their sounds.

    At that moment, there was a knock on Gossamer's window. "Is this 2B? Or 2A? I'm here for the auditions."

    He looks out the window, a bit startled. "2B! Come on in!" And just in case she couldn't hear him, he forms the sentence with a few more sparks to let her read it.

    "Hello, folks!"


  8. Sparksmith

    Gather Information

    DC 5: Sparksmith is an energy manipulator. He's most commonly known for making weapons out of pure energy and putting the innocent first.

    DC 10: Kurtis Smith made news headlines in May 2010 when, upon graduating Colombia University's General Studies program, revealed to the world that he had super powers and would fight crime under the name of Sparksmith. He moved to Freedom City soon after. He frequently uses his powers in public.

    DC 15: Kurt still lives with his parents. His father's a doctor and his mother's a defense attorney. They moved when his father was offered a job in Freedom City, and his mother happily moved her offices.

    DC 20: Kurt traveled abroad a great deal during his college career. He's spent time in over 50 different countries. He studied different weapon fighting styles in each, giving him the ability to wield almost any weapon with great efficiency. This is the basis of his Energy Weapon fighting.

    DC 35: Kurt inherited the mutant gene from his parents. His father has amazing healing abilities that he uses to help heal extreme injuries that have been caused by villains or any other outside influences, but ONLY in extreme cases. Kurt's mother is a telepath, but instead of reading minds, she prefers to sense when someone is lying. With this power, she only defends those who are actually innocent. She won't take a case to defend a criminal. They keep their powers secret, just as Kurt's family has done for years.

    Knowledge (Current Events)

    DC 5: Kurtis Smith made news headlines in May 2010 when, upon graduating Colombia University, revealed to the world that he had super powers and would fight crime under the name of Sparksmith.

  9. Kurt flew through the air at high speed, his cheeks puffed and his hands on his tie. He thought to himself, "I can't be late for the opening! I've been waiting for this for weeks!" He lands a few feet away from the entrance, straightening his tie and spitting out his mouthwash into a garbage pail on the street. He checks himself once more, making sure his suit is straitened out and wrinkle free. He spots one, creates two small iron-shaped objects, presses the wrinkle out, and finally approaches the restaurant.

    He walks up to the doors, notices they're still locked, and looks at his cell phone. "Wait... I'm early?!"

  10. For Sparksmith:


    -4 Perform (Singing)

    -1 Sense Motive

    +1 Knowledge (Technology)

    +3 Perform (Percussion)

    +1 Concentration



    +Skill Mastery: Perform (Percussion), Knowledge (Technology), Notice, Sense Motive

    Also, a Correction:


    Will: +9 (+3 Wis, +6)

    I have a +3 Wis Modifier, not 2. My mistake earlier I believe.

    Also, Free Equipment: MP3 Player, Speakers, and Cell Phone.



  11. Another knock is heard at the door, barely audible over the sound of the speakers. On the other side, a young man who looks about as old as a college student. "Hi! The name's Kurt. I'm here for the auditions."

    He walked in, tapping his foot to the beat of the music playing over the speakers, with his hands tapping his thighs in rhythm. He looked around the room, checking out the speakers, looking at how everything is hooked up and smiling. "You have great stuff here, kid." He stood up, talking to Eddie. "I'm surprised to see the high-end stuff for simple auditions." He extended his hand to him with a big smile on his face. "You really seem to know your stuff. It's a pleasure to meet you."

    He walked around a bit more, looking at the speakers, then stopped and extended a hand to Estelle. "So, I'm assuming you're the one organizing the concert, right? I play the Drums. Where should I set up? I don't actually have a band, but I'd be happy to help out any bands that need some percussion."

  12. For Sparksmith:


    -4 Perform (Singing)

    -1 Sense Motive

    +1 Knowledge (Technology)

    +3 Perform (Percussion)

    +1 Concentration


    -Power Attack

    +Skill Mastery: Perform (Percussion), Knowledge (Technology), Notice, Concentrate

    Also, a Correction:


    Will: +9 (+3 Wis, +6)

    I have a +3 Wis Modifier, not 2. My mistake earlier I believe.

    Also, Free Equipment: MP3 Player, Speakers, and Cell Phone.

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