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Posts posted by alderwitch

  1. Alex tumbled out of the car in Mike's wake, not unlike a slightly over eager puppy. Slightly breathless, she still gave the girl a beaming smile, "Sort of. It's our first day too! I'm Alex, and this is Mike. My mom's name is Rebecca, by the way. Can I help with your bags?"

    She was bright and bushy tailed for an early morning but Alex had always been a morning person, even when not filled with the butterflies of a new school. She'd dressed with much more care than Mike, albeit in pegged, straight leg jeans and ajarring color combination of bright blue button down open over a green long sleeve t-shirt, trimmed in red.

  2. Alex made a tsking noise at him, this time not bothering to look up from the thick tome she'd buried her nose in, "How can we be heros without understanding the lives of previous heros, their struggles, etcetera. Even if it does happen to be a rather emotionally biased biopic."

    It was less rhetorical question and more the opening salvo to a rather dry lecture, no doubt. Alex would have a brilliant future for her as some dusty librarian if she wasn't currently trying to chart out a future working with missing children. It was even-odds if she'd actually ever make it out of academia during her college years. Finally, sorting out all of the books Alex wanted, she began the tedious task of paring it down to 'cannot live without'. She flicked hazel eyes, warm with a friendly smile, back up to Mike finally as she meticulously replaced the rejects on their proper place on the shelves.

    "It's your turn to pick the movie. I will even do you the favor of warning you ahead of time that if you pass, there's a romantic comedy that I actually want to see."

  3. Mike was treated to an eyeroll over the edge of the book Alex was skimming, "I think there's a fallacy in your dichotomy of 'school books' and 'everything else'."

    She snapped the book shut, tucking it under one arm to gesture lightly with both hands, "What you mean is there's interesting books, and boring books. I think you'll find most of these boring but I tried to chose ones that I thought might be more engaging, like Centurion, A Hero Among Heros."

  4. Alex startled a little bit, glancing over her shoulder at the sudden noise. Noticing nothing out of the ordinary for a Sunday at the mall, she glanced back up at Mike, already holding a small stack of books against her chest. She smiled faintly at the sarcasm.

    "Not too many. Claremont has dorms so I had a few things on the list for that but I wasn't going to drag you clothes shopping today. I figured it would take an hour or so to find things in the bookstore, including browsing time." She held up a thick paperback, titled Freedom City, A History, and flipped it over to skim the jacket. "Supplies, then books. I think you might actually enjoy shopping for posters for your dorm if you can stir yourself out of today's ennui."

  5. Well, as Alex has been using her Int-based skills, she's got that part of her brain dominant. So here's the roll to notice the duo following them:

    (1d20 + Notice (5) + Wis (5)) 1d20+10=17

    And then the roll to recognize them using Knowledge (Streetwise) which she doesn't have but is using Eidetic Memory as she saw them on the news that one time. ;)

    (1d20 + Knowledge Streetwise (0) + Int (8) + Eidetic Memory (4)) 1d20+12=30

  6. She frowned at him and protested, "But I like 'Scooby Doo'. It's not as if I'm trying to be something else. Simply limiting the scope of my choices to an acceptable range. It's what most teens do, I imagine I've just put in far more thought into it."

    Silently agreeing to disagree with him, Alex selected her choices of pens and errata with the same furrow of concentration on her brow. School supplies were fun at least and with the switch from the lab to a real highschool (sort of), it meant picking out two whole sets even if it was only for the last few weeks of the traditional school year. Alex was personally hoping they would offer summer school as well.

    Taking her purchases which included one of the matching kitchy lunchbox sets despite any complaints from her cohort to the counter, Alex added to Mike with enthusiasm, "Next the bookstore!"

  7. She finished her selection, far more complete than her companion as she checked the straps for comfort, the pockets for size and critically eyed the color selection before she chose something with a bold graphic design. Slinging her selection over her shoulder, she began the same critical assessment of the selection of notebooks, pens and other neccesary items.

    "Its a botique. Its both new and popular with the twelve to eighteen crowd. Due to the popularity, its all overpriced but its one of those things that kids judge other kids on without realizing it. Or meaning to. I thought it would be better if we, you know, blended. Right?"

    She looked up at him with wide eyes, a handful of notebooks clutched to her chest, none of which had either a unicorn or a kitten on them unlike all her prior favored trapper-keeper collection. Alex frowned at him and added, "I looked into it. Although its mostly for girls. As far as I can ascertain, you should cut off some t-shirt slogan and affix it to your backpack with saftey pins. I couldn't find anything about what boys are using for supplies in school. I'm sorry."

  8. Alex turned, already at a display of backpacks and had one in each hand as she tilted her head back up to be able to look him in the eyes. It was fortunate that he was in high-sulk mode already in her estimation as she got a crick in her neck when he stood up straight. She lifted one shoulder in an off hand shrug.

    "It really wasn't that difficult to make a deduction or two. Based off the notes from our last 'school', I feel I have a good estimation of our current strengths and weaknesses. Between that and what I do know of available curriculum - I used the college and a few local high schools for basis, and extrapolated - I came up with what I feel is a reasonable list of neccesary supplies." She paused and sighed, "It is possible that I have over-estimated our needs but it's better to be prepared. Besides, school supplies are fun!"

    She shook the backpack - the one with large pink applique flowers - at him for emphasis.

  9. I'm putting up a thread for some shopping at the mall thread and its open to any. :) At the moment, it's the two newest Claremont students, Psyche and Phalanx. The tenative plan is to throw in a low end thief at some point in the thread. It's in as Mall Rats

  10. Alex bounced down from the bus step, landing on her sneakered feet with a light thump. Clutched in one hand she held her neatly written shopping list in one hand as she looked up at the Millenia Mall with a bright smile on her face. Without bothering to look around as she knew her shopping partner would be lagging behind, she called back to him, "Come on, Mike. If we've planned it out correctly, we should be able to get everything on the list and stil have time for a movie."

    By 'we've planned', she of course met 'I've planned'. Alex was a compulsive listmaker. Why she made them and insisted on checking it off, when she could perfectly recall the items in her mind the world might never know. Personally, Alex found the process soothing. The tiny dynamo strode through the doors of the mall and automatically turned right, heading for the first store on her annotated list.

  11. Well I designed her as a comunications/recon and investigation character. Yes she's below power cap on defense because she's a fifteen year old girl that's brand new at super heroing. She has a decent damage when she has to attack but is more likely to control or move bystanders out of the way. She has a heroic nature and a stong moral code. Her story arc is to grow into a hero, pushed by her own moral compass to use her powers to make the world a better place.

    I didn't design her just to stand behind Phalanx and blast people with her brain but its certainly a good tactic in a full blown fight. She has the potential to step up and lead a team eventually but would cope with acting as recon just as well.

    She's a controller/support character so I feel pretty justified in having her combat capabilities be below cap for her PL. She isn't right now a heavy combat character and relies on diversion and control mechanics in a fight and in a solo confrontation would rely on those sort of techniques.

    I'll retool the two corrections. The drawback is because I copied Phantoms format and left the drawback in. Psyche has no drawbacks, I think the low defense is plenty! It isn't included in the math at the bottom of the page and is removed.

  12. No, I do understand that. If you have grave concerns, I can squeeze out an extra power point for her array but for defensive powers, I was relying on her concealment and range.

    It doesn't bother or frustrate me that she's so vulnerable to attack once she drops concealment for an offensive power. I honestly couldn't justify a telepathic power that added to her toughness so I decided on concealment as an active defense.

  13. Made the following changes:

    Bought dodge focus, dropped defense to 2 and then bought 4 ranks of search with the extra point.

    Made the formatting changes to flight speed, ehanced trait and corrected the unarmed save.

    I'm okay with the no toughness for the moment as I know and expect her to be squishy. I'm going to buy a second telekinetic array for her as she starts to do the hero shtick but atm she's never been in a fight :)

    Left the telepathic array alone as I know you're researching it.

  14. Psyche
    Power Level: 12 (14) (213/221PP) 
    Trade-Offs: -1 Defense / +1 Toughness
    Unspent Power Points: 8


    In Brief: Psychic super genius from birth thanks to being a T-baby

    Residence: The AEON Foundation, her parents still live in a Freedom City Suburb
    Base of Operations: Same as above
    Catchphrase: "Are you really sure that's what you want to do?"


    Alternate Identity: Alexandra Albright
    Identity: Public
    Birthplace: Freedom City
    Occupation: CEO of AEON
    Affiliations: - 
    Family: Parents: Victor and Rebecca Albright (nee Caldwell), Fiance: Michael Harris


    Age: 22 
    Apparent Age: Same
    Gender: Female
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 110 lbs
    Eyes: Hazel
    Hair: Strawberry blonde


    Its taken years, but Alex has emerged from her awkward teen years as a slender, poised young woman. Her eyes are still too large and her gaze will always be too direct, too intent but she makes it work for her, most of the time. The ambient glow of her powers is once more under her control but without that tell, she’s still well known as who, and what, she is. Her red hair is still long but often pulled up out of her face as she works and she’s taken recently to wearing glasses - an affectation that she hopes blunts some of the unease her too-direct gaze can engender especially among her employees.

    Quiet and but authoritative, Alex has never fully embraced business wear - she’s always got some sort of bright clashing colors somewhere although between employing a stylist and being a Fortune 500, her quirks have become not unpopular among a certain set of high society. 


    Power Description:
    Alex's powers, when they have visible manifestations tend to show a sparkling burst of psychic energy. The older she gets and the more control over her powers she possess, the more subtle the manifestations become. Alex has plenty of raw power - that's never been an issue - but her life is a struggle for control over those potent abilities and the more she masters them, the less obvious they are. These days her telepathy and mental affects are much harder to discern and even her telekinetic might doesn't show to the naked eye unless she is truly straining at which point the sparks of the psychic energy from her Terminus based mutation might begin to show through.


    Alex's mother and father, Rebecca and Victor Albright, were relatively normal citizens of Freedom City. It's true that Rebecca once moonlighted as a bow-toting side-kick to a D-list hero, but those days were long behind her as she and Victor tried to start a family. After struggling to conceive, they were overjoyed when Alex was finally on the way.


    Unfortunately, the terminus invasion occurred while Rebecca was at the hospital's class on childbirth. The entire class was bathed in the energies of one of the portals but Rebecca and another pregnant mother escaped the escalating battle. It was little surprise that the two mothers-to-be became fast friends or that Alex and the other woman's son, Michael, were thrown together often.


    What was surprising was that when Alex, who had always been precocious, started to talk, she talked about everything. Including the thoughts other people had and things she couldn't possibly manage to see. Rebecca, a stay-at-home mother, spent her young daughter's early years trying to teach the clever child to keep her powers under wraps and, also, how impolite it was to go reading other people's thoughts.


    Reluctantly, but confident that she had impressed the importance of secrecy on her offspring, Alex was enrolled in school with her friend Michael. When Michael hit another boy and knocked him across the room and near through a wall, Alex couldn't help but volunteer - loudly and firmly - that they were all lying, the boy was badly hurt. She knew because she read their thoughts. She even went so far to prove it. Not because she hadn't listened to her mother but felt that if Michael was going to be in trouble, she ought to be in the same trouble as the fight was at least partially her fault. Both children were outed as 'supers', and Alex spent the next decade or so busing into a government contracted facility instead of a normal school environment and then home.


    Rebecca grew more and more concerned as Alex grew older and when Alex was around ten, began trying to get her out of the program and into Claremont instead as Rebecca, rightly or wrongly, was convinced that eventually the government would seek to turn her baby into a soldier. It took every contact Rebecca had from her long forgotten super-days but getting put into Claremont was the best thing that could have happened to Alex.


    Graduating with honors, after her school and life in the teenage super-hero group, Alex’s life was forever altered by her interactions with her time-displaced offspring. Rather than college, Alex founded the AEON foundation, a group focusing on ethical metahuman studies - coming out as a Terminus-child and former super-hero, the young billionaire has hung up her spandex and turned to a life of philanthropy and research. Of course, nothing lasts forever.


    Personality & Motivation:
    These days, the best word to describe Alex is ‘driven’, she’s turned AEON and its research into a force to be reckoned with, creating a billion dollar empire based on ethical research. Combining that with outing herself as a Terminus baby with the determination to prove the the entire world how good she can be, it’s a lot. Even for Alex’s super brain, it’s a lot. Without the team of Young Justice to balance her, Alex is deeply lonely but she buries it in her work.


    Although by nature a rule follower with a strong ethical code, her loyalty to her friends and family will always outweigh her other desires. She doesn't have much of a temper, but once riled can proving surprisingly stubborn.


    As Alex has grown up with powers, she has had to learn telepathic ethics the hard way. These days, Alex finds 'snooping' uncalled for in most circumstances. There are, of course, exceptions but Alex is never one to pry - especially with strangers - unless the situation requires it. The only exception is the friend with whom she shares a permanent communication link. She feels completely free to poke around in his brain when the mood strikes.


    Powers & Tactics:
    Alex has done many interviews about her powers and she often… edits her answers carefully. Telepaths make people uncomfortable and no one knows this better than Alex.


    Her psychic powers are formidable and expansive. She can read minds, alter memories, manipulate material with an ever increasing fitness and despite what she’s on the record about, internal tests at AEON show that she’s not yet plateaued on her growth and potential in opposition to what she’d believed as a teenager.


    Alex is without question a genius well above typical human capacity. Although she’s ostensibly no longer the costumed Psyche, that she was is a matter of record and she still keeps in practice at her own training ground, ‘just in case’. Her powers are more deft these days - Alex would still rather stop a conflict before its begun than smash someone with a ton of rocks.


    Alex can scan for thoughts miles away and extend her senses well outside her immediate presence. She's aware that she can even wrest control of a person's actions away from them but finds that both unsettling, and ethically distasteful although she’s done it in the past, and may very well in the future. She can also alter memories and emotions but is always cautious of not only the ramifications but the potential reaction to her actions.



    Famous: Not only is Alexandra Albright famous, but her alter ego is a matter of public record as are her origins as a Terminus baby. Alex does her best to keep her visible public identity as an advantage but there are many, many ways it can be used against her. 

    Responsibilities: Alex has a small empire that she's built and while she considers her super-hero alter ego not a full time identity, there are the inevitable conflicts. She has friends and teammates that depend on her and family that are certainly not super heroes. 

    Terminus Baby: Alex's power origin comes from being in utero as an infant during the Terminus invasion. Despite her best efforts to undo that damage, preconceptions and prejudice exists. 


    Abilities: -2 + 0 + 0 + 26 + 26 + 8 = 58PP
    Strength: 8 (-1)
    Dexterity: 10 (+0)
    Constitution: 10 (+0)
    Intelligence: 36 (+13)
    Wisdom: 36 (+13)
    Charisma: 18 (+4)

    Combat: 8 + 10 = 18PP
    Initiative: +0
    Attack: +4 Base
    Grapple: +3 (+4, -1 Str)
    Defense: +10 (+5 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +2 Flatfooted
    Knockback: -6

    Saves: 2 + 2 + 0 = 4PP
    Toughness: +12 (+0 Con, +12 Protection)
    Fort: +2 (+0 Con, +2)
    Reflex: +2 (+0 Dex, +2)
    Will: +13 (+13 Wis, +0)

    Skills: 136r = 34PP
    Computers 9 (+22) Skill Mastery
    Concentration 9 (+22)
    Gather Information 11 (+15)
    Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) 9 (+22)
    Knowledge (Business) 4 (+17)
    Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+17)
    Knowledge (Earth Sciences) 4 (+17)
    Knowledge (History) 4 (+17)
    Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 9 (+22)
    Knowledge (Life Sciences) 9 (+22)
    Knowledge (Technology) 9 (+22)
    Medicine 5 (+18)
    Notice 17 (+30) Skill Mastery
    Search 17 (+30) Skill Mastery
    Sense Motive 17 (+30) Skill Mastery

    Feats: 21PP
    Benefit 5 (CEO of AEON, Fame, Wealth 3)
    Dodge Focus 5
    Equipment 6 (30 EP)
    Eidetic Memory
    Jack of All Trades
    Master Plan
    Skill Mastery (Computers, Notice, Search, Sense Motive)
    Well Informed

    Equipment: 30EP = 6PP

    • AEON Foundation (HQ) Size: Gargantuan [4EP], Toughness: 14 [4EP], Features: Combat Simulator, Communications, Computer, Defense System 2, Fire Prevention System, Garage, Gym, Hanger, Holding Cells 2, Infirmary, Lab, Library, Living Space, Personnel, Pool, Power 2 [Teleporter], Power System, Security System, Worskhop [23 EP] - [Total 29EP]
      • Power 2: Teleport 10 (20,000 miles; Extras: Accurate, Affects Others, Flaws: Limited [To/From Manor]; Drawbacks: Power Loss 2 [Teleport Beacon]) [28PP]
    • Teleport Beacon (watch) [1EP] 


    Powers: 4 + 12 + 1 + 6 + 55 = 78PP

    Flight 2 [4 pp]

    Protection 12 [12 pp]

    Psychic Array 22 (44PP; Feats: Alternate Power 11) [55PP]

    • BE: Blast 11 (Psionic; Extra: Alternate Save [Will], Mental [+0], Range [Perception]) {44/44}
    • AP: Communication 12 (Mental, 20,000,000 miles; Extras: Area, Linked; Feats: Subtle, Selective) + Comprehend 5 (Speak, Read and Write All Languages Simultaneously, Codes; Extra: Linked; Flaw: Duration/Sustained) {26 + 5 = 31/44}
    • AP: Concealment 10 (All Senses; Extra: Affects Others, Area; Feats: Close Range, Selective) {42/44}
    • AP: Create Object 11 (Extra: Impervious; Feats: Progression 5, Stationary, Selective) {40/44}
    • AP: Emotion Control 10 (Extras: Area, Mental [+0], Selective; Feats: Subtle) {41/44}
    • AP: ESP 12 (200,000,000 miles, Visual/Auditory; Extra: Duration [Sustained]; Flaw: Action [Standard]; Feats: Subtle, Rapid 6 [1,000,000 times faster]) {43/44}
    • AP: Healing 10 (Extras: Affects Objects, Total; Feats: Persistent, Regrowth) {42/44}
    • AP: Illusion 11 (All Senses; Extras: Mental [+0], Selective; Flaw: Phantasms) {44/44}
    • AP: Mind Control 10 (Extra: Conscious, Duration [Sustained], Mental [+0]; Feats: Mental Link, Subtle) {42/44}
    • AP: Mind Reading 11 (Extras: Action [Move/Standard], Area, Mental [+0], Selective) {44/44}
    • AP: Move Object 11 (Str 70; Extra: Range [Perception]; Feats: Subtle, Precise) {35/44}
    • AP: Mental Transform 10 (Alter Memories; Extras: Duration [Continuous], Mental [+0], Range [Perception] Feat: Subtle) {41}

    Super-Sense 6 (Psychic Senses; Normal Mental Sense: Accurate [2], Acute [1], Radius [1], Ranged [1]; Detect Mood [Mental]) [6PP]

    Super Senses 1 (Communication Link: Michael/Phalanx) [1PP]


    DC Block:
    ATTACK                RANGE        SAVE             EFFECT
    Unarmed               Touch        DC14 Toughness   Bruise/Injury
    (Psionic) Blast 11    Perception   DC26 Will        Bruise/Injury
    Emotion Control 10    Perception   DC20 Will        Special
    Illusion 11           Perception   DC21 Will        Special
    Mind Control 10       Perception   DC20 Will        Special
    Mind Reading 11       Perception   DC21 Will        Special
    Mental Transform 10   Perception   DC20 Will        Special


    Costs: Abilities (58) + Combat (18) + Saves (4) + Skills (34) + Feats (21) + Powers (78) - Drawbacks (0) = 213/221 PP

  15. Well, I was more reading it as the personality aspect of the flaw as I didn't take Normal Identity. Here's the text of the drawback as I have it in my book:

    "Involuntary Transformation

    You have two or more forms or identities you sometimes change between against your will. The value of the drawback is based on how often you change (frequency) and how difficult it is for you to resist the change

    (intensity). If you cannot resist the change, no matter what, the intensity value is 3 points. If you involuntarily switch between super-powered and normal human forms, you also have the Normal Identity drawback."

    Within the rule, it didn't describe anything more than the forms and identity so I hadn't given it much thought about ascribing a different powerset to Phantom than Taylor as I was more utilzing the flaw to describe the difference between the woman who would really prefer to be a linguistics student at a university to a being that is no longer entirely human. I set the point cost to three because of her inability to resist the change although the cost seemed high for what I wanted from it. From my reading of the rules this is the flaw you would use to describe MPD as well so the thought of tying powers didn't really enter my mind. As there's the 'Normal Identity' flaw and its the fact that its seperate from Involuntary Transformation.

  16. Well, I wasn't planning on restricting her powers to the forced transformation. I more wanted the forced transformation to 'costume her up against her will which is why I waffled on the points for it for the last few days. The intent was to have her powers available in either form but have her go all cosmic avatar whenever dimensional awareness went off and play havok with her regular life.

  17. Phantom

    Power Level: 14 (15) (232/250PP)
    Trade-Offs: -5 Defense / +5 Toughness, + 2 Damage / -2 Attack
    Unspent PP: 18

    In Brief: Interdimensional Guardian, chosen to keep the balance

    Residence: The Lair: A Haunted House in North Bay
    Base of Operations: In Freedom City, their haunted manor. Interdimensionally, the Void

    Alternate Identity: Taylor Xiao Chun Faretti
    Identity: Secret
    Birthplace: Freedom City
    Occupation: Freelance Translator
    Affiliations: Knights of Freedom (Former), Midnighters (Inactive)
    Family: Immediate: Jack Faretti (husband), Jack Huang Faretti Jr/ JJ (son), Jack Huang Faretti Jr / Huang (son)
                 Extended, still living: Parents, Four brothers, three sisters in law, several nieces and nephews - All Freedom local, Great Uncle Huang Chun


    Age: 26 in this timeline, chronologically, 30ish
    Apparent Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Ethnicity: Chinese American (biracial: Chinese and Caucasian)
    Height: 5'1"
    Weight: 135 lbs
    Hair: Thick and very straight black hair that falls to the middle of her back.
    Eyes: Brown

    Between Taylor's height, her reserved body language, and her dimpled cheeks, she still gets mistaken for a freshman at the University more often than not. Experience and increased comfort with herself have at least given her enough poise to generally correct that assumption. Having taken up jogging and working out with a sparring bag, Taylor has added some muscle to her curves. She is sturdily built and relatively fit. She still tends to dress like she's watched Indiana Jones just a few too many times, with rescued bomber jackets from the Salvation Army and fedoras that have seen better days but she's added some class to her wardrobe. Whether its her own preference or the fact that Ace has become her usual shopping buddy, most of her clothing has a 40s retro flair.

    As Phantom, Taylor is anything but average. In the cloak and cowl of her alter ego, Phantom is downright otherworldly. Her eyes glow white behind the three quarters black face mask. The folds of the inside of her ragged cloak crackle with eldritch energy and she flickers between solid and ephemeral states without conscious thought. Unlike most of the magically oriented, Phantom uses no arcane gestures or words of power but rather directs her fel energies with her eerie baleful glare.

    A creature of all dimensions and none, Phantom flickers through reality with disquieting ease. It's easy to mistake her cloak for her source of power as when she vanishes from sight, her cloak folds in first on her, and then on itself. Even stripped of the glittering Eye of Heshem at her throat, Phantom's powers are unhindered.



    Taylor was born to your average middle class Americans. Her mother was a typical wasp and her father was a Chinese American, both of whom were born and raised inside Freedom City. Taylor's childhood was a normal one. She was a studious, if shy, child that spent much of her time focused on schooling although she had her share of childhood friends. The only oddity in her normal life was her great-uncle on her father's side. The elderly gentleman was always filling her head with stories of his youth helping Johnny Danger on all those daring quests. This is undoubtably where Taylor picked up her tendency to dress like a bad pulp era character although with jeans and baseball t-shirts under her reclaimed, beaten jackets.

    When Taylor went into college, she was tempted to study archeology but had a natural flair for languages and instead went into the linguistics program. About this time, Taylor's beloved grandfather took ill and she received a package from him containing the Eye of Heshem, a glittering amulet with its gem larger than her thumb, and instructing her to keep it safe. For a time, the Eye travelled about in the pocket of her beaten leather jacket before, bored one night working the midnight shift at the library, she began to work on the translation of the inscription. The first time Taylor recited the ancient script aloud, she was knocked near senseless as the voice of Heshem herself thundered through her head, charging her with the defense of the pact.

    It’s been almost ten years now since Phantom appeared on the costumed crimefighter scene. She’s seen a lot and done more than most and still looks like she’s a college student outside of her cape. That’s especially frustrating when she’s got a dhampir offspring about to start kindergarten and his perpetually-sixteen dimensional doppelganger going to Claremont and immortal ex-vigilante vampire for a spouse. Well, things never get BORING.


    Personality & Motivation: Taylor is responsible in either persona. She really is the sort of person that her Great Uncle could trust to take care of that relic simply because she was asked to. She's still too young to see the world in shades of grey and that outlook is what makes her really quite good as an interdimensional police agent.

    As Phantom, she's the bouncer to Gateway's doorkeeper. She spends her costumed time finding and returning things that don't belong in their dimension. That's not to say that she's blindly devoted to the duties of her work. She's a bright young lady and can tell the difference between an Olympian that's setting up their own cozy little cult and a poor refugee but in either case she's going to find them a more appropriate local for their life.


    Powers & Tactics: The Eye has pulled Taylor Chun out of synch with this dimension. As a creature of all worlds and none, she is as likely to be ephemeral as solid and moves between the dimensions like a child would run through the rooms of the house. Her very body is the gateway to the holding dimension that she uses to transport creatures and objects back to where they once belonged and riding within the Phantom is an odd and distressing experience for even the most jaded. 

    In addition to her odd and innate abilities, Phantom is an accomplished mage. She uses a dark crackling magic without either word or gesture to knock the more combatant individuals low before wrapping them in the ragged edges of her eldritch cape. 



    Secret Identity: Although she's now out to her parents and siblings, Taylor still does her best to keep 'Taylor Chun' and 'Phantom' as disparate as possible. And although Taylor's life has certainly gotten complicated, that doesn't change the fact that Phantom is not 'out' but to a select few.

    Married to the Enemy: No matter how you slice it, marrying a vampire has consequences. Marrying a vampire who is not just any vampire, but the current king of the Freedom City vampires who moonlights as a masked vigilante is a whole 'nother level. Then you add starting a family to the mix, and things really start to ramp up. And Taylor's always been such a smart girl.

    Responsibilities: (Interdimensional Guardian, Family, Husband, Children) Taylor has a mandated responsibility to do her duties and while Heshem is not one to micromanage, the failure to use her gifts as required by the entity would likely have dire consequences. In addition, she's got multiple forces that demand a certain level of loyalty. Unfortunately, they're not always on the same side of any given issue

    Lost Time: Sometimes the fact that Taylor works across multiple dimensions makes trying to keep on top of  things in this dimension difficult. Even the best mystics can end up with time differences across the dimensions. It also means contacting her in an emergency can be tricky if she's out of Prime


    Abilities: (0+0+10+8+10+4=32pp)
    Str: 10 (+0)
    Dex: 10 (+0)
    Con: 20 (+5)
    Int: 18 (+4)
    Wis: 20 (+5)
    Cha: 14 (+2)


    Combat: (12+10=22 pp)
    Attack: +6, +12 Blast/Stun, +12 Telekinesis
    Grapple: +6, +34 Telekinesis
    Defense: +5/+9, +3 Flat-Footed
    Knockback: -0, -16 Force Field
    Initiative: +0


    Saving Throws: (5+0+11=16pp)
    Toughness: +19 (Impervious 12), +5 w/o Force Field
    Fort: +10 (+5 Con, +5)
    Reflex: +0 (+0 Dex, +0)
    Will: +16 (+5 Wis, +11)


    Skills: (76r = 19pp)
    Concentration 10 (+15)
    Intimidate 0 (+2)
    Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 20 (+24)
    Knowledge (Cosmology) 20 (+24)
    Knowledge (History) 0 (+4)
    Notice 10 (+15)
    Search 11 (+15)
    Sense Motive 5 (+10)


    Feats: (13pp)
    Benefit (Wealth)
    Dodge Focus x4
    Equipment 4 
    Quick Change 2


    Equipment: (20ep)


    Haunted Manor (HQ)

    Size: Large [2 ep], Toughness: 16 [5 ep], Features: Concealed, Combat Simulator, Computer System, Defense System, Fire Prevention System, Gym, Library, Living Space, Personnel (Ghosts), Pool, Security System, Power 2 (Super Movement)

    Power: Super Movement 1 (Dimensional: Void), Extra: Portal


    Powers: (3+29+12+68+7+3+1+1+9=133pp)

    Comprehend 3 (Training; Languages 3 [speak Any One/Understand All/Read & Write]; Power Feat: Innate; Drawback: Only Earth Languages) [3]

    Defensive Magics 14 (28 points; PF: Alternate Power) [29PP]

    • BEForce Field 14 (Extra: Impervious 12; PF: Selective, Subtle) {28/28}

      APInsubstantial 4 (Affected by Fire; Extra: Action [Reactive], Affect Others) {28/28}

    Immunity 12 (Aging, Life Support, Starvation/Thirst, Sleep) [12 pp]

    Magic Array 21 (Magic; 56 pp; PF: Alternate Power x 12) [68 pp]

    • BEBlast 16 (Eldritch Blast; Extra: Affects Corporeal; PFs: Accurate 6, Affect Insubstantial x 2) {56}

      APComprehend 8 (Animals 2, Codes 1, Electronics 2, Languages 4, Spirits 1; Extra: Affects Others, Area, Selective [40-ft. Burst]) {48}

      APConcealment 10 (Extra: Affects Others, Area, Duration: Concentration [50-ft. Burst]; PFs: Selective, Close Range) {52}

      APDamage 14 (Cataclysm; Extra: Affects Corporeal, Area [80-miles. Burst, General], Selective Attack; Flaw: Action [Full]; PFs: Affect Insubstantial 2, Progression x12) {56}

      APDimensional Pocket 7 (50 billion lbs; Extra: Duration [Continuous]; PFs: Progression x 20) {56}

      APESP 11 (2,000,000 miles, All Senses; Extra: Duration [sustained]; Flaw: Action [standard]; PFs: Dimensional, Rapid x10, Subtle) {56}

      APHeal 13 (Extras: Total, Affects Objects; PFs: Regrowth, Persistent) {54}

      APNullify Field 14 (40 Feet) (All Powers; Extras: Area [50-ft. Burst, General], Duration [Concentration]; Flaw: Range [Touch]; Drawbacks: Only Magical and Dimensional Descriptors -1) {55}

      APStun 16 (Extras: Affects Corporeal, Range [Ranged]; Flaw: Action [Full]; PFs: Accurate x 6, Affect Insubstantial x 2) {56}

      APSuper Movement 3 (Dimensional 3 [any]; Extras: Portal (+2); PF: Progression x 5 [250-ft. Portal]) {18}

      APSuper Senses [All Mental Senses: Accurate(4), Acute(2), Anlytical(2), Counters Concealment(2), Counters Illusion(2), Counters Obscure(5), Extended {Five Mile Increments}(5), Penetrates Concealment(4), Radius(2), Rapidx12{Search full area in normal time}(24), Tracking all-out(3)] {55}

      APTelekinesis 22 (Str 110; PFs: Accurate x6, Precise, Indirect, Subtle, Affects Insubstantial x2) {55}

      APTeleport 16 (nearby star systems; Extra: Accurate; PFs: Change Velocity, Easy, Progression x 4 [2,500 lbs] {54}

      APTeleport 13 (Extra: Portal (+2); PF: Progression x2 [25-ft. Portal]) {54}


    Regeneration 12 (Bruised 1/round, Injured 1/round, Staggered 1/20 Minutes, Disabled 1/5 Hours, Resurrection 1/week [unless burned]) (PFs: Regrowth) [9 pp]

    Super Movement 3 (Dimensional 3 [any]; PF: Alternate Power) [7 pp]

    APFlight 3 (50 MPH / 500 feet per Move action) [6pp]

    Super Senses [Magic Awareness(mental)] [3]
    Super Senses [Dimensional Awareness(mental)] [1]
    Super Senses [Mental; Ranged] [1]


    Drawbacks: (-3pp)

    Vulnerable (moderate/uncommon: fire) (-3pp)


    DC Block:

    Unarmed                           Melee               DC15/Toughness (Staged)    Bruise/Injury
    (Magic) Blast 13                  Ranged              28/Toughness (Staged)      Bruise/Injury
    Dimensional Pocket 6              Melee               16/Reflex                  Special
    Nullify (Dimensional) 10          Melee/Area Burst    20/Will                    Special
    Stun 13                           Ranged              23/Will (Staged)           Daze/Stun/Unconscious
    Telekinesis (Thrown Object) 18    Ranged              33/Toughness (Staged)      Bruise/Injury


    Costs: Abilities (32) + Combat (22) + Saves (16) + Skills (19) + Feats (13) + Powers (133) - Drawbacks (+3) = 232/250 Power Points


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