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Posts posted by alderwitch

  1. "Yeah, of course," Alex said quietly, looking up from Megan back to Erin with sad eyes. One didn't need to be psychic to see the end of the story and while there was no way to change the past, Alex might be able to soften the brunt of the dream at least.

    She unbuckled her seat-belt and slid from the jeep, landing on the toes of her sneakers. She glanced around the hospital entrance and stuffed her hands in the grimy pockets of her jeans with a grimace at the sensation of the fabric. Yay, tactile memories. Clearly, they couldn't make to much of a diversion as it might draw attention to Megan in the jeep. Alex didn't put a lot of hope that Megan would survive while they tried to find something to help inside. "What are we looking for? Morphine?"

    Alex picked up a discarded two-by-four that had come out of the wreckage of the hospital and hefted it tenatively.

  2. Alex began to doubt that even a big hospital would be able to cope with a catastrophe of this order and she suspected that Erin knew it as well so she didn't say anything. Her telepathic abilities were practically useless except for whole-sale manipulation of the dream itself. As this was all within Erin's head, short of changing the dream, she was limited to Erin's memory of her perceptions of the event. However, Alex still had her own personal knowledge. As she glanced around at the break down of society, she began to categorize her understanding of the world. Erin had mentioned a flu, which had clearly been both highly contagious and relatively lethal. The dead infront of the churches didn't surprise Alex, people often sought comfort from religion when science began to fail. The gathering at police stations, however, meant that there had been a physical threat as well. Bio-terrorism?

    The dead had been reduced to skeletons, but the animal activity made that data less useful. Alex's rough timeline based on the states of decomposition of the bodies, and the build up which meant an entire breakdown of the society in a very short period of time. Two to three weeks, maybe? Which placed the lethality of the virus at above ninety percent.

    Alex thanked Mike's love of horror movies that scared her stupid when she glanced at the wandering people. No sane person would be strolling about, not when so many clearly sought shelter, so... "...zombies?"

    The word came out in a squeak.

  3. Alex pursed her lips and gave the moaning bundle a consternated look. She had a feeling none of this was going to end well, let alone pleasantly. She hoped that Erin would wake up quickly but this wasn't really a dream fragment and her presence only seemed to solidify the dream's existance.

    "Oh, well, that makes sense." Alex replied, fiddling with the edge of her frayed shirt. "Well, if time's of the essence, we could try stopping along the way at like a clinic, maybe? Most people don't know that a lot of urgent care places have a small medical locker. They might not have been raided 'cause of that. I mean, just if we see one first."

  4. Alex glanced around, disoriented and confused, even as she tried to figure out where she was. It took her a few moments to realize that she'd sank herself into Erin's conciousness and internally Alex winced. She hadn't wandered into someone else's thoughts in years. She pushed the guilt aside and eased over to the seat to peer out the window, one hand pressed to the grimy surface. She took a moment to focus and change her pjs into something more world-appropriate. Alex had the strength of mind that she could have ripped herself out of the nightmare but not only would that have shattered this dream, it could have hurt Erin's vulnerable brain. Experience told Alex that the safest thing to do was to go along for the ride and appologize profusely in the morning.

    "Uhm, where are we going?" Alex asked after she'd gotten her bearings.

  5. Alex refrained from skipping, but she still stepped quickly in an attempt to keep up with Archeville.

    "I'm sorry," she appologized as she looked up at the adults, expecting that one of them would be the ones to knock on the door. Or let themselves in. It was an embassy after all. Perhaps that was proper proticol in the situation. Alex was content to follow in the doctor's wake as he clearly knew what the appropriate action was, "I didn't catch either of your names."

  6. Psyche frowned at the sudden silence, her head tilted to the side listening. She was about to reach for Seven's thoughts when the older girl's mental voice filtered through her mind once more. Her frown eased and she gave a small nod as she glanced around at the rainbow crystals littering the 'psychic' room. With a thought, she swept the glittering shards up and began to mold them together. The hands of her psychic avatar moved as the crystals whirled and floated around her, gathering slowly into a building pillar. Alex hesitated for a moment, before a shape began to emerge in the crystal structure.

    It took her a few minutes to build up the figure of a young woman, not much older than herself, but far more fit. The sculpture's short skirt was frozen mid flutter as she struck a pose, her expression fierce on her masked face. In her hands, she held a re-curved bow, arrow knocked, and the tip glittered wickedly sharp. Once the figure was formed from Alex's rudimentary memories of images of her mother's own youth, Alex stood up and circled it to examine her own work.

  7. Alex showed up to her rooms, later than usual as she'd stopped to help Mike in the common room with one of his assignments but she was quiet as she opened the door. Although Erin rarely slept, Alex was always careful to assume that her roommate might be sleeping any given night. For once, she was glad for the forethought, as Erin was already unconcious as she walked in the room. Alex went through the motions, throwing the bolt on their bedroom as she always did when she managed to be the last one home, kicked off her sneakers and settled in for about five minutes of meditation to center herself before she finished undressing and slipped into her own bunk.

    Usually, she spent more time centering her thoughts before bed, but the day had been a long one and she was tired enough that she went through only the bare minimum of her nightly routine before she crawled under her day-glo bed spread and snuggled down for the night.

  8. Alex tucked her hands behind her back, smiling cheerily as the conversation bubbled up around her. With the hiccups smoothed out, she was content to let other people carry the conversation.

    "I'm sure there are school dances. Except for the range of classes, we're as normal a boarding school as can be all things considering." She volunteered, "And a part of it certainly is the teachers trying to help you decide how best to use all your gifts. An' not just the supernatural ones. It's a really neat place!"

    Alex enthused about the school cheerfully, "Plus in addition to all the teachers, older students serve as RA's and mentors. And then if they can't find someone within the school that's got a similar power set, they use contacts with hero community.."

  9. Alex tilted her head at Mike, and her much softer mental tone whispered across their bond, He's the new kid here at the school and it sounds like his powers are relatively new. He just doesn't want to be, y'know, the wierd kid..

    As she'd taken the time to reply to Mike's question, it took her a few moments to reorient and then give a delighted smile, "Audio reception, too, neat! Bet you'll be a hit at school dances. We're actually all pretty new ourselves. The three of us started the same day right 'round Memorial Day, tho' Mike and I have been friends for ages. There are dorms here and Erin's my roommate. Mike's alone in his room but that'll probably change with the school year. We're all in the co-ed dorm this summer."

    At the end of that exhaustive yet informative data dump, Alex paused to draw breath and gesture in the vague direction of the dormitory.

  10. Alex reacted to his embarrassment quickly and reached out to put a hand on his arm, "Oh, please don't feel bad. All of us have a learning curve with our powers."

    She shrugged her thin shoulders in a quick gesture as she removed her hand with a smile, "Audio projection's a nifty talent, anyhow."

  11. Alex released the new kid's hand and took a step towards Mike, silently holding her stack of books out for him to take. They'd been friends so long that something would have been wierd if she hadn't just handed the heavy books to him. If the smile she'd turned on Eddie had been bright, the one she gave Mike was dazzling. "Guess what, I passed the entrance for the advanced language labs! I'm so sorry I was late, Erin. I just lost track of time talking to the teacher. I'm thinking Russian?"

    Her voice lilted up at the at the end, turning a statement into a question, before she replied to Eddie, hands now free, as she announced cheerfully, "Who doesn't like music? I have it on good authority that my taste is awful.."

  12. Alex was running late to meet her room-mate. As usual, she'd gotten so caught up talking to one of the campus's summer teachers that she'd lost all track of time. Which explained why the petite red-head was jogging pell-mell towards Erin and her new companion now. With her hair pulled back in to a high pony-tail, it had the effect of making her features even more prominent with wide hazel eyes dominanting her face. Today she'd chosen a pumpkin-orange long-sleeve t-shirt to go with her pegged jeans. That alone wouldn't have been quite so bad if it hadn't been paired with an open blue-checked button-down and sparkly green barrettes.

    Clutching her books to her chest, she was already appologizing before she took note of Eddie, "Erin, I'm so sorry! I lost track of time and-" She paused to take in Eddie and once she realized that she'd never met him before, she quickly shifted her books to one arm with a brief struggle and thrust out her hand with a beaming smile, "Hi, I'm Alex!"

  13. Psyche's mental blast had fired off almost automatically as her mind registered the threat and responded. On some level the younger girl had expected this level of the test as well as the rest and her brow was furrowed with concentration. She shifted to the side shaking off the effects of Seven's stun and brought her hands up to her temples as she focused her will to fire off a second blast at Seven. Psyche wasn't afraid to give this her all. She trusted in her teachers to create an appropriate environment and she trusted in her own knowledge of the lethality of the force she was using. Even if she did manage to hit Seven with the blast and have it affect her mental state, she knew she wasn't using lethal force.

  14. Psyche's cheeks glowed pink at the praise and although she'd never be conventionally pretty, her smile was bright enough to light up the mental room.

    She nodded, trying to sober and focus at Seven's words. Psyche promised earnestly, "I'll do my best."

  15. The Scarab nodded in acknowledgement. "Phantom."

    "I am as surprised as you are. The decision was not an easy one. I have been more discreet since my return, until now. My original team-building efforts are a matter of public record. The epic successes I enjoyed with the Freedom League were matched in scope only by my epic failures. I decided to change tactics this time, and part of that means offering a hand of friendship and some sage advice to the heroes and would-be heroes who need it most. The ones who still stand in the shadows. But the poor, the weak, the downtrodden and the oppressed...they deserve to know that one of their protectors has returned to them. And those who would prey upon them...it is time they knew fear once more."

    "Quite good. Mr. Danger spared no expense. I recommend the cannoli. He had it flown in from Italy this morning...fresh."

    Phantom nodded at the crimson hero's explanation.

    "Its good to know that Ace Danger still spares no expense when it comes to parties," Phantom's hollow tones were drier than usual and one hand stole up to the amulet at her throat as she remembered her great uncle's many and varied stories of the Danger family, "I'm afraid I will have to forgo the cannoli."

    She gestured down to her ephemeral body for explanation and glanced around the room once more. While she could eat, Phantom reflected, the fact that she didn't need to anymore completely through off her sense of portion control. It took more of her attention than she was wiling to spare tonight. "An odd gathering tonight. I can sense Grimmalkin across the room although I doubt she'd enjoy my presence. Its certianly an eclectic group of heroes.."

  16. Psyche's brow furrowed as she frowned and glanced down at her hands for a momet before she brightened, "Oh! Oh, I see. You've presented a scenario as a true false when my options are far broader."

    The petite teenager's face screwed up once more, this time in concentration as she accessed her stores of civic, "I find blanking his mind morally reprehinsable and a faulty solution. There's no assurance that his nature wouldn't make a ressurgance eventually anyways and that would certainly get him out of the crime as mentally unfit. Telepathic evidence is inadmissable in court but an annonymous tip isn't. I would scan his thoughts for the details of his actions and see if I can find potential wittnesses. If I cannot convince them to come to court, I will call in the tip myself. If he still gets free, I will keep survailance on him and when he acts make certain that this time there are no procedural lapses."

  17. Phantom was seconds behind Dark Star although her cloak unfolded to existance rather than streaking in from the sky. She hoped this matter could be settled with time enough to make it to her next class.

    She took the few seconds to orient herself on her surroundings. The eye of Heshem glittered from its place as the cloak's clasp as she lifted her fingertips from the amulet's surface.

    "I think that's quite enough of that for today." Phantom summoned bolts of dark energy to her hands and fixed her attention on the Captain as the other her seemed to be focused on the hulking brute with a weapon.

  18. Phantom shrugged her shoulders, sending the cloak rippling closed around her once more and did her best to answer the questions efficiently, "No one is able to do much while trapped inside. Scream, I suppose. Sometimes they whimper. They are mine until I chose to release them once more. Were you to join them, you would not see them or anything else save for the void. As I said, it is not a pleasant ride. It is intended to be used to deal with criminals."

    Other than a quelling glance, Phantom let the 'kinky' comment pass. Nor did she clarify that the actual portal was her body, not the cloak. The cloak was sadly a more comfortable explanation of the ability than the actual fact of the matter. "Were I to release one of them for questioning, it would have to be someplace secure and we would have to restrain the individual so that I could retrap him once more. I can keep them from using any dimensional travel abilities of their own if we do release one."

    Finally, she finished answering Avenger's questions as she turned her face up to him, "It teaches me nothing about them, to be honest. It takes no strength or even attention to hold them once contained. I imagine I could do it for an eternity if I had to although time passes at the same rate within as it does for me and they have no food or water."

  19. "Its, uhm, a meeting to gather and disseminate information, gain useful contacts, aquire a bit of experience from other, wiser individuals and hopefully aquire a bit of social poise," Alex recited helpfully, in fact verbatim, from what Mr. Summers had given her as reasons to go to this event. She turned pink again and clarified quickly, "Well, those are the reasons I was given for attending. Your mileage may vary?"

    She bent her head down to check her watch, "But we probably should be going in if we don't want to keep Mr. The Emmissary waiting."

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