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Posts posted by Cyroa

  1. James only took a step or two back from the sign before he stopped walking and looked at her. "Well, Chinese it is then. I know a place; excellent food, quiet and great service. I haven't been in a couple weeks but I'm sure they'll have a table for us." He quirked a smile at her and held one hand out to her. "Ready to go," he asked with a smile. He didn't bother reaching for his keys. After all, it wasn't like he drove much anymore. Just occasionally for fun really.

  2. Erin jump, energy blast flying every which way as the functional aliens tried blasting her out of the sky, and did a tactical withdrawal. Her sudden move caught them off guard and she landed safely in the foliage below. They could hear yelling FAR above them now as well as some movement down here with them (though it wasn't in their immediate vicinity).

  3. James shrugged, letting Phantom take care of stowing her not-husband in the Void. "There is a barrier between. But sooner or later, she might figure a way to bypass it. We can't let that happen." He nodded at her and the others. As soon as Not Jack was stowed, they needed to jump the Other Taylor fast. "So, the former heroes' still have any powers or do they only have the vamp repertoire to work with?"

  4. James gave a wry smile as he grabbed the body of the wrecked bot. "This should do for a wedge I think." He dragged it over to the doors and dropped it. For a wedge, he summoned the Blade and slammed it into the crack and pried. Once there was a gap, he dismissed it and jabbed his own finger in. He didn't use it much but his demonic powers made him pretty strong when he wished to be. He grimaced as he added his own strength to Erin and Mike's.

  5. Dark Star was still a bit...out of sorts. "Uh...yes. Though, uh, Ace, seems to, err, have...things well in, umm, hand. Kind of." He tried to get something a little more coherent out. "Ace has...distracted, yes distracted is a good description, the Keeper. Pretty much taken all his attention. Completely. Yes." Deciding there was little to no chance he was going to able to articulate the situation, he focused he power, creating a wormhole directly to the kissing pair!

  6. When she brushed right on by, he couldn't help but smile. Yeah, that's that I thought. "Well, let's make sure that kind of thing never happens again, ok?" He raised an eyebrow at her suggestion. "A party, here? Huh, never thought of that. I'll keep it in mind and ask around. Though, we're likely to have a few people up here at least semi-regularly if my idea works out." That was something he needed get working on too.

  7. James pushed off the console with a grin. "Uh huh. That's not a 'no' by the way," he said as he headed out of the room. "You could always just ask or tell me you know if you wanted to do something or had a problem with anything. Regardless of what it is." He wasn't too concerned either way. Still, he wasn't sure which possibility made him more uncomfortable. The fact that she was trying to maneuver around him and not fess up to it or the fact the entire ship could effectively be taken offline due to one tiny blown fuse thingie.

  8. James grinned at her and nodded, continuing to speak in Russian. "Thanks again for your help. And yeah, next time without dimensional breaching. It really gets in the way, you know?" He looked around at the melting snow; he'd speed that along as soon as she left. He doubted she'd want to be around when he cranked up the temperature. "Take care. If you need something, you've got my number. Nice to meet you too Lady."

  9. James nodded, reaching over console without looking away and tapped the activate key. She faded away in a flair of light and energy. "You're welcome," he said softly. He closed his eyes for a moment, focusing himself, before straightening up. There was still a lot to do and time was wasting. He did feel better though. Time would tell how it all played out but he was in a better mood at least than he'd been in a while.

    He looked up and smiled wryly at Persephone. "Mmhmm... Glad you approve. Now that she's gone, are you going to tell me you didn't engineer that little power loss bit?"

  10. The bird/lizard creature hissed in pain as the thing was clocked in the head by Midnight's attack. It had no idea where Trevor was though so it couldn't retaliate at all. The other group game to their senses, now that there were only two there, and did the smart thing of getting out. The 3rd group farther away watched with wary eyes/tenticles/feelers/etc. As the two teens bounced from one platform to another and creating clouds of mist. While the raiders couldn't see into the mists, they heard the sounds...and saw one poor fellow go flying up and out of the mists, totally unconscious.

    The leader of that smaller group, a short fellow who looked almost human except for the purple skin, tail and four eyes, did waste any time. He barked an order and 2 of the 'men' brought a couple large devices to bear. A moment later twin blazes of light launched themselves into the cloud at Erin and Trevor to land with explosive force!

  11. James nodded, keeping the smile on his face from long practice. In truth, he couldn't complain. He told her and she still wanted to be friends at least. That would be good enough. "I understand. Anytime you want, the invitation is there." He turned and started heading to one of the nearby transporter rooms. He kept quiet for the short walk down there, giving her the space she needed. A few minutes later, the doors swished open to the small room. He walked over to the console and reached over, tapping a few keys before turning leaning against it as he looked at her. "Everything else aside, it was great hanging out with you. Give me a ring when you want to do it again, wherever."

  12. James threw himself to one side, using one of the Centuritrons as cover. The blast completely passed him by thanks to the tough robots. It was a good thing Rifts managed to get control of them too since the thing could do all manner of harm to him standing this close. He stepped back, looking over to make sure Erin and the others were fine, not that he was worried. His friends had to be some of the toughest people on the planet considering what they went through regularly. He grinned at Chris. "Since when we we every have plans that amount to more than 'get em'? Though, in our defense, that usually works quite well for us," he said with a grin.

    He nodded at Alex. "Ok then." He didn't know much about this Zone but it was obviously not something a bunch of supervillains should be playing with. "Let's go have some fun."

  13. Megalodon tooking his beat pretty well. Despite the multiple hits and impacts, he was still struggling to stay focused. Unfortunately, said beating was making it too hard to focus. It was all he could do to stay in the fight. His sharky minions however acted in concert to protect their master. As one, they rushed forward and began to pummel the scantily clad goddess off their master! Together they were hitting hard enough to tear a tank to shreds...

  14. James resisted the urge to wince or leave or any one of a dozen things. That had to have been one of the hardest things he's ever had to say, despite its truths. He shook his head and smiled. "Not at all. I'm always up for hanging. We'll have to find a good regular time too. Besides the impromptu stuff. And you've got my number if you need to just hang out, blow off steam, play games or whatever." No matter what else or how he felt, that was never going to change. He grinned suddenly. "Which reminds me. The ship has a pretty cool training room. Solid illusions and all sorts of techie stuff that I don't understand. How does Mario Kart Live sound to you? I've had that a couple others made into full sized versions, just for fun."

  15. James nodded in understanding as he watched her. It still wrenched at his guts, even knowing it was coming, as he listened. "You're wound up rather tight, that's certainly true. As I think we've both mentioned in the past, neither of us is that great at certain things; opening up and relying on other being high on the list. I'm glad you trusted me enough to finally tell me, even though there was a really bad day to cause it. Our close friendship is something I value more than almost anything." He gave a little smile, hating the next words. "You're going to keep hanging out with him. Having fun, relaxing and spending time with him. When you're ready for more than that, you'll know and it will just happen. Just relax and live life a little. One day at a time and all that. You'll get there when you get there, right?" he said with a quirky little smile on his face.

  16. using

    Strike 12 (Extras: Penetrating x3; PFs: Accurate x3, Affects Insubstantial 2) [20PP] link with Drain Toughness 8 (Extra: Affects Objects) [16PP] (The Black Blade)


    attacking Mega (1d20+10=30)

    So a DC32 toughness and a 23 fortitude

    HP to surge

    take 2 w/ Surge (1d20+10=22)

    That hits too

    For a DC 27 toughness and a 18 fortitude

    Mega's rolls:

    toughness 1 (1d20+12=20)

    fails by 12...

    fort 1 (1d20+10=21)

    fails by 2... his toughness drops by _8_ to a +4.... heh

    Ok...I'm Fiating that one, giving Hellion an HP (so he's still even) otherwise the big baddy will drop in one rnd.

    tough 2 (1d20+12=19)

    fails by 8....so Bruised and Stunned.

    fort 2 (1d20+10=18)

    safe ;)

    So, to be clear, he's Bruised and Stunned and has no currently loss to his Toughness. James is still at starting HPs.


    He blinked as Moira was almost instantly covered in a sharkman pig pile. James leaped forward, summing the Blade in mid-air. He stabbed downward as he landed; roaring as he drove the blade into Megalodon with a satisfying thunk. Even as he landed he was swinging into the pile of mutated sharkmen once more. It might take some fishing, but he'd hack his way to Moira in a moment! "Excuse me! Make way! Coming through! Stop crowding the hottie people!"

  18. The massive creature lurched to one side, causing Divine's punch to just miss it. Roaring, it brought it's powerful arms up and swiped at her with it's sharky claws. The minions responded instantly as well. Working like a well organized group of...well sharks, they lunged for her, aiding each other! Teeth and claws flashed in the sun as they tried to bring the avatar in a bikini top down!

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