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Posts posted by Cyroa

  1. It is? didn't think it was that massive... His dodge was an 8 before. Just increasing his toughness to max.

    The idea behind the char is he's very "physically" tough since he's all energy/living gravity well by not quick/agile/combat trained. Hence leaving his Shield/Dodge maxed at 8.

    But if that isn't acceptable, I'm happy to change it. Certainly have tons of things I could use the points on! ;)

  2. Dark Star watched the holograms and frowned. This 'Captain' had hurt innocents? Why exactly was he prancing around here and not under arrest somewhere? He noted the Captains words and felt guilty for a moment...he could heal quite a few people with proper application of radiation. DS made a mental note to visit the hospital after this and, at the very least, heal the woman injured by this buffon's actions. And make arrangements to work with the doctors to help others.

    He scowled (not that one could tell) and narrowed his white eyes at the Captain's back as he faded back into view. This man was defintely a threat to innocent people. And as soon as the Doctor gave the word, this 'Captain' was going to jail to pay for his crimes.

  3. Dark Star uncurled from his 'sitting' position, not that it mattered floating near the ceiling. He faded from view as to not spook any of the audience if they looked his way. The muscle-bound moron seemed to be threatening a poor security guard with what looked to be a rather massive looking cannon of some sort. He was about to speak up and possibly take action despite his reluctance to intrude on the Doctor's territory but the Doctor seemed to have it well in hand. Still, just the same, Dark Star remained ready. He didn't trust this newcomer act in the public's best interest. He'd be ready to intervene if something happened.

  4. So...It's been a month and I haven't spent my experience points (swiss cheese brain). I got 5...

    I'd like to:

    Increase Will save to +11 (1pp) (a total of +11)

    Increase Protection (Impervious) to +8 (4pp) (a total of +12, 8 being impervious)

    Brings his tradeoffs to -2 / +2 for both attack and defense I believe.

    Done by MBCE

  5. Dark Star nodded to everyone as the introductions were made. "I don't know anything about vampires, monsters, mystical things and whatnot. More science oriented I suppose. But if you know where such an object is that would help, I can just zip over and back with it. Assuming it's not more than a couple dozen lightyears from here, it shouldn't take me more than a few minutes." He shrugged. "But even if we have nothing like that, if this thing is a danger like Avenger says, then it must be stopped. Preferably before these people bring it back. Of course I'm in. No question or hesitation."

  6. Dark Star blinked as Quark seemed to ask him something and then shoot at him. He had no idea what that was about! But since it missed and there were other things to consider, he turned back to those with the guns. And then he blinked again as he was hit multiple times despite his shields. The little energy pistols didn't bother him at all, but that larger rifle actually stung even though he wasn't seriously injured by it. It seemed the seemed the villains had made their choice and it wasn't to come along quietly.

    He noted the Doctor's movement and grabbing the device by one of the two groups at the benches before flying out the slightly opened hangar doors. There were more debarking from the spaceplane and heading towards himself and Quark, but those 5 in front were more immediately dangerous. He reached out altered the gravity all around, targeting only the villains. The Gravity went from 1G to many times that, pinning the 5 attackers and any of the others that approached to the ground though he was careful to not crush the life out of them.

    The Doctor snatched the bomb up and almost instantly, many of the characters and lights on the device started flashing and an insistent beeping was emitted as well...

  7. He nodded. "Eventually they will. Or if more immediacy is needed, he can be brought home quicker that way." He chuckled as she tried to hand him the paper. "Understandable." He read the address. "Very well, I'll meet you there shortly."

    He gestured, telekineticly lifting the body and floated it next time him. Nodding to her, he slowly rose until he was a safer distance. Once clear, he accelerated to maximum speed, towing the body behind, breaking orbit in moments. He headed out-system for a couple minutes and got his bearings. Once set, he gave the body a big push towards home. "We commend you body to the deep. Rest in peace." There might not be anyone around, but it still felt right to at least say something.

    With a final look, he turned and flashed back towards Earth. Getting to the city took only a few moments. Finding the actual address took several more minutes and he did so concealed. He had no idea of her identity, though giving him her address was a sign of trust. He would not endanger that by flying around to be seen by all. He moved through the door and extended his senses through the wall to make sure he wasn't going to surprise someone when he became visible. After that, he would simply have to wait.

  8. DS shook his head. "Burial in space is quite respectful and numerous cultures out there do so. Kind of like the old sailors did. Burial at sea." He paused. "I'm somewhat nervous about burying him here. What if someone noticed the ship and the energy and eventually comes looking? I would not want anyone to dig up and disturb the body." He paused again. "Honestly, I was going to bring it out there and set it on a course towards their home system. If 'his' people have specific rites, it can be easily retrieved. If not, then burial in space will do quite well."

  9. He nodded as she came in. "Greetings Divine! Long time no see. Get any sleep?" He had gotten to know the women pretty well during their adventure and trip. It might have been a short trip, relatively speaking, but it had been eventful. He knew she didn't necessarily need sleep but she might have. He had only slept once in a while over the last few years, just for the fun of dreaming really....


    "So you know Avenger too huh?"

  10. "Ah...I was thinking of simply flying you but keeping your identity secret is more important. Why don't I drop you at the edge of the city? Or you can walk back from here I suppose. I'll take the remains up for a space burial, so to speak. I'll meet you wherever as soon as you get whatever it is you need." He didn't know the burial rites for the species but carrying the corpse seemed a bit...excessive to him. Though if it was a problem, he could always return it to his people at a later date.

  11. DS waited patiently inside the house and finally was rewarded with the arrival of several individuals. The first was unknown to him, but the second he knew quite well. After all, he had just dropped her off this morning, VERY early, after their travels through space. He had expected to see her again of course; he had promised her more sight-seeing if she wanted. He just hadn't expected it to be so soon.

    When the door opened by itself, he raised an eyebrow, wondering if it was Avenger somehow sneaking in. He focused and managed to see Scarab as she flew through the door. He allowed himself to become visible after she entered, knowing for certain she was here for the same purpose. "Good evening Scarab. Do we know what we're facing and who else is coming?"

  12. He nodded her. "I can wait for you here or simply transport you to where you need to go in a few short moments. I am at your disposal for getting you there. We'll go whenever you like. Once we're done and this is taken care of, we can make a few stops on the return trip home if you wish. Trips into space, especially your first, can be a fascinating experience."

  13. Dark Star glanced over as the 'preening' man swaggered on in with his own cheering section apparently. How very odd... Whoever he was, he certainly seemed full of himself. And rude. Very rude really.

    Dark Star nodded to himself as the well meaning citizen with overseas accent in the crowd stood up and expressed what was likely a general concensus. DS couldn't agree more. The new comer certainly was detracting from the lecture everyone had come to hear. He had no idea who the guy was but he was certainly no threat to the Doctor, except for maybe ruining the lecture.

    DS had no intention of interfereing. He'd already had such a 'poaching' incident happen in the brief time he'd been back and he didn't want to step on the Doctor's toes. It was his show after all. But a little show of support and solidarity wouldn't be bad either, he thought as he nodded to himself. Still hovering near the ceiling at the back of the room, he allowed himself to become visible. Anyone looking would easily see him as he nodded to the good Doctor. Though given the egomaniac was staring at the Doctor, DS doubted he'd even notice.

  14. It is approximately 4 feet long and maybe a foot and a half in diameter. Looks like it had been 4 seperate pieces before assembled. It is currently sitting on the workbench, surrounded by the 4 figures. Obviously, you won't know any weights. But it _is_ armed by your action.

  15. Ah, cool! Thanks again DA!

    Dark Star resist the attack: 1d20+10=27 (I'm at work and can't recall my password for the site ;) )

    editting the post shortly

    wasn't sure if I should put this in the IC or not since you haven't gone yet but here's the info:

    DA: With the Doctor's extensive knowledge, it looks like the group he is hovering over is working on some kind of bomb or explosive device. A strange design, not looking like exactly like a standard explosive but it definitely has that "I'm a bomb" kind of feel to it. It looks like they just finished loading something into the case and are now sealing it up. One of them reaches over an activates the device, causing strange symbols to appear (not a language you know or are familiar with) and lights light up.

  16. The pistols are devices (Blast 5). The rifles are blast 8.

    But Insub 3 doesn't protect me from like energy guns though I thought? What does a crit normally do? (DS is immune to crit hits I believe so don't think it matters.) The pistols don't bother him as he has Impen 6.

    How do you know they miss or hit? Still learning all this. Gotta understand the bruised and HP stuff too.

  17. The various masked figures around the space plane quickly moved down and spread out to take up good firing positions, readying their weapons. The two other groups redoubled their efforts with...whatever they were working on. It was the ones up front that posed something of a problem two Dark Star and the newly arrived Quark. Especially since they were only about 10 feet away from the two heroes.

    One of the five turned his pistol and shot at Quark despite the fact that Quark has seemed to attack Dark Star and missed. The rest of the 5 five standing guard immediately turned their weapons on Dark Star and fired. The pistol impacts didn't seem to bother either of the heroes. The larger rifle beam slammed into Dark Star's form but did little but cause the insubstantial hero to blink in surprise.

  18. In high orbit around the Earth, Dark Star fiddled with the satellite, nudging it into exactly the right orbit. It was a minor thing for the SCC just sending up a repair board for the thing. He had just started doing favors for them and they hadn't had anything major for him yet. This was just a minor repair and one that would have likely waited until the next shuttle mission. But it was only a few minutes worth of work for him.

    He lifted his head as Scarab's voice echoed in his mind. He wasn't sure if she was still reading him but he gave a mental affirmation. Just finishing up here. I'll be there shortly. And shortly for him was only a few moments given the minimal distance he needed to go. He finished the satellite, nodded to himself and turned back toward Earth.

    Making sure his powers were fully concealing him, he flashed forward and down towards Freedom City. Getting to the general area took no ime at all. Finding the right house took him several long minutes. He floated down and sank through the house, to wait hidden and concealed off to one side as he looked for whoever was arriving. Not Avenger of course. Dark Star had about as much chance of seeing the Avenger arrive as Dark Star had of eating a cupcake in his current form.

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