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Avenger Assembled

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Posts posted by Avenger Assembled

  1. Sea Devil leaped again, a blur of motion that belied her gangly posture, and landed behind the abomination. With a bellow loud enough to stun a codfish, she used her trident not to stab but to grab, catching the monster by the throat with the side of the shaft and pulling it tight against her armored chest. This is for the dog! she thought defiantly before she called to the others a sentence that was both invitation and warning "I - can't - hold - it!" She hoped they would kill it. As much as she hated the thing for killing the dog, when she thought about a beast like this trapped in a cage above - well, there were things far more frightening than death. 

  2. Neko Musume 


    Wondering if she would ever be free of war, Neko made a declaration, holding her lunar necklace high. "<He comes! Gashi gashi HE COMES!>" 


    That was the thing about war, you see. Wars make people dead, and the dead remember. Power crackled from her necklace and across her body, then into the air, taking an unholy form as the air around them rattled with the groans and cries of the unquiet dead - of which there were now a great many. Was Bernadette's soul among them? It was hard to tell. Still standing by the manhole cover she and Owain had pulled open for the benefit of any fleeing refugees, Neko laughed in a high kekekeke sound as a gigantic, building-sized skeleton formed above her, its bones dripping with rotting flesh, its teeth rattling in its gigantic head. 


    "<Give me flesh!>" it bellowed in Japanese, towering as high as the nearby wrecked buildings, the biggest moving thing visible to anyone. Familiar with this plan, Owain went on the defense, running around and around Neko in an anxious circle. 

  3. Neko stunts the following effect: 

    Summon Minion 8 (gashadokuro, Extra: Duration [Continuous]) and spends a fatigue to cancel the effect. 




    Here's a build for it if you like - if you don't like this, just say it's a PL 8 powerhouse with max tradeoffs for Damage and Toughness. (I have no strong feelings either way.) 


    It goes on 10 = https://orokos.com/roll/1011944


    Copper Knight prepares to interpose - or at least block, any effects the drones pull towards Neko. 



  4. Neko Musume 


    Neko closed her eyes against the grenade's flare and weaved her way through the British patrol's hail of bullets - no, she blinked away the flash of light from Esquire and dodged the blasts of the drones, unhurt by either but growing tired, so very tired. Abandoning Esquire with a sneer of contempt, she rose to her feet and walked towards Hotshot's fallen form, dodging the shots that came her way from the hovering robots even as the twins destroyed them. Lawrence was doing very well, the twins were doing very well - but if more allies came, they were going to die here in the jungle, and meet an unspeakable fate at the hands of the - 


    of the supervillains. 


    She asked a question in Japanese, her voice a growl that seemed deeper than her small frame should have been capable of,  then shook her head and went on in English. "Once I crouched at Crimson Katana's left hand." She walked right up to Hotshot, studied him briefly, and then hit a big red button she spotted under his armpit. She'd guessed right with her knowledge of the technology of this era and the man's armor partially retracted, showing an all-too-human face. She reached up behind her head and pulled out a long metal chopstick, her white and brown hair falling loose behind her. 


    She put it directly over his face, right above his eye, her palm ready to push. "I want to talk diplomacy. I want to talk to the one in charge. Ten." 

    As loudly as she could, she thought at the twins: 

    "Find mission control! Find the one controlling the drones!" 

  5. Okay, you've been waiting long enough here: 

    Sea Devil stunts Super-Strength 5 off the Flight in her armor (HP to cancel fatigue for that) 

    She hits the creature and initiates a grapple: 

    https://orokos.com/roll/1011361 23, which I think hits. 

    Grapple: 31, that's pretty pathetic 

    HP for a reroll 

    https://orokos.com/roll/1011363 40! That's more like it! 


    Okay she's down two HP, but I think she's got that vampire in her clutches. 

  6. Boal boomed orders to the rest of the tribe, producing a clatter of squatting and leaping and hopping as the Deep Ones took up positions around the sides of the rig. Under Sea Devil's watchful eye, they armed themselves but did not seem to be preparing an attack; instead lurking in the shadows of the rig and its underbelly, taking shelter in the darkness and deep waters that were their home. Most of the tribe it seemed was still below, waiting. Their weapons were mostly spears and knives, wrought iron weapons that they licked or rubbed against their bodies, seeming satisfied to wait and watch. "Everything will be fine," croaked Aquaria hopefully, her grip tightening around her trident. "Atlanteans are friends to Surface-Men!



    The Atlantean craft resembled nothing more than an Art Deco speedboat, albeit one with a retractable roof. Some half-dozen warriors were crouched on it, armored in the orange-bronze metal of Atlanteans. They looked vaguely Romanesque, armored and bearing swords and spears. At the approach of Michael and Daniel, one of the Atlanteans flew off the top of the deck to greet them. 


    Barefoot and less armored than his troops, he hovered in the air, arms folded, an imperious look on his face despite the way he zipped around like a hummingbird. "Greetings, drylanders. I am General Dalekos of the Atlantean Imperial Guard." He eyed the teens, then said, "Your presence is unexpected. What brings you to our waters?" 

  7. "You were a fool to come here," Neko informed the man of fire, slashing at the air with her fingernails, her mind finding purchase on whoever was inside. "You feel that?" she taunted him as she strode forward, right to where the blind, deaf, insensate Esquire was cowering like a whipped dog despite his ravings. "Right through your suit to the meat within."


    She was sweating in the heat, muscles straining, as she took up a position all but straddling Esquire. She laughed, a distinct kekekeke sound, and asked, "What did you think you found here? Prey?!" 

    She smiled, showing pointed teeth, and said, "Do you think you can hit me without hitting him?" she asked as she put Esquire between herself and Hotshot. "What do you think he will smell like? Like Bri-ti-sh pork, burning?"


    She blinked her eyes and smelled the village burning, heard the screams of the dying as the soldiers -


    She peeked out from behind the much larger man, exposing an ear and single yellow eye. "Come and see," she taunted. 

  8. "Hey assholes, here's a present from Uncle Sam!" The Patriot didn't normally talk this way, but she had just been knocked on her goddamned ass by some sort of goddamned space crap and she was having a bad day anyway. Flat on her back, she snapped two grenades loose from her belt and hurled them at the middle of the group of alien soldiers, smiling sharply at the muffled report of carefully balanced ultrasonic charges. The men, and a few women, it looked like (she couldn't really tell and they weren't necessarily her type) dropped like ninepins. 


    Drawing her pistols as she rose to her feet, she called "Hey Ghost! I've got an idea for we can end this! You still here?" 

  9. Fire! 


    Like all Deep Ones, Aquaria had a deep suspicion of the hot glowing stuff, and knew how closely you had to watch it even to cook or dry meat. And now this, a whole building alight? There was a time she once would have fled - or perhaps run headlong into what might have been a trap. But no longer. Even with most of her friends far away on the other side of the world, she was never alone. Not as long as she could hear the song. Raising her trident, she struck it against her armored torso and produced a jet of black abyssal water, cold and salty, so powerfully holy that even she couldn't stand the strong touch of the stuff for long. Drawing on her years of disaster help with Project Freedom, she aimed the water where it could do the most good, seeking to smother the blaze in the purest touch of Hydra's ocean before she ventured inside. That it would make things easier when the others arrived; that was good too. 

  10. Neko Musume turned and stared at the man dressed as a Katanarchist, acutely aware of the blade that had missed her spine by inches. She stalked forward, not away, the metal of the catwalk ringing beneath her steps. The social media influencer, the rock band marketer, the genki girl - all fell away as she stared at the vision from her past. "<Look at me. Look at me, Katana's dog!>" she hissed as flaming horns rose above her head, topped by a flaming crown. Her perky outfit seemed to burn away in fire, revealing a long-sleeved sailor fuku beneath like an old-fashioned schoolgirl's outfit.


    Her ears twitched atop her head, her yellow eyes glared wide, her mouth was all pointed teeth. This was the devil catgirl who had served along Katana, the one in all the wartime propaganda, the one in the archives of the Green Dragon Society. She seemed to have two tails, lashing with unrestrained fury. She reached above her head and seemed to produce from nowhere a burning naginata, flame crackling from its tip and along its shaft, which she held weightlessly, pointed straight out at the Katanarchist. "<You know me? You know I won't miss!>"  

  11. Somewhere close to Esquire, a woman stumbled out of the brush and landed at his feet. She might have been pretty, once, with dark hair and striking green eyes, in clothing that marked her as one of the natives of the area. But something had happened to her, something terrible - and unholy. Blood dripped from gaping wounds in her face and abdomen, wounds so deep that Esquire could see bone and muscle beneath, and her guts churned and writhed with a foul, wretched movement that came from within. 


    "They're here. The devils are here," she said before screaming in mortal, living agony as unholy things tore their way free from her abdomen in a shower of stinking gore, burning, shrieking fiends that revealed themselves as a horde of demonic, burning cats that overwhelmed the senses of every human there save the young heroes, so even if mechanical voices tried to tell them otherwise, all they could hear and see and know was the howling of the living dead. 


    Neko Musume, a nekomata in a forest, stood amid the chaos visible only to her enemies and smiled. For the first time, her friends could see clearly that her teeth were very sharp. "kekeke..." 

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