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Posts posted by Kavos

  1. Would it be possible to create a custom side effect flaw?

    What I'm specifically looking at is, A character has the Alternate form power (unreliable to turn on), And I wanted to add a bit more depth to it and it seem's appropriate for the character, So I was thinking of Adding a flaw that every time the power is turned off, the character suffers the effects of the Pain power from UP. (think of it as psychosomatic feedback) The character can make a will save against the Pain effect DC 10 + Alternate form rank) But with the AF rank being relatively high I'd be almost imposable to make the save. (In which case to save him falling unconscious every time he de-powered the Pain effect may be limited to the Dazed or possible the stunned condition?)

    On a failed save, I'd go with the base save interval of 1 minuet until the pain stops (seeing as no one is maintaining it.)

    If that is fine, than how much of a flaw would that be? -1/-2 more?

  2. Just wondering, Is the Tiring and Unreliable (check required) flaw on Alternate form considered a Flaw or a drawback here? (I ask due to the fact that both of them are similar to the Action flaw (by which I mean both are only applicable at the start and end of combat) which is considered a drawback for alternate form here.

  3. Gwen's left eyebrow raised ever-so-slightly before her face quickly became as cold as it had been before. She turned to look at Will expectantly, It was obvious that if this didn't work out he would be in trouble.

    "I suppose it might be possible to add a minor enchantment to the item's for ye?" Will said, "So anyone using non-magical means wouldn't be able to tell the difference from a fake to an authentic, but a half decent magic user would be able to discover the deception. I'm afraid that's the best we could do without Violation..." Will began to say before a stern look from Gwen cut him of.

    "So, do we have a deal or should I take this little device over to that nice little antique store a few blocks down?" Gwen said sharply.

    Meanwhile Sirius at this stage had picked up more interest in the conversation. He wasn't sure what Will was talking about, but He figured he should find out, assuming this went well and his mother didn't roast him over it if it didn't.

  4. "Hey, less talk about my mystical b.o. and more with the portal detection, foxy!"

    Ember chuckles again, He hadn't thought of it that way.

    "Wow. Ever see Princess Mononoke? Definitly getting a strong Miyazaki vibe here..."

    "I'm sorry I don't know that one, But than who know's as far as I know the entity that gives me my power is several hundred if not thousand years old." Ember says somewhat absently, not really listening to what he was saying.

    His nose sniffed the air again, "Something smells funny." He says before handing Lynn his shirt and shoes and than gets down on all fours. "Magic.....Old... very old..." He mutters to himself as he begins to wonder about the area, his nose to the ground.

  5. "Are you kidding, that was awesome! The crunchy bone noises were kinda gross and disturbing, but other than that, two thumbs way up!"

    "Alright, you're gonna have to come out of there someday, dude; just rip the Band-Aid off already and strut your funky stuff."

    Ember looks at Lynn, "Your a very strange person you know that?" Ember says before stepping out into the light.

    Now rather than the human Lynn had met in the book store, but rather a humanoid Fox stood in his place. Red fur covers the majority of his body, white patcher's highlighting placers like his stomach and his nose, while Black patcher's highlighted the tips of his fingers and tail, as well as some marking's on his face and nose.

    The most out-of-place marking however was the black patch of fur that Lynn had seen glowing a few moments ago, around his shoulders and on his chest.

    Placing his shit over his shoulder and picking up his shoes Ember began to sniff the air... "Hehe, I was right, you do have the smell of magic." Ember chuckled to himself.

  6. Sirius gives a small sigh of resignation. "You may want to stand back a little bit." Sirius says trying to get Lynn of his arm. "I err don't want to hurt you or anything." He adds.

    once she lets go, Sirius takes a step away from her. "Please don't be alarmed..." He says to her as he steps into the shadows, unbuttoning his shit as he goes.

    Suddenly out of the darkness a fiery symbol appears, glowing as brightly as the sun and yet giving of no illumination. Despite the lack of illumination it was clear that it was coming from Sirius's chest and shoulders. Like massive wings stretching around his shoulders and ending in a tip on his chest.

    Than the sound of cracking bones could be heard, each one sounding as painful as the next. Although it was difficult to see, it was clear Sirius was in pain.

    But before you could do anything Sirius turned his back to you, the elaborate wings that were on his shoulders and chest gave way to an intricate Celtic tattoo, the wings joining up into a large triangle that sat in between Sirius shoulderblades.

    In the very center of the triangle sat what appeared to be a Fox head It's eyes glowing brighter than the rest of the tattoo. Than without warning flames erupted from it's eyes engulfing Sirius and lighting up the dark passage way. For the quickest of seconds the flames almost appeared to take shape of a massive Fox head above Sirius, but it and the flames were gone in a single blink of the eyes.

    As eyes adjusted to the darkness again two fiery red eyes stared back at Lynn, "Please don't be afraid..." came a whimper, The voice was higher pitched than Sirius, and more gutty, but at the same time there was still a hint of Sirius voice...

  7. Ember Paw & Jos Terhune. Tuesday morning (Sept 30th, around 8:00am), day of the Delivery at Pier 18. Jos's Home/Shoppe, Riverside, Downtown Freedom.

    Sirius turns to face Jos, "Good morning to you too?" Sirius says casually as he ignored the gut wrenching emotion. It wasn't like he didn't know this talk was coming... Sirius looks at Jos with an innocent smile, playing Ignorant of the fact that he knew perfectly well what this conversation was going to be about...

  8. background wise what that means, is that the device is capable of teleporting an item back to the Fox grove artificers who can than "age" the item, but It's not normally something they do, so there is a chance (especially with magical items) that they may accidentally brake it. As I said before, this is more or less just a plot device, and an excuse for your shop to never run out of goods :P

  9. Gwen looks to William awaiting his answer. Will thinks for a moment before responding, "Technically you can order anything you like to appear however you like.... I suppose it would be passable to scan in an existing item and have it refurbished to look old... for a fee and some time of course." Will answers, scratching his chin in thought. "However I should add that the system was not designed for that, and so we hold no responsability if the Item in question is destroyed by accident." Will adds. "It would also only be a cosmetic change any formal study into the item would still reveal it's true age."

    Thinking for a second longer Will grabs the small disks and moves away. Turning his back to the group, Will begins to fuss with the device.

    "As we said before, there are limitations to this deal. There are some things that it will not make for one reason or another. We also hold no responsability to the Item as soon as it is within your possession. Any Harm that comes from a requested item will be your responsability." Gwen Says, pulling out a rolled up piece of parchment.

    Unfolding it, she places it on the table. "This outlines everything that has been said, and the terms of our agreement." Gwen says as she pulls out an old style quill. "If you agree to these terms sign here." Indicating to one of the four blank lines on the parchment.

    Will suddenly regions the group, as he places a small device back into a pocket in his shirt. Placing the disk back on the desk, "I've added to the menu a refurbishment option, Simply place the object you want to be refurbished on the disk, activated the scan function, and than select refurbish and the type of refurbishment you want. It will than teleport the Item away, after you agree to the payment and once done it will be teleported back...It also has a warning that we hold no responsability if something were to happen to the object." Will says taking a step back.

  10. Sirius smiles at her attempt to comfort him. "That we are." he says quietly only a subtle hint of humor in his voice.

    Arriving at the alleyway Sirius is taken aback. "Wow I didn't think places like this existed in America." Sirius says as he squeezes Lynns hand in comfort.

    Looking at Lynn, "So ah? do you have any idea, any sort of feeling as to were the portal is?" Sirius asks, "Or... should I see if I can find it?" Sirius asks somewhat reluctantly.

  11. Taking lynns hand Sirius shakes it, "Deal." he says returning to his normal demeanor. "It's ah, just a side of me that I don't share that often." Sirius says quietly, obviously embarrass about his little outburst.

  12. "So I dunno, kinda scope it out, see if I get any weird tinglies walking around the spot; why, do you know a spell or something?"

    "Ah I don't believe I have anything like that." Sirius says as he thinks over things... "Although... I don't know... however.... no no it wouldn't.... hmm I might have something that may help." Sirius finally decided "But you wouldn't be able to tell ANYONE what you see..." Sirius suddenly adds with none of his usual bravo, In fact for the slightest of seconds he almost sounded like his mother...

  13. "Oh yeah sure, that'd be cool. Do you live in Riverside? 'Cause if you do, we might be neighbors in a month or so."

    Sirius chuckles slightly, "My living arrangements are a tad more complicated..." Sirius says, avoiding the question. Telling Lynn about magic was one thing, telling her about the Inter dimensional Mansion his mother owns... was another thing entirely.

    "Soo... what were your thought's when we reach this ally?" Sirius questioned.

  14. Sirius chuckles as he places his card away and follows Lynn. "Well If you ever need to chat or anything, you can find me most workdays at Jos antiques store in Riverside." Sirius comments. "I err mean it might be interesting, If you turn out to be some kinda fey and I turn out to be a Kitsune, I mean It'd be interesting to compare notes and what not." Sirius says his cheeks going red again with embarrassment.

  15. Sirius laughs as he follows along with Lynn. "You do realize we look like two idiots." Sirius chuckled, "But at least were happy idiots." He added.

    "You know I'll probably get grounded for that little stunt back there with mother... and before you say it, I did have my own apartment, than she came over and well ruined my nice little Bachelor lifestyle." Sirius said, still smiling from the song. "what about you?"

  16. "Pwhahahahaha! Oh my god, dude, your mother's terrifying! How do you not pee your pants every time she says 'good morning'? Oh man!"

    Sirius sighs as if recalling an old memory. "She wasn't always like that. When I was young she was the coolest. She was always tough, but since Dad died her harts became colder than the deepest depths of space." Sirius said, Thinking back on memories of his childhood.

    "She also didn't look like that either. After Dad died she changed, each day she became older and older until she stopped and now she looks like she should be my grandmother not my mother."

    "But the past is the past. Sure a rail is fine with me, I think I still have a pass." Sirius says as he fidgets around his wallet for a second he pulls out a well used FCTC. "Don't have a car, and while I can get around fairly fast on foot, It was easer to use the rail."

    "I believe the nearest stop is that way." Sirius says pointing down the street. "Shall we?"

  17. "you wanna come, too? Or y'know, at least walk me to the portal thing?"

    Sirius quickly leaps out of his seat as Lynn finishes her sentence. "Sure, why not, love too, lets go! Later ma." Sirius say's rather quickly, grabbing Lynns arm as he makes a beeline for the exit.

    Once outside Sirius lets go of Lynns arm, "Ah sorry about that." Sirius say's applologising for rushing her out. "So err which way?"

  18. "Did you sign off on anything? Shake his hand, sign something?" Gwen asked, eying Sirius off.

    Sirius shook his head, "No we only discussed it, nothing formal." Sirius said his gaze avoiding his mothers.

    "Then no, you do not have a contract with my son miss Epstein." Gwen said folding her arms in her lap. "However, as you said nothing in the realms of magic is free." Gwen said, he cold stare returning to Lynn. "In return for the information and...."

    "Ah ma, she did help me discover a new little trick with my powers..." Sirius quickly interrupted.

    Gwen's cold eye's quickly shot over to Sirius, her gaze seeming to fire daggers of ice into her son. "In that case, consider it even." Gwen said, her voice showing signs of agitation.

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