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Posts posted by Kavos

  1. If you have some spare time, I wouldn't mind some Pics for Boomer and Ember.


    Boomers got blond hair (short back and sides, with the top brushed upwards in a semi-spiky non gel kind of way.) Blue eyes, and soft but defined features. His clothing is usually neat and more upper-class and he's often got a pare of expensive sunglasses (Think Agent smith glasses from matrix).


    In human form, Sirius looks like an average twenty one year old, with long black hair, and blue eyes. He has a thin rather scrawny athletes build, and wares casual clothing. In his Fox form, Sirius looks like a humanoid fox, His hair, clothing (Which were modified to fit a hidden tail hole.) and eyes remain the same, but he also gains a think layer of fur. The Majority of the fur is a rusty red colour, while his chest and face feature white fur, with his ears tail, hands and feet coating a rich black fur. His noes and ears also enlarge to match there Fox counterparts, as well as a large bushy tail, which Sirius has little control over.

    Thanks :D

  2. Jos is suffering from Emotion control. It's not mind control so he doesn't necessarily have to tell her the truth, but Jos does feel very attracted to her, and very helpful to her, as an application of Emotion control: Love

  3. "Oh... what a shame..." She say's smoothly, Jos suddenly feel's the effects of her voice, inviable flames leap from her mouth and enter his mind, Despite his best efforts to resist the flames simply burns through his mental defenses...

    "You wan't to help me don't you? you want to help me find the bad fox don't you..." she said despite Jos's best efforts he couldn't help but feel friendly and helpful to the strange woman, he voice was so soothing and she was so desirable. "Have you ever seen any form of fox? a normal fox? a massive fox the size of a car? or perhaps a humanoid fox?" She asks...

  4. The woman looks unsure, but than shrugs appearing to believe the story.

    "I have no interest in Calabrian dolls" She says simple, "I am looking for someone... They would have markings on them... tattoos... of a Fox, have you seen them?" The woman says, he voice soothing...almost calming...

  5. The woman looks at him, a sheepish smile on her face. "Ego Redimio vos Vulpes Phasmatis!" (I bind you fox spirit!) She says forcefully, as if she expected something to happen.

    The sound of something falling to the ground could be heard out back.

    The woman's attention shifts from Jos to the back room. "Is there anybody else here?" She asks smoothly.

  6. Several month's later... (August 3rd, 2009, a Monday)

    It had been several months since the meeting between Gwen and Jos to discuss there new business relationship. The item had proved itself more than a good deal on Jos side. It had increased sales by twenty percent, and reduced overhead by ten percent.

    One quite afternoon Sirius was out back tending to the latest shipment of items. while Jos was busy arranging the shelving for the newest batch when the small bell on the door rang.

    Turning his attention Jos see's a beautiful young Asian woman enter the shop. She wore a bright red business suit and dress. He hair was as red as a rose, with golden streaks through it as it ran down to the small of her back.

  7. JJ shrugs as Mike talks about the school student's and give's a vague description of his powers, "Cool" He JJ says, especially when he get's the the flight part. "I can fly too... In a manner of speaking." JJ say's somewhat cryptically.

    As the stranger approached and talked to Mike, JJ steps forward and extends a hand, "Name's Jadon, but mostly people just call me JJ."

  8. Gwen Stood and collected her bag, Eying the tea set for a second before speaking. "I've seen better forgery's of the British monarchs tea set made by children." Gwen said bluntly. "Besides... My own tea set is far older..." She said with a devilish grin on her face before turning and heading for the door. Will Quickly fell in line behind her as she left the store without another word...

    Sirius had turned red, whether it would out of embarrassment or anger it was hard to tell. "I'm ah... sorry about my mother, she can be... eccentric." Sirius says apologetically.

  9. "Ah Local-ish..." JJ says as he falls in next to Mike. "For the most part I've lived in Freedom city although I have traveled around the world from time to time... But technically I was born in the Pacific ocean." JJ expands. "But you didn't really want to know all that did you." JJ adds a sly grin on his face.

    "So ah, if this is suppose to be the 'hero high.' I assume that means everyone's got powers? and if that's the case what's yours?" JJ asks smoothly.

  10. Sirius suddenly found himself standing high in the treetops, the Fox behind him searching for something, and a massive ball of fire heading strait towards him.

    Looking from one to the other Sirius wasn’t sure the fox was going to make it, but than just as Sirius was about to give up hope, the fox pulled out a single item…

    Before Sirius could look at it however, the ball of fire was upon them. Sirius shielded his eyes from the brightness, when he did finally see what it was he was awe struck. Hovering in the air less than five feet away, was a massive bird, it’s body emolliated in rolling flames… It was a Phoenix!

    The Fox stood its ground against the massive bird, a slight glint in its eye. Than it vanished. The world around Sirius warped and twisted until he found himself in a cave, the Fox a few feet in front of him. It turned and looked at him, than dropped the object it had stolen from the Phoenix nest.

    Sirius walked over to the small object, He reached down and was amazed he could pick it up. Looking at it more closely, Sirius realized it was a small statue of a chine’s dragon… He also realized it was completely made and calved out of a single pearl…

  11. Jadon Stood at the gate's of Claremont academy. He'd been lurking about for a few days, Meeting with various teaches and Mr. Summers, having his gear moved into one of the dorm rooms. He even had time to find and pin up a small note on the schools New's board.

    But today was special, today was officially his first day. His parent's had dropped him off, all kisses and teary eyes... thankfully Jadon had stopped them at the gates before any of the other students could see.

    With the gates closed and his parent's gone, Jadon quickly looked around for any observers. Spotting none, there was a sudden flash of violet light and Jadon was gone, a swarm of small malty-colored lights remained in his place. The Swarm easily flew through the gates, before another sudden flash of violet light engulfed them and Jadon appeared. Looking down at his himself Jadon smiled. He Loved this new fabric his dad's company made just for him, It allowed him to utilize all the aspect's of his powers without destroying his clothing.

    A Cringe creped over Jadon's face as he remembered the first time he learnt how to become the Boomer swarm. It flew about the place, nothing in the world mattered... than when he got home and re-assembled himself, he found himself completely naked in front of his parents... It was after that incident his father had ordered the invention of the fabric he now wore.

    Shrugging the memory off, Jadon put a smile on his face, his sunglasses on and marched into schooled with all the 'cool' he could muster, after all first impressions count...

  12. A Small A4 note has been pinned onto the news board at Claremont. The Note is printed on high-quality paper, with little cuts on the bottom with a number written on each slip.

    New student seeks roommate and supergroup fun.

    Looking for active supergroup, not a gossip powerclub!

    My credentials are: 15, Athletic, good education, and wicked fun at parties.

    I have decent combat skills, and sweet powers.

    For more information call number below ask for JJ

    ((Basically this is an introduction for JJ into claremont, and a chance for him to meet the other claremont kids.)

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