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Posts posted by Kavos

  1. Done and Done.

    I get what your saying, and the Feats you selected probably make more sense of what I was thinking anyway. Since I was going more for the 'he can produce them anywhere he can see within his general vicinity. But With improved range, and maybe later on some Indirect's it serves the exact same purpose without the use of perception, as well as offering him more versatility.

    I went ahead and changed the Perception stun as well. Namely just to uniform his powers. His stun however does have the Indirect 3. You can probably put that down to his exsperimenting with his boomers, and he's gotten good with creating the non-damaging one's any ware but he still has trouble with the more powerful ones.

    SO, last Thing to do i still the Immunity. I'm kind of half tempted to leave It up to the occasional power stunts, (as you said, probably not going to run into plasma or Magnetism very often) In which case I could Probably swap out the Immunity and give him perhapses a Tactile Magnetic tremor sense/detect magnetism/plasma sort of thing in its place? (as well as Immunity to his own powers ;) )

    Edit: OK so I changed the Immunity 10 (Fusion) to Immunity 5 (Own powers, and Plasma/magnetism (both uncommon according to the board sheet) 1 + 2+2)

    and I gave him a spacial awareness, He can 'sense' the magnetic field, and as such it give's him a somewhat inconsistence awareness to his surroundings as well as giving him a slight edge to avoid surprise attacks. I also dumped the Evasion 1 for now it didn't really fit 100%, he may get it back later on but for now ;)

  2. Alright ;) Got rid of 1 rank in Improved initiative, bringing him down to a +6

    I've increased in Base Attack score up to +4

    Gave him some minor toughness without his forcefield +2

    Increased his Saves to +5/+7/+6

    Removed the Perception extra on the Area attacks, but he still has them for the individual attacks. Added Selective. (I just had a quick revision on Area attacks.. They didn't need increased range anyway, since apparently according to the Area attack section in combat in the core book, they hit any ware within the target area (100ft in this case) and the target makes a reflex, no need for an attack roll.)

    I Also altered his Dazzle, reduced it to touch range, with the Area Perception, and Selective attack.

    Fixed the Stun's as well, I did mean Daze not dazzle :oops:

    Removed Perception from the environmental controls, Although it's still not a Selective attack, so that's something he'll have to work on.

    Removed Nullify

    Lowered his Force field to +8 due to his increase of +2 toughness

    Removed Permeating from his Swarm form, Added Elongation 2 (he's a swarm he can stretch a little) as well as increased the Aura by 1 making it +3

    The only thing I haven't changed yet, was the immunity. Seeing as his power's are Plasma and Magnetic based than the most likely candidate for his immunity would be Immunity to Plasma and Magnetic effects. Both of which on the board are Uncommon. So I'm not sure whether 1: they would be worth 10pp, 2: If they would even be worth getting at all. thoughts?

  3. Ember Paw & Jos Terhune. Tuesday morning (Sept 30th, around 8:00am), day of the Delivery at Pier 18. Jos's Home/Shoppe, Riverside, Downtown Freedom.

    Sirius gave Jos a false 'I-just-been-caught-with-my-hand-in-the-cookie-jar-look' "Ah... well.. I did say I would have an acquaintance looking after it. I mean can you see me fighting a bunch of goons? The'd snap me like a twig." Sirius says sheepishly.

    "But yes, It came with the book. His name's Ember. He's some form of humanoid Fox spirit. Not too bright, but follow's order's like a good little minion should." Sirius lied.

  4. Gwen gave Jos a mysterious smile as he mentioned his preference to cats, but didn't elaborate further.

    Once Jos had signed Will stepped forward and signed his own name, Followed by Sirius and finally Gwen.

    William Cambell

    Sirius Vulpes

    Gwenevere Vulpes

    Once all the names were signed Gwen took the parchment and rolled it up. As she was rolling a secondary piece of parchment seemed to unroll. Taking the second piece of parchment, she handed it to Jos. "There is your copy of the contract." Gwen said. "As of today we are now partner's in the antique business." She added. "In so being, I shall allow my son further employment in your establishment, consider it a loan." She said not a single hint of humor in her voice. In the background Sirius made a quite moaning noise and rolled his eyes.

  5. Description:

    Jadon or JJ as he prefers is your average teenager, He wares casual clothing when not in school uniform, usually something stylish and up-to-date and colourful. His hair is short and kept neat.

    His Hero costume is stylish and made from plasma-resistant molecules, allowing him full freedom to use his various ‘Boomers’ as he wishes without fear of destroying normal clothing. His costume consists of a base white colour with a metallic burgundy shoulder and neck design. His gloves, Hips, and boots are also layered with the same metallic burgundy material.

    He wares a metallic burgundy mask, which sits around his eyes, but doesn’t hide the rest of his face.

    Personality & Motivation:

    JJ has always loved watching hero’s on TV. And on rare occasion’s he even got to see Heroes in the flesh. His parent’s had always installed a sense of right and wrong within JJ. Even long before he gained his powers, JJ would stand up to the bullies and protect the weaker kids. Of cause this often lead to JJ getting bashed up… At least until his power’s manifested.

    Powers & Tactics:

    JJ can manipulate the very atoms themselves, causing them to fuse together at his command. This result’s in him being able to produce a phenomenon called Plasmoids. Balls of Plasma that are held within a magnetic field, Such as Ball lightning and other such phenomenon Plasmoid is derived from Plasma and Magnetic.

    The Boomers as JJ calls them are capable of appearing as any colour within the light frequency. JJ is able to produce hundreds if not thousands of tiny boomers or he can focus more and create larger ones. To date the largest Plasmoid he has created has been the size of a basketball.

    Due to the nature of his Plasmoids JJ hasn’t experimented with their possible full capacity. Afraid that if he pushes himself too hard he could indecently set of a chain reaction, and due to the nature of the Boomer’s a Fusion explosion, like a hydrogen bomb.

    JJ’s can vary the explosive blast of his boomers from anything from a small firecracker, to a military grade explosive device and even beyond. He can also cause them to stun or dazzle the opponent. He can create an area of distracting firecrackers and even produce a globe of light to illuminate the area.

    When in combat JJ usually has a number of small and large boomers floating around him. These boomers act as his main and only line of defence. The Smaller boomers will whip about and attempt to deflect the majority of an attack, while the larger boomers will attempt to absorb anything that gets past the shield boomers.

    JJ’s strangest ability is his ability do control his own atoms and essentially disintegrate himself into a swarm of boomers. This grant’s him the ability to fly, pass through most objects. Immunity to physical and fusion/plasma attacks and he no longer needs to breath. While in the Plasmoid swarm form however he loses access to his ability to use boomers as attacks. However his other boomers remain at his command.

    JJ also has a somewhat unconscious ability to sense his surroundings, Although he dons't really know about the ability, It gives him an edge in combat when it come's to being surprised since he can just "feel" something bads about to happen. In reality it's apart of his mutation, Because Plasmoids are a combination of Plasma and Magnetism this allows JJ to have a strange sort of Magnetic radar sense. He can unconsciously sense the world around him as the magnetic waves of the planet 'light' up as the pass through objects.


    Family: JJ’s parents are both very successful corporate masterminds, both in there own right worth billions. Although they are aware of JJ’s mutant ability, they believe him to be going to Claremont to learn how to control his powers, not fight crime. It would cause problems should they learn of JJ’s crime fighting extra-curricula activities.

    Limited resources: Despite the large resource of his family JJ is prohibited form using them in an attempt to teach him independents. Which can cause a few problem’s when on a hero case.


    Jadon Grove Jr. is the son of business leaders Julia Grove and Jadon Grove sr.

    JJ’s child hood was much the same as any other kids; His parent’s while both independently wealthy didn’t want their son growing up with a silver spoon. So they bought simple rural house in the nice area of Freedom city, and pretended to be middle class.

    Despite this Jadon’s parents wouldn’t skimp on his schooling, giving him the best education available.

    When his mutant abilities did manifest however, his parents began to look into the rumours of a school for mutants. As much as they loved there son, mutation or not, He was a Grove and as such he was expected to have complete control of his powers.

    While they didn’t like the idea of him being a hero, they did eventually find out about Claremont and how it was a safe place for him to learn how to control his mutation.

    A phone call later JJ was enrolled at Hero High.

    With his enrolment his parents decided that they would give him an allowance, and let him board at the school to teach him adult responsibility. But besides the allowance he was bared from using any of his parents resources short of an emergency. Although they said that would change in the future, for the time being it was there to teach him how to be in depended.

    There was one exception to this; His father owned a research facility, which he allowed JJ to access to create some clothing that would be Boomer resistance. So although the lab is only good for the latest clothing fashions immune to his boomers it did allow him to him to secretly make a super-hero costume for himself.

    With JJ out of the nest as it were, his parent’s returned to there respective mega-companies and jet-setting ways. Giving JJ more freedom to moonlight at hero work, with his parent’s so often overseas on business trips.

    With everything packed and loaded, JJ headed off to Claremont Academy and his future…

  6. Players Name: Kavos

    Power Level: 10 (158/158pp)

    Trade-Offs: None

    Unspent PP: 0

    Characters Name: Jadon Grove Jr or ‘JJ’

    Alternate Identity: Boomer

    Height: 5’6â€Â

    Weight: 110lbs

    Hair: Blond

    Eyes: Blue

    Age: 15

    Abilities [0+4+4+4+0+2=14PP]

    Strength 10 (+0)

    Dexterity 14 (+2)

    Constitution 14 (+2)

    Intelligence 14 (+2)

    Wisdom 10 (+0)

    Charisma 12 (+1)

    Combat [8+8=16PP]

    Attack: +4 Base, +10 Powers

    Grapple: +4

    Defense: +10 (+2 flat-footed) w/ Shield; +4 (+2 flat-footed) without

    Knockback: -10 w/ Force Field; -1 without

    Initiative: +6

    Saving Throws [17PP]

    Toughness +10 (Impervious 10) w/ Force Field; +2 without

    Fortitude +7 (5)

    Reflex +8 (6)

    Will +6 (6)

    Skills [72 Ranks = 18PP]

    Acrobatics 8 (+10)

    Bluff 5 (+6)

    Concentration 10 (+10)

    Diplomacy 3 (+4)

    Gather Information 4 (+5)

    Knowledge (business) 3 (+5)

    Knowledge (popular culture) 3 (+5)

    Notice 7 (+7)

    Perform (keyboards) 14 (+15)

    Perform (Light shows) 14 (+15)

    Search 1 (+3)

    Feats [5PP]

    Benefit (Wealth) 1 (Wealthy)

    Fascinate (Perform [Light Shows])

    Improved Initiative

    Quick Change

    Skill Mastery [Acrobatics, Perform (Light shows/Keyboards), Gather Information]

    Powers [18+10+36+18+6=88PP]

    Force Field 8 (Extras: Impervious 10) [18PP]

    Immunity 10 (Light Effects) [10PP]

    Light Control 16 (32PP Array, PFs: Alternate Power 3) [36PP]

    Base Power: Blast 10 (PFs: Accurate 3, Accurate Attack, Improved Critical 2, Improved Range 3 [1,000ft Range, No Increments], Power Attack, Precise) [31PP]

    AP: Dazzle 10 (Visual Senses, PFs: Accurate 3, Accurate Attack, Improved Critical 2, Improved Range 3 [1,000ft Range, No Increments], Power Attack, Precise) [31PP]

    AP: Strike 10 (Extras: 50-ft. Burst Area, Selective Attack) [30pp]

    AP: Light Form 7 (35PP Container, Drawbacks: Action 3 [Full]) [32PP]

    Light Show 8 (16PP Array, PFs: Alternate Power 2) [18PP]

    Base Power: Environment Control 4 (Distraction DC15, 50ft radius, Extras: Selective Attack) [16PP]

    AP: Emotion Control 5 (Feats: Progression [Area] 2 [25ft/rank = 50ft radius], Extras: Area [burst], Selective Attack, Flaws: Sense-Dependent [Vision]) [16pp]

    AP: Environment Control 8 (Daylight, 1,000ft radius) [16PP]

    Shield 6 [6PP]

    DC Block:

    Unarmed, Normal -- 15 Toughness -- Damage

    Blast -- 25 Toughness -- Damage

    Dazzle -- 20 Ref/Fort – Visual Dazzle

    Emotion Control -- 20 Ref/Will -- Varies (Staged)

    Strike -- DC 20/Reflex then 25 or 20/Toughness -- Damage, Burst Area

    Abilities 14 + Combat 16 + Saving Throws 17 + Skills 18 + Feats 5 + Powers 88 - Drawbacks 0 = 158/158 Power Points

  7. Ember stood stunned for a moment as Grimalkin went under. Both the revelation that she was a Hero, and the kiss had caught him off guard. Hesitantly he razed a pawed hand to the brick wall, It was solid for him. "Guess it was a solo after all." he said to himself.

    Taking a step back he picked up his clothing and sighed. Reaching into a pocket he pulled out an old key. Touching a small gem encrusted in the handle of the key, Ember turned it...

    The world around Ember dissolved and than the familiar storms if his inter-dimensional demi-plain home greeted him. Stepping of the anchor point at the front gate, Ember couldn't help looking up at the sky wondering if he would ever hear from the Lynn again...

  8. Sirius laid back down in bed the following night, The dream from the other day still haunted him. It had been so real; he had felt as though he had been there before. Closing his eyes Sirius suddenly found himself back in the dense forest, still chasing after the Fox…

    The Fox lead Sirius through the thick underbrush this way and that, over and under, until finally the Fox stopped. It looked up at the sky; As Sirius followed the fox’s gaze he saw a magnificent bird flying towards the other fox. It’s body was ablaze is a golden glow of fire, It’s tale a full meter long.

    Sirius looked on in aw of the magical creature, but all too soon it was past them and could no longer be seen through the trees. Suddenly Sirius was moving again, looking back to the ground the Fox had dashed off again and as before some unseen force pulled Sirius along with it.

    After several minuets the fox came to a stop in front of a massive old tree. The Fox in a single bound leaped up onto the nearest branch, and than began leaping from branch to branch, getting higher and higher. Again the unseen force pulled at Sirius, propelling him into the air, until he and the fox were at the top of the tree.

    The view was breath taking; Sirius was apparently in a large valley. Huge mountains surrounded the entire forest. Massive tree’s taller than skyscrapers dotted the landscape.

    Than across the wind in the direction of the injured fox duplicate the most peaceful, un-earthly song could be heard. It echoed deep down into Sirius’s soul calming his emotions of all concern and worry

    Looking back to the fox he saw the fox was digging through a large burnt out nest. As Sirius watched he spotted a single golden feather, and realized this was the nest of the Bird that flew overhead.

    Suddenly a blood curdling screech filled the forest, the calming effect shattered and a sea of fear and anger barraged Sirius. A massive fiery explosion erupted from about the location of the Fox duplicate, Sirius quickly looked back to the fox in the nest, It’s head quickly glancing at the fiery explosion before diving it’s head back into the ash.

    Turning back to the sight of the explosion Sirius saw a massive ball of fire shoot up into the air, than it turned and began to head straight for them, the howling screech of anger directed exactly towards Sirius and the fox…

    Sirius sat up in bead gasping for air sweat covering him.

  9. Taking a step forward Ember leans in. He couldn't help but Admire Lynn for her bravery, he wasn't sure if he would be this brave in this situation. "What is it?" he asks, despite his best efforts there were still some traces of concern in his voice.

  10. Similar question... Is it allowed to have Independed powers in an array (when it fit's the theme of the power), And is it possible to have Independed (extra) and Reversible (feat) on the same power? (Aka it will slowly fade of it's own accord, but the user can also force it to end.)

  11. August 8 2009: Sirius begins to have some disturbing dreams.

    Sirius laid down in bed sleepily. Things seemed to be running smoothly for everyone, and it was expected that it would only be a few more months before the second half of the Ritual of Binding could take place. Sirius wasn’t totally convinced but he was happy to go along with it.

    As he lay in bed he slowly drifted off to sleep, something seemed to feel strange, but what ever it was it could wait till morning he was so tired for some strange reason…

    Before he knew it Sirius was standing in front of a fox deep inside a forest. The creature looked at him oddly before bounding away. Sirius noticed the Foxfire symbol lined the fox’s fur.

    Sirius ran after the fox. He had the strangest feeling of being here before. Turning a corner Sirius came to a stop behind the fox. The Fox turned its head and gave him a wink. Suddenly the Fox burst into flames, as the flames danced around the fox’s body a tall spire of flames seemed to leap forth. The leaping flam suddenly took shape of another fox, as the flames died down.

    Staring at the two foxes the other one looked at Sirius and gave a wink. Before the original fox suddenly went bounding off again. A strange compulsion came over Sirius and he began to chase after the original fox. Looking back as he ran He saw the duplicate fox lay down in mock hurt. It let out a blood chilling call of pain and than laid still whimpering.

    Despite Sirius longing to return to the duplicate fox to check to see if it was ok, His leg’s wouldn’t obey and he was forced to continue following the original fox…

    Sirius awoke the next day covered in sweat, looking around to get his bearings he couldn’t figure out if it had all been a dream or had it really happened?

  12. "Than Mr. Terhune I believe that concludes out business, If you would sign here please." Gwen said indicating to one of the dotted lines on the contract, which had grown in size since Jos last looked at it.

    "Shouldn't we tell him about the you know whats?" Sirius piped in despite the slight flare of annoyance Gwen shot him

    "Of cause..." Gwen said before continuing, "It would be best if you watch out for red birds, they will back-stab you at a moments notice..." Gwen said leaving it at that.

  13. Ember Quickly grabs his clothing, dropping his shoes as Lynn throws the phone at him. As quickly as he could Sirius punched in his number, before dropping it in Lynns bag and handing it back to he. "You sure you wanna do this alone?" he asked, genuine concern on his face.

  14. The sound of Ember sniffing filled the air as he paced from one side of the ally to the other following the trail of magic. After a few mishaps with some rotten garbage Ember finally stopped and stretches out strait his tail pointed before he suddenly fell on the ground laughing. "I'm one tenth blood hound you know." Ember says jokingly before standing up strait and dusting himself off. "Although that could have just been a dream."

    Pointing to a few feet in front of him, "I'd say that's your entrance, how one goes about entering It I don't know I've never stumbled across a natural portal before." Sirius says, Pointing a small section of bricks between two trash bins.

  15. Gwen looks at Jos with cold eyes, a hidden smile on her lips. "As you know full well, there is always a balance in magic, and so there is a balance in life..." Gwen said somewhat cryptically.

    "We are new to freedom city, we have few contacts here, You seem to stand on the borders of the realm of magic and reality. Whether through some mystical connections that you have or through pure coincidence that you discovered magical items. Whatever the reason you are now apart of our world." Gwen takes a slow breath before continuing, "In exchange for our service I ask that you be our eyes are ears. You are a simple shop owner, you have no ties to us what so ever, For all the world know's your products come from all around the world..." Gwen finished, letting her words hang in the air for a moment, to see what Jos' response was.

  16. Well it doesn't have to be pain if that's too Iron age. It could be anything of a number of descriptors that all boil down to the base effect of dazing him. As Prescient said, Like how the Hulk taxes Banners body so dose the Alternate form.

    The descriptor could simply be the energy expanded from the transformation wipes him out for several mins/hours due to the extreme energy requirements of his Alternate form.

  17. Maybe the Refs would go for a version of Side Effect that worked like the -2 version (activated every time) but only gave a dazed condition and have it only count as -1. Side Effect (Stun; Always Occurs [-2], Daze Only [+1]; Net -1 Flaw)

    That would also work. I leave it for the honorable :bow: ref's to ponder :rules: :P

    Ps. Thanks for the help Prescients ;)

  18. Well I could probable live with it. He'd just have to be really careful when he de-powered, (too bad if he has a math's test in the afternoon) unless of cause it was acceptable to do the Dazed condition only. (still bad luck if he had a math's test.)

    Of cause I suppose the other option is rather than the 2 point flaw I might be acceptable to do the 1 point flaw, so every time he tried to activated the alternate form and failed he'd cop a rank of fatigue.

    That would give him the last few point's and still have room for him to grow a little.

    The other flaw with the 2pp drawback is it gives him too many spare power points ( :shock: ) too many to give his main form, and too much to pump into Alternate form (it would leave him something like 245pp worth of points to spend in his alternate form :o ) way more than I could or would want to spend on the character.

    So I suppose the question to the ref's is would the Side effect (fatigue) on failure to activate his Alternate form be considered common enough to warrant a flaw?

  19. Oh I forgot to add, Ember has a new Complication

    Grimalkin / Lynn now know's Sirius's alternate Identity. so


    Lose end: Lynn Know's that Sirius is Ember which may cause problems if Ember get's publicity as a Villain.

    Complications! You has them!

  20. You could just make it Tiring then. Causing him to be fatigued, but not make him go out.

    That was discussed in another thread, and it was basically decided that Fatigue didn't really count as a flaw if he only encountered it after the encounter.

  21. Isn't that how a -2 version of Side Effect would work anyway? After the power is used you would suffer the effect? Kind of like applying a Tiring to Boost, which, in official powers/builds, always takes effect after the boost fades.

    Always disliked Tiring as a flaw. It is the same as a -2 Side Effect (Fatigue) but without the chance to save against it, and only granting a -1 modifier. More potent with a weaker reward? Go figure.

    :oops: heh well that will teach me to open my mouth without double checking... so yeah the basic thing would simply be Side effect (every use) (Stun) with the descriptor that he feel's pain. Although the fact that it would probably render him unconscious every time he de-powered would make it a little extreme. granted he is suppose to slowly buy off these flaw, but until he does an almost certain auto KO ever time he De-powered is a big flaw. (not to mention it would probably take several minuets/hours for him to recover with the +1 save per round)

    Any suggestion?

  22. Mind you, while the question still counts, It would probably be easer to explain it as a Side effect flaw -2 (affects every use of power) which rather than a drawback gives the Dazed condition for 1 min, with a minor (unlikely) chance to save against it with a will save?

  23. Don't mean to be a downer, but MBCE has already said no to your #2 and I think the refs would have to go Pants-on-head-retarded before the allowed option #3.

    Nice try sneaking it in there, though ;)

    I was just using them as examples I figured the refs could decide on what the options were, Personally I'm just good with option 1 ;)

  24. I've always sort of looked at it from the point of view that you don't lose any PP your gaining X times PP till the pl 6 character reaches 150 pp. However I can see the argument for 'how does a character go from pl 6 to pl 10 in a day.' For my character Ember it's simple he undergoes the final part of the ritual with the Fox fire. But for most character's it's not that simple.

    Perhaps it would be best to do up Options like the Platinum award? something like

    Option 1: 2 PL 10 characters, (what we have now)

    Option 2: Xpp worth of equipment

    Option 3: +1 power level over caps for 1 character


    It doesn't have to be any or all of them but the good thing about options is than people can select the option that most appeals to them, without feeling like there getting ripped of with something. (like the argument of losing PP currently.)

    That's my 2c anyway ;)

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