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Posts posted by nareik123

  1. Valencia turned her brilliant blue eyes onto Archville.

    "Doktor, you were sent here to find Sister Valencia. I am Sister Valencia, and I stand before you technology that has not been developed. Unfortunately I can not let you examine my armour, for I require it upon me at all times. However, the Auspex you hold is a piece of technology commonly used.

    The Auspex is a handheld scanner, used to search for enemy scouts. If you know where an ambush is going to happen, you can plan around it. It is also useful for scanning compounds of material. I believe you will find great use for it" Valencia assured.

    "As for my aggressors? I personally have little idea. As you have seen, I have knowledge of everything that has been going on. Might I ask for your support if I track down their location? I need people like you at my side. Meanwhile, can I ask for one more thing? Remove the bodies from my chapel. You can take anything you wish from, just keep them out of my sight" Valencia requested.

  2. Legionnaire thrust his sword into the stomachs of his allies victims. They fought better than he dead, which did not make him that happy. However, he dare not strike back. He kicked over the other and decapitated another, just to make sure they did not get back up. He was about to move onto the third, when suddenly a Tech-priest hurtled against a wall. Legionnaire raced towards him, when he noticed the half metal, half biological man was severely hurt. Legionnaire stood there in shock, not even he had the strength to physically propel a man roughly 30 yards. Then suddenly, a huge bulky suit of armour emerged around the corner.

    It was massive, twice the size of Kitty, bigger than the Doctor and Dwarfing even Legionnaire himself! In it's right hand held a blade, a massive flow of unidentifiable energy wracking the blade with an elegant gold handle. Carried in its other hand was a huge gun, roughly as tall as its breastplate, and thick as her arm. It had a two headed eagle emblazoned on its side.

    It took Legionnaire just seconds to recognize who was wearing the suit. The long flowing blond hair, the anger on her face like it was sculpted, the prayers spilling from her mouth. Legionnaire had never seen Sister Valencia hacked like this though. She raised her weapon and screamed as she pulled the trigger. Bolt after bolt shot from her fire arm and buried into the Tech priests chest. He was dead before the second shot hit, the bullets exploding upon burying into his chest. She ran up to him, shoulder bashing him into the wall, before neatly decapitating him. It was a small miracle the wall stood up to her crashing into it, but this structure looked old to Legionnaire, and looked like it had seen action.

    Valencia turned to face them, face ablaze with anger. She saw three people. One glance at Doctor almost made her charge, seeing what she thought was another Tech priest. Then, she saw Legionnaire. She took a few deep breaths as she snapped out of her holy rage. She sheathed her bloodied sword and walked towards the small party, a loud boom echoing her every step. She beamed at the three others. She stopped short.

    "So, Sister Lachryma did reach you. I am eternally grateful for your assistance, I already fought and slew four others that defiled this place, and it was starting to take a toll on my stamina" Valencia gasped thankful. She pulled out a strange looking device from her belt, something that could be described as a handheld scanner of some kind.

    "You, Herr Doktor Archville, am I correct? Yes, I know you, my handmaidens are everywhere. You are a true Tech-Priest of Mars, are you not? Wait, wrong time period. Anyway, I have a gift for you" Valencia offered, holding the scanner out.

    "This is known as an Auspex. I am sure our technology from the future will interest you greatly. Study it intently, for although our technology is not as advanced as other species, for example the Tau, it is good enough for the job" Valencia smiled.

    She turned to Kitty.

    "You are uneasy with what you did here? Dear girl, you will be sung by the Handmaidens tonight of your bravery. I offer you the Holy Symbol of my order. You are a rare person to have received this gift. May you never lose hope and faith, for if we lose that, then why do we exist" Valencia smiled, offering her a Fleur De Lyse.

    She stood back from the party.

    "Legionnaire, remain with me please" She ordered.

    "You two have access to my services. I will not fight for you, I only fight if my sanctuary is in danger. However, I will offer counseling and advice when you require it. Seek me out if you need re-assurance or strengthening of your Faith. If you have any questions, might I suggest you ask them now, as I have other things that need getting on with soon" she asked.

  3. Legionnaire will most likely see if Valencia is OK. He will let Archville plunder the bodies, believing that because he is victorious, he deserves the stuff and equipment. Legionnaire doesn't really care much about Kitty's kill, having seen enough death in his lifetime to strip away that part. He even congratulates her. (Sick i know, but still great)

  4. Raging, then power attack, which misses again.

    Arch, if i think of a Good back story for him Raging, can you please save me from the others in the training thread? I don't want to be thrown in jail again, doesn't look good.

  5. Dryad signed as she rustles the leaves she has in place of her hair.

    "Nothing, unless you count victory" she sighed. Then, she remembered something.

    "Mr, uh, archville. I probably should have told you, I have training in Biology, not much but some. I might be able to help" Dryad admitted.

  6. "That all you got?" Legionnaire growled. He picked himself up. He felt his heart beat increasing as his dangerously frail temperature started to wear thin. His heart beat pounded above the battle as the fight slowed down. Legionnaire gritted his teeth. He remembered that Discipline was never fully thrashed into him, but the odd lack of discipline did double his abilities. He tried all he could to avoid breaking into the blood frenzy he has been known to fall into time to time.

    "Surgeon and girl, Might Frenzy, Stay way" Legionnaire growled to Archville and Kitty. He closed with the Priest that struck him, swinging again. His sword arced just above the priests head.

  7. "My...my powers? Sure, uh, um..." Dryad thought hard.

    "Well, I don't actually notice anything when I perform my powers. As for my abilities, I scream a lot louder, something I doubt my guard would like me to perform. It looks gross when vines and thorns burst out of my body, but I feel nothing" Dryad admitted.

  8. "When I said systems, i meant my internal condition. I have no technology I am aware of inside me. I tell you now, if I leave this place alive and not green, I swear I will spend the rest of my life in repentance. Or was it contrition? Never payed much condition in RS classes" Dryad chuckled.

    Many hundreds of miles away, Sister Valencia snapped her head up. She had heard the words of the plant demon, the Emperor himself conveyed these thoughts into her mind, she was sure of it. She summoned one of her handmaidens to her side.

    "If that tree demon does recover, bring her here" she whispered. Her handmaiden nodded, and left the chapel.

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