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Everything posted by Heridfel

  1. Yeah, there's a lot of stuff going on. Let me see if I have things straight. Barnum, please chime in if I look like I have something wrong. 1st: We roll for initiative when we are both in sight of one another. We also roll Notice checks to, well, Notice stuff. Heavy doesn't really succeed. Everyone else does. 2nd: We start up on initiative. Velocity runs up and determines that the person who sort of looks like Daedalus only sort of looks like Daedalus, and asks what's going on. I think I was unclear here. I thought I said that it was enough in the chat, but I didn't make a post about it. If you were going onto the defensive, then I think things will change a little following up (assuming you were going to the Spinning AP of your array). 3rd: Valkyrie flies over to ask what's going on. Nanowire makes a sarcastic comment about the bountious heroines, but doesn't do anything else. Heavy decides on a pre-emptive strike. He uses Gravity Control to make an attack and gets a 21. While that's enough to hit both Valkyrie and Velocity normally, when Velocity goes to her Spinning AP, her Defense goes to 24. Her Toughness save also goes to +17 against physical attacks, which is a bit above PL limits. What exactly happens there? 4th: I think I definitely hit Valkyrie with the effect. It's not enough to knock her down, assuming she started her Super-Strength, but it does slow her down a lot. Velocity isn't hit with the effect because her Defense is high enough to avoid it.
  2. Yeah, there's a lot of stuff going on. Let me see if I have things straight. Barnum, please chime in if I look like I have something wrong. 1st: We roll for initiative when we are both in sight of one another. We also roll Notice checks to, well, Notice stuff. Heavy doesn't really succeed. Everyone else does. 2nd: We start up on initiative. Velocity runs up and determines that the person who sort of looks like Daedalus only sort of looks like Daedalus, and asks what's going on. I think I was unclear here. I thought I said that it was enough in the chat, but I didn't make a post about it. If you were going onto the defensive, then I think things will change a little following up (assuming you were going to the Spinning AP of your array). 3rd: Valkyrie flies over to ask what's going on. Nanowire makes a sarcastic comment about the bountious heroines, but doesn't do anything else. Heavy decides on a pre-emptive strike. He uses Gravity Control to make an attack and gets a 21. While that's enough to hit both Valkyrie and Velocity normally, when Velocity goes to her Spinning AP, her Defense goes to 24. Her Toughness save also goes to +17 against physical attacks, which is a bit above PL limits. What exactly happens there? 4th: I think I definitely hit Valkyrie with the effect. It's not enough to knock her down, assuming she started her Super-Strength, but it does slow her down a lot. Velocity isn't hit with the effect because her Defense is high enough to avoid it.
  3. Yeah, there's a lot of stuff going on. Let me see if I have things straight. Barnum, please chime in if I look like I have something wrong. 1st: We roll for initiative when we are both in sight of one another. We also roll Notice checks to, well, Notice stuff. Heavy doesn't really succeed. Everyone else does. 2nd: We start up on initiative. Velocity runs up and determines that the person who sort of looks like Daedalus only sort of looks like Daedalus, and asks what's going on. I think I was unclear here. I thought I said that it was enough in the chat, but I didn't make a post about it. If you were going onto the defensive, then I think things will change a little following up (assuming you were going to the Spinning AP of your array). 3rd: Valkyrie flies over to ask what's going on. Nanowire makes a sarcastic comment about the bountious heroines, but doesn't do anything else. Heavy decides on a pre-emptive strike. He uses Gravity Control to make an attack and gets a 21. While that's enough to hit both Valkyrie and Velocity normally, when Velocity goes to her Spinning AP, her Defense goes to 24. Her Toughness save also goes to +17 against physical attacks, which is a bit above PL limits. What exactly happens there? 4th: I think I definitely hit Valkyrie with the effect. It's not enough to knock her down, assuming she started her Super-Strength, but it does slow her down a lot. Velocity isn't hit with the effect because her Defense is high enough to avoid it.
  4. That'd be true if they were trying to surprise us, but it looked like Velocity ran up and talked to us, followed by Valkyrie looking over and talking to us. If that's the case, then it'd be our actions. I figured yours was also to talk, and Heavy was the first one to take an action that was more aggressive.
  5. That'd be true if they were trying to surprise us, but it looked like Velocity ran up and talked to us, followed by Valkyrie looking over and talking to us. If that's the case, then it'd be our actions. I figured yours was also to talk, and Heavy was the first one to take an action that was more aggressive.
  6. That'd be true if they were trying to surprise us, but it looked like Velocity ran up and talked to us, followed by Valkyrie looking over and talking to us. If that's the case, then it'd be our actions. I figured yours was also to talk, and Heavy was the first one to take an action that was more aggressive.
  7. My post is pretty self-explanatory. Since hitting an empty square with an attack requires an attack roll of 10, I was assuming that Death Eye will succeed when he makes his roll (especially since he'd only fail on a 1, assuming he used Accurate Attack). The gangster that was about to shoot Kevin is stabilized. It's Subtle, so Death Eye would need a DC 20 Notice check to tell that Kevin did something to him besides move to pick him up.
  8. My post is pretty self-explanatory. Since hitting an empty square with an attack requires an attack roll of 10, I was assuming that Death Eye will succeed when he makes his roll (especially since he'd only fail on a 1, assuming he used Accurate Attack). The gangster that was about to shoot Kevin is stabilized. It's Subtle, so Death Eye would need a DC 20 Notice check to tell that Kevin did something to him besides move to pick him up.
  9. My post is pretty self-explanatory. Since hitting an empty square with an attack requires an attack roll of 10, I was assuming that Death Eye will succeed when he makes his roll (especially since he'd only fail on a 1, assuming he used Accurate Attack). The gangster that was about to shoot Kevin is stabilized. It's Subtle, so Death Eye would need a DC 20 Notice check to tell that Kevin did something to him besides move to pick him up.
  10. Kevin tenses up as the man begins to draw a gun, but the sudden shot startles him even more. As he glances around, trying to figure out where it came from, another shot rings out near him. "Well, guess that answers the question of whether that was to try to help me out," he thinks quickly. He keeps looking around to see where the shot came from as he shouts out, "Leave him alone!" He bends down slightly, not yet ready to lift up the man who was about to shoot him. Instead, he uses his power to keep the man from bleeding out. He doesn't want him waking up, since there's no guarantee that he'd know that Kevin was the one who saved him, rather than the one who shot him.
  11. Kevin tenses up as the man begins to draw a gun, but the sudden shot startles him even more. As he glances around, trying to figure out where it came from, another shot rings out near him. "Well, guess that answers the question of whether that was to try to help me out," he thinks quickly. He keeps looking around to see where the shot came from as he shouts out, "Leave him alone!" He bends down slightly, not yet ready to lift up the man who was about to shoot him. Instead, he uses his power to keep the man from bleeding out. He doesn't want him waking up, since there's no guarantee that he'd know that Kevin was the one who saved him, rather than the one who shot him.
  12. Kevin tenses up as the man begins to draw a gun, but the sudden shot startles him even more. As he glances around, trying to figure out where it came from, another shot rings out near him. "Well, guess that answers the question of whether that was to try to help me out," he thinks quickly. He keeps looking around to see where the shot came from as he shouts out, "Leave him alone!" He bends down slightly, not yet ready to lift up the man who was about to shoot him. Instead, he uses his power to keep the man from bleeding out. He doesn't want him waking up, since there's no guarantee that he'd know that Kevin was the one who saved him, rather than the one who shot him.
  13. Before Heavy attacks, he'll use one of his two hero points to remove his fatigued condition from the extra effort he used at the start of the scene. Attack roll = 21 He is using Gravity Control at rank 10, downward. This imposes a 12 ton load on Velocity and Valkyrie, and it isn't affecting anyone or anything else within that area. If this is above your maximum loads, you fall prone and need to make a DC 20 Strength check to take a move action (standard movement limited to crawling 5 feet round) or standard action, but not both. I'm not sure if Valkyrie was already using her Enhanced Strength and Super-Strength at the beginning of this fight. I'm assuming she was, which would mean that she's considered to have a heavy load (with effects as per page 36 in the main book). I realized that I should also state that my Density should be considered active whenever I'm awake. After all, I'm permanently dressed in a suit of armor. I'm not going to stick out any more than I already do.
  14. Before Heavy attacks, he'll use one of his two hero points to remove his fatigued condition from the extra effort he used at the start of the scene. Attack roll = 21 He is using Gravity Control at rank 10, downward. This imposes a 12 ton load on Velocity and Valkyrie, and it isn't affecting anyone or anything else within that area. If this is above your maximum loads, you fall prone and need to make a DC 20 Strength check to take a move action (standard movement limited to crawling 5 feet round) or standard action, but not both. I'm not sure if Valkyrie was already using her Enhanced Strength and Super-Strength at the beginning of this fight. I'm assuming she was, which would mean that she's considered to have a heavy load (with effects as per page 36 in the main book). I realized that I should also state that my Density should be considered active whenever I'm awake. After all, I'm permanently dressed in a suit of armor. I'm not going to stick out any more than I already do.
  15. Before Heavy attacks, he'll use one of his two hero points to remove his fatigued condition from the extra effort he used at the start of the scene. Attack roll = 21 He is using Gravity Control at rank 10, downward. This imposes a 12 ton load on Velocity and Valkyrie, and it isn't affecting anyone or anything else within that area. If this is above your maximum loads, you fall prone and need to make a DC 20 Strength check to take a move action (standard movement limited to crawling 5 feet round) or standard action, but not both. I'm not sure if Valkyrie was already using her Enhanced Strength and Super-Strength at the beginning of this fight. I'm assuming she was, which would mean that she's considered to have a heavy load (with effects as per page 36 in the main book). I realized that I should also state that my Density should be considered active whenever I'm awake. After all, I'm permanently dressed in a suit of armor. I'm not going to stick out any more than I already do.
  16. Heavy sighs, and his shoulders droop. It doesn't look like there's a chance of bluffing the two superheroes (well, heroines in this case) that he's Daedalus, and Nanowire's off-handed comments makes it pretty hard to convince them that they're on the up-and-up. To be fair, the plan to grab extra loot didn't help matters. At this point, holding them back is the best plan that he's got. He raises his hand, aiming the brunt of his powers at the one that he didn't see running at super-speed. A greyish energy comes out from him, heading towards Valkyrie, and reaching Velocity a moment later. If he should hit one of them, they'll feel a tremendous weight pulling down on them, making it hard for them to move. With the other hand, he points to the direction that they should be going, hoping that Nanowire gets the hint.
  17. Heavy sighs, and his shoulders droop. It doesn't look like there's a chance of bluffing the two superheroes (well, heroines in this case) that he's Daedalus, and Nanowire's off-handed comments makes it pretty hard to convince them that they're on the up-and-up. To be fair, the plan to grab extra loot didn't help matters. At this point, holding them back is the best plan that he's got. He raises his hand, aiming the brunt of his powers at the one that he didn't see running at super-speed. A greyish energy comes out from him, heading towards Valkyrie, and reaching Velocity a moment later. If he should hit one of them, they'll feel a tremendous weight pulling down on them, making it hard for them to move. With the other hand, he points to the direction that they should be going, hoping that Nanowire gets the hint.
  18. Heavy sighs, and his shoulders droop. It doesn't look like there's a chance of bluffing the two superheroes (well, heroines in this case) that he's Daedalus, and Nanowire's off-handed comments makes it pretty hard to convince them that they're on the up-and-up. To be fair, the plan to grab extra loot didn't help matters. At this point, holding them back is the best plan that he's got. He raises his hand, aiming the brunt of his powers at the one that he didn't see running at super-speed. A greyish energy comes out from him, heading towards Valkyrie, and reaching Velocity a moment later. If he should hit one of them, they'll feel a tremendous weight pulling down on them, making it hard for them to move. With the other hand, he points to the direction that they should be going, hoping that Nanowire gets the hint.
  19. Hey there, One other thing to note is that Disturbing isn't a drawback in M&M 2e, only a complication. Since you already have more power points than what you need, I'd lose that drawback as part of the sheet cleanup.
  20. Hey there, One other thing to note is that Disturbing isn't a drawback in M&M 2e, only a complication. Since you already have more power points than what you need, I'd lose that drawback as part of the sheet cleanup.
  21. Hey there, One other thing to note is that Disturbing isn't a drawback in M&M 2e, only a complication. Since you already have more power points than what you need, I'd lose that drawback as part of the sheet cleanup.
  22. So I'm going last with an 18 in init. Man, that's a bummer. You guys definitely get to go before us; I'll have to settle for strategizing and planning for the aftermath.
  23. So I'm going last with an 18 in init. Man, that's a bummer. You guys definitely get to go before us; I'll have to settle for strategizing and planning for the aftermath.
  24. So I'm going last with an 18 in init. Man, that's a bummer. You guys definitely get to go before us; I'll have to settle for strategizing and planning for the aftermath.
  25. Notice check = 7 - to spot the two heroes in the foyer. Doesn't look like a success. Initiative (when it happens) = 18 Who knows? Maybe the museum security does dress up like super villains. Heavy's suit does look almost exactly like Daedalus's suit, but I'm sure that Velocity would be able to see the small differences more quickly than Valkyrie. Darn Quickness. It's past the point where Heavy could hope to bluff his way out.
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