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Posts posted by zero21

  1. Pincers eyes lit up with inhuman rage as he felt the bullets chip his chitionous shell..

    Turning around with an ungoddly roar, he rushed towards the closest thug and with a sound akin to cracking rock his claws tore into the man, he then procceded to crush the shooters friend, who was trembling with fear at seeing his ally ripped apart like paper.

  2. Pincers eyes lit up with inhuman rage as he felt the bullets chip his chitionous shell..

    Turning around with an ungoddly roar, he rushed towards the closest thug and with a sound akin to cracking rock his claws tore into the man, he then procceded to crush the shooters friend, who was trembling with fear at seeing his ally ripped apart like paper.

  3. Pincers eyes lit up with inhuman rage as he felt the bullets chip his chitionous shell..

    Turning around with an ungoddly roar, he rushed towards the closest thug and with a sound akin to cracking rock his claws tore into the man, he then procceded to crush the shooters friend, who was trembling with fear at seeing his ally ripped apart like paper.

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