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Posts posted by MarkK

  1. Benjiro nods thoughtfully.

    "Ah. Thank you.

    Forgive me for using that bit of jargon- it is not a law in the legal sense, but more of an aphorism. It is a law of futurism, or prediction, coined by British science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke: 'any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.'

    As indeed seems to be the case in your situation."


    He paused, and formed just a bit of a frown.

    "I don't know, it carries a subtle implication that the technology could not be understood. While for my own part I could not relate perfectly the details and circumstance of my birthing, in what discussions I have had on it with those involved, the principles are of sound science in my society. Advanced, and extremely difficult and time consuming to duplicate even by its standards to be sure, but still."

    "Ahm.. and really, your world has, even in my narrow experience and reading of it, men that fly through artifice, constructs that feel and think, nascent steps taken in the direction of the mechanical and the biological being able to seamlessly duplicate one another as far as artificial organs and the like, and function besides on an enhanced level, they have not just yet developed to the point that such fields have in my homeland, though I am sure that one day they will .. I admit the process through which my sentience was developed does not have a comparable frame of reference in anything I am familliar with from your world, but the exciting and punctuated near frenzy in which your scienfitic understanding seems to often move forward should mean this too will not always be so."

  2. Benjiro nods thoughtfully.

    "Ah. Thank you.

    Forgive me for using that bit of jargon- it is not a law in the legal sense, but more of an aphorism. It is a law of futurism, or prediction, coined by British science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke: 'any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.'

    As indeed seems to be the case in your situation."


    He paused, and formed just a bit of a frown.

    "I don't know, it carries a subtle implication that the technology could not be understood. While for my own part I could not relate perfectly the details and circumstance of my birthing, in what discussions I have had on it with those involved, the principles are of sound science in my society. Advanced, and extremely difficult and time consuming to duplicate even by its standards to be sure, but still."

    "Ahm.. and really, your world has, even in my narrow experience and reading of it, men that fly through artifice, constructs that feel and think, nascent steps taken in the direction of the mechanical and the biological being able to seamlessly duplicate one another as far as artificial organs and the like, and function besides on an enhanced level, they have not just yet developed to the point that such fields have in my homeland, though I am sure that one day they will .. I admit the process through which my sentience was developed does not have a comparable frame of reference in anything I am familliar with from your world, but the exciting and punctuated near frenzy in which your scienfitic understanding seems to often move forward should mean this too will not always be so."

  3. Arg, don't mean to be annoying, changed one last thing, realized I mostly wanted to go for diversifying the stuff I can do in a fight more than increasing my flying brickdom (though I'll probably do that some later, all things being equal). Basically, as Emissary becomes more in sync with the collected memories, experiences and spirit that comprise his own, his aptitudes increase. Acro bluff gives a couple more options other than "make punchy".

    [Edit] Updated by Barnum

  4. Arg, don't mean to be annoying, changed one last thing, realized I mostly wanted to go for diversifying the stuff I can do in a fight more than increasing my flying brickdom (though I'll probably do that some later, all things being equal). Basically, as Emissary becomes more in sync with the collected memories, experiences and spirit that comprise his own, his aptitudes increase. Acro bluff gives a couple more options other than "make punchy".

    [Edit] Updated by Barnum

  5. Arg, don't mean to be annoying, changed one last thing, realized I mostly wanted to go for diversifying the stuff I can do in a fight more than increasing my flying brickdom (though I'll probably do that some later, all things being equal). Basically, as Emissary becomes more in sync with the collected memories, experiences and spirit that comprise his own, his aptitudes increase. Acro bluff gives a couple more options other than "make punchy".

    [Edit] Updated by Barnum

  6. I'd like to spend some of Emissary's earned points, putting 2 into raising his base attack bonus to +5 (and thus +10 total for melee), a point into picking up power attack as a feat, and buying a point of impervious on his con bonus, making the total level of impervious on his toughness save 6.

    edit: actually, nah, connected represents things just fine.

    [Edit] Updated by Barnum

  7. I'd like to spend some of Emissary's earned points, putting 2 into raising his base attack bonus to +5 (and thus +10 total for melee), a point into picking up power attack as a feat, and buying a point of impervious on his con bonus, making the total level of impervious on his toughness save 6.

    edit: actually, nah, connected represents things just fine.

    [Edit] Updated by Barnum

  8. I'd like to spend some of Emissary's earned points, putting 2 into raising his base attack bonus to +5 (and thus +10 total for melee), a point into picking up power attack as a feat, and buying a point of impervious on his con bonus, making the total level of impervious on his toughness save 6.

    edit: actually, nah, connected represents things just fine.

    [Edit] Updated by Barnum

  9. Benjiro flushes, looking at his knees for a moment, then looks back up.

    "Mr. Emissary- forgive me if this is a personal question, but I find my curiosity piqued beyond endurance. Is your nature technological, magical, biological, or...some sort of Clarke's Third Law situation? "

    "Ahm... I am afraid I am not yet familiar with the laws of this Clarke, in my role as a diplomat, I have had to familiarize myself with so many legal codes.... But as to my person.."

    He pauses, and looks thoughtful, then offers helpfully.

    "I would say that it would be a combination of the former, and the latter. And perhaps also.. the term might be.. psionic? Metaphysical? But regardless my basic form is a synthetic approximation of a Utopian, crafted in various alloys. Well, an upgraded approximation, but still."

    He shakes his head.

    "That is not too personal."

  10. Benjiro flushes, looking at his knees for a moment, then looks back up.

    "Mr. Emissary- forgive me if this is a personal question, but I find my curiosity piqued beyond endurance. Is your nature technological, magical, biological, or...some sort of Clarke's Third Law situation? "

    "Ahm... I am afraid I am not yet familiar with the laws of this Clarke, in my role as a diplomat, I have had to familiarize myself with so many legal codes.... But as to my person.."

    He pauses, and looks thoughtful, then offers helpfully.

    "I would say that it would be a combination of the former, and the latter. And perhaps also.. the term might be.. psionic? Metaphysical? But regardless my basic form is a synthetic approximation of a Utopian, crafted in various alloys. Well, an upgraded approximation, but still."

    He shakes his head.

    "That is not too personal."

  11. Benjiro flushes, looking at his knees for a moment, then looks back up.

    "Mr. Emissary- forgive me if this is a personal question, but I find my curiosity piqued beyond endurance. Is your nature technological, magical, biological, or...some sort of Clarke's Third Law situation? "

    "Ahm... I am afraid I am not yet familiar with the laws of this Clarke, in my role as a diplomat, I have had to familiarize myself with so many legal codes.... But as to my person.."

    He pauses, and looks thoughtful, then offers helpfully.

    "I would say that it would be a combination of the former, and the latter. And perhaps also.. the term might be.. psionic? Metaphysical? But regardless my basic form is a synthetic approximation of a Utopian, crafted in various alloys. Well, an upgraded approximation, but still."

    He shakes his head.

    "That is not too personal."

  12. "Uh-huh." Amelia tried to think of a response, something that would play into her new character, but the wordiness of the Emissary's reply kept breaking her concentration. 'Which century did this guy walk out of?' Finally she settled for the simple tactic of being a witty playgirl. "Bright colors, huh? Sounds like someone's been enjoying the nightlife. :twisted: "

    He blinked.

    "Well, yes, I have very much! Your city is wonderfully exciting at night, but particularly I enjoy taking aloft until I can look down from the skies and the city seems almost as a glittering jewel in a sea of evening. Or.. oh! The manner in which there seems often to be a greater eagerness in the step of the people for whom their day of work has ended, and their time of leisure has begun, that they have spirit and energy left for it."

    "Admittedly I am often called forth from taking in such simple pleasures in hearing a cry for help or need for assisstance that must be tended to, but in my view, that is a way of expressing gratitude for being allowed them."

    It is difficult to tell if that was all deflection of the snark, or if he is just that cheerful. Chances are however, he is just that cheerful.

  13. "Uh-huh." Amelia tried to think of a response, something that would play into her new character, but the wordiness of the Emissary's reply kept breaking her concentration. 'Which century did this guy walk out of?' Finally she settled for the simple tactic of being a witty playgirl. "Bright colors, huh? Sounds like someone's been enjoying the nightlife. :twisted: "

    He blinked.

    "Well, yes, I have very much! Your city is wonderfully exciting at night, but particularly I enjoy taking aloft until I can look down from the skies and the city seems almost as a glittering jewel in a sea of evening. Or.. oh! The manner in which there seems often to be a greater eagerness in the step of the people for whom their day of work has ended, and their time of leisure has begun, that they have spirit and energy left for it."

    "Admittedly I am often called forth from taking in such simple pleasures in hearing a cry for help or need for assisstance that must be tended to, but in my view, that is a way of expressing gratitude for being allowed them."

    It is difficult to tell if that was all deflection of the snark, or if he is just that cheerful. Chances are however, he is just that cheerful.

  14. "Uh-huh." Amelia tried to think of a response, something that would play into her new character, but the wordiness of the Emissary's reply kept breaking her concentration. 'Which century did this guy walk out of?' Finally she settled for the simple tactic of being a witty playgirl. "Bright colors, huh? Sounds like someone's been enjoying the nightlife. :twisted: "

    He blinked.

    "Well, yes, I have very much! Your city is wonderfully exciting at night, but particularly I enjoy taking aloft until I can look down from the skies and the city seems almost as a glittering jewel in a sea of evening. Or.. oh! The manner in which there seems often to be a greater eagerness in the step of the people for whom their day of work has ended, and their time of leisure has begun, that they have spirit and energy left for it."

    "Admittedly I am often called forth from taking in such simple pleasures in hearing a cry for help or need for assisstance that must be tended to, but in my view, that is a way of expressing gratitude for being allowed them."

    It is difficult to tell if that was all deflection of the snark, or if he is just that cheerful. Chances are however, he is just that cheerful.

  15. Is extended sight 1 enough to try for a notice check for what's up at Astro Labs as far as the roof and external environs while flying in, and then landing on the roof where the others are while looking over? I imagine the main problem would be that it's dark, but if the building itself has lights on and the area has streetlights, other buildings lit up and the like..

  16. Is extended sight 1 enough to try for a notice check for what's up at Astro Labs as far as the roof and external environs while flying in, and then landing on the roof where the others are while looking over? I imagine the main problem would be that it's dark, but if the building itself has lights on and the area has streetlights, other buildings lit up and the like..

  17. Is extended sight 1 enough to try for a notice check for what's up at Astro Labs as far as the roof and external environs while flying in, and then landing on the roof where the others are while looking over? I imagine the main problem would be that it's dark, but if the building itself has lights on and the area has streetlights, other buildings lit up and the like..

  18. He landed alongside the others, then looked forward to where Velocity's gaze seemed to have focused for a moment, straining to see if he could take in any more detail on Astro Labs, and the roof particularly, with such sight as he had.

  19. He landed alongside the others, then looked forward to where Velocity's gaze seemed to have focused for a moment, straining to see if he could take in any more detail on Astro Labs, and the roof particularly, with such sight as he had.

  20. He landed alongside the others, then looked forward to where Velocity's gaze seemed to have focused for a moment, straining to see if he could take in any more detail on Astro Labs, and the roof particularly, with such sight as he had.

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