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Everything posted by MarkK

  1. Emissary shrugged to himself, and noted the final drone striking towards Agnes. He decided to play around with sheer brute force, his attempt to have been a bit fancier having not quite worked out like he hoped. He charged forward with enough power and speed to leave a shining silver wake, fists outstretched as the momentum of his flight tore through the air, the Utopian now functionally his own projectile weapon.
  2. Emissary shrugged to himself, and noted the final drone striking towards Agnes. He decided to play around with sheer brute force, his attempt to have been a bit fancier having not quite worked out like he hoped. He charged forward with enough power and speed to leave a shining silver wake, fists outstretched as the momentum of his flight tore through the air, the Utopian now functionally his own projectile weapon.
  3. Emissary shrugged to himself, and noted the final drone striking towards Agnes. He decided to play around with sheer brute force, his attempt to have been a bit fancier having not quite worked out like he hoped. He charged forward with enough power and speed to leave a shining silver wake, fists outstretched as the momentum of his flight tore through the air, the Utopian now functionally his own projectile weapon.
  4. Gah, sorry, forgot all that required a full round action. Anyway, since there's just the one left, going to charge and in full aggressive stance for the attack http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1433742 18 to hit total, if that actually manages to hit, +10 damage and etc.
  5. Gah, sorry, forgot all that required a full round action. Anyway, since there's just the one left, going to charge and in full aggressive stance for the attack http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1433742 18 to hit total, if that actually manages to hit, +10 damage and etc.
  6. Gah, sorry, forgot all that required a full round action. Anyway, since there's just the one left, going to charge and in full aggressive stance for the attack http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1433742 18 to hit total, if that actually manages to hit, +10 damage and etc.
  7. MarkK

    Tech Terrors!

    The Emissary's body was flung back somewhat from the bat's swipe, but he quickly shifted to use the impact to his favour, moving with the momentum of the blow, directing the force of it as he swooped back and up, then downwards again towards the machine in a loop, colliding with it in a single powerful strike.
  8. MarkK

    Tech Terrors!

    The Emissary's body was flung back somewhat from the bat's swipe, but he quickly shifted to use the impact to his favour, moving with the momentum of the blow, directing the force of it as he swooped back and up, then downwards again towards the machine in a loop, colliding with it in a single powerful strike.
  9. MarkK

    Tech Terrors!

    The Emissary's body was flung back somewhat from the bat's swipe, but he quickly shifted to use the impact to his favour, moving with the momentum of the blow, directing the force of it as he swooped back and up, then downwards again towards the machine in a loop, colliding with it in a single powerful strike.
  10. Got a 7 which makes for a 17, but it doesn't seem like a great idea to be stunned right now, so.. spending a hero point for a reroll.. 22 total, so bruised http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1433712 Going to go for aggressive stance when my attack comes around again, power attacking for 4 while doing so.. which, ha, was apparently severely unecessary, as, natural 20 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1433719 sooo... +19 damage (assuming it doesn't count as a minion or whichever)
  11. Got a 7 which makes for a 17, but it doesn't seem like a great idea to be stunned right now, so.. spending a hero point for a reroll.. 22 total, so bruised http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1433712 Going to go for aggressive stance when my attack comes around again, power attacking for 4 while doing so.. which, ha, was apparently severely unecessary, as, natural 20 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1433719 sooo... +19 damage (assuming it doesn't count as a minion or whichever)
  12. Got a 7 which makes for a 17, but it doesn't seem like a great idea to be stunned right now, so.. spending a hero point for a reroll.. 22 total, so bruised http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1433712 Going to go for aggressive stance when my attack comes around again, power attacking for 4 while doing so.. which, ha, was apparently severely unecessary, as, natural 20 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1433719 sooo... +19 damage (assuming it doesn't count as a minion or whichever)
  13. Attempting to grapple and throw the remaining drone full force to smash it into one of the other drones as an effort to damage both, or at least the energy burst and a smash through it to the floor if not. http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1433030 25 total to hit, if that grabs.. http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1433036 grapple check of 43, which if succeeds, going for the throw.. http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1433065 ... 1 to hit intended target of said throw. I was going to spend a hero point for a reroll, but avoiding embarassment in a training session in a fight with drones is a fairly lame use of, ultimately. Emissary's pride is far less easy to ding than his player's.
  14. Attempting to grapple and throw the remaining drone full force to smash it into one of the other drones as an effort to damage both, or at least the energy burst and a smash through it to the floor if not. http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1433030 25 total to hit, if that grabs.. http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1433036 grapple check of 43, which if succeeds, going for the throw.. http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1433065 ... 1 to hit intended target of said throw. I was going to spend a hero point for a reroll, but avoiding embarassment in a training session in a fight with drones is a fairly lame use of, ultimately. Emissary's pride is far less easy to ding than his player's.
  15. Attempting to grapple and throw the remaining drone full force to smash it into one of the other drones as an effort to damage both, or at least the energy burst and a smash through it to the floor if not. http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1433030 25 total to hit, if that grabs.. http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1433036 grapple check of 43, which if succeeds, going for the throw.. http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1433065 ... 1 to hit intended target of said throw. I was going to spend a hero point for a reroll, but avoiding embarassment in a training session in a fight with drones is a fairly lame use of, ultimately. Emissary's pride is far less easy to ding than his player's.
  16. He shook his head with a smile to himself as the energy enveloped most of the drones, opting then to fly out towards the one that remained, arcing up and over, arms reaching down as he did in an effort to pull the last drone along with him into his wake, hoping to be able to pull it into a grapple, then spin in midair to hurl it violently towards one of its brethren, or at least smack it into the burst of energy. Sadly, it remains a maneuver he has not tried very often, though at least in the confines of a practice area, that can do little harm, and while the initial motions go off with a near perfect grace, he releases in just the wrong moment of his spin, sending the drone skewing well wide of anywhere near his intended target. "Oh. Bother."
  17. He shook his head with a smile to himself as the energy enveloped most of the drones, opting then to fly out towards the one that remained, arcing up and over, arms reaching down as he did in an effort to pull the last drone along with him into his wake, hoping to be able to pull it into a grapple, then spin in midair to hurl it violently towards one of its brethren, or at least smack it into the burst of energy. Sadly, it remains a maneuver he has not tried very often, though at least in the confines of a practice area, that can do little harm, and while the initial motions go off with a near perfect grace, he releases in just the wrong moment of his spin, sending the drone skewing well wide of anywhere near his intended target. "Oh. Bother."
  18. He shook his head with a smile to himself as the energy enveloped most of the drones, opting then to fly out towards the one that remained, arcing up and over, arms reaching down as he did in an effort to pull the last drone along with him into his wake, hoping to be able to pull it into a grapple, then spin in midair to hurl it violently towards one of its brethren, or at least smack it into the burst of energy. Sadly, it remains a maneuver he has not tried very often, though at least in the confines of a practice area, that can do little harm, and while the initial motions go off with a near perfect grace, he releases in just the wrong moment of his spin, sending the drone skewing well wide of anywhere near his intended target. "Oh. Bother."
  19. He nods "It is a much venerated pursuit. I have a personal fondness for the Chamber of Focative Mirrors crafted by Councillor Huntyr. It is... hm. You know, I do not think I can actually describe it. It.. crafts a sense beyond the existing, so as to add to the level it effects a viewer on, and different for each. I found it highly moving though." "My society strives always to follow pursuits that uplift the spirit, mind and body. We do not particularly truck in money, but it is my hope to eventually arrange regardless some form of offered scholarships and awarding of grants for the artistically inclined of this city on behalf of my people. My own way of doing my part for encouraging the like here, and a way besides of giving thanks for that which this city has already shared with me."
  20. He nods "It is a much venerated pursuit. I have a personal fondness for the Chamber of Focative Mirrors crafted by Councillor Huntyr. It is... hm. You know, I do not think I can actually describe it. It.. crafts a sense beyond the existing, so as to add to the level it effects a viewer on, and different for each. I found it highly moving though." "My society strives always to follow pursuits that uplift the spirit, mind and body. We do not particularly truck in money, but it is my hope to eventually arrange regardless some form of offered scholarships and awarding of grants for the artistically inclined of this city on behalf of my people. My own way of doing my part for encouraging the like here, and a way besides of giving thanks for that which this city has already shared with me."
  21. He nods "It is a much venerated pursuit. I have a personal fondness for the Chamber of Focative Mirrors crafted by Councillor Huntyr. It is... hm. You know, I do not think I can actually describe it. It.. crafts a sense beyond the existing, so as to add to the level it effects a viewer on, and different for each. I found it highly moving though." "My society strives always to follow pursuits that uplift the spirit, mind and body. We do not particularly truck in money, but it is my hope to eventually arrange regardless some form of offered scholarships and awarding of grants for the artistically inclined of this city on behalf of my people. My own way of doing my part for encouraging the like here, and a way besides of giving thanks for that which this city has already shared with me."
  22. MarkK

    Tech Terrors!

    On the face of it, it seemed as an attack similar to Hybrid's, a speeding, empowered rush tearing through the sky and even the forceful winds buffeting the rooftop, and certainly the Emissary's face was etched with the strain of it, his gaze keeping with a total focus to the mechanical eyes of the bat, fists outstretched, teeth clenched. And yet, at the absolute last moment, when the metal of his form was but inches from impacting into the creature, he veered off, spinning off to the side in an even.. elegant grace jarring to match with the raw force of his previous charge, pivoting to build momentum and focus it all to a single point, for a blow aimed to be as devastating as his supposed charge would have been, but from an angle completely outside the attention the machine had hopefully given to him. He maneuvered for a strike that he hoped would both blindside, and send the machine flying into the other that Velocity was striking towards.
  23. MarkK

    Tech Terrors!

    On the face of it, it seemed as an attack similar to Hybrid's, a speeding, empowered rush tearing through the sky and even the forceful winds buffeting the rooftop, and certainly the Emissary's face was etched with the strain of it, his gaze keeping with a total focus to the mechanical eyes of the bat, fists outstretched, teeth clenched. And yet, at the absolute last moment, when the metal of his form was but inches from impacting into the creature, he veered off, spinning off to the side in an even.. elegant grace jarring to match with the raw force of his previous charge, pivoting to build momentum and focus it all to a single point, for a blow aimed to be as devastating as his supposed charge would have been, but from an angle completely outside the attention the machine had hopefully given to him. He maneuvered for a strike that he hoped would both blindside, and send the machine flying into the other that Velocity was striking towards.
  24. MarkK

    Tech Terrors!

    On the face of it, it seemed as an attack similar to Hybrid's, a speeding, empowered rush tearing through the sky and even the forceful winds buffeting the rooftop, and certainly the Emissary's face was etched with the strain of it, his gaze keeping with a total focus to the mechanical eyes of the bat, fists outstretched, teeth clenched. And yet, at the absolute last moment, when the metal of his form was but inches from impacting into the creature, he veered off, spinning off to the side in an even.. elegant grace jarring to match with the raw force of his previous charge, pivoting to build momentum and focus it all to a single point, for a blow aimed to be as devastating as his supposed charge would have been, but from an angle completely outside the attention the machine had hopefully given to him. He maneuvered for a strike that he hoped would both blindside, and send the machine flying into the other that Velocity was striking towards.
  25. Sorry on the delay, there was something of a storm in Southern Ontario this weekend, was spending most of my energy so dealing with. Got a.. 26 on the Acrobatic Bluff to feint in the first round when they appeared http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1431866 Annd.. a http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1431904 21 total for the follow up attack when it cycled back to our turn after they'd appeared. Power attacking for the full 5 extra damage. Also, if it's possible (happy to take roll penalties for the effort, since if the feint succeeded, the machine should be easier to hit), trying to hit the one bat monster such that if there's any knockback, it slams it into the other bat monster that Velocity is fighting around the same area as me.
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