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Posts posted by MarkK

  1. If you look under your robes for your belt and screwdriver, you will find they actually look how they're supposed to look. When you call out to your computer though, no reply. The maintenance robots have also all been replaced with what look like clay golems of similar shaping, down to a word for life carved on their foreheads. As though the only thing you still have as anything that looks like yours is your personal powered stuff that was on you.

  2. Twilight Gryphon

    The morning was a pleasant one, all soft and warm currents of wind to glide along through. It was almost a shame to alight on a building near Gryphon's classes, but the day wasn't about to put itself on hold for her enjoyment. Flicking on her watch, she made her way down a fire escape and through the alleyway that would take her out in front of the part of campus she was seeking.

    Only she emerged to find herself facing a sprawling complex of stone (though in a few cases looking to be marble, and one she swore was made of solid gold) towers and spires connected by intricate spiralling mid air bridges that flowed from one to the next, and in one case, was made wholly of crystal, and outright floating, carrying distant figures from one tower to another.

    In place of the building with her lecture hall, was a tower with the sign "Chiurgeon's Academy" emblazoned onto it.

    As disoncerting as the glance around from the towers to the rest of a city that had shaped itself out of some medieval fantasy was, a greater shock was the feel of her wings and tail emerged outright from her, special holes cut to accomodate them in the robes she was now wearing. Even more notable, none of the people milling about her, from scribes to drovers, seemed to find her appearance remotely remarkable.

  3. Thunderstanding

    Alicia was well into her day, heading on over to the gym. Her thoughts were already turning to the day's promotional events, a few autograph sessions, an exhibition fight where she would outright bounce a bunch of cage fighters off herself at once, all that kind of thing. Traffic was fairly light as she wove her motorcyle through the city streets, and the path familliar enough for her to be a bit inside her own head.

    Which made it something of a jarring shock that she pulled up to a wide open field marked out between thatched roofed low houses that looked right out of some old English countryside. It was certainly a training field, as far as she could tell.. weights were being lifted, people were sparring. With practice swords mind you. And there was some kind of practice jousting area from what she made out, men and women on horses riding at some elevated wooden mockup of a man with a shield and arms and torso that spun about.

    It was seeing the horse that brought to mind the sense of shifting underneath her, entirely unfamilliar, and lo and behold her motorcyle was gone and she was in saddle, astride a black destrier, who seemed to neigh in response to her confusion, as if to say "that's right, I'm a horse".

    She felt a weight on her back, and reaching to feel it, was a sword in scabbard she had apparently strapped to herself. To herself and what little clothing she was apparently wearing, as all the new sensations crashing in on her included the discomfort of a chainmail bikini Red Sonja would have nodded at approvingly.

    Everyone else in the grubby peasant garb wandering around apparently found this perfectly normal. Especially what could only be described as a nine foot tall, one eyed, green skinned ogre, giving her a polite nod as it walked past her and into the training area, dragging a massive gnarled club behind itself.

  4. Dark Star

    Dark Star had spent hours flying around the city, examining the still strange lives, customs and culture of the people around him, keeping an eye out for threats to their safety. Well now past the dawn he had decided to indulge his usual urge to slip the sundry bounds of Earth and reach out towards the stars again, flying up into the sky, where nothing was around him but constant radio signals and the ocassional cloud as he ascended further still.

    And then, abruptly, there were just the clouds. As if all the signals had gone dead, everywhere, at once.

    Looking back towards the city, Dark Star found himself looking down at something completely different than what he had finally gotten used to. Freedom City was gone, and some other metropolis overlaid in its place, one that looked smaller, and as if it emerged from the massive forest to the side of it. Even the land was shaped differently, with a scarred wasteland as the city's southern border, and open plains to the north. There was no sign whatsoever of the highways that spiralled out into the rest of America.

  5. Doctor Archeville

    Ahh routine. There were days where it could be aggravating, or depressingly banal, but there were other days where it was a blessed relief, a focus and order for a too expansive mind that could otherwise spiral off into a thousand endless directions of intellectual chaos. The good Doctor was in the light reading phase of working himself up towards the day's scheduled research, which in this case meant a wide desk piled high enough with scientific dissertations for it to give out the ocassional creak of protest. Archeville realized he was missing a particular book on unified field theory, and spun his chair around to see... a completely different laboratory.

    Where once was steel and concrete and a particularly nice wallpapering down in the hallway applied in mathematically exacting symmetry was now hewn stone, tables of foaming vials near to which was.. an actual iron cauldron. And newts in various stages of dissection apparently. Newts with no eyes? Well of course, on the shelf where there should be various chemicals, are instead a number of jars labeled newt eyes. How logical. The eyes had to be somewhere after all.

    His chair itself was now wood, though at least it still had mechanisms to spin it around with. Of course spinning back to his desk was no respite, it had changed like everything else, covered now in heavy parchment tomes with titles like "The refined art of alchemie" and "1001 practical spelles"

    Also, he seemed to now be dressed in deep, velvet blue robes embroidered with odd gold sigils. And there was a hat on his head. And he could swear it was a pointy one.

  6. Date: May 8th, 2009

    The Emissary had finally balanced out his schedule to allow for another dedicated pursuit of one of his various social improvement projects, taking the form today of a fancy reception at his embassy. Well, no, that wasn't itself the project, he just knew people were more amenable to high minded talks about the future when they were also being plied with good food. Admittedly that felt slightly like bribery, but the Emissary enjoyed being a good host anyway, and so for him that was already getting something out of the affair in exchange.

    Invitations were sent out, the state department mandated guard at the gate was given a list of people not to do his usual harassment of, and the Emissary just waited in the dining hall, a circular conference table having replaced the usual within it.

  7. Well, I'd rather honestly remove the elephant in the room, as it were. If this was for instance an Emissary joint, somewhat different initial presentation and mission statement. He'd also be on hand to give a jaunty little introductory speech.

    I think I will reboot this sucker, if no one minds, cleanse away the taint.

  8. 1) Emissary.

    2) I'd like to have Emissary fight Superior. Basically, the two of them work nicely as the good/evil flipsides of each other in various ways. They're both Paragon types from the remnant civilizations that were born out of the fall of Atlantis, one was sent out by his people into the world to try and enlighten it, another snuck away from his people to come out into the world to dominate it. I like the dichotomy, I think there's an interesting basis to have him as one of Emissary's rogues, as it were, and while Superior is overall more powerful, I think Emissary being more overall skilled would let him make a run at this. Possibly something like that Superior manages to find his way out of the Zero Zone, and playing (at least for Superior) a more thought out game than usual, finds a third world postage stamp country to come into, solve the problems of, and have himself acclaimed president for life to get himself a base ground to build up from. The UN, hearing about the rough details of these things, asks the one superpowered political figure/diplomat they know (let's say the White Lion is busy that week), to investigate on their behalf into the new state of the country, having secured permission to send a diplomatic mission from its mysterious new superpowered ruler. They figure if it all goes to hell, the odds of Emissary ending up a hostage are somewhat smaller. Hijinx ensue. Ultimately violent hijinx.

    Just a thought for a rough outline for it anyway.

    3) Emissary really, though if other people wanted to come along for the ride such as could come that would be fine by me.

    4) none at the moment.

  9. So, okay, I've been wanting to do stuff with the whole kirlian gestalt of energies thing as far as expressions in the Emissary's build but haven't had many opportunities for it.

    I've been thinking to buy my next increases in con and str as enhanced con and str with the -1 limit on them "only while confident" to do something ala Gladiator's whole "because I believe I am". Basically that after some meditation and self exploration, Emissary unlocks further power that comes right out from his forged soul, and so are extensions of/manifestations of his sense of self, and would thus be dinged whenever it is dinged (when he fails a will save, startle is used on him successfully, or whenever otherwise his sense of self shoots to hell through some means or other).

    So something like.. I guess shifting tradeoffs to max allowed, and..

    enhanced str 4 (flaw: limit -1; only while confident), enhanced con 4 (flaw: limit -1; only while confident)

    Which would be 4 points total, and then.. hrm..

    Well Informed and Contacts, to rep Emissary's increasing social oomph and that I can never buy combat useful powers without diving right back into more intangible things

    Which is 6 points total, leaving 3..

    Raise Extended Sight by 1 rank, and extended hearing by 1 rank, and then the last point into will save.

  10. Anyway, how best can I put this, the player who's idea this whole thing was and who wanted to create this organization got banned for being, uhm, freaky, let us say.

    Do you guys want me to try and go ahead with this anyway? Want me to restart it? I could refocus it as a project of Emissary's or Daedelus or something like that.

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